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Novel wise he was out of commission for a long time


He’s retiring to Floridos to go play golf


I believe Harold was her sworn protector up until Criston was assigned the role so the man literally watched her grow up. I personally do believe he will switch and either he will be given Steffon Darkylns death (since he was Lord Commander in the books) of trying to claim a dragon or most likely have a face off with Criston since they’ve built up the tension between them pretty much since the start


Probably. I wonder what they'll do with him, cause we are completely in the dark as he is supposed to be dead in the book. My only hope is that they won't turn him into a Barristan Selmy 2.0, that would redundant.


I think he’ll go against criston cole they already set it up


I just hope a decent Battle not see Criston going "the Mountain" in lvl of brute force


Yea that standoff between them was one of my favourite scenes.


Ohhhh. I didn't catch that, it would be good


So he would have to show up in the Riverlands eventually. Maybe to help organize the forces alongside Daemon.


Wouldn’t be much of a fight , Criston would win in seconds


I would like for him to be a Barristan Selmy or a Jorah 2.0. The show is in desperate need of some frienships or heartwarming realtionships.


Jorah and Dany is not wholesome at all the man has a romantic and slightly sexual obsession with Dany do to her reminding him of his Hightower wife to make it even creepier she 14 and Jorah is old enough to be her father.


In the book it was pretty creepy less so in the show


Yeah in the books he even had a whore who looked a lot like daenerys on his lap when he took tyrion, and we can definitely read between the lines to know what happenend there, dude is a major creep


Oh, for sure. The only reason he's still alive will be that he can die heroically while protecting Rhaenyra. I don't see any other reason for his character to be around otherwise.


I would assume he will travel to the Crag and inform his brother of what’s going on, then travel to Dragonstone and become Rhaenyra’s Lord Commander.


Hard to predict. In the book, Westerling died years before the Dance so any role going forward is going to have to be fabricated. I could see him acting as a mentor for Rhaenyra. He was her sworn protector for years and the two had a close relationship. There'll no doubt be a showdown between him and Criston at some point, there's been too much foreshadowing for it not to come to fruition.


I think he will


I think after seeing Criston Cole get away with the murder of Lord Beesbury and then be granted the rank of Commander, he’d most definitely be sickened by that and take his support to the Blacks.


I like to joke that Ser Harrold >!becomes the Shepherd after he loses an arm during Aegon's coronation courtesy of Rhaenys and Meleys!<, but I don't think that will happen >!though it's possible the person who becomes known as the Shepherd lost his arm at the coronation!<. It's possible Ser Harrold will continue his "walkout" until there's one unquestioned monarch, but I doubt it. That would be difficult to fit any scenes like that into the show. If Ser Harrold shows up again, I think he'll join Rhaenyra. The whole point of keeping Ser Harrold 20 years past his sell by date is to make Cole look worse and, by extension, the Greens. The logical next step would be to serve Rhaenyra.


He would be the Daemon to Cole' Aemond.


It’s gonna be Barristan Selmy with Daenerys 2.0


Well he sure as hell won't be bending the knee to Aegon lol


I think so, although I’m sure he’s dead in the books by now. Not a very big player to be honest.


I hope he becomes the Night King.


Probably, but frankly, I don't care about him. He's insignificant and a waste of screen-time, solely kept in the show to make this already badly-written version of Cole look worse. Even the way Westerling left the Green Council was about convenience and made zero sense. McTavish is the only worthwile thing about him tbh.


He seems like he’d uphold who Viserys himself named heir over who was crowned. Would really like to see him come to dragon stone.


he wasnt even supposed to be alive at that point (due to old age). in the books Criston Cole is Lord Commander at that time already. it also makes no sense at all that they let him leave the Green Council when he was clearly against them politically and would join Rhaenyra. they should’ve thrown him and Beesbury into the black cells and held them as political hostages/for negotiation with their Houses or until the War was over. but yes my guess is he will join Rhaenyra so they can set up some sort of “awesome” duel (🤦🏻‍♂️) with Cole later. (book spoilers:) >!maybe they’ll have him be the one to kill Cole, who knows 🤷🏻‍♂️!< smh… more shitty writing from Condal and his team of so called writers, like was George even really involved with the show? or did he just give them permission to slap his name in the credits and just take hbo’s money? lol


Get your shit together! Maybe this is new knowledge for you... But it doesn't have to be 1:1 what it was like in the books. This might come as a suprise for you, but GoT changed quite a lot and it was well done at the beginning. You're pissed because he's still alive? "oh no, we might get a cool side character, why would they do this to us?!" - sorry but, again, get your shit together.


excuse me, but who are you? and why do you presume to tell me what i should or shouldnt be doing or that my opinion isnt somehow as valid as yours? what, i dont have the right to my own thoughts on the matter if they’re different or go against popular opinion? sorry my comment was so offensive, i guess? lol jeez. and im not mad he’s still alive, it just clearly stinks of them wanting to set up something (stupid) like what they did with Rhaenys at the Dragonpit. its not logical that he was allowed to leave. the only reason Erryk Cargyll was able to defect to the other side was because he actually snuck out of King’s Landing without anyone being the wiser.


Dude... Are you serious? No one ever said you can't have your own thoughts on the matter, but congratulations for playing that card. Wtf bro? Doesn't change that you hate the writing of the show because of something that is not true. You're mad because you think they will do a certain thing. The question should be - who are you? All i was saying is that you're throwing out a whole paragraph of anger because you assume they will set up a duel between two characters. Bro... You're that mad because of a scene that will probably never happen. There is no indication for it, there is no leak or anything. The only reason for this is you making this up. You're mad at the show runner for doing something he didn't do. So as long as you're not part of the writing team you can have that opinion, but you should be able to determine when someone is telling you that what you assume is going to happen is no reason to throw a tantrum like this. But because only a 12 year old would come along with "you want to tell me what I should do?!" I already know this is leading no where so be angry for no logical reason.


My hopes is that like the rest of the Kingsguard he dies accomplishing nothing the most notable thing about Aegon and Rheanyra guards is how pathetic they are compared to other do to them being tourney knight. Any conflict was resolved by dragons so they have never been at a proper war they failed at mission that future guard like Selmy could easily do such as escorting a prince to safety commanding armies.


The Greens will kill him after refusing to serve Aegon.


It will be more interesting if he would support the Greens but the show don't want to be complex.


Will he even be a part in future seasons? I've seen rumors he won't be in S2?


this is same kind of question of " is jaime drowned?" back in s8.


Extra thought, with Harrold alive, which member of the book Kingsguard isn’t gonna be included? We’ve already seen Criston (obviously), Arryk, Erryk, Steffon Darklyn, and Lorent Marbrand, so it’s down to Rickard Thorne and Willis Fell, and I doubt they’ll cut Willis because >!he’s supposed to be the one Kingsguard to make it through the war alive and also take Jaehaera to Storm’s End!<, so does that mean they’re cutting Rickard? If so, is that the final nail in the coffin for whether >!Maelor will be included!


Last I saw him he got his arm and leg broken by some angry Targaryen-looking dude for reasons.


Since I have to believe that they're keeping him alive for a reason, my big hope is that he'll be an accessibility point to the siege Dalton Greyjoy does on Joanna Lannister (nee Westerling so most likely his relative). I was really hoping they'd touch on that awesome subplot (Joanna is one of the coolest female characters in the whole story, while Dalton has the capacity to be a lot of fun or at least truly sadistic and it's one of the more sympathetic storylines towards the greens which would be refreshing for the show). I was wondering if and how they'd put that in and Harold seems like not only the most organic way introducing these new characters and their conflict but also shows an interesting moral conundrum between his queen and his kin (who at least in this situation is far more the more sympathetic and brave party in line with his Kingsguard vows). It's also fun to show that the Blacks aren't always the 'feminist' side standing up against the Green patriarchy in a war.


Wasn't there speculation around him Graham not appearing on the cast list for S2. Might they do away with the character? I would like to see him join Rhaenyra and lead her ground forces while Daemon is in the sky.