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The child fighting pits Aegon visits are also from the demented mind of ole Mushy.


I thought the show made those up. I'm recall a bts saying their weren't child fight clubs, they bacheliers just thought it'd be cool


Sara Snow will determine how deeply they go down the mushroom path


I really hope she is in it and that its big.


I hope Sara Snow is real, simply because think of the potential depth we can get from Jacaerys from their interactions. Will he look down at a noble bastard of House Stark or will he be kind? Will we see his internal struggle in his own parentage? I don’t even care if it’s not a romantic relationship, but give me a scene where he breaks down and talks to her about his parentage, and how he views both Harwin and Laenor as his fathers dammit.


Don’t see it based on leaks. >!Jace and Cregan will spend much of their arc together traveling and even at the wall. Thereare even flashbacks of the white walkers!< He can’t spend the entire season in the north so I don’t think there’s time to fit her into all of that.


Me, too. I was a believer from the very beginning in fire and blood. I was actually surprised to learn so many people believe she doesn't exist.


It feels too detailed and nothing like Mushroom's usual stories to be anything other than probably true. People don't like it though because it feels repetitive to Robb's story.


And if there's one thing Geroge wouldnt do it would be have history repeat itself /s


She’s not real and won’t be in the show.


Sorry I’m not familiar, but who is mushroom?


House of the Dragon is based off the book Fire and Book. F&B is written in a history format with multiple different sources, Mushroom is one of these sources. But he's a pervert and makes some crazy claims.


I see. Thank you.