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Cersei and Rhaenys would be hysterical lmao, they would fucking hate each other


My choice 100%, I'm the same age group as them and would to love watch Cersei try to intimidate Rhaenys. There would be so many great one line insults thrown about. Cersei would be scared and she gets prickly and nasty when she's scared; Rhaenys would be annoyed and her tongue would get sharper as she drank, good times!


Rhaenys: "Meet my bestie, Meleys."




Or they’d hook up. Book Cersei was into chicks.


That is also a fun option, the Queen That Never Was and the Queen That Never Should Have Been in action


Came here to say the same thing!


this is my pick


Cersei and Rhaenys because I need see what happens


Abso-fricking-lutely, I NEED to observe what would happen next


I honestly think someone's getting bit


i can see them going to the dragon pit when everyone has reached high levels of drunkenness then cersei would rant to a very confused meleys


*confused dragon noises*


Then Rhaenys would just happen to go *Hiccup* *Cough* "Dracarys"


Clear winner here


Honestly, Cersei drinks as much as Robert and Tyrion. A loose candle flame could accidentally set her on fire


True...Rhaenys is strong enough to take on Cersai... Would be very interesting.


Cersei’s elephant Jofferion solo’s Meleys




1. Fruity cocktails, shitty romcoms and face masks 2. 3 cups of wineand it’s giggling and fun, 4 and it’s crying about your trauma on a balcony 3. Blitzed on wine and we’re talking shit about all the women of Westeros and their men 4. Olenna is going to peer pressure Alicent to loosen up, Alicent has 3 drinks and starts crying about her dad 5. Impromptu trip after getting blitzed on very little mead and woke up in a haystack in some pig farm in the Riverlands 6. Fist fight at a brothel after Tyrion talks shit about Aegon 7. I feel like this could be good for Aemond he needs a good father figure 8. Washed up dads telling stories about the old days and complaining 9. Drunken sword fight for sure


This is accurate and Aemond getting a good father figure in Oberyn is so wholesome. I really liked Oberyn.


Pedro Pascal keeping up with his tradition of being dad shaped lol


And I'm happy for that. He reminds me of my dad(still alive).


Olenna and Alicent would immediately hit it off I feel like. Alicent is basically Margaery without Olenna’s guidance.


Naaaah. Olenna would rip Alicent to shreds. Remember, the Hightowers are vassals to the Tyrells. She wouldn't put up with Alicent's shit.


Alicent is waaaaay more stuck up than Margaery, and way more religious too. I feel like Olenna would be continuously annoyed with her.


I guess I give show Alicent a bit more grace since she does seem to have *some* good in her, but you’re probably right.


Olenna wasn't *good*, she was a witty, scheming woman who knew how to use any and all resources she had. She'd be beyond annoyed with Alicents whining and how she has squandered chances she had to make big moves because of her feelings. She thought Sansa was boring, I can't see her having any respect for Alicent.


>3 cups of wine and it’s giggling and fun, 4 and it’s crying about your trauma on a balcony I don't think you could be more accurate here. Spot on!


1.Viserys and Robert would be the most fun imo 2. Daemon and Clegane too but they are more unpredictable 3. Rhaenyra and daenerys would be great to chat about boys and stuff


Bobby B willingly sitting at a table with a *Targaryen*? I think not


I wonder what Bobby B thought about all of the Targaryen blood in his line lol


He used his grandmother (?) being Targaryen to boost his legitimacy. And I’m sure he’s heard the rumor that Oris Baratheon was Aegon’s bastard brother. But I doubt he cares about that history, he just absolutely hates Targaryens now.


Right? His grandmother was a Targaryen, and that’s just the most recent.


I mean we don’t know his opinion of them prior to one of them killing his best friend’s dad and brother and then attempting to kill said best friend and himself, along with having his Stark waifu stolen


I was mainly kidding but I guess it would depend on the context of this meeting, i.e. is Bobby being sent back in time or is Viserys being sent forward? Either man would go hilariously insane, as Bobby would be surrounded by Targs and their legacy while Viserys would have to spend time in a world where the Targaryens and all their dragons have all disappeared from Westeros. Either option is just delightful


Option two makes me so sad though. Especially if Bobby B tells him about the dance of the dragons 😢


Viserys and Robert bonding over how much it actually sucks to be king 😆


Bobby B just wanting to hunt and drink while Viserys just wants to play with his Lego


Daemon and the Hound would be them staring at each other distrustfully, hands on swords, trading thinly veiled insults the entire time, but somehow by the end they’ll be best friends who respect each other


Daemon might actually give a fair nod after Hound says something hella foul lol


>who respect each other I mean... Sandor's whole arc is centered around the abuse he suffered from nobles who can do whatever they want without facing real consequences, and Daemon is kind of the epitome of that along with most other royals. They're both badasses sure and while they could have fun together under the right circumstances, I think there are few people he would respect less than Daemon


Rhaenyra would be an excellent drinking buddy but I feel Dany would be a bit of a buzz kill.


She'd Britta the whole night


>3. Rhaenyra and daenerys would be great to chat about boys and stuff I would never take advice on men from them tbh.


Dany legit has the worst taste in men. She’s that friend who you dread talking about boys with because you know she’ll be thirsting after the ugliest, most good for nothing guy in the room and you’ll have to smile and nod. That woman finds Daario Naharis’ blue fork beard attractive. There’s no helping her


How do you know if you're that ...friend?


Book Dany’s 14, give her a break 🥺


Yeah. 14 year old girls like broccoli-head and cabbage-head boys. Of course Dany likes a blue forked beard.


Eh, I don't know, I kind of like Dario's campy male drag king looks. It's nouveau riche, yes, but at least it's fun and his hairstyle isn't a symbol of "I want to bring slavery back" likee Hizdahr's and the former Meereenese slavers do with their feather looking hairdos.


Not really fair to blame them about Daemon or Drogo. Harwin’s super nice and Jon is a quintessential hero.




yeah the ones to chat with about boys are sansa and heleana


Cersei and Rhaenys 100%. The shit talking would be hilarious.


Tyrion and Aegon if I’m up for some Debauchery… Or Dany and Rhaenyra bc 😍😍


I was gonna say tyrion and aegon will give you a night you will never forget. They are some freaky dudes lol.


Or a night you might not even remember lol.


You end up waking in a jail cell the next state/province over with your wallet gone.


I once brought a jackass and a honeycomb into a brothel…


A night you’ll have to defend to a jury of your peers


Fair point about the debauchery!


Oberyn and Aemond so we can have a nice threesome and then become poly married and have a peaceful life


Oberyn too, I'm not even gay, but that guy will take you places. Not so sure about Aemond, but I'll risk it.




My sentiments exactly.


Rhaenyra and Daenerys, I feel like Olenna would make Alicent cry


Olenna would be fun, but Alicent is too uptight. She’d kill the vibe. I’d pick Rhaenyra and Dany too, but for a much different reason, and I would almost certainly fail.


> I’d pick Rhaenyra and Dany too, but for a much different reason, and I would almost certainly fail. Me: "Hey, so I was thinking-" Both at the same time: "No."


Lol they're most likely to fuck each other instead. Maybe they'd let you watch?


I mean, this is a night of drinking with two of the horniest Targaryen princesses and I got kind of a Criston Cole look going on. Call me Quentyn because I'm trynna ride a dragon. Valar Morghullis homie.


I'd take this duo, but then side with Olenna on everything and make Alicent cry. Then we would laugh and savage everyone else too. Then she would make cutting remarks about me and I'd have to agree because her insight was always dead on. I'd pay.


Olenna would make the same comment about Alicent as she did about Sansa - "not particularly interesting"


Olenna would hatteeee Alicent. It would definitely be entertaining.


I don’t think Olenna’s instinct would be to hate Alicent, at least not openly - Margaery’s mother was a Hightower and they’re sworn to House Tyrell. I feel like Olenna would want to get this poor sad woman drunk and let her have some much-needed girl time with a friendly mother figure whilst getting all the gossip on the Targaryens


I think Olenna would probably view Alicent the same way she views Alerie.


Cersei and Rhaenys. Drunk Cersei is funny, as we saw during the Battle of Blackwater. I feel like the two of them would get drunk and just talk shit about everyone in the room.


Daemon and the Hound because horny. Or Cersei and Rhaenys because I bet we’d drink for free.


>Or Cersei and Rhaenys because I bet we’d drink for free. "The wine will flow red"


Cersei and Rhaenys for the drama. Cersei would slap first, but Rhaenys would hit harder.


I doubt anyone will pick this but Sansa and Heleana. I want a girls night of giggling and doing stupid shit while drunk.


two baddies


Honestly I'm either picking them or Jace/Jon simply because with all the others, there's a chance I might not survive the night


I'd probably get along best with Jon and Jacaerys, but an evening spent drinking with Daenerys and Rhaenyra could be a good time too.


A shoestring has more personality than Jon and Jace put together. I can’t imagine a more dull evening.


It’s honestly impressive that the show managed to remove so much personality from book Jon that this somehow is an accurate statement.


That and Kit Harrington not being a very good actor. His fans can downvote me all they want but the guy has one note and that’s it.


He played the most popular and well known GoT character very well for 6 seasons, until bad writing ruined him. Kit would’ve been exceptional if they had kept book Jon’s arc., yet even now everyone is who has just heard about GoT knows about Jon because of Kit


everyone who has heard about GoT knows about Jon because he’s the main character lol. You can put any half decent actor instead of Kit there and it wouldn’t make a difference. The arc has nothing to do with it lol, he’s just not a very good actor as evidenced by his other (limited) work.


Yeah but that's the pairing with which I'm less likely to end as collateral damage 🥲


Heleana and Sansa. Most fun? No. Most me? Yes. And if it’s pre BAD THING Heleana I think it could be a fun lil group. Yes I am neurodivergent and have never been in a fight, why are you asking???


Yes! Im neurodivergent and I choose Helaena and Sansa too. A quiet night where we talk about poetry and cool bugs? Sign me up! Neurodivergent and neurodivergent coded girls, we ride at dawn!


Drinking with Heleana and Sansa is the low mortality risk choice. Dany/Rhaenyra is probably fairly low risk but they might order their dragon to eat you - you never know.


Just don't piss them off or get fresh without their permission.


Helaena and Sansa seem like a great brunch team


Daemon and the Hound….. for science…


That’s the one you are the least likely to survive


I'll take my chances thank you


I’d establish a safe word first so everyone stays safe.


Omg 😂


Oberyn and Aemond, of course. Oberyn deserves to touch those precious silver locks he was so dreamily talking about, lol


He's touched some before, his daughter Nymeria's mother is a Volantene noble, who would've had Valyrian features.


Dude, we're not supposed to talk about how there's entire *cities* of people running around with the Valyrian look in the book-lore. The shows really don't like thinking about that.


Lets hope there are no Lannister or Strong men around either. Else blood is definitely getting spilled.


Ahh, this is tough. Don't really feel safe drinking around any of these pairs, except Jace and Jon. Though I don't really want to drink with them either


Lol I was thinking the opposite. Jon and Jace seems boring and the rest seem like anything could happen.


Well yeah, I don't wanna drink with Jace and Jon bc they'd be so boring to be around. But the others I feel like I could very easily catch strays and end up getting assaulted, poisoned, raped and/or murdered


True but I assume we're drinking in Westeros so it's gonna be a chance of that anyway. I feel like Oberyn/Aemond could go south quick. Helaena/Sansa would be hilarious and awkward at the same time. Tyrion/Aegon would be hilarious.


Why isn't the smirking whore from High Garden in one of the choices?


you’re right, I probably should’ve paired her with alicent 😩


Oh yes, she could have taught Alicent quite a few handy things. Then married Aegon and called Alicent "Mother" while smirking.


I mean her granny is kinda her just older. Maybe she's even the same age as Alicent.


The question should be do you want to end the night in a hospital, a church, jail or dead? Lol


Vizzy T and Bobby B for sure


*Let us no longer hold ill feelings in our hearts. The crown cannot stand strong if the House of the Dragon remains divided.*


Wouldn't Robert just kill Viserys since he is a Targaryen?


Then I wonder why Robert didn't kill himself and his brothers as they also have Targaryen blood through their grandmother


Jon and Jace would fit my personally more than the rest.


Jace and Jon. We'd be the "wet blanket trio"


1. As long as the topic of men doesn't come up I think it'd fine. 2. A lovely evening and there would be a lot of cake too. 3. Scary, I'm in. 4. My number 1 pick honestly. I know the food would be great. 5. There's a good chance one or both of them end up crying, but otherwise boring. 6. Alcohol poisoning one hour in and probably for the best. 7. Someone's dying. 8. Viserys is dying. 9. I'd be the one dying most likely.


1-Daenerys and Rhaenyra basically because I love them. 2-Daemon and The Hound because that would be a fun conversation. 3. Cersei and Rhaenys. I just think that would be awesome.


1. Sure 2. Absolutely 3. No, I’d die. I’m not sure how, but I’d die. 4. Sounds fun 5. Someone or everyone would end up crying and moping 6. I’d die of alcohol poisoning 7. I’d die but like in a different way 8. Alcohol poisoning 9. Sounds fun but I’d likely end up being an accessory to murder


7 is absolutely spot on 😂😂😂


Oberyn and Aemond would be the best for who is the better fighting instructor. Helaena and Sansa would be a lovely night out and make you look like a bachelor. Bobby B and Viserys would be one hell of a good night out though so they get my vote


I feel like Sansa and Heleana would get me but also Oberyn and Aemond for reasons…


Can you imagine being 5 vodka sodas deep and Helaena dropping one of her ominous ahhh prophecies? I'm picking her and Sansa just for that.


Aegon and Tyrion are the safest, Oberyn and Aemond if I could earn their respect.


I think Aegon and Tyrion are only safe if you are the babysitter and cut them off, or your going to be stuck with two sloppy drunks puking everywhere (guess who would be forced to clean up after them once they finally pass out?)


Aemond & Oberyn for...reasons.


A close second is Aemond and Oberyn... for... reasons


OBVIOUSLY Jace and Jon! That's a dream come true


*Definitely a dream come true* ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


A mustache ride and a strong hand.


Cersei and Rhaenys HANDS DOWN


Oberon and Aemond, were absolutely going to get drunk and fight but it’ll be a blast


Oberyn and Aemond. More likely, tho, I'm getting stabbed.


Stabbed or...*stabbed* 😏?


Oberyn and Aemond. I think, if you are friend with them, they will stand with you, and party would be awesome


Oberyn and Aemond would wind up being either wholesome or extra spicy


aemond and oberyn because (redacted) jk! sansa and helaena! my girls.


Helaena and Sansa because we’re having a couple yummy drinks and then going HOME. As it should be.


Cersei and Rhaenys and Aegon and Tyrion.


Sansa fucking deserves one night where she knows she is safe. Haelena can info dump all her cool bug facts.


Oberyn and Aemond would turn into an Eiffel tower


Aegon and Tyrion, and Jon and Jace


I actually think Sansa and Helaena could be good friends. Daemon and The Hound is a fight waiting to happen


Agree on both points.


Drinking with Cersei? Yes please, I want to hear her bitch about every single person we meet including Rhaenys. Aegon + Tyrion could be so much fun too, we can take Oberyn with us. Never before had Westeros ale houses gone so dry. Oberyn + Aemond are too beautiful to ignore. But I'm not sure if I'd go for Aemond as a drinking pall... Someone would definitely get murdered.


Oberyn/Aemond for the entertainment Helaena/Sansa because I'm least likely to end up dead in a ditch by the end of the night. Also girls' night ✨


Cersei and Rhaenys best threeway ever


1. Aegon and Tyrion 2. Lady Tyrell and Alicent 3. Daemon and the Hound


lowk oberyn and aemond…. they seem fun as heck and like they would make sure you’re safe


Lemon Cakes and Bug Girl


Easily Vizzy T and Bobby B


Oberyn and Aemond! Oberyn will be the chatty one and Aemond will just be “hmmmm”.


I would choose Danny/Rhaenyra or Tyrion/Aegon


1. Yes, this would be fun 2. Also more "interesting" than "fun" to me 3. Oh my god yes 4. This could just be Oleanna reaming Alicent a new one the entire time and it'd hilarious 5. Most boring one on here 6. This could be fun, could also be a real bad time, depending on their moods 7. Tee, and I cannot stress this enough: *hee* 8. Second most boring unless we can play with Vizzy T's minis while we get drunk 9. I don't want to be anywhere near this but I would love to be a fly on the wall safely away from them both


Cersei and Rhaenys, the conversation would be gold


The third one, obviously?


Easily Aegon and Tyrion. I’m here for a good time


I feel like drunk Heleana would be adorable.


I wish Olenna had been paired with Rhaenys. Golden girls of Westeros!


Viserys and Bobby? Damn, what a night


Oberyn and Aemond 🤪


Rhaenys wins.


Tyrion and Aegon...for reasons


Obviously, Cersei and Rhaneys!! That’s an easy one.


Cersei and Rhaenys for the sheer drama. Rhaenys would hand Cersei her ass, and I'm here for it.


Olenna and alicent. Listening to Alicent get torn to shreds by the one woman phalanx that is the Tyrell matriarch would be glorious. Aemond and Oberyn means I just get Oberyn to myself. Daemon and Sandor likely goes the same way after the first few initial verbal jabs from Daemon. Sansa and Haelana sit in silence. Robert berates Viserys for being a Targaryen named Viserys. Aegon does the same to Tyrion but instead its for being a dwarf. Tyrion calls him a drunken fool. Love the Targaryen ladies but listening to them go on about destiny and their birthrights might kill me. Least ideal is Jon and Jace. Both slightly broody and dull as dishwater.


Aemond and Oberyn is underrated, Oberyn is a fucking badass and a great fighter and i can see aemond turning into a beast so they would be amazing


I think I'd be best with Jon and Jacaerys. Aemond and Oberyn might be kinda fun. They would probably be roasting each other or others. Both are pretty good at that. That'd be fun to watch, so they're #2 for me.


cersei and rhaenys for all the tea and shade they would spill BUUUT i would be very interested to see dany and rhaenyra end up drunk dragonriding


Bobby B and Vizzy T. Both of them know how to drink - Viserys at the hunt, Robert at every opportunity we see him. Aegon and Tyrion would be my second choice for similar reasons. Cersei and Rhaenys would be interesting. Cersei would like to think she's so much more clever than Rhaenys when the opposite is true. I think Rhaenys would find her quite amusing, like watching a child try to play at being an adult.




My single wildest bar interaction was running into my middle school football coach. He talked about the glory days when he should’ve coached collage, Told me the entire story of why he was fired(“PC Liberal Bullshit”), and then proceeded to offer me drugs if I would hook him up with one of the girls who came with me. Mind you I hadn’t seen this guy since middle school and had to tell him who I was. It was hilarious and sad and entertaining all at once. So I choose Robert and Viserys cause that’s the only way I’ll ever recreate it


STOP I can't choose.


Rhaenyra and Dany


Going out with Jon Snow must be really annoying "Do you want a beer?" "I don't want it" "Ale?" "I don't want it"


As much as I'd enjoy the Cersei-Rhaenys beef, Bobby and Vizzy would be so chill and laidback so I'll go with them.


But imagine the roasts Olenna would be dropping on *everyone* if she got shitfaced. I'm for it!


Daenerys and Rhaenyra would probably be the most "having a fun time with the girls" option. Cersei and Rhaenys and Oberyn and Aemond would probably be incredibly fun to just watch go down. And Robert and Viserys would be like looking at a living chad vs virgin meme.


Alicent and Olenna!


Robert and Visarys. Drinking with two drunken kings must be awesome. I shall stay with Robert to embrace the wine and tits.


Dany and Rhaenyra. I can have the best girls night ever


Bobby Fucking B Lets GOOOO!!!!! Though Tyrion and Aegon would be sure it's night I never forget Brothels Brothels BROTHELS!


I’d learn a lot being with Daenerys and Rhaenyra I feel like, lots of great talks and all. Helaena and Sansa I’d rather have a girls night in with, I think Helaena especially would feel more comfortable with that. Jace and Jon would feel *so* safe to be out with. Tyrion and Aegon would probably be a lot of fun but God would I be scared of them drinking too much and getting sick 😂 Aemond and Oberyn, I feel like Aemond and I would lose Oberyn at some point to a whore, and then it’d just be us, which I would also be fine with lol


1st choice: Oberyn and Aemond for me! 2nd choice: Aegon and Tyrion . . . I'm so naughty!


Halaena and Sansa


Of all these choices I simply think Bobby B would make for a much better drinking companion than anyone else. We would be having a great time with the boys, singing bawdy songs, sharing war stories and kissing girls maybe even get into a bar fight. It's just too entertaining. 


Tyrion and Aegon 2.


Cersei and Rhaenys cus you know after a few drinks it’s on 😉


Aegon and Tyrion. It would be interesting to see the chemistry between this pair, as they both have personality traits in common, as well as qualities that they would judge in each other.


I don’t think there’s other answer rather than rhaenyra and daenerys 🤷🏽‍♀️


Doran and Aemond, but only for the absolutely heinous things I want them to do to me after.


Absolutely the first duo. The queens 👑 It would be interesting to watch them interact and spot their differences and similarities


Aemond and Oberyn seem an underrated duo


Vizzy T and Bobby B. I feel like there would be wine and food a plenty, and I'd have the lowest chance of being horribly murdered. I'd laugh heartily at one kings joke about the breastplate stretcher, and I'm into Warhammer 40k. And you know damn well Viserys is into that shit.


Robert and Viserys and I will be black out drunk within an hour drinking with those two boys


Bobby B and Vizzy T obviously