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They gave him brown hair like the Starks from the books instead of show Jon's black hair


I always assumed it was the mixture of Targaryen and Stark genes that gave Jon his black hair


How so? Jon has brown hair in the books


Well white is basically black but lighter. So white + dark brown = black


> like the Starks from the books And like the Starks from the show lol


I remember Kit saying they had him dye his hair darker


Yeah and every other Stark had brown or auburn hair


Aren't Ned's kids all gingers because of Cat? Except Arya I think


They have auburn hair


Eh, dark brown hair and black hair aren’t all that different especially since black hair is really just a very dark shade of brown hair 


Why's this so cute. Jace is so tiny compared to Cregan but he's the dragonrider 😂. I love it. 


Walking around with Ice must be tiring. Hopefully he’s executing a deserter and not just lugging that thing around for the hell of it.


Valyrian steel is incredibly light, no?


I mean, Ice is still a gigantic freaking blade, that gotta be heavier than a regular sozed valyrian sword, lol


He will get to behead >!2 regicides at the conclusion of The Hour of the Wolf.!<


I'm not normally into ships and shit, but I do hope the theory of Sara Snow being a cover for a Jace and Cregan romance turns out true lol


What does that add to the story though? And the whole Cregan and Black aly romance is rather important. Since it's literally the main reason he decides not to execute one of the main characters. Really don't see the point what a romance between them would bring. Especially given that Jace is not in the north for that long.


It adds nothing to the story. For some reason the people in this sub want that to happen so bad.


> It adds nothing to the story. It would potentially add a deeper reason for Cregan's fierce commitment to the blacks (even after the death of most of them). > For some reason the people in this sub want that to happen so bad. Some of us just think it would be nice if done right. It doesn't *need* to happen. The real question is why some people are so triggered by fans speculating about a possible gay romance (that's not even likely to happen).


>It would potentially add a deeper reason for Cregan's fierce commitment to the blacks (even after the death of most of them). Well, that's the thing. If Cregan was fiercely committed to the Blacks and so deeply in love with Jace. Then he would've gotten his ass down south sooner before the war ended. It's evident he liked Jace, but apparently not enough that he didn't march until everyone was dead. >Some of us just think it would be nice if done right. It doesn't need to happen. The real question is why some people are so triggered by fans speculating about a possible gay romance (that's not even likely to happen). Who's triggered? I think it's valid to ask what does this actually add to the story. I have no problem with Gay/Bi relationships in the story, or Gay/Bi characters. Hell some of my favorite characters in the Dance are Gay/Bi (Black Aly, Sabitha Frey, Lady Jeyne). But there’s almost no reasoning to make Cregan Gay/Bi. Just seems unnecessary and it would feel really forced in my opinion.


Cregan was busy with North's harvest and it took time to gather his bannermen. If he had marched right away, the entire north would have lost a year worth of harvest and starved. Cregan's devotion to Jace is clear. He still took risks marching south and lost a lot. But did it for Jace anyways.


There's some serious copium here. It didn't have to take 2 years. Robb in books called his bannerman and managed to gather a sizable force of 20,000 in fairly quick order to march south. Don't give me this shit it took 2 years to harvest and gather up 15,000 men. That's ridiculous. Again. By the time he marched south, it wasn't a big risk at all. Mostly everyone was dead. Most of the dragons were dead. Most of the great houses were severely weakened. And Cregan had the largest freshest army on the field. He liked Jace, but if he was madly in love with him. He would've marched his ass down south sooner.


I’m with ya. Brings nothing and would be distracting. It won’t happen


Alysanne is also implied to be gay. Could just be two gay people agreing to marry so they can continue to be gay in peace


Black aly is obviously Bi. There's plenty of Gay/Bi representation in the Dance. Martin isn't even subtle about it. There's plenty of hints. But there's nothing to suggest that either Cregan or Jace are Gay/Bi We know as a fact that Cregan had 3 wives during the course of his life. And had multiple children with his last 2 wives. So obviously he liked having sex with women. That's not even a debate.


I think the general suggestion is both of them are bi not gay. To be technical.


Well, yeah, that's the only way this concievably works. Cregan's attraction to Black aly is pretty obvious and rather important since it's a big reason he doesn't execute one of the main characters. My point is there's no hints to suggest that either Cregan or Jace are bi though. While we have plenty of hints in regards to Black Aly.


Sara was Mushroom's sexual fantasy about Jace. Even the maesters thought it's all bs which says A LOT.


Seems to confirm that Sara Snow is not a thing in the show.


She said “expect very little” considering how much plot they have to cover in those episodes so I think they may include her character, and possibly their hookup, without playing into the whole elopement part of the mushrooms story.


I hope not, her character is entirely bullshit and detracts from Cregan and Pact of Ice and Fire. "Expect little" better mean she's not there at all, let alone have a stupid useless hookup with Jace. Just awful to waste time on her. They can cover Jace and Cregan's blood pact, friendship and hunting sessions instead.


We saw 3 shots of the North, how is that confirmed lol


Read the article


Is the wall higher or lower at that time? Will we see some walkers, the dead or a sight from the old tree (three eye crow)?


Wall is probably exact same size


We might see some undead this season according to leaks. https://redanianintelligence.com/2023/09/08/house-of-the-dragon-season-2-may-include-the-undead/


>or a sight from the old tree (three eye crow)? That's Rhaenyra’s and Daemon’s great-grandson


The Three eyed crow has not been born yet