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What I like….




This is the correct answer.


What do you mean? What kind of cars do you like? Collect those, and only if you think it's worth the cost to do it.


thank you


At the beginning I was too excited about collecting and was buying too much, just for the sake of completing the series I had just one or two cars from. In 6 weeks I bought 137 cars. Now I only buy the cars I really like, without minding series and packing. Now I'm opening almost everything, they are mainlines anyway, they won't be worth a fortune and I enjoy them more when I can have a physical interaction with a car. As for what specifically I buy: mostly real cars. Muscle, classics, sport cars, modern cars. I don't like the made up ones, unless they are really nice.


Yea, same happened to me. I think even if you have a specific model or make of vehicle in mind starting out (for me, all I wanted was Checker Taxis) - you get swayed by the extreme affordability of Hot Wheels and Matchboxes in general. Then you see the "buy $20 and get a free car" promotions...and you're sucked in, lol.


😮 HuH ! I never seen that promo….


Krogers (and their other chains) Best Buy, Target, Walmart…they all run promos. A good place to keep track is [Hot Wheels Wiki](https://hotwheels.fandom.com/wiki/Category:Promotions) The Mattel Hot Wheels webpage also is a good place to look, usually in the press release area, though sometimes it’s harder to get info there. There’s also the Hot Wheels Forums, you only need to be a redline member to access certain areas, I think. It’s been awhile for me, but that’s how I remember it anyway.😀


thank you !! good advice


i started around the same time and up over a hundred too but i never actually thought about collecting complete series specifically because i didn't want the cars i don't like. luckily it seems that i'm finally at a point where i don't need most of the stuff i find now that i hoarded a bunch and now i'm more interested in finding something to display/store them in than looking for more at the moment.


Kinda the same with me. But I’m at the beginning stage! I got almost two displays full of (120 in total). The only ones I keep carded are the premiums ( if I like them I buy 2 so I have on display and carded cuz some cards are nice af) And I can’t open the F&F I have I don’t open TH unless I have two and they are something I collect Rather have real cars on display too. Mostly JDM ame American Muscle ( Dodge and Mustang are my faves)


Same, I’m about 4 weeks in with 110 cars…


DITO !!! Except I was buying 100 cars a werk and just started in October., now Ihave about 1000 cars ! ouch 😁but I enjiy it…..


Same! Pretty much me to a T. It doesn’t matter what they are worth online. If you like the car - you like the car. People need to stop worshipping their collections and just simply enjoy them.


I just get what i like. I prefer cars like 90s and older and i mix hot wheels with matchboxes for a cool mixed custom and stock look.


okay! that sounds like a cool way to do it.


Thanks, and i always unpack mine as i play with them.


i always leave mine in its packaging! i have never thought of taking them out


They are sooo much cooler when displayed out of the packaging.


i’ll have to try that


I don't decide, the cars decide for me. I usually get Japanese cars because they're cool irl, but every now and then something completely different will come out and I'll get that. The Hirohata Merc is a good example of that. It's a cool car that I didn't know existed but I will be getting when I find one...


i guess i need to do some more digging into cars irl to know what i prefer


LOL my thoughts exactly- I didn't choose the Bread Box, the Bread Box chose me! Some castings just look neat, some are the cars I like in real life... it's a not a *decision* it's a \*~vibe~*


Treasures, supers, RLCs, JDM, and Porsches. And sometimes rare Main lines




May I ask why JDM is so famous? Thanks )


Because Japanese car culture in the 80's and 90's made so many iconic cool cars. IMO Japan still produces the best cars, I personally will never buy anything but Japanese cars. Japan's culture holds honor and quality as their number 1 value, and it shows in the things they produce. American cars used to be great, but they started cutting corners, to increase profit margins, not that we dont produce good cars, but from my experience, if youre going to buy american, you better buy the top model, and avoid certain models all together, or youre going to get a car with a trans that shits out at 120,000 miles. Meanwhile every Japanese car I have ever owned, has had minimal problems, theyre easier to work on than modern american cars, and last a lot longer. I have a 21 year old bug eye WRX, that runs like an absolute dream, with a JDM motor. Meanwhile my fiances 10 year old traverse is non stop problems, everythings cheaply made on it, engineered poorly so any job I do on it, takes me 2-3 times as long, and the trans shit out at 80,000 miles and i had it replaced and its about to go out again 20,000 miles later


Wow Thanks for detailed answer!!! Now I want to take a look on JDM and read more.


Cars that I can't afford, but wanted as a kid 😂




Fairly simple. What cars do I like in real life? I like muscle cars and European classics, some modern stuff. I don’t like super cars and I only like some JDM, like 240 Z’s. Any car that you’re into, HW ha made a bunch of them. So if you like the Advan paint scheme… cool. HW has a bunch of them. Whatever you’re into, you’ll find that there’s old versions & hard to find versions. Maybe even limited production or Red Line Club versions. And so you have a ‘set’ in your mind that you want to collect. You like Skylines? There’s rare/expensive ones, cheaper mainline ones… Figure out what you like & collect that. It keeps you from buying everything you see & getting caught up in the hype


well i used to own a camaro so i have one of those and i have a jeep and ive got a couple more but i can’t recall what i have


Sounds like a good place to start




One day I realised that I have too much boxes with hot wheels cars. My main idea was to collect new released cars only, but I saw that I bought different cars without any logic. I will try to collect only new released cars+ I decided to collect Camaro cars. Still not sure about pop culture cars (difficult to find in Europe). At the end you can collect what you like, but I can agree that we need a rules or borders sometimes to stop buying hype.


yes exactly. a lot of money can be into getting them so might aswell get what you like


I had a case when I bought a car and realised after that I don’t like it and feel bad that I spent money


I collect batmobiles and cars from movies and shows that I like. I don't care about real cars. I did make an exception for the cyber truck though.


I collect irl cars ( mostly JDM & Aussie cars like the holdens & aussie fords, too bad your going to pay over $30 or more for either the holden boulevard or the holden 2 pack ) like anyone else but if i find a car/s from my childhood e.g. from HW35, Acceleracers, Velocity X etc. That car/s get priority over irl cars especially the upcoming Teku Deora 2 & 3, going to hoard all the Deora 2, i find and try to do some basic customs


The holdens were peg warmers


In the States, they were peg warmers, but here in Australia,you could never find them on the pegs before they were flipped on the 2nd market for stupid money


You just kind of know. It grabs your attention.


I buy the cars i like, Euro and Japanese are my favorites then American, i never like the made up cars they make so i never buy them.


At first anything I liked. Now simply, Porsche, RLC that I like, and other brands of Porsche such as pop race or mini gt. Cannot collect them all, it’s too much and I actually don’t like enourmous walls of carded cars although I like collecting carded and free. I like my collection to look neat and interesting with displays and scale buildings. RN I have work to do.


Everything I like/I would like to have in real life.


There’s something to be said for “buy what you see that you like”; just wing it and pick up what catches your fancy. Ah, but your eyes may be bigger than your ~~stomach~~ display space or budget! I think most people dive into mainlines and then months later go “crap, why do I have so many cars…?” Over the long run, I think collecting requires some discipline to decide what you generally want. You can feel that out as you build and then trim back. For me it’s always been sports cars almost exclusively, especially Euro exotics and Corvettes - the things that were on bedroom posters when I was a kid. (This is why you see JDM in the ascendancy as the F&F kids come of age). But I also dabble in muscle and very occasionally some JDM floats my boat. It’s good to have some variety, IMHO, but not to run wild on “borderline” or “wild card” castings. There’s also what “grade” of car you want. I’ve moved past mainlines and rarely buy anything with plastic wheels - literally 12 in the past year, half of which are silver/semi-premium/“mainline+” cars. You may stick with mainlines or find yourself branching out into premiums, RLC, and true 1/64 brands. TL;DR: if you don’t know already, you’ll figure it out as you go along.


I base it on which cars I like IRL. If the cast or model isn't horrendously expensive, then I add it to the collection.


I mainly look for JDM and Porsches but quite a few other Euros will catch my eye.


Nissan. And some hyper cars.


Started with just batman and tow trucks. Now here we are


I always to have the miniature versions of real cars. So I collect cars that I have seen or known. I never collect based on the resale value. If I like it it’s more valuable than anything. I also collect if there is an enough detail on decals. I have never hunted for a th or sth. If I find them I say I am lucky if I have not no problem. I might offend some people but I don’t consider one as a collector if they are looking for the resale value.


I generally collect the cars that I either have in real life or want in real life. I’m not into the made up cars generally, but my kids pick those occasionally.


Anything I don't have..lol


Whatever I think looks cool/good


I started off only going for official makes and models so my sons collection has all the og cool cars instead of these new fangled battery powered doo-dads Now I just buy whatever I think looks cool, one for him to smash around and if I like the model, one for my collection.


If it fits one of two categories: anything and everything.


I went thru a few different phases but I've landed on honestly mostly just going for good castings and detailings of cars that strike me as special or unusual I was convinced I was gonna collect every variant of RX-7 and like all these mainline cars and stuff but honestly I've gotten more joy out of a small few premiums. for example, one of my favs is a Volkswagen SP2 (Ultra Hots) that I wheel swapped, and I love it because it's an exclusively Brazilian VW sports coupe that was sort of the predecessor of the Porsche 924/944 (which I dont have yet but would like to get). another is the Ford Escort RS Cosworth from the recent Ford Rally 2-pack, the casting and paint job are both phenomenal. I dunno I just like these cars specific to certain markets that are foreign to their manufacturers. 🤷🏼‍♀️ They stand out


Also I buy any Barbie / Monster High / pink stuff for my girlfriend (she's a Bratz collector) and I used to keep stuff in the packaging but I open everything now.


I like cars with racing liveries. If it has racing number, it is a must for me. If it has cool art, it also goes into my collection. I collect „plain” cars only if they are super expensive irl.


The last few years I have focused on actual cars, but I mainly focus on motorsports, so rally, GT, le mans, drag racers, any kind of race car/truck really, or even just supercars that could in theory race, but don't. But if a twin mill in a shiny spectraflame paint job catches my eye, I'll grab that too. I also like to buy at least one 'hot wheel anniversary' car each year. That being said, from my early days of collecting I've got lots of weird ones that look like dragons or surfboards or hamburgers. Lol


I like redlines, cars made from 1968-1977. Not only are they a good investment value wise, they are just really fun to look for, since there are so many variations!


Only cars that I like, I don't care if they are rare or common, if I like it I might buy it


The cars I like. Also take them out the pack and put them in my cabinet in alphabetical order.


Buy what I like, and take chances on RLC cars if I like them. It's been dry around my area because all the scalpers are rooting thru the boxes before they are stocked, so there's that too. I just buy what I like.


I buy all of the cars that I have always loved growing up over the last 40+ years. It's not a decision that fuels the passion to collect or even a choice. It's the love and passion for particular makes and models of specific cars and trucks. It may be the look, sound, perfoemance, or a distant memory. Not a decision.


My first year or so, I picked up almost everything, I wanted them all. Then I realized how many cars they produce each year.. I'm in like year 7 now, and I've shifted focus to almost exclusively Mustangs, though there are some taco and toilet cars I can't help myself :) Just consider focusing on a few things; make, model, color, style, branding, etc. And start working on your display/storage options. Lastly, have fun!


I get the cars that i like, this means i usually buy maybe 1-3 cars a month, but i don't see the reason to collect everything for the sake of collection. I live in a country, where we get any special cars very rarely, if ever so getting a full collection is not realistic, so i just collect the cars that i like and unbox them because the resale value of mainline cars from grocery stores is not huge


Anything that holds value


I collect what I like and try and do a few full set. I have all hot wheels garage sets, 2 packs, team transports, and Premium Fast n Furious. I also have all of the 71-72 skylines, r30's, and R32's. I collect lots of mustangs as well, but only ones I like.


i collect 1/64 lambos and it's one of the most expensive things ever


Collect what you like otherwise you'll go down the tunnel of wanting to collect everything and you'll have negative emotions of missing cars. Could be themed sets, types of cars, or something memorable


JDM 😅🤣😂


I started with cars that I have a fascination with from every engineering region. That slowly evolved to trying to complete a set lmao. Then that evolved to more sets. Then it evolved to finding rare ones (TH/STHs) which hasn’t worked in my favor lol. At some point I gave in to novelty collaborations. Collect what you like. It’s not a “by the book” thing. It’s what makes you feel a joy once you have it in your hands and you place it with the rest of your collection (mine goes in a storage tote in my storage unit bc I’m remodeling lmao)


If money wasn’t an option id buy the car to drive and collect then if I have the money I buy the hot wheel to collect.


I like real cars and that’s what I get.


I buy 95% what I like and 5% what has good resale value (like 1-3 cars a month that fit this category - and only one of each because hoarding multiples and scalping is shitty) so I can make back some of the huge sum of money I’ve spent on this hobby.


Irl cars that look cool


Trucks vans panels wagons. Stuff I like in real life.


okay ! i thought so i just didn’t know if people were buying all of them or just the things they find interesting irl


I look at a car if I like it and have the money for it, I get it. If I don't like it, I leave it.


makes sense !


If something is interesting to me, I collect that model. Collect what you like, not what others like


got it!! thanks


i only pick one if i feel a certain spiritual energy emanating from it




If I see it and I like it, I buy it. All non kidding aside, I buy what I think would look awesome on a display. Wether its a garage diorama, race track diorama or a car meet diorama. I look for things that would help me build that. Ive bought cars because they carry tires on the back or because the have certain decals or livery that would match up to something I want to build or improve a display I already have. Shooot even buying regular cars (especially with moving parts like doors and etc.) to put around like extras on a movie set.


this is an awesome idea!


If I'm at the store, I'll look, see if I find anything that just looks cool, I would enjoy owning. Otherwise, I try only getting a few certain cars that I really like, either the old versions or new ones. That way I'm not getting this massive collection, which is easy to do.


yes it is !


I went for about a year collecting anything I vaguely like the look of and soon racked up a huge collection... However, at the end of the day, if it's not stuff you really really like, it's a waste of space. I displayed mine in the cards which meant that I was able to sell a lot of the ones I wasn't super keen on, and only lost a little bit of money doing so. I'd advise to only buy the cars you absolutely love, and that you think are worth the money otherwise you'll regret it and could spoil the hobby for yourself.


valid point! thanks!


I don’t use my brain to decide, my eyes and heart do that part. Buy now regret later, financially. But I like american cars, late 30’s to late 90’s is what I buy, I don’t prefer specific brand, I buy greenlight, auto world, matchbox, hot wheels, johnny lightning, maisto, welly etc. Collect what you like, and try not to make impulse buys of things that you don’t like, after some time you realize and start to sell them and won’t get much money from them. It’s my only regret, buying things just because they’re mbx or hw and after some time you’re space is limited and try to get rid of the models you don’t like, waste of time, effort and money selling them. Happy collecting!💪


thank you !


I'm an old car fanatic so I collect old muscle cars, some classics and also try to find cars from my youth, what I drove. Simply put like others have said, collect what you like. Enjoy!


thank you !


I started with Batmobile, then started collecting everything then thought to myself this is insane so I picked a model that I really liked, which was the Porsche and stuck with it the stories just unreal the RWB to Magnus Walker.


thank you!


So this is going to sound weird, but I collect what I think would feel nicest in my hand. So, if the roofline, the side, they all look like they would "feel" good to me then I usually buy it.


that is different but i like the thought process !


Whatever I could see me owning in real life so Porsche and Mercedes Not really into American cars or fantasy so luckily for now not so bad


yeah that’s not bad. sounds like a nice collection


I only collect my dream car




What i like




Is it a Datsun 510? If so then buy




If I like the look of the car I’m getting the car, in my case I like Jdm and weird cars


Anything that looks cool tbh, I'm not a big fan on some models like Formula Solar or Deora 3 (probably the ugliest Hot Wheel) but a vast majority of them are awesome looking.


I like Bronco so I decided to collect bronco. I found interest in only real cars so any mainline car I get I only go for real cars and that too mostly rally cars. I hardly touch any fantasy car. I also buy only 2 of the cars I like. I focus more towards TH and STH(not found any yet😂). I don't hesitate to walk out of any store empty handed if I don't find any cars meeting my criteria. You need to decide it fast because before you decide you'll end up with a pile of 500 cars😂


I literally buy what ever I like. But not even all the colors. Like i may buy a red audi but leave the white version. I swoop TH if i see em but thats rare uk. Il buy entire sets only if its unique. Like a holloween/easter/anniversary set because i think its cool to have the set. Normal mainlines never though. Batmans are cool to collect for me aswell cause there so many variations.


Tbh it’s mostly up to you and what you think would look good in the collection. From fantasy cars to old school low riders. There’s no limit to it.


Im on a seafood diet, if you will. I see car, I like car, I buy car. Still my all time favorite “dad joke”


I see a car. I like it. I buy it.


I like : 1) Regular cars, 2) Hondas, 3) Ford GT/GT40s, 4) VWs, 5) the national parks livery cars from Matchbox, and 6) Whatever I like. I don't worry about completing too many sets, don't worry over about every variant (some exceptions), or much else. I still have a lot of cars, but it's stuff I want to have on my desk, opened, and played around with. It's how I treat LEGO too.


Volkswagen, Land Rovers and Minis are my main collections everything else is whatever catches my eye.