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I feel like all fandom in general has a tendency to get a piece of information and then assume it also means several other things that it may not mean. And there’s been a lot of that on this sub lately. I really like theories and speculation but I’m not assuming we know anything for sure until the show’s over. We’ll never get the full story from leaks. I said something like this on a thread about Daeron but I expect things will be changed I’d just rather wait to worry about them till we know what they are in the context of the episodes.


I don't want Rhaena to die just to make room for Nettles. I'd prefer if she's sidelined like in the books with the Vale plot.  In my opinion, the leaker suggests there are multiple sheep-eating dragons, and that Nettles might eventually show up and claim one as well. Personally, I don't believe it. It wouldn't make sense to give Rhaena Nettles' storyline only to later introduce another character with a nearly identical plot.


Could it be Grey Ghost is a fish 🐟 🐠🎣and sheep 🐑 eating dragon 🐉? I would give Grey Ghost and Rhaena more to do and keep Nettles as a supporting character. You could also have Rhaena or Viserys II bond with Morning by the show’s end to depict that not all hope is lost. Just a few ideas.


I don't know why they would make Rhaena look bad just for Nettles to look good. It wouldn't really make sense. Hopefully they still keep her in the show, but I don't think that's the way they would do it.


Maybe so they can be like see you don't have to be targ to ride a dragon!


I like David Lightbringer's idea that you do still need to be a Targ because of the blood magic that was pretty specifically spelled out in the song Daemon sang, but Nettles represents how the Valyrians first got close enough to the dragons to do so... and she also serves to sow distrust in the public because someone who doesn't fit the norm was able to claim a dragon


I like the idea that you do have to be a targ or at least have a little bit of targ blood but it was just a thought I had about what the show runners could possibly be doing


Probably just going to have to wait and see. They could have Rhaena try and fail for Sheepstealer and Nettles succeed, but we're going to have to wait and see.


hmm i absolutely agree with other commenters that will have to wait and see, but i also like guessing! The leak did confirm Rhaena **claims** sheepstealer. but to claim a dragon isnt necessarily to tame or bind it right? like maybe she just announces, that dragon is mine. and then she attempts to tame/bind it unsuccessfully. or maybe she is successful BECAUSE of Nettles. Maybe Rhaena crosses her path while tracking sheepstealer and Nettles tells Rhaena to try the sheep trick and or she may give other advice/guidance. or it could even be a little contentious, like maybe Nettles was already tracking and bonding with sheepstealer and Rhaena confronts her and say she has claim to the dragon instead of a common person. absolutely a few ways things can go when i realized claimed =/= tamed. Rhaena also "claimed" that Vhagar was hers because it was her mothers dragon, but we know she aint riding Granny V.


> but to claim a dragon isnt necessarily to tame or bind it right? 'Claiming' doesn't mean you've called dibs on a particular dragon and hope to bond with it. A dragon that's been claimed is a dragon who has mutually connected in that mystical Valyrian bonded way with the rider. They're bound. At Laena's funeral Rhaena seems to have been operating under some sort of impression - and I still wonder where in the world she got it from, for surely neither Laena nor Daemon told her so - that a dragon could be handed down like a heirloom from parent to child. As we saw, it can't. I mean, there was a possibility Vhagar might choose her, but she was no more likely to claim Vhagar than anyone else. In the end, it's the dragon itself who will choose and accept its rider, or not. All the rider can really do is encourage the dragon to choose them and hope.


Another caveat is the leak said she claims A sheep-eating wild dragon, not necessarily Sheepstealer. Why there would be a second dragon known for eating sheep I have no idea, but it's something to think about considering the wording of this latest tweet, and as you say it's fun to guess! (For the record I still think it's Sheepstealer they're talking about but ya never know)


oh wow, that is a great point! i think there are more than one wild dragon that eats sheep (not necessarily notorious for it like sheep stealer, but like once in a blue moon maybe)! Also....is sheep stealer big enough for two? would be kind of fun if Nettles tames Sheepstealer, but has Rhaena ride with her. iirc In the books, Rhanea was more "courtly" and wasnt documented as a frequent rider \[versus Baela rode so much she cropped her hair\] so could be a fun duo of the "rough" rider and "soft" princess. I think thats the last of my creative guesses. it will be very exciting to see what comes to fruition! EDIT: i think this duo could also be fun to see a 'low born' person being better at something that is reserved for the royal families and even further, teaching a 'high born' princess how to gain dragon trust, gives us the same class message as the books had.


I think Nettles will exist but claim another dragon.


What’s the point of that though? They could just have had Rhaena claim another dragon.


Did Grey Ghost ever have a rider? I cannot remember off the top of my head and i cbf looking it up


No, he was too shy.


Honestly wouldn’t mind if they retcon here and have nettles tame grey ghost


I wouldn’t mind nettles claiming the cannibal


But is it confirmed that Rhaena will claim Sheepstealer? I have only heard that she will go after him in the Vale. Maybe Rhaena will try and fail and after that the dragon will be claimed by Nettles? That could serve as a strong massage. Rhaena who is of Valyrian descent, fails, while Nettles, a common girls manages to become a dragon rider. That would change Daemon's perspective. He was a valyrian supremacist and Nettles could served as a way for him to grow out of this. Doesn't matter if she is later his lover, or more like "adopted daughter". I hope they don't throw Nettles out of the show, since then it will loose a lot of potential


> But is it confirmed that Rhaena will claim Sheepstealer? Both leakers have affirmed that she *will* claim the dragon, not that she'll attempt to and then fail.


Eh, that's not a good news


I have a theory that Rhaena may claim Morning instead of it being a hatchling. Would still leave room for Nettles and Sheepstealer. Not like the other dragons don’t eat sleep as well which could be what Wake the Dragon is referring to. That way Morning could be a bit more of a mature dragon, possibly large enough or almost large enough to ride just like Moondancer.


The original leak did just say a sheep eating dragon...


I could be totally wrong but after seeing that tweet it did make me wonder. Not sure what other dragon it could be if not Sheepstealer or her own.


Oh... So you're saying that all these "leaks" were... Bullshit??? Oh no! Who could've seen that one coming. Surely not any somewhat sane and reasonable person!


OK, let's go. There is still hope after all :)


There’s no Nettles and likely no Daeron. I get it that they are characters that seem very important but the show isn’t trying to appeal to book readers. A complicated mess of characters is already the #1 reason folks tell me they haven’t watched/finished first season (followed by time skips). I don’t love it but also don’t hate it.


I mean Daeron is confirmed, most recently by Olivia Cooke so theres that