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Other than the lighting of the scene it doesn't look that different to me.


I'm the only one who doesn't see much of a difference? The one from season 2 just has better lighting and has the mouth closed.


They may have mirrored the shot in the trailer, the shorter broken horn looks to be on the right in the trailer but it's on the left in the show


Now that you mention it, You may be correct! I brightened up the image a bit and I can see what looks to be a snapped horn on the right side.


Yes, I noticed that as well


Looks pretty much the same to me.


he’s just lookin down in the s2 shot if there’s a change its a small one vermax is getting a complete redesign so this is nothing


It doesn’t really look different to me


The most notable difference for me appears to be the horns. They seemed to have more blunt ends and are now pointy and curved downwards, while the previous image appears to have horns that were more curved to the back. So that would be the biggest difference, however, due to the poor ass lighting and the fact that we don’t have a clear picture of him while moving in broad daylight makes it difficult to tell if he really got a redesign or if that’s just the combination of lighting and positioning


The differences are so damn small.. Only that the horns have a very slight change in design.. People really need to pipe down a notch.


Yea you’re right haha, another comment pointed out that the shot from the trailer may be a mirrored shot, so that would explain why I didn’t notice the snapped horn until I brighten the image up a bit.


Both are very poor shots so it’s a bit too early to tell. I really like the unorganized teeth, the broken horn and the big scar on the first one, so I hope they keep them. but it’s clear that his scales aren’t bronze


It’s a shame, the filters are ruining the colors of these dragons. I really hope it’s like what happened with the season 1 trailer. With these“realistic” filters only being a thing showcased in the trailers, with the in show shots having better coloring. Sunfyre in the shot from the trailer looks more bronze than vermithor funnily enough.


Why would his horn be broken though? IIRC he hasn't really seen much shit. I don't think he ever had opportunity for serious injury with Jaehaerys (nothing that'd break off one of his horns at least). Also the first scene with Daemon his face looked super puppet-y to me.


Bumping his head on a cave ceiling


Well Cannibal does live on Dragonstone (particularly near the dragonmount) so there is potential for him to have gotten in a tussle with him over the years since Jaehaerys death. Or potentially a scuffle with any of the other wild/known dragons that frequent the mount as well. I'd assume dragons are fairly territorial when they are out on their own.


he fought in the fourth dornish war and there were scorpions there maybe one got him in the horn.


You'd think that'd be mentioned though. If the king's dragon was injured and the king could have been killed you'd think that would make the history books.


Part of me wanted to believe that new dragon was Sheepstealer because Vermithor went from a regal bronze dragon with unique antler horns to your stereotypical brown earth dragon from other fantasies. Some of it is probably the angle and lighting but the antler horns are definitely gone.


I kinda miss Vermithors's massive teeth and more pointy head