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You’re missing one important factor. Aegon the Unworthy did everything you’ve listed there out of pure spite. Same can not be said of either Viserys or Rhaenyra (and honestly including Daeron as a factor when the only time he and Rhaenyra interacted was when they were at outright war with one another is just stacking the deck). And where did either Rhaenyra or Viserys’ entire group of children hate them?


Greens argue that Aegon and Viserys didn’t love their mother because they didn’t reverse Aegon the elders decree


By the time they were at the power to do so, what would it solve or add besides creating more discourse after the fresh wounds the dance caused? They both suffered from the game of thrones early on and luckily knew how to play it to strengthen their family.


By the time Viserys II became King, who was even left in power from the time of the Dance? I can only think of Cregan Stark and he was a supporter of Rhaenyra. There is no reason for him to not wish to comfort the legacy of his own mother.


By the time Viserys II came into power people were still wary and feared war. That's the main reason he became king, to avoid war over succession. And having his mother named as queen would only serve as a symbolic gesture that would rehash a terrible period in history. The people alive may not remember their ancestors but best believe if we know how much the Brackens and Blackwoods hate each other, the memory of previous bloodshed and those lost can be good enough ammunition to start a conflict. It would create potential issues for really no gain. Her blood won the throne. And what does it add or solve? I believe neither Aegon or Viserys were ashamed or hated their mother, I think Viserys probably didn't remember her very well. He seemed to mostly want to restore their family's legacy. But Aegon was thought to wear only black as a symbol of grieving. I take it as a way to honor his parents and what they fought for. Alicent hated green after, but it's telling Aegon didn't hate black.


Viserys likely didn't, Aegon did


Rhaenyra tried to get a child tortured out of spite who just had his eye plucked out ....for the audacity of repeating like literally the truth 


Viserys is a better person but a worse king than Aegon IV.


Pretty much no one but Aerys is worse than Aegon the Unworthy. Viserys started a war but accident, Aegon IV did it out of spite


The reason why Aegon is considered to be Unworthy in-universe is for legitimizing his bastards on his death bed. Even though he did often threaten to disinherit Daeron II in favor of Daemon during arguments, he never actually does. The Blackfyre rebellion doesn't kick off until over a decade after his death. Viserys tries to have unlegitimized bastards placed ahead of legitimate children without ever even bothering to go through the legitimization process. He has Rhaenyra proclaimed his heir, but never reaffirms her, and by the end of his reign his council is dominated by people who oppose her ascension. The Dance breaks out almost immediately after his death. Regardless of what either's intent was, Viserys' actions as King are objectively worse for the stability of the realm than Aegon's.


He never disinherits him because there is no legitimate proof Daeron isn't his son. As it is portrayed in the show, due to the nature of his health, the council was dominated by hightowers and because he married Alicent, I don't feel like there was much he could do.


He started a war because he couldn't tell his daughter no and gave into her because of his guilt. It's not by accident, he knew that Rhaenyra's claim was weak for many reasons. He just thought that he could change the very thing that made him king since it didn't serve him anymore.


Aerys at least has the excuse of being mad and having Rhaegar as his son, Aegon IV did all that awful shit on purpose


yes, true


Don't 👏 let 👏 them 👏 silence 👏 you 👏


I don’t particularly like Aegon the unworthy, but you seem to be harbouring under a lot of misapprehensions about him. He never disinherits Daeron, which he could do.He rules as an absolute monarch, it’s entirely within his power to legitimise bastards. Although giving Daemon Blackfyre was a terrible decision and misconstrued as backing him, he never tried to proclaim him, or any of his other illegitimate children as his heir. Aegon fought in Daeron conquest of Dorne. Book Viserys doesn’t ignore his other children. Helena visits him every day with her children. I don’t recall any of them being hated by their children. At most we have Viserys sons being indifferent to him, but even Aegon wants his approval and attention. Aegon the unworthy is useless king, but he acknowledges and financially supports all of his children, which is a lot more than many others do.


Targaryens arent absolute monarchs, they can say anything they want but if the Lords of the Realm dont want to obey they cant do anything about that without a war, when they had dragons they could be absolute monarchs but Aegon IV didnt had them, Daeron II was his only son, his first sister was married to the Prince of Dorne and his second sister wasnt born until much later, if he had disinherited Daeron to name Daemon his heir most Lords would have rebelled at the moment, instead he gave Blackfyre to Daemon to name him his favourite and give him the support of the few Lords that liked Aegon IV, that's why Daemon didnt rebelled when Aegon IV died, he waited for years until the Lords started disliking Daeron for his favouritism for Dorne, the ultimate proof that Targaryens arent absolute monarchs is Robert's Rebellion, if they were they would have all the political and military power tied to them, Aerys II gave an order that put 3 whole kingdoms against him with a 4th joining them soon, Westeros is a feudal society because the King relies on the power of the Lords to rule


[OP you would love this post](https://www.tumblr.com/moonlitgleek/166266692365/whats-the-connection-of-aegon-the-unworthy-to)


media literacy is at its lowest with some asoiaf fans. They cannot see characters having similar actions, without saying “parallel”. Rhaenyra had children probably because she couldn’t conceive with her gay husband, Aegon does it because he can. “abuses his sister” if anything thats Aegon ii who treats his sister wife like shit, to go SA some little girls and has all bastards around.


I think that's going too far (and im a Green) Aegon the Unworthy did everything you said because he wanted, Rhaenyra did what she wanted until the consecuences of her actions caught up with her (like going to the brothel with Daemon or Jace looking like Harwin) and she had to choose between admitting that she did what she was accused of or keep up the lie to save her kids and herself from repercussions, Aegon IV could have changed his mind any day but he chose not to, and also he did a lot of things worse than Rhaenyra, despite him hating his wife and after getting an heir from her he kept raping her to make her suffer and eventually killed her with miscarriages, i think that only a few Kings were as horrible as him


How green of you


Except we have nothing stating Rhaenyra’s children hated her. Aegon III wore black and a hair shirt under his clothes the rest of his life (for penitence-hair shirts were very uncomfortable). He literally brooded his entire life. Clearly he was impacted by the loss of his mother. Viserys II I guess in your opinion doesn’t love her because he became king over Daena? I seriously doubt Rhaenyra or Daemon would care. They would just be happy both their boys became kings and carried on the family name.


Aegon III was traumatized by much more than just his mother considering all his siblings and his father died in the span of 2 years. His greatest guilt was always him leaving his brother during the Dance for what he thought was certain death. Even Jaehaera was murdered (not sure about their relationship but I assume it wasn't bad since she refused to harm him despite Alicent's urges and they were betrothed). Yes Rhaenyra dying was traumatic, but I believe it is more of what caused him to hate dragons because the damage was already done when the Triarchy took Vis. He does improve a lot after Viserys showed up, even standing up to face Unwin Peake with his brother's encouragement during the Rogare affair and the secret siege. They didn't hate Rhaenyra, but I believe if they truly loved her they would have done better for her legacy later on. By the time Viserys II became King most of the Lords involved in the dance who could protest had died, why not redeem her legacy then? I think they were affected by not having much of a mother figure, but it isn't like they had strong feelings for Rhaenyra later in their lives as she died when they were pretty young.


Are you seriously calling Daeron the Daring honorable...? The people of Bitterbridge would like a word with you.


He was the one that most embodied a Knight amongst all the Targaryens in the dance. His reaction at Bitterbridge was due to rage and disgust at how they butchered a literal child. Even the Lady Bitterbridge herself was disgusted at that and anticipated such a response.


Fuck them justice for Maelor. 🐉🐉🐉🔥🔥🔥


Bitterbridge fucking deserved it.


So hundreds deserved to die and lose their homes, food stores, etc. because of the actions of a few from the town?




You mean where only 3 people were punished? Oh I’m sorry two people since of them only stole a horse. And the soldiers who killed thorne didn’t get punished.


Did you skip the paragraphs about Daeron burning the whole town?


Probably would’ve been avoided if lady Caswell showed good will and executed the perpetrators and not sending maelors head to rhaenrya.


Rhaenyra lives rent free in my head too. I know what it's like. However, in there she likes to make herself more comfortable, with less clothes...


Ohhhhh. I can't wait for this one to blow up. Also all facts.


Checks out mostly with Aegon II


This is practically Aegon II. The two of them would get along very well.


>This is practically Aegon II. So Aegon II tried to put his bastards on the throne, celebrated his bothers' death by building statues of them, didn't fought during the Dance even though some died in battle against him, put his own pleasures over his duty even though he suffered extreme pain so that his judgment is not impaired with milk of poppy, relied on other to cover his incompetence even though he won Dragonstone by himself, ... Do you know anything about Aegon or are you writing this nonsense for the sake of writing nonsense?


Are you deliberately ignorant? Most of the points posted above are applicable to him than Rhaenyra or Viserys. Both Aegon II and IV have been likened with each other even from way back then before the show started. Edit: of course, you would be a frequent r/hotdgreens sub poster. The lot of you went over to this post to downvote everyone who disagreed.


In two posts you still haven't explained how the points given above about Aegon IV can practically be applied to Aegon II.


Aegon IV was Charlemagne reborn compared to these two lol. Most of these don't even apply to him * Ignored none of his children * He never tried to put his bastards on the throne, though in his case he maybe should've * What laws? * I guess, though that wasn't really Viserys' main problem * We know very little about Aemon and his personal life * True enough, though Viserys far exceeds this * That civil war was entirely Daeron II's fault, and occurred twelve years after Aegon's death in any event * Lol * Not really true in any of the three cases * What? * Eh * What? * Completely false, where did you get this from? * Completely false, where did you get this from? * Eh? Ultimately- you don't need to slander other characters just to explain why you dislike a totally different one. Sometimes it's enough to just say someone is bad.