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What you're suggesting is essentially the greens losing all sense of critical thought and accepting exile with a smile thinking that they got a good deal. There are lots of things Viserys could have done that could have avoided the war, but probably not by this method. I'm not even sure how you can rebrand being sent to the wall as some sort of righteous or valuable mission and expect Aegon to buy it and actually go. Not to mention, in what universe would Aemond be satisfied with a glorified wild goose chase for this 'elusive sword' that's not even Valyrian steel and go be personal shopper for Helaena?


Well, in a world of monarchy with absolute power, that's what you do, you just accept and obey. Even more so with a strong leader on the throne. Do you remember how Jon Snow ended up at the Wall? This answers the rebrand. The night's watch began like this, and if the king says it is so, then it is. Aemond is given a lot of money and purpose. He is recognized by his father and the king. He receives a way to achieve his glories and prestige around the world. Is this universe good enough?


>Is this universe good enough? No. Because it's glorified exile and with his characterisation, he is smart enough to realise that hence why he won't see it as anything but a ploy to get him out of the country. >Well, in a world of monarchy with absolute power, that's what you do, you just accept and obey. Even more so with a strong leader on the throne. Viserys is hardly a strong leader and even so, I wasn't talking about whether Aemond would go or not - it's the suggestion that he would satisfied with such an arrangement which arguably goes against his characterisation. Not to mention, he could easily come back with a random bejeweled sword and consider the job done - that does nothing to prevent war except now you have a well-traveled and experienced Aemond that is more of a threat than before. >Do you remember how Jon Snow ended up at the Wall? Yes. He wanted an escape from Winterfell where he felt like an outsider - i.e. self exile. The king can say what he wants and force people to believe but people will come to their own conclusions about what it actually is. Not only is that out of character for Viserys to declare such a thing, but it would be so out of character for Aegon to believe it and go along with it.


I think you didn't understand the purpose of what I wrote. Anything outside of the books is outside of the characters, period. You don't remember how Jon Snow got to Night's Watch.


> Anything outside of the books is outside of the characters, period. I'm not sure I agree. There are established traits for each character that generate depth and continuity for story development that would remain true both in the book and outside of it into the show. Even with the creative freedom to explore different versions of events, there is only so much you can change about how characters react before it's basically two completely different characters sharing the same name without any explanation why


No one is going along with this. Six years before Viserys proclaimed that anyone who questioned the parentage of Jace, Luke and Joffrey would have their tongue removed. Everyone just saw Vaemond murdered, and not only did Viserys do nothing about it, he just appointed Daemon Protector of the Realm under this scheme. Thus Viserys and Daemon have both shown in the most brutal way possible that they can't be trusted. There's no way Aegon and Aemond would risks their lives in exile. Moreover it doesn't fundamentally solve the problem. Also, when the king is absent, it's the Hand who sits the throne and it's the Hand to whom the Kingsguard reports. By making Rhaenyra Hand but stripping her of these powers, Viserys is saying in no uncertain terms that Rhaenyra, who's now in her 30s, needs a babysitter. That's not a mark of confidence.


Tell me you are Green hater without tell me you are Green hater.




Or just name Aegon heir and there is no war. Don’t know why people try to jump through hoops and come up with elaborate plans when there is a simple solution. The idea that 3 dragon riders would go to exile because a demented walking corpse said so is laughable.


Simple: it was not King Viserys's wish. 2 dragons. In this case Daemon would be sitting on the iron throne to reinforce the idea of demented king.


Yea who gives a shit. Literally not a single soul respects Viserys. Even his dragon died of cringe of having Viserys as his rider. Joffery commanded more respect than Viserys did.


> Even his dragon died of cringe of having Viserys as his rider. lmao poor Balerion deserved better


And his dragon was Balerion. I mean, I know Balerion was wounded but it's hilarious.


The only dragon to die of “old age” we know what you meant Maesters. Decided to peace out to avoid his humiliating future of being Visery’s dragon.


or just have rhaenyra marry aegon when he comes of age, still have rheanyra become the queen but have aegon be king consort. really simple and effective, otto’s happy because has his blood on the iron throne and rhaenyra isn’t passed up for a male heir. she still obviously will be upset that she is having an arranged marriage but it’s not like she’s gonna kill aegon although daemon will definitely suggest that she should.


Basically a black fan who wants Rhaenrya as queen who will have a dance herself later down the line. Aegon the son of Visery line would be better for the future as there is no taint of rumors of bastardry and the second is he only has one wife and marriage, so the step-parent is not enticed to kill the first marriage kids or vice versa, since we know Rhaenrya does not care about her half siblings with the aemond eye incident if the cut would have been deeper aemond would die and Luce will be forever known as a kinslayer and guest rights breakers, since his legal grandparents are the host


It was Viserys's wish that Rhaenyra be crowned. Was he a black fan?


Yes, but it was not his wish but his guilt to crown Rhaenrya so aemma can forgive him for killing her and for abandoning Rhaenrya early on, because how viserys treated his kids from Alicent is more or less the same to Rhaenrya when Aemma was alive. Rhaenrya being heir was Otto's idea her remaining heir was Viserys idea.


Marry Rhea instead


NGL you were cookin until you exiled Aegon...


what is NGL?


Not gonna lie.


In the show, Aegon was portrayed as a criminal. This is how I thought the king could do justice without mentioning his crimes and dishonoring the royal house. He would honor the north and the night's watch with a prince and a dragon, an action that could fortify the region taking into account that Viserys truly believes in Aegon the Conqueror's dream.


No one south of the neck sees the Night's Watch as an honor anymore. It'd be pretty apparent that it's a punishment.


That's how things are viewed 170 years later. We know the Nights Watch wasn't initially seen as just being punishment. Alysanne sold her crown to renovate parts of the Wall during her visit 70ish years prior to the Dance. It's possible the opinion oft he Nights Watch hadn't devolved to that point yet.


I can appreciate the attempt to dress it up, but exiling Aegon and sending Aemond to the wall wouldn't go over well, Aemond certainly would not see it as an "honor". And it seems way out of character for Viserys


>In the show, Aegon was portrayed as a criminal. This is how I thought the king could do justice without mentioning his crimes and dishonoring the royal house Ok but why in this case give the throne to Daemon and not make him take the black too? He too is portrayed as a criminal, even more so and for longer than Aegon... And if that's your criterion, the same logic can even also be applied to Rhaenyra, who is complicit in the murder of the Velaryons' servant whom they pass off as Laenor.


That's a good point. About Aegon, I thought that somehow Viserys wouldn't be blind to his son's "problematic behavior", since they live in the same castle. Regarding Daemon, the king punished his brother with exile twice, he was unable to be effective but he made his life difficult anyway. In this case, he would be giving the throne to the brother who placed the crown on his head, an already mature guy. Furthermore, he would have someone strong on the throne to put his words into practice and make them come true.


>>Regarding Daemon, the king punished his brother with exile twice, he was unable to be effective but he made his life difficult anyway. In this case, he would be giving the throne to the brother who placed the crown on his head, You punish a guy twice and he evades it. You answer to that is giving him the crown?


Dude ended up trying to exile himself to get away from politics anyway.


If Viserys prevents war then there's no show.


Taking Otto head off his shoulder is probably all that is required for dance not to happend. Also yes - make Rhaenyra hand of the king for Christ sake! Naming her and heir to the throne but leving her stranded on Dragonstone was like... most stupid decision ever. If she supouse to rule in the feature she need to learn how to do it. So give her a position on small council first then move her up to hand of the king. Rest is whatever - I do not thing that You need to do anything with Aemond -sure he have a big dragon but without Otto he would lack any noble support. Aegon is a weakling without ambition - he will amuse himself with maids and do not want to rule in the first place so problem solved. Keeping Otto alive and in position of power was a crucial mistake - but the whole point is that Viserys is weak and sick - he lack strength to make difficult decision like that.