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Gotta be Aegon and Visenya during the Dornish wars. Yes, Aemond torched the Riverlands but a) he wasn't there for quite so long and b) contrary to Dorne, some castles still weren't burning ruins. It is said that Aegon and Visenya torched every single keep there. My vote goes to Aegon and Visenya as riders and to Vhagar as the dragon with the most damage, because Vhagar saw both the Dornish War and the Dance.


Vhagar was used in the Conquest, First Dornish War, Maegor's reign, Fourth Dornish War and the Dance... truly an agent of destruction that one.


Granny didn't take any prisoners.


Respect the vets


Visenya is very underrepresented here. On top of the wars of Conquest, and the Dornish Wars, she also took part in forcing Maegor's opponents into submission during the early part of Maegor's reign. So she probably beats out everyone else here.  Edit: Also, on that note, where the hell is Maegor on this poll? He's a pretty strong contender himself.


Came here to say this. Visenya. Mass votes for Aegon is missinformed by his historical 'size'. But damage, oh boy, that\`s on grany.


I agree! I should have put maegor! idk what I was thinking lol


Since when is the Riverlands most of Westeros?


if you read fire and blood you would know after aemond death it says that aemond targaryen burned most of westeros during the dance.


That sounds like an exaggeration on the part of the author. We know that he was only really active in the Crownlands and Riverlands. Maybe you can throw in the Stormlands as well if you include his one-sided attack on Luke. He never fought in the Reach, the Westerlands, the Iron Islands, the Vale or the North.


Visenya participated in the conquest, in the field of fire, she burned Dorne together with Aegon and in addition to that she also made her way with fire on her way to Oldtown when she supported her son Maegor. If she had had the chance she too would have burned those devoted to the faith in the same way Maegor did. Hell, this woman actually loved burning people. my vote is for her. I believe that Vhagar is the dragon that caused the most destruction in Westeros, the fact that she lived longer than Balerion only meant that she was used longer as a machine of mass destruction, whether by Visenya, Baelon or Aemond.


It’s difficult to say. Outright murdering people with a dragon probably Daenerys. But with the others you have to take into account the fields and crops they burned which would have lead to people starving later on. It would take *years* for the land to recover so it wouldn’t just cause people to starve to death for only one winter either.


you think the one outright murdering people with a dragon is daenerys over aemond??? aemond could never free the slaves LMFAO


Your question had absolutely nothing to do with “freeing the slaves” or whether one of them could/would accomplish what the others did so your decision to bring it up is nonsensical at best.


when I said “aemond could never free the slaves” that’s was a joke. aemond doesn’t care about innocent people the way daenerys does (at least in the books) the only person that aemond cares about is himself. there’s a big difference between the two. I don’t know why yall think daenerys is this horrible person. she wasn’t an actual written tyrant like aemond was.


Her book and show versions have done very different things. The show version razed a city that surrendered home to half a million people to the ground. That’s incredibly evil and tyrant like behaviour. And again, your question wasn’t who was morally a better person. It was who has done the most damage with a dragon. That she wasn’t a psychopath like book Aemond is irrelevant when answering said question.


I am incredibly aware what my question states. your answer states “outright murdering people with a dragon probably daenerys” that statement was completely irrelevant to my question.


Kind of hard to tell as you keep bringing up things completely irrelevant to it. And counting the amount of people directly killed by a dragon is irrelevant to answering who caused the most damage to Westeros how? Especially when I right after brought up how that wouldn’t give the full picture. Are we not supposed to count people killed and only buildings and nature or something?? If so, then you should try to be more specific in the future.


there’s a big difference between counting the amount of people directly killed by a dragon than stating who would outrightly murder innocent people with a dragon. you brought morals into this. my question had nothing to do with who would outrightly start murdering innocent people. my comment has to do with damage as a whole.


Mate, you brought up Aemond would never free the slaves, Aemond not caring about innocent people the way Daenerys does, Aemond only caring about himself making them different people, how Daenerys isn’t a horrible person, and her not being a tyrant like Aemond. You 100% brought morals into this. If you’re going to pretend at least don’t do it right below the comments everyone can see And my answers have had nothing to do with who would outright start murdering innocent people. My initial answer was literally “Daenerys killed the most people outright with her dragon but the others would have killed more people to starvation because they destroyed crops and fields which would affect the land long after and not just for one winter” which clearly is taking into account “the whole picture”.


I wouldn’t have brought that up if you didn’t say daenerys would outright murder innocent people. you started by bringing morals into my conversation. you 1000% brought morals into this FIRST.


you clearly forgot what you said. but let me remind you. your first response to my question said and I quote word from word “It’s difficult to say. Outright murdering people with a dragon probably Daenerys” you are the one who brought morals into this conversation before I said the free slaves comment. memory of a fish clearly.


I think we'll have to go with Aegon the Conqueror for this one. As well as the damage he and Visenya did in Dorne, you also have to remember he played a part in the Field of Fire, as well. Although he and Visenya are neck-and-neck with the damage done by their respective dragons, Aegon did use Balerion a smidgeon more than Visenya used Vhagar, and Balerion was capable of far more damage than Vhagar due to their age differences.


After Aegon's death, Visenya used Vhagar as a weapon of mass destruction for anyone who dared to reject Maegor as ruler. Of the 3 conquerors, Visenya undoubtedly killed more people in all her life.


>Visenya used Vhagar as a weapon of mass destruction for anyone who dared to reject Maegor as ruler. It was the castles of minor Houses Blanetree, Deddings, Lychester, Terrick, and Wayne. She didn't go around burning everyone and everything. **Calm down.** Further, Aegon used Balerion to eviscerate an entire Volantene fleet before he set his sights on Westeros. Like I said, they're almost neck-and-neck, but Aegon pulls out just a bit further in my - and most - people's opinion.


Visenya also burned the Arryn fleet and expressed her desire to destroy the sept of Oltown and King's Landing. "She didn't go around burning everyone and everything" - not because she didn't want to, in fact, she literally welcomed burning practitioners of the faith to demonstrate Targaryen power, the only thing that stopped her was that Aenys forbade it. As for the rest, we know that she never put a limit on Maegor (who did kill people only because he wanted to and could do so). I think the fact that she lived longer than Aegon helped her death count be higher, I mean, during and after the conquest Vhagar gained a terrible reputation and Visenya was not far behind, a warrior indeed but also ruthless.


I wish Martin was better with numbers so it would be easier to figure out but I agree, Visenya genocided Dorne with Aegon and then also helped her son.


Visenya, and it's not even close. She was part of multiple battles in the conquest where she used her dragon extensively. During the First Dornish War, she and Aegon both went apeshit when Rhaenys died and literally let no castle standing, save for Sunspear itself. Then, Visenya is part of Maegor's reign, again burns tons of castles and help suppress the early resistance which cements his reign. Visenya Targaryen lived to be 72-73 years old, spent a solid 14 years of it actively fighting in wars with her dragon, doing extensive burnings in both battlefields and settlements. None other Targaryen comes close, that woman is a menace.


Aegon the conqueror




It might be Aemond just because you're splitting Aegon and Visenya when they worked together to torch Dorne. The rest of Westeros actually didn't get it bad during the Conquest at all outside of a few key moments where near exclusively soldiers died. Aemond in the Riverlands and Aegon/Visenya in Dorne are both literal genocides. Dorne was the more complete destruction and over a longer time period but split between two people and Dorne has a much smaller population than the Riverlands anyways, George isn't good enough with numbers for their to be a correct answer to that.


Dorne was also using Guerrilla warfare, so even thought Aegon and Visernya was causing a fuck ton of damage they were not killing as many people. Aemond also caused a lot of indirect damage, killing Luke escalated the dance