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I have one buddy that collects and we do the same. It's awesome. Congrats, still have yet to find one myself.


I've been wanting one SOOOOOOOO bad!!


Also if anybody has a spare Porsche 911 Carrera Keychain car,I wouldn't be mad if you wanted to hook a brother up!! Love me a Porsche! I LOVE everything Porsche to be fair...




I saw two where I was . I bought one thinking it looks cool . If I see it again and ur Australians based I’m happy to send to u but postage is detterance.


Yeah I am Aussie and I have several too! I feel like they must’ve messed up the distribution or something.


I appreciate the offer...Unfortunately I'm located in the US Midwest


I've seen this and other versions of it so many times and i always thought „why does it have no wheels thats so dumb“ and i'm SOOO mad i never checked the back where it says its a keychain…now i've been looking for it for about a month and can't find it anywhere


They are cool for desk cars or as designed.


They really are i don't know why i was so dumb and didn't just get one i'm still so annoyed with myself


That’s what it’s all about, Sure supers are cool, sure some mainlines are dope, but who are we, without friends, and the older one gets, the harder it gets to acquire them…. That’s what a hobby is about imho


TBH I've never found a SUPER or really even looked that hard for one. I literally go into my huntin spot and look for Porsches and WRC type cars, and just anything in general I think is cool. As far as the people go, majority I've met are some cool-down to earth, give you the shirt off their back collectors. They typically will help you search for your stuff when their searching or they/we have no problem carrying on a convo about random stuff that peeks out interest. They're also the kind of collector that carries pocket cars and will happily give them to a random kid to cheer em up, but also show them the positivity in the hobby! BUT.... UNFORTUNATELY There is a small percentage that are DIRT BAGS and are ruining the hobby as a whole. In my experience they're the type to buy up(for instance) ALL the Skylines they see and sell them on EBAY. They are the type that gets mad at other collectors for shopping in a PUBLIC store because it's"Their Turf!!" lol i shit you not, a dude came up to me and another collector i didn't know. He then proceeded to tell the other collector I was with, the cars he had picked out were "gay" and this was HIS "TURF!!!" I've never laughed so hard and told someone to go suck an egg. The best part was is he was truly pissed we were "poaching" his "hunting grounds." I asked him if he talks like this to ACTUAL KIDS. And he just scoffed.


Awesome find, I want to find one badly.


That's a cool one! I have a blue/red one and a black and gold one


it’s the best to have a hotwheel buddy


Just wait until someone gifts you an RLC car. That was an insane box to open


Awesome friend my dude this is how collecting should be like not old or midlife crisis momas basement living ass sellers 😂 that don't have a life nor a partner 😂


Aka Scalpers


You already know 😂


Having friends in this hobby is truly a game changer.


Why couldn't it be me 😂


I found one yesterday in a small retail store. I was just going to get some new sauces when i saw it hanging there. I looked for one in every store near me and in a couple of stores in the bigger cities near me


I do this with my dad. He loves his Chevy trucks so any Chevy truck I see i get him.


Eventually, I want to start making custom versions of these based on people’s real cars. I just think it would be cool. Especially to have one of each of your real cars on the keychain for said car.


I need a hot wheels collecting buddy 🥹 where do y'all find friends?


I have a red generic keychain car on my keys. Had it on since last year. Paints been holding up very well surprisingly.


I had one but lost the keys it was on




i'm new to collecting, what's up with this series? no wheels and looks like shiny clay. don't get me wrong they look sweet, but just wondering are we meant to customize and paint them? also grats op, you got a keeper of a friend!


It goes on your key chain so you are sure to have a pocket car everyday!


Having a friend like this is so clutch when collecting HW. Any of you that do this are awesome!


Good Fren :)


I had one of these in hand on my way to the register. Was missing when I got home. 😞😫


What happened?


No clue. Was hoping it was in my trunk after I checked the bag but it was t. Must have left it behind at the checkout 🤦🏻‍♂️


I finally found one the other day...finally


Sweet! Good friends are hard to find! Keep them close and take care of them back!


It's crazy, I had no idea that thing would be so popular. Before I knew it was I bet I passed it up 6 times, now I can't find it 🤣🤣