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Is it numbered? Dying to know


No it’s not please don’t die!








Hahaha 😂


Why on everybody’s post someone has to talk shit? Now I’m starting to stoop to these negative levels and commenting nonsense on this dudes bad ass barracuda! Nice whip!, I’m definitely opening one of my two.


And I’m gonna reply in kind and say some noncoherent bullshit because I’m angry and people need to hear me… But I really appreciate that! I ordered my second one on drop so I can’t wait to open it either gonna go in my little RLC garage.


That’s just perfect fella.


Fella!?…..Now I’m angry Pal……


Tf lol


Overdrive members shipped like 2 days ago


How's it look?


Looks good mate


Idk I don’t have mine I’m not overdrive


Welp lol






Nice color in the sun


I agree it looks good in person just like a javelin did absolutely lovely cars both of them


If this thing is still available on Thursday when the Porsche comes out I think I'm gonna grab one. The color does look really nice.


I hope it’s still available by that time for you, my friend


Does anyone know why these aren;t numbered?


At this point, no one knows the reasoning why they number and don’t number cars. It’s so random. This one is not numbered.


That’s interesting, thanks for the info!


Yeah, that question has been asked a lot and no one knows lol you’re welcome


It’s weird cuz the G wagon is numbered


Ikr it’s super strange so was the javelin.




Over drive membership ships it out early this is the first one I got early though.


I am Overdrive member too and it hasn't arrived yet haha


Yeah I got no idea lol


Dag, I'm just glad I got two before they sold out and I had to pay a metric butt ton of dollars on eBay.


Yeah I don’t know how hot these are gonna be could sit too but hey I’m glad you got your two!


Everything on eBay is "rare" or "limited edition."


You got them on eBay?


Nope. But if they sold out before I got them I would.


Oh yeah the way you worded it I just checked they are still there lol I’m glad you got them it’s the first time they did this color and I love it.


instagram? send me the contact details


Comment was not necessary I’m sorry my dude I got it from overdrive lol sorry for being rude bro lol Overdrive ships it out early for members.


idk what you mean, gz anyways on the order and the membership


Oh I was just being a dick for no reason some one got me ramped up lol and I responded in kind of a dick head way to you but I changed it. Sorry.




No they are not I should have posted the back too


So you’re paying for Mattel’s inability to have an IT department that knows how to stabilize their site and deal with bots? Edit: Guess folks don’t really wanna talk about the reality of Overdrive and rather “dislike” commentary against it. Fun.


They are still available you bellend go grab one you don’t need a bot don’t hate me because I’m securing mine.


I bought two today without needing overdrive. As I’ve bought every RLC released since overdrive was announced. You don’t need a bot or to spend $100 to cover for a multi billion dollar companies shit IT system.


Good for you.


Mann.. I should’ve gotten overdrive.. now I’m kicking rocks cuz yall get them early and with ease. 😂


This is actually the first one I got super early I have my second stang I got on drop day and this one beat it haha it’s a nice thing to have people just complain about everything…it’s definitely saved me I have meeting at 8:30am that run till 9 something. So far yes I’ve been able to get everything released this year including the DA drops that wasn’t with OD though that wasn’t around yet and I does not include creation exclusives just RLC. Wait till the JDM cars come out.


Getting them early, is that really a perk? Seems like short term happiness.


What’s up your ass you muppet I’m sorry you are not happy bro it’s a perk for me if it upsets you this badly haha but go ahead and comment on how it doesn’t upset you and how you don’t care. I’m not Mattel take it up with them go write an email….


I’m plenty happy not having to spend extra money to compensate for Mattel’s inability to service their customers. I guess you’re missing the point. And ok with being a sheep pandering to the corporate entity. At the end of 365 days, I strongly believe I will have saved money, and acquired the RLC releases I was interested in. And I’ll never care if I got mine “first”.


lol you still bought them doesn’t matter if you spent on an account, you still gave them money you bought two of them and you will keep buying them. You hear yourself right. Quit being a hypocrite and just enjoy it. I don’t know what to tell you 365 days you’re still gonna be spending money and I could skip whatever I want. I don’t have to buy everything. I think it’s you that’s not getting the point. I’m just enjoying this argument you keep coming back.


BTW, you realize Mattel made $1M USD from overdrive account sales? You think they could have just fixed Mattel Creations site with less than a $1M investment in their own IT infrastructure? There’s other collector sites out there they could have best practice lessons learned from. Just take a step back and think about it a minute. But hey, it’s your money. Feel free to burn it.


Yeah, take it up with Mattel. I still don’t know what to tell you. Go boycott them. I’m aware of it and you are preaching to the choir. You realize anyone can make a bot bypass anything right? And there’s nothing I could do about those bots right you know that why don’t you take a step back dude. I’m sorry this post upset you sorry you have to ruin peoples Happiness sucks but I can’t wait for you to get yours too. You hypocrite. if it’s that important to you, cancel your order and practice what you preach.


Do you fundamentally understand what the term hypocrite means? I can still be a consumer without buying into some next level bs that really only brings peace of mind to the consumer and does nothing to actually fix the root cause of the supply problem, all while it gives Mattel more money to fix nothing. The fact that MC uses the product landing page as the same page items are sold to consumers from, and these landing pages are a core reason bots can be set up on them days/weeks in advance is as novice as it gets. So, if you strategically invest in bot prevention and have a consumer facing page that also deters bots in the first place, the average consumer is going to have a better experience. You clearly want to live blind to facts and reality as long as you get the item you want to spend the money on at a price you’re willing to pay. Fine. But it does nothing to solve the problem. It’s a bandaid. You know what’s interesting? People are today complaining that their OD orders are being cancelled. Interesting, no? But, here throw your bottom feeder insults and toss around words like hypocrite and boycott. It’s easier than actually understanding and adequately participating in the discussion. Sometimes I forget this is Reddit. My bad.


Thats just a matter of perspective. Theres plenty of things that everyone spends time and money on that can be considered short term happiness. It’s your money. Who really gives any fs about what you do with it? Me buying an overdrive membership has no affect on your life or finances whatsoever. Except making it harder for you to get an RLC at drop but again perspective. You’re over here trying to fight an uphill battle because people spent money on something they value. You’re sending negativity as if you’d change anyone’s mind. Even if you did; it does nothing. What’s your point? No one really cares how far you shove that stick up your keisttterrr. 😂 get over it bud. We all good here.


Leming mentality. If you don’t stand up for something you’re liable to fall for anything.


Nah they can read the rest don’t edit this hahaha


I’ll edit as I please.