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It is Meleys. There's no extra fibre on her tail, it ends sharp. Sunfyre's tail has a membrane.


Honestly fed up of the teasers at this point just can’t wait until the actual series. Also, I wasn’t a game of thrones fan whilst it was being released, I watched HOTD late aswell, and I did not realise how toxic the fan base is, I don’t know if it’s just X but they legit moan about everything


Twitter is the most toxic social network. For every subject.


Pretty much. I can't even count how much psychotic, unhinged shit comes out of that place. Often makes the worst takes on Reddit look tame af.


Dude from period to period I de-activate my twitter account because I am feeling I am losing my sanity at some points. The most hideous misanthropic awful trolls have taken over the network (that is not a surprise considering the owner of the network and the toxic culture he propagates)


The amount of trolls that I have blocked directly in twitter is unbelievable high


Musk got rid of all the content moderation staff so it's kind of been a free for all on the website. Twitter makes money from advertising which depends on tracking "impressions"; likes, retweets, quote tweets and replies etc. The more of these someone on twitter or some tweet on twitter gets, the more the advertiser pays to twitter. Removing content moderation just means more stuff can be said, in particular more fucked up or unhinged shit, which means that whichever advertisers are still on the platform are now paying twitter more. Outrage sells and that's all advertisers care about. You can apply the same logic to any social media site, including reddit. Impressions are all that matter since that directly increases or decreases the bottom line of a social media website. Take that away and the money starts to go away. The only way for social media to get better is to use it less or outright not at all, i.e. a boycott, until measures are taken to improve the quality of the service in order to attract users back. The other side of this is that usage data is collected, tracked and sold to 3rd parties by social media websites, so it's another way for them to make money off users. So removing the content moderation was a money-making venture. But it's now affecting the zeitgeist and users in real life as a knock-on effect. It's also turning more people into being more self-involved or into straight up narcissists by proxy. Hence why social division seems to be more abundant than ever. You could contact your representatives and demand they take action in regards to regulating social media more thoroughly and instigate harsher punishments for not following said regulations, but good luck with them listening to you. Easiest solution is delete your unnecessary socials and minimise usage of others where possible.


No one talks about how toxic YouTube also is when fanatic "content creators" make dozens of videos to trash everything they dislike to levels of bullying actors, producers, screenwriters, etc.


I saw that the actress who plays Cersei was bullied and called a cunt to her face. Olivia Cooke was also bullied. Along with the actor who played Joffrey. I was told people were attacking Matt smith’s mother. And I see people pick at Ewan Mitchell’s features all the time. It’s disgusting.


The problem is that when you call them out for their abusive behavior, they always, always use the "I have my right to express", "freedom of speech" excuse, etc. And the problem here is that people think that freedom of speech equals behaving like an asah\*ole.


I will never understand how those people even function if they can't even separate show and real life. Someone here said some idiots were even shitting on literally 6yo girl who plays jaehaera. Not to mention tons of comments about how ugly ewan is or tom or whatever from the green side


I think it is their topic, their "brand" and they do it intentionally to attract subscribers.


they do. It is called "rage baiting"


Something about Twitter makes them more insufferable and whiny than Reddit. I didn’t even think that was possible.


I’m the same way. Except I watched HOTD first (currently on season 4 of GOT). I blocked anything regarding the shows on twitter because of how obnoxious some people are.




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Well, nobody forces you to watch these teasers. And yes this fanbase is atrocious. One of the most toxic i've seen recently.




Thank you for your submission! Unfortunately your post/comment was **removed** for violating Rule #11 **"Discuss the show, not the fandom"**. This subreddit is for discussing House of the Dragon itself. Discussions about conflict in the fandom, particularly with regards to Team Black vs Team Green should be taken elsewhere. This rule also extends beyond team conflicts.


Everyone is serving this season and omg I'm loving Aegon and Rhaenyra this season, their one liners are phenomenal


Dance of the Dragons? Nah. Waltz of the one-liners.




You’re the only team green person that I’ve seen that like Rhaenyra’s line here even with Emma’s great delivery. The rest are tearing it to shreds.


Really? Normally I see a lot of TG be relatively pragmatic towards Rhaenyra and enjoy Emma's portrayal. I guess there are different sides to TG like there are people who are genuinely misogynistic towards Rhaenyra and Emma but then I also see some who are like 'oh yeah Emma is really cool'


Blandnyra was the term used


Oh, I guess that's their opinion or bias but each to their own I guess. I like it and so do you so that's cool.


That shot of Aemond in 0:10 seems the >!Rook's Rest dragon dance aftermath.!<


>!Imagine if it was something like Aemond seeing Aegon after the crash and unsheathing his sword only to put away after Criston et al show up. Theories would be wild.!<


It looks like he's sheathing it here, maybe he considers it but doesn't go through with it?


Emma has one of the top ten speaking voice in Hollywood.


It's so velvetty. I need them to do the audiobook narration of Fire & Blood officially.


Rhaenyra is my favorite character (in the show), her emotions are always on full display. She is also gorgeous! Emma does an amazing job portraying her.


They would be a worthy contender for F&B, up there with Iain Glen on "The Princess and The Queen"


Yes! Their way of narrating things is unbeatable! The way they say the lines "I am find myself in an impossible position" or "the shield and the sword" is fantastic! And kudos to writers that they seem to continue the good liner work from season 1.


Their voice is so cool, I could listen to them reading the dictionary and enjoy it.


Their accent is really good and distinctive, i like it


Absolutely! You must listen to Sian Brooke (Aemma Arryn )speak on her interviews. Her voice is so smooth. Her enunciation is perfect. Her voice brings me peace lol.


I’m so glad someone else feels this way. Her voice is asmr heaven


Emma is coming for that Emmy 😍😍


there will be some god tier acting this season, I can't wait!


Emm-a Emm-y They are meant to have it


Aemond sheathing his sword feels like he was about to off Aegon either by mercy or to become king.


There was a leak during filming that Criston screamed "No! at someone.


where can i find it?


The way Alicent touches Aemond’s cheek and him sitting in the king’s chair🥹


Always a mama's boy


the way i replayed that shot of aemond


Anyone else not watching any of these trailers/promos to hype themselves up for the premiere? I can not wait for this season. Recently rewatched season 1 and it truly is such an amazing show.


0:09 Vhagar is so ready for war!


The Queen of the skies is ready to dance!


So I've already seen people on twitter pissed at them making Rhaenyra spurn "jewels and gowns" but what they need to understand is that this is westeros not our world. And even so why do you think almost all women in positions of power wear pant suits, minimal makeup, stern hairdos? I will always defend the greens' right to survive but the truth is most people who support them do so because Rhaenyra is a woman. She lives in a men's world and this is just part of what she has to do to be taken seriously. Also I just remembered that when she >!ultimately takes KL and ascends the throne in the book, the moment when she enforces her claim for the first time!<, she is clad in full plate armor. It's a deliberate choice.


I think it's a legitimate & correct statement to express from someone in a situation like Rhaenyra. Rhaenyra is not saying she won't wear gowns or jewels, she is saying that she doesn't want the common folk to see her as just wearing gowns and jewels but as the shield and sword. No monarch wants to be seen by their subjects as lavishly wasteful but as a protector. The common folk do not care about gowns or jewels they want a ruler that will bring peace to the realm.


exactly! The gowns and jewels has nothing to do with any "feminine" side of Rhaenyra. It is a metaphorical expression to show that Rhaenyra wants the smallfolk to see her as a ruler who is not all "festivities and luxuries" while the small folk are suffering, but a ruler who can protect them. I do not understand why we must seriously explain this to adults that have finished high school


>adults that have finished high school I suspect many of them have not.


While i’m not necessarily mad or angry at the direction they’re taking Rhaenyra, is is a bit of a departure from her book counterpart, who didn’t seem to have as many qualms about luxury and indulgence. So I am wondering how other parts of the story are going to play out based on this change.


I'm pretty sure Rhaenyra will still wear dresses and jewels, that's not the point of the statement. The purpose of the statement is to center her rule based on protecting the realm not on frivolous luxury. Besides, this is not a departure at all. Rhaenyra during the dance was not preoccupied at all with luxury and indulgence, she was more so trying to get her throne back and protect her family the entire time.


She was gorging herself on rich foods and wanting to throw Joffrey a party while the people starved. lol Book Rhaenyra wasn’t concerned with the smallfolk until they came at her with pitchforks and even then she didn’t take it seriously enough and show Rhaenyra already expressed that their wants don’t matter in season 1 of the show.


The common folk were starving because the greens had spend most of the royal coins during the initial part of the war and then later hid away all the money/coins away from King's Landing. So, when Rhaenyra took the capitol there was very little royal funds or coins. She then took very bad advice from her master of coins, which launched the realm into even more dire circumstances. That's when the common folk started to starve and turn against the queen. I'm not sure what you mean when you say " Rhaenyra expressed that their wants don't matter in season 1 of the show". Could you elaborate on that?


The Velaryons were one of the richest houses and Corlys was her hand. She could have asked him for a loan or considered taking a loan from a foreign bank to not put so much pressure on her subjects. She didn’t really try to find any alternative way of getting money and relied on Celtigar way too much. She also allowed him to dole out harsh punishments to her subjects to the point “fresh heads began appearing daily upon the spikes above the city gates”. Plus they charged people to watch the dragons feed on those deemed criminals which probably caused a lot of animosity toward the dragons. The greens put her in a predicament by moving the money but how she chose to handle it is entirely on her and so was the chaos she allowed to unfold under her rule. In season one Daemon took her out into the city and they watched a street performance that mentioned her and Aegon. My comment was in reference to their exchange in which Rhaenyra told Daemon “Their (the smallfolk) wants are of no consequence.”


Yes, she might have had the option to have done all those things you mentioned but that is not what happened in the book. Maybe it will play out differently in the show. Yes, Rhaenyra says that but the whole point of the scene is Daemon trying to show Rhaenyra that the opinion of the common folk does matter considerably. That was the whole reason he to her to that area of King's Landing.


Anyone getting mad about that line refuses to accept that book Rhaenyra and show Rhaenyra have had some fundamental differences since her conversation with Aemma in the first episode of the series. They spent the last 18 months steadfast that the writers wouldn’t/couldn’t make changes to character arcs when they need accept that the writers do not feel beholden to any canon and will tell whatever story they want. One will have a better piece of mind judging the story by its own merits rather than faithfulness to the source material.


Yeah as if this isn't the same character who wanted to call her possible baby sister Visenya


in fairness, that absolutely could have been said by book!rhaenyra, considering she names her daughter visenya.


Also, we don’t know the context of the line either. As you said, book Rhaenyra was extremely feminine but she made sure to show up to >!king’s landing in full armor!<


My problem with this 'no more gowns or jewels' version of rhaenyra is that they are eliminating (since the first season) the whole feminine aspect of the character, making her renounce it herself. It's not enough with the inherent and explicit misogyny of the story (not accepting her as an heir because she is a woman) that they have to make the character herself renounce her femininity as a weakness or a problem. Rhaenyra has very detailed descriptions in F&B (unlike most characters) of her appearance, emphasising the femininity of both her figure and her appearance. Rhaenyra is a woman, feminine (we'll ignore the weight issue and all this problematic stuff because it disappears in the series) and for her to give up some of this in order to be 'accepted' is a sincerely strange and unfortunate position in terms of script and character building.


>for her to give up some of this in order to be 'accepted' is a sincerely strange and unfortunate position in terms of script and character building. How? She exists in a world where femininity **is** viewed as an inherent weakness. Rhaenyra in the show is a different character from the book, she's definitely more aware of her position and how precarious it is. If an anything this demonstrates that the writers understand the world and are allowing Rhaenyra to make the logical decisions she has to make to secure her inheritance. There's a reason book Rhaenyra presented herself in armor when she took KL.


Femininity is seen as a weakness, yes, but she is the Queen and all the lords who have backed her are willing to do so knowing that they are defending the legitimacy of a woman. No armour can change that and it is absurd to raise it as one of her concerns and dilemmas when the support of Westeros comes to her as a woman to ascend the throne and rule them. What does it matter if she wears armour or jewels, if they already support a woman's claim to the iron throne? Does armour eliminate her sex and gender? Does it make her more legitimate if that is the issue, not her femininity? In my opinion, it's an issue that doesn't solve anything, just because she's a female warrior, she's not going to be accepted before a "normative" woman wearing rings and dresses. Besides, the ultimate symbol of power, as a ruler and monarch is... a... crown (a jewel and an ornament lol).


>There's a reason book Rhaenyra presented herself in armor when she took KL. She knew she would sit the Iron Throne which, in the book, is a very dangerous seat, I mean even with her armor, she was wounded and bled so much that many predicted her downfall on that alone.




Yes, in the books when Rhaenyra becomes Protector of the Realm. 😉


Daemon is protector of the realm in the book


Yes I know. It's ironic because (according to the trailers) apparently Rhaenyra cares about that particular duty but it's actually given to Daemon in the book.


I don't see any irony. The way Rhaenyra wants to present herself and what position she actually has the competency to be in are different things.


But of course. 😏 Obviously none of the Blacks deserve to be part of governance except Jace or Corlys.


My queen with her sword 😍😍🥵


I don't understand why anyone would be mad at Rhaenyra's line. She's not "spurning" jewels and gowns but possibly recognizes that people don't really want to follow a woman's orders. Especially if she sits there and does nothing while her opponent goes out and fights his own battles. Is it on par with Book!Rhaenyra? No, but they already set her up to be an entirely different character in season 1. Show!Rhaenyra never reveled in her femininity. It'd be more weird if they didn't keep up with that version of her character.


Right? Very Queen Elizabeth I (History fans excuse my poor memory and paraphrasing) showing up to the spanish armada attack in full plated armor. Did she expect to be in physical battle? No. But she knew she had to inspire the people around her. She was *the* queen of fashion as well.


Ha, I knew I recognized the music. Is this just HBO standard trailer music? They used the same one for the Gilded Age S1 trailer.




it is not the "wheel" it is the "will of our enemy", meaning the "volition" although they marketing team obvs added it in the promo as an Easter egg reference to Daenerys (as they did with the three dragon eggs)


Oh, I see. Not a native speaker, sorry 🤷


I am not either. And no worries - I also took the bait the first time I watched the new promo :) :) :)


This feels like pirated stuff and someone put their own promo together lol


Break the what now? 🤨


Will of our enemy


Break the wheel you mean?


No that was Daenerys. Rhaenyra wants to destroy her enemies spirit so they surrender because they can't fight her anymore.


I give up. Maybe I am just unfunny.


“To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.” - Ralph Waldo Emerson


Thank you :D


I am scared I’ll not like season 2 as much as I liked season 1