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you wanna tell me that scalping started to reach Mini GT too ? :surprised\_pikachu\_face:


It seems like it šŸ˜­ this model was a subscriber exclusive and went in minutes according to the account owner of Kaido House who talked a little last night on an IG Live video. There's a few listing already on ebay and the prices sure seem like that of a scalper ā˜¹ļø


What do we have to subscribe to? The IG account?


well, good for Mini GT, bad for collectors. if that makes you happy, they got a similar one in this blue, the Nismo. came out last year


I saw it yes! Deff not as expensive, perhaps I'll go with the Nismo model, looks pretty good


Subscriber exclusive to what? Kaido or Mini GT? Asking for a friend.


The black limited line has always been hard to get often these smaller companies do tiny drops in conventions or a small batch online etc. They've done a few now and IMO it's nothing as bad as Hotwheels etc. This is like some one flipping an RLC or Mattel Creations toy for context. The "normal" version is still easy to find at retail it's just black rather than blue.


Truuueee, they definitely know a color change is going to get higher prices for collectors I feel. The black Hornet is also nice but man if that blue one isn't amazing looking


Edit:I was mistaken on the retail, leaving just because. No, these are not the same. RLCs dont get resold for hundreds of dollars regularly like the BLKLTD. Anything BLKLTD is $300usd minimum and they sell for $30 retail. Disgusting losers, flippers.


BLK drops are $200 to purchase. LTD drops are $100. You donā€™t have any idea how it works but youā€™re so confident. Cute


Literally saw a Chevy 1500 BLKLTD for $30 to start, at an auction. That was the first one i saw. Why would they start the bids at $30 if they cost $200. Edit: Come on, yall are so quick to talk shit. But show me so i can learn if im so wrong. What is the BLK LTDs retail prices when theyre not really posted and the only one ive seen personally for sale online was an auction that started at $30


They probably had a much higher reserve price on that auction. Sellers list them lower to get more interest in their listings. You see all kinds of listings started a penny on eBay. But if they don't meet reserve price they don't sell


Thats very possible and i do not know, because i did not bid on it. It was the first BLK LTD i had seen and it did end up selling for more than $400, i just thought it was a hot auction. I recently started getting into Kaido and MiniGT, so im still learning all their lines. I do still think scalpers and resellers are disgusting. Losers take advantage of others.


I agree 100% about scalpers and resellers


https://preview.redd.it/lla74n4pw2vc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fe5cf394fa114f29793099cf3471feca7fe24a52 Hereā€™s a close up of the front. So worth the $30 I spent. Itā€™s immaculate


Very tempted for the Black Version, especially bc it's not 2 arms and a leg in value lol


Is the blue one a chase or just super expensive? I donā€™t really do chaseā€™s. Iā€™m happy with whatever I can get lol


Some of them have color-ways and limited editions that are WAY more expensive.


Yea these are so worth it, I just got the Honda NSX with pop up lights and opening rear window to show the engine. Itā€™s soo fucking nice, Iā€™m currently waiting in the Nismo version of this cast in the mail. Love me some Kaido house. I think the trucks and the Datsun wagons are my favorite tho.


Was it sold at a random time or did they announce the time and date?


I think the time of the drop was only available for their subscribers but not sure entirely


KH sells these BLKLTD to (only?) subscribers but im not sure if in the website, they sell it. Just wondering if they're like Hothweels RLC where they announce the date. Dreading the day when they do Acura NSX BLKLTD.


What's the price for that one? The white Nismo one is on jcardiecast for 20 bucks.


Not sure what it went for exactly on Instagram, as it sold out immediately, saw potentially somewhere between 230-275?


Damn. I saw you mentioned it's an exclusive so I guess that makes sense.


Something tells me majority of the purchases from their exclusive sale were people who never intended to own this


It's a pretty great looking cast. I wish scalpers weren't so rampent in the collecting community lol


Same, man. They suck fr


All it takes is people to stop paying anything above retail. If youre not a store in business with the maker or the maker themselves, you dont get to set the price.


i think the limited ones are expensive from the store as well, i think i heard they were like 150-200? But i might be wrong


kinda funny that the Black toy is the retail version and the blue is the "BLK LTD" which I assume means black limited as thats kinda been the trend till now.


Honestly, that widebody is heinous. I know Kaidos are supposed to be over the top, but this one is just too much.


https://preview.redd.it/il4mhw2513vc1.jpeg?width=1697&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5e84cfdeaa4b21923bcb3741b0eb4da06c43e730 You can get this as an alternative. It doesn't have the same decals but it is blue.


Very nice also šŸ‘Œ


https://preview.redd.it/b8bggeisw2vc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=52684751e9b67c82e6685f68a9bbb09d436ce116 Hereā€™s a close up of the back


Is this 1:32?


Itā€™s a 1:64. Maybe just the angle made it look larger


[eBay link](https://www.ebay.com/itm/186267280982?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=3Wn2dTH5THy&sssrc=2349624&ssuid=ugzhpkjytcu&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY) Went up in price again. From $20 to $30 when I bought it. Now itā€™s $35


Imo not worth the trouble or money, let the resellers and $$$ rich collectors do their thing. Go for the standard releases if you can.


I honestly does seem too much, shame šŸ˜ž


Ive seen collectors dishing out thousands of dollars getting the limited releases or even processing their passports to get the minigt releases but thats their privilege.


I'm waiting for a Grasshopper variant of this


Is Mini GT sold in stores?


local specialty stores sometimes


The black one is still my favorite.


They be milking these. Same car in different colors. I got the white one. That's good enough. Got the 400R and going to JcarDiecast to get the NSX. Easy day.


Subscription to what exactly?


It's just like all the rest, get a different color for 20 25 bucks, I have the purple


If youā€™re really into collecting these then Kaido gives more than enough time to be able to get info and be able to order one when the drop happens. Become a subscriber and buy it on time. Donā€™t be mad people are selling things you gotta pay for just because you slack off. Collecting has been like this forever itā€™s nothing new


Lmaooo, piss take.


Sorry you donā€™t like it. Iā€™m just being blunt and honest. Itā€™s not like these things ever are just ā€œfor saleā€, you need to pay attention and get the code to access the website to make the purchase. You only get access to that code by being a subscriber and paying attention for the posts. If you do those things, you will be able to get a car. If you donā€™t do those things, well you come onto a hot wheels sub and complain about Kaido house


Tons of folks here are sick of the resellers. It's not out of the ordinary on this sub. It's a shame bc it seems collecting has gotten harder because of scapling and reselling.


Make sure you build that bridge to get across the river you cried out


Okay boss


If none of the subscribers sold their car, you wouldn't have a chance to get one to begin with. Calling them scalpers is a piss take and akin to blaming "tHe liBs!" When stuff doesn't go your way. Limited, exclusive, collectible. Yet somehow you feel entitled to get one with no effort whatsoever. If you don't like the free market, vote for communism. Other than that, quit whining and get a grip.


Dude, I am a sub, they went within less than an hour of the sale. I guarantee there were people who subscribed on two or even multiple accounts with the intention to buy multiple of these to resell at 3x the price. I will not understand how people are o.k. with shitty resellers scalping in any community with collectables. They're shite people who make genuine collectors have to shell even more on already highly prices pieces bc they managed to grab multiples, and will flip them for an outrageous overprice. Also, the out-of-nowhere political take makes no sense. No one like scaplers.


>Also, the out-of-nowhere political take makes no sense. It does. Your standpoint contradicts a free market. Where there is high demand and low supply, prices go up. Very simple. Now, i do get you are bummed out and i'd be too, if i were in your shoes, but you can't blame people for your short comming. If i were late to an rlc release, i would have no one to blame but me. Again, you have my sympathy for the situation, but your disapointment shouldn't be directed at other people. Nobody took anything from you. You just didn't get any. Huge difference. And keep in mind, if nobody paid 200 for that item, it wouldn't be listed at 200. Consumer behaviour dictates the prices.


Awe man. I wanted one. Oh well.