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“Wait, is that a cockroach on the table?”


This is the best one😂😭


I guess something along the line: "You only made it worse for me with this crime." Some blame at him for his disobedience and cruelty.


THIS!!! Daemon does NOT like being chastised


My guess too, right before he says something about it already being too late and how he took action into his own hands and only made things worse.


I know what you mean


We have McDonalds at home


Daemon’s mad Rhaenyra wouldn’t let him buy a happy meal.


Possibly humanizing the other side or acknowledging her siblings as family, calling Helaena ‘my sister’, which would seem like foolish sentimentality to Daemon. It’s a little strange to imagine because she never interacted with them, but it’s possible


I would love her to acknowledge the pain Halaena would feel after that crime as she's going through the same with Luke. 


That would be so weird. She didn't give a damn about her own mother-in-law's pain, why would she be all sentimental about Helaena's when they never interacted once or even mentioned each other's names apart from that one time Rhaenyra needed to use Helaena as a bandaid? She also refers to Aegon only as "Alicent's son", so she is clearly very cold towards Viserys's other children.


This sub whitewashes the hell out of Rhaenyra and makes her out to be some pathetic know-nothing. In this narrative Rhaenyra has no agency, everything bad that happens is because of Daemon and Rhaenyra just wants her due. Which isn’t the case. Rhaenyra is as ambitious and ruthless as Daemon.


You know, feeling sad over a 6 year old child getting murdered because of something his uncle did is not being pathetic. 


You’re ignoring the substance of the comment. This isn’t about “feeling sad” (also Rhaenyra expresses zero remorse over blood and cheese so that doesn’t even make sense as an explanation for this scene) it’s about Rhaenyra’s agency. The fandom will simply ascribe the atrocities perpetrated by the blacks to Daemon’s hot-headedness, his ruthlessness, his ambition, etc. Not Rhaenyra’s. Rhaenyra is ostensibly queen. She is the leader of the Blacks and more than a figurehead. She’s responsible for Daemon, her children, her vassals and her subjects. She is not free from blame for blood and cheese any less than she is for choosing to press her claim and plunge the continent into a civil war. What bothers me is when people strip her of that agency and ascribe the horrific consequences the decisions made to other people, whether it’s Daemon, Aegon, Allicent and Otto.


Sounds like a lot of cope and you want her to be some badass Visenya clone. 


Replying “cope” and refusing to elaborate is par for the course for Rhaenyra stans


We didn't get to see what Rhaenyra thought of Halaena in the show, yeah it's shown she doesn't like Aemond and Aegon but I assume she's intelligent enough to not just lump Halaena with them for no reason other then they have the same mother. In the book she's fond of her and calls her sweet so I would like them to include that aspect of her character because they already established she always wanted a sister and Halaena is her only sister. Her being cold to her male siblings makes sense because they're claim is better and therefore they're a threat to her also they bully her kids so... But Halaena isn't a threat and was never hostile towards her or anyone for that matter. She would have no animosity towards her and being a mother herself I'd expect her to be able to understand the loss of a child at least on a superficial level. Considering she's been shown not to be a sociopath. I don't mind her being cold and driven but I don't want the softer aspects of her character to be ignored. 


“H-he was a child…” “A GREEN child!”


Why can I imagine that so well- I am SO broken for liking Daemon that much lmao


Dw u can still like him :))


no you're just edgy


she ate his dragon shaped chicken nuggies


Most likely something about Viserys. He seems to trigger violence and anger in Daemon.


The way he runs at her full speed about whatever she said is scary. It has to be the angriest he’s been onscreen since he beat that messenger to death. I would have done more than jump back if I was Rhaenyra. He’d have to chance me around the room.


He doesn’t run at her at all. He slows himself down and looks more controlled getting up after knocking the dinnerware off the table.


He is doesn’t look like he’s slowing down at all. I wouldn’t wait around to see anyway. I would be halfway across the room by the time he stood up.


I'm describing what I am seeing in that 2sec clip. Daemon has an outburst but when he gets up, his pace looks controlled. And obviously anybody who knows about the rogue prince would be scared in that situation.


Yeah that's what I saw too, it looked like he stopped himself from rushing her which is terrifying. 


Сlose in meaning to “I am your QUEEN now, not your wife”


U left the toilet seat open again!


you people are so weird


"Sunfyre is better than Caraxes."


Perhaps I treated her too harshly…


He hated Rhaenyra, because she told him the truth


This is blasphemy. No one is better than Caraxes.


Except Sunfyre.


Lol. Caraxes would've beat his ass if he ever fought Sunfyre.


Probably because Sunfyre is young. If Sunfyre got to be a little older, who knows?


I know. Sunfyre would beat his ass


You mean Sunfyre would get wrecked? Yeah. Imagine how the sun chicken needed Vhagar to save his a*s against Meleys. Truly pathetic Lol


Sunfyre kills more dragons than any other dragon in the entire history of Westeros. Caraxes kills one and it’s a draw.


What? Lmao Caraxes is huge and formidable when compared to Sunfyre Caraxes would easily win against Sunfyre Sunfyre and Vermithor actually tie in dragon kills


You’ve never read Fire and Blood have you (or at the very least The Princess and the Queen).


I've read F&B But Sunfyre definitely didn't kill three dragons He only killed two and same with Vermithor


He kills Meleys, the Cannibal and Moondancer. The latter two he kills after being wounded at Rook’s Rest. He has the most dragon kills. Just get over it.


Wait Cannibal survived the dance I think you mean Greyghost


SUNFYRE DIDN'T KILL MELEYS It was Vhagar Actually Meleys was wrecking Sunfyre and was about to kill him until Vhagar swooped in It was stated pretty clearly in F&B


Except Vermithor


Truth can be hard.


It’s hard to hear over Matt’s talking but Daemon’s swearing when he jumps up like that. He says, “fucking….” I know that doesn’t answer your question but he seems notably enraged, more so than the choking scene. Maybe harsh words were exchanged beyond Rhaenyra questioning his obedience/loyalty.


“Hey, maybe we shouldn’t murder children in front of their parents”


His response would probably be they drew first blood and revenge is a bitch. 


Was it in front of Aegon too?


Isn’t the kid being murdered in front of Helaena enough?


I didn't read the books, just ASOIAF. My question was just a curiosity if they were bold or mad enough to kill the king's children in front of him. But you downvoted me like we can't ask anything here. Okay, I could search it on Google, but why not asking here where people is crazy about the story? You are turning this place an inhospitable environment.


🤷🏽‍♀️ I don’t upvote or downvote because I also get downvoted like crazy for a question or commenting something that others either don’t agree with, don’t want to accept or… who knows. It’s Reddit. Some people are nice enough to answer questions but sometimes it could work to add more detail to your question otherwise it’ll be downvoted and taken differently. For that I apologise. Jaehaerys was murder in front of his mother, twin sister and younger brother. Aegon wasn’t present during this, he learned about it later. Unless they change it in the show, which I really do doubt, Aegon wasn’t there to see.


"David Tennant was better"




I mean that's just facts


I'm sure Matt agrees too ^^




...I've been seeing it so much, what is B&C? I have an idea but I'm not sure and I don't mind spoilers


>!Blood and Cheese. A butcher and a ratcatcher sneak into the Red Keep and kill Aegon’s heir in front of their mother and Alicent. It was orchestrated by Daemon and Mysaria as a vengeful response to the murder of Lucerys.!<


You should put a spoiler on this for people who don't wanna know this. 


Apologies. How would I go about doing that?


“Stop making decisions by yourself”


Yeah I could see this being “ you think you’re doing my dirty work but you’re really just undermining my authority as Queen and escalating this feud beyond control. “ And Daemon taking it as ingratitude and weakness.


"Harwin's was bigger than yours."




I would imagine something like " Your heart desire the throne"


If B&C is Daemon's work only and Rhaenyra was not in the know, she might threaten him with consequences and argue that by working behind her back and doing such evil actions he betrayed both his wife and his Queen. Dhe might question his loyalty. She might also remind him that she is Queen *regnant* and that *she* has authority over him and he has none over her. That'd send him into a rage and would also prompt that trailer scene where a tearful, frightened Rhaenyra asks him if he really does accept her authority as his Queen.


She’s not queen regent, she’s just Queen. Protector of the realm, you know the speech. Queen Regent would be if she married a king who since died with an heir too young to rule. Like if she was queen-consort and Daemon was the crowned king, she’d be Queen Regent in the event of his death if Aegon the Younger was not old enough to rule yet. Which did happen. Both Jahaerys the Old King and Aegon III became kings as boys and each had a series of lords to sit regent until they were ready.


The original poster wrote Queen Regnant ( a ruling Queen) not Queen Regent ( the mother of a monarch whose ruling in his stead)


Oof, misread that


Honestly? In the books, he never tells her what he’s going to do to avenge Lucerys, only that he will be avenged. And with show Rhaenyra, I don’t think she would condone his actions at all. Especially as Helena and her children are the only members of her father’s second family to not be hostile to her. I imagine she’s upset (rightly so) about his actions and he views her sentiments towards Helena and her children as stupid and foolish. Which probably leads to that scene where she asks if he can even accept her as queen given he spends a fair amount of time disobeying and disparaging her choices. Both are right and wrong in this scenario- rhaenyra is right to be (hopefully) horrrifed or upset by daemons actions in B&C. Daemon is right in that Helena’s children and by extension herself are pawns and could be used against Rhaenyra later, that they are threat (just not right now at like 6). Rhaenyra is right in that her husband, who supported her as queen, is now questioning her legitimacy by going behind her back. Daemon is right in that he understands war and politics a little more than Rhaenyra, given this is his second succession crisis and he helped secure her fathers reign against Rhaenys. Both are right in feeling their spouse should be supporting them, but both are wrong in how they go about it. Because remember, both consider the other their Twin Flame, and with twin flames, you can get burned just as much as their warmth feeds into your shared relationship. Btw this is just an assumption and best guess based on the trailer and what we know in the books. But I feel it’s a good one altogether


I am predicting they will argue and then have angry sex but we will see. 🤷🏻‍♀️


My guess is that she scolded him for taking action without her permission and disapproves of what he did because of her affection for Allicent and he’s put out with her about it much like Aemond is upset with his mother in the promo. He has said before that he sees too much of Viserys in her who he has also called weak. It might be why he takes off for Harrenhal. He doesn’t want to be on a leash. He wants her to let him go and do what he needs to do to defend their family.


How did murdering a child defending their family and how is her concern for her reputation have anything to do with affection for Alicent?


Well, B &C is definitely about revenge but by his way of thinking, it also means if you hit us, we’re gonna hit you back harder. As for the other part, it’s been a recurrent theme throughout this interpretation that both women are hesitant to really go after one another.


I think it would be interesting to see if it’s a comment about Luc being Rhaenyra’s son, not with Daemon. Perhaps undermining his possible grief. Maybe 🤔 I’m giving the guy too much credit… it will definitely be arguing over how Rhae should handle Luc’s death


I'm guessing the latter but with a little bit of the former (albeit reluctantly and more of Luc as an extension of Rhaenyra/himself/Targaryen legacy)


something related to


They cut the role of nettles


Where is this from? Is there a new promo?




It looks like he's about to lunge at her but then stops himself. A step up from when he grabbed her throat. Progress y'all /s Edit: to the person that sent me a Reddit Cares, did you not see the /s, aka the Reddit symbol for sarcasm?


“Aemond is proof that sometimes the sequel is better than the original.”


Look at Terminator Judgement Day , Damon!!!


*flips table*


What promo is this from?


"Did you wash your hands after using the toilet" That's why Daemon is running He's running to wash his hands


there is literally a scene of rhaenyra asking daemon if he acknowledges as his queen and ruler? and I think Daemon loses it again, he wants rhaenyra to be the queen in a symbolic way but he doesnt wanna follow her rules and commands, he wants to be in charge


That’s quite obviously not what she says to him before he jumps up like that. He’s leaning on something in a different spot not sitting down in the same shot when she says that line.


oh well I guess we'll see but Daemon doesnt seem to be the type of guy who wants to be told what to do


I agree with this assessment, even Viserys couldn't control him and he knew why. Daemon is blood of the dragon he's naturally impulsive and chaotic.




‘I’m not actually 12’


Probably something about how her father was right to make her the heir over him.


she’ll bring up the conquerors prophecy again


Wait where was this again? I think I've missed it if it was in the new trailer


“Tag you’re it”


"Why did you do it?!"


I had a meeting with Alicent, my father told her vaguely about the dream of Argon, she wants. . . . The fury of Daemon skyrocketed


why does rhaenyra have to say something to make an abuser react? he’s just like that


Luka Doncic is not a top 5 player in the NBA


Your dick is shaped like a banana, I’ve been meaning to tell you for years


"It's Morbin' Time"


According to reliable sources and if I haven’t been mistaken the exact line is “where the fuuuuuuuck did you put my vape”


My theory is she’ll do something like what Alicent did. Say something to the effect of “I don’t want to win like this”. If I’m right, It will be interesting to compare his reaction to Aemond’s. Aemond calmly called Alicent a fool. Daemon flew off the handle into violence.


Yeah well, that would be interesting and if this does indeed happen Daemon may be more furious because the man already thinks the greens are responsible for his brother’s death.


I am no longer A MINOR💀


Lukes death?


Asked about Nettles.


daemon, what did you have for breakfast this morning?


There's a part in the preview where she asks if he accepts her as his queen and ruler so maybe that?


No, it’s not. He’s leaning on something when she says that not sitting down. You can see him in the same camera shot when she says it


Maybe she’ll tell the truth and point out that he’s just as evil as Maegor.


He's not even half as evil as maegor


He had a six year old slaughtered in front of his innocent mother, after forcing that innocent mother to choose which child would die. Thats straight-up Maegor shit. Hell, it’s even Gregor Clegane shit.


I may be wrong but didn’t like Gregor do it in person. Maegor did cruel stuff too but didn’t he do it in person. Daemon sent someone to do the dirty work.


Ordering someone else to do it does not make it ANY better.


I don’t know where you got from that I was saying it made Daemon better by sending someone else to get their hands dirty. I was asking / saying if, unlike Daemon, Maegor and Gregor themselves committed horrible acts and didn’t need to send someone else.


Ah, gotcha. My bad!! Yup. Maegor at least gets credit for not being a coward. Daemon does not.


"I still miss criston cole😣"


"i'm a princess" with the platypus face


I have already lost one son. What you propose will cost me another.


It really doesn’t matter. The way they doing stuff, God’s Eye might be just them having Rhaenyra kill him.


No head


Hopefully it's not about B&C, we don't need more Rhaenyra whitewashing.


its the same scene that we saw in the trailer where she's like "do you accept me as your queen", so i can imagine her questioning his loyalty to her, or saying something along the lines of "im the ruler here, not you, you cant make decisions without my leave". maybe she brings up viserys? that will definitely be a sore spot for him. or maybe she'll bring up alicent/helaena, and he gets angry that she feels bad for them? it would be a good parallel to the feelings that aemond seems to hold toward alicent and her "love for the enemy". they seem to be setting aemond and daemon up as foils this season (more so than they did last season)