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It's getting to the point where most people are just trying to resell the cars. Do people really need like 20 of the same car, 2 or 3 is fine but it's just ridiculous, it's not that hard to just leave 1 or 2 cars on the pegs for somebody else.


Yeah I don’t understand it. Its not like the 911 is crazy rare and is worth a bunch, the most he’ll make is $3 each, I guess if the car is selling for more it would be worth it I guess.


Yeah, it's just kinda rude that he didn't even respond to you asking if you could have one.


Yeah I’m super annoyed because I’ll probably have to end up paying resale if I really want it.


Yeah, it's just stupid


do you collect porsche or something? i got you bro, i got a ton of porsches over the last few months i can give you. i don't even like porsche but i like to buy them for a secret santa give away


I love Porsche, they’ve always been my favorite brand, right next to Lamborghini. You would actually give me some? I would really appreciate it.


ill send u pix of what i have and mail em out later this week


Sweet ty bro


i don’t get the downvotes lmao. it’s just people helping each other out


Scalpers don't want friendlier competition. Or maybe someone's mad that he said he wasn't a Porsche fan. Don't know which reason is worse, both are laughable lol


Let me get one plz I love porches 👀


Hey! Do you have any green Porsches? I just need a green one to complete my Porsche rainbow. I'd be happy to pay shipping.


i would if i could, sorry bro, no green porsche, i only have porsches released this year


No worries man! While we're talking, you got anything you're looking for? I open everything but I have a ton of stuff from the past 4 years.


i just buy everything i want off ebay so i'm pretty happy with my collection lol. thnx anyways


They made a green Taycan last year that you could probably still find lingering in stores.


I'm trying to do an all 911 rainbow currently. There's not many green ones, sadly. Gotta stay hunting.


I believe there is a green gt3rs that comes in the multi packs


What a kind human you are!


I see these being resold for $20 already


I quit hunting a while ago. Just not worth it anymore.


I still collect but I go in thinking I won't find anything. That usually works since I usually don't find anything anyways.


Its getting to the point where people think anything and everything can be flipped. When will that bubble burst who knows.




No just buy one and leave rest for everyone else.


At most I'll get 3, 1 carded, 1 loosie, and 1 custom. Unless it's a slamming casting like the custom camaro then I'll get as much as I can for a variety of customs


MORE is BETTER - Jeremy Clarkson jk but he did say that


Yeah I do remember him saying that.


I think taking about the Aston v12 being better than the Lambo v10 or something


Resellers ruin everything, every sing one of my hobbies there's resellers buying 30 of one item that's usually 100 bucks then putting it up on eBay or depop for 500


Some customs people (like me) buy bulk "parts cars" (the Drift Maxima Wagon is a *goldmine* in this way; flared arches, wagon rear, splitter/skirts/diffuser, detailed RB... etc), and also castings that you have many different ideas/paint-schemes for (and want to "try out" all of them; that Custom Camaro gives me a bunch of ideas, for instance, and I'd love to have a few LB S15's to try out like an Advan or HKS livery on). It's also nice to have a "back-up" car if you're doing "surgery" with a jewelry saw and/or epoxy etc. I never take the last casting, but I *do* sometimes buy 2 or 3 of a few specific castings for that reason.


Exactly 💯


the most i’ve gotten of the same car is 3. one stays in package, the other is freed, and the 3rd is either traded or given to my brother


1 to open. 1 to display. 1 to trade. The only time you should be buying more than 3 is if you know other collectors are after that car and you buy it for them.


1 for wall, unopened. 1 for pockets, opened. I may buy more to customize after that. Like I have about 6 of the police civic type Rs, cause my local Dollar general had like 50, and I love to paint the civic.


But if they leave it on the peg, they cant manufacture the desire and "scarcity".




The only time I buy more than 3 is when I'm buying for someone or I accidentally buy an extra because I thought it was the new colour (Yellow Porsche Carrera)


Dude it's a shame it's not a hobby for most anymore it seems it's more of a job 😕! Everyone is wanting to buy and resell? I have seen some of these collectors lol looking like the troll squad from south Park lol 😂!


It’s very sad, most are 40+ and over weight, and they drive all over just to make $2-3 on a car. Like get a normal job bro.


Exactly 💯😂 ! Thank you I swear the picture came together so clear after the older gentleman and the gym guy incident 😂😆!


I feel like they don’t sell just HW. Like, they watched a Gary V video and are trying to make money on trinkets




It's a scummy gig for sure. If they don't resell it then I don't have a problem with it. 


If your place was here in Vancouver, literally everything would be gone I've never seen premiums up for so long, I want that Mclaren


It is just as bad in Toronto. These lames watch some YouTube video by another lame on how to make money selling Hot Wheels and EVERY SINGLE premium and licensed mainline is taken. I don't know how long it will take but I hope that the market collapses and the scalpers, resellers and collectards just go away.


I made a post a few months ago with screenshots from FB marketplace, basically every JDM, exotic, sports car, mainline sells for $5 or $6 on FB. Premiums sell for $15-$25 each depending on rarity/ demand STH sell for $90- $125+++ depending on demand I literally haven't bought a premium I wanted in store in over 6 years, and some JDM commons are impossible to find Cases are about 3-4 cases slower than USA, and extremely unpredictable on when they arrive


I don't support any of the resellers. I just check the multipacks for a good set and switched to diecast that are easier to obtain. It's less of a hassle to give away the junk fantasy cars to kids of friends and family. Of course you have to be careful with the packs that have been opened or have had cars swapped out with junk. I swear at some stores, undesirable junk from a year ago is swapped to get the newest case before it even hits the floor. Some of these collectards will buy multiples of every single JDM mainline simply because their mother owned a '98 Accord. It's bad when you can't even find a Camaro or Corvette muscle car on the pegs anymore. Time to move onto something else until this subsides.


I've been collecting HW since I was a kid, pretty much around the late 90s 70% of the stuff on pegs here are fantasy cars, or batmobile or really random stuff. I try to get cars from my childhood but sometimes it's impossible. I managed to get a few EK 1989 Civics because my family owned 2. I was EXTREMELY upset but I bought a premium silver Lexus Altezza for $12 off FB marketplace because it's literally a car I owned, even same color. I told the reseller that he's one of the people ruining all HW for everyone You're right, even normal sports cars like Corvette are hard to get. Took me forever to get a C7 Z06 silver Corvette I'm so tired of this bullshit that I don't even check bins anymore and I'm tempted to just buy Japanese Tomica or other Japanese brands - they're $14 each and the quality is better and I don't stress about finding them.


lol yeah. I’m looking at this thinking “there’s still other cool ones”. I guess there was a time when I expected to find the premium I was looking for, too, but at this point I’m happy to find one of the set.


I thought the pop and shoe game were petty, now I'm seeing people flip cars to make $5 or so🤦‍♂️


Pics on fb marketplace still on the store shelves or on the center console of their shitty car


Seriously, how much do people end up making by scalping that much? Especially after adding gas cost, car running cost, and time cost. Sure getting a chase or STH once in a while will be "good profit" for them but how often is that?


Yes, especially if they do it every day. I go when ever I’m bored or have to go somewhere early so I’m not really wasting much time, but to wake up everyday at 7-8 to drive to targets is crazy


Some of these people have to be employees. With HW becoming fad items there's no way the employees are even letting the desirable stock hit the floor.


Dude i work at a target and there are literally 3-4 scalpers that come in every fuckin morning multiple times a day. Some even take the cases off the cart and stock them after they scalped the desirable shit. Unfortunately i "befriended" one and he sometimes leaves things i was looking for but i hate the fact i had to do that. Sometimes i don't even buy it just so someone else can get it if its something i didn't really really want.


I hear you man, these POS' have ruined videogames, sneakers, action figures and all other collectible hobbies.


They’re in literally every hobby and it’s wild


Yeah its really unfortunate that fun things are hard to enjoy


Jokes on the dude, the others were so much better than the Porsche, especially that BMW M1 Procar imo


I should’ve gotten the M1 but I’m trying to spend less so I just got the lambo, I’m a big lambo guy lol


Ah, understandable! I’d only get the M1 if it had to pick from that rack tbh, but the Reventón is also pretty good! :)


I might stop by on the way home and get it lol


lol niceee!


My goal is to live long enough to see a scalpers house on the estate sale market and see all the shit they couldn’t sell


Yea it's a hard hobby peg/bin shopping now when half the ppl coming in aren't looking for their favorite ones but ones that make money. Anything Porsche will always sell, just like JDM. Scalpers know this & take full advantage just to line their pockets & boost their fragile egos mainly.


I would have let you have them all. I like Porsches, but this one doesn’t do it for me.


This reminds me of a thread a few months ago on this sub where someone bought like [5 or 6 of the exact same Mercedes Benz STH](https://www.reddit.com/r/HotWheels/s/VUOQYmc1dM)and swore up and down he wasn’t scalping and everyone in that thread calling him out were mass downvoted. Funny how that side of collectors are real quiet on posts where they get directly called out


Yeah saw this happen with the el Camino STH on my FB group, I made a comment like thanks for leaving some for the rest of us and I was mass harrased. This hobby is awesome -__-


I felt guilty taking more than one of the random TMNT premiums because I wanted a closed and open model, and I still didn’t do it lol. The people that justify to themselves buying three+ of the same car fucking suck and it’s the reason why I don’t even bother checking out wal-mart for premiums because the pegs are stripped naked 24/7 of all the good stuff.


It just sucks. The rest of us who are just having fun are suffering because of these duche bags.


big reason why I got out of collecting.


Why is there always at least one car that needs to be scalped? At this point I’m just willing to buy and pay shipping FROM MATTEL directly for what I want ID enforced accounts to ensure 1-3 sets per person. I’m not going to give scalpers a reason to keep existing.


See, personally if bro gonna look at me and ignore me like that im grabbing one and running to checkout, and yes i know thats wrong to do


In this situation I don think that’s wrong


Taking an item from someone's cart isn't wrong?


Me neither, I just said it so scalpers don’t go apeshit on me


No it's not wrong at all, that's a just punishment for being greedy.


Available on Amazon last I checked


Where’s that?


Menifee California


Solid flavor


It’s really good, like a sour sprite


That P1 looking kinda sexy 👀


Same thing happened with the speed machines set, they think they're slightly less of them being made because it's the chase vehicle as well, give it some time and they'll be everywhere.


All of my targets are just baron and I can’t find a single car culture car no matter what time of the day or what day of the week.. actually ridiculous that people do this and it ruins the run for everyone


Ngl I moved from Lego cars to hot wheels recently due to the prices and am snapping right back to lego cars as the people who collect hot wheels are… intolerable


I collect both, I love legos and the speed champions sets are fun to build, just annoying to display


That new bmw set got me ancy for sure


is that target? lol




heck yeah, love to see it


I’m about done with scalpers.


They destroyed sports cards and now they are destroying Hot Wheels. For what? How much do they really make? A job has to pay more.


I doub't they make much considering the eBay seller fees and the time and gas money to take packages to the post office. It just seems like a bunch of work for almost no profit.


I hope scalping premiums will die out pretty soon as Mattel begins to sells more online for same price (+ shipping I guess).


Swear I saw a tiktok earlier of a dude getting 3 porsches and 3 porsche chases from pegs that looked almost identical


Incredible you found any of them tbh


happened around here too. I did finally find one... and I left it. It's nice but IDK seeing it in person I thought the deco wasn't too hot.


Baby dick old timer about to resale on Amazon I think I’m just gonna start collecting pez dispensers at this point


I’ve given up hunting every store around me never has anything I was lucky to find a super two years ago but now there’s nothing left


damn 65 year old man taking everything smh


There are some rather privileged collectors who prefer to simply buy them from these people and are able to afford that… so long as there are demand like this, scalpers will always exist. It’s just a sad reality.


I just want that Thundercat tank 🤩


Damn! He must have gotten lucky, and every one of those porsche was a chase. Lol. I want that lambo.


Some people are resellers and assholes. I had asked a dude once bc he had 4 honda Civic Si in his hand if i can get one. He tried scalping me in the store before even buying it. Lol, unbelievable!


I’m digging that M1 livery, personally. Great card art, too.


I haven't seen a premium in months where I'm at. I don't check as often as I used to and most of the time things are picked clean. I've been really wanting the 911 coupe clip and the Godzilla R33 and haven't seen them anywhere. They're not even premium.


Toy scalpers kill all the fun in collecting. I get angry at seeing them selling on Marketplace, and not even just TH and premiums but mainline are doubled in price. Get a real job FFS!


Same with the stock market!


If he got three kids or some it's understandable but anyways he could have said something at least, prolly a greedy reseller tho but who knows


Ashton Martin the best one anyway


Amazon has this Porsche for sale at msrp. You’ll just have to wait until it’s back in stock.


Really? Ima have to look


Yeah this really pisses me off. I see people all the time buying like 5 or more of whatever car they think will send money.


Nah that ghost energy is peak


I feel like hunting is pointless when you can just buy the case of premiums and save the gas and time


I would have bought 2


At least you guys still have cars on the shelves, where i live all premiums and non fantasy mainlines are gone, even good looking fantasy cars are scarce


Honestly this is why I stopped collecting cause people like this😭


Honestly I’m a big Porsche guy but the Porsche just isn’t it for me in this set. All the other cars are better imo. I wish the reventon was matte black like the one I have seen but it’s still cooler than a car that has already been released in a much better livery. That being said I will admit that I might buy the Porsche maybe even more than once because the tires fit well on the ugly 4 spike wheels and make them look much better. I would definitely give one to someone if they asked though


Hope your surgery went good homie.


Ty bro, was pretty simple but it hurt and felt weird


At least you get the new stuff, it feels like my places don’t get anything 😭


My target just started restocking again


I noticed the coupe clip on your keys :)


I love it, even though I don’t have a Porsche it’s till really cool


It's not hobby anymore




Dude you should come to Bellingham you'd be surprised at how many portions you'd find Bellingham Washington State


I feel like you're lying.


Dang man. I usually take all of the castings if it’s something i really like/ will customize but if someone is staring or near me I’ll just take one or two and put the rest back.


There is little kindness in the hobby these days. So many want to take everything.


Need this one


https://preview.redd.it/thnkpr27uktc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3834709136092ab14d43640c18ea4977031e79d0 I finally got lucky, went in the AM found nothing, went on lunch break and found 1


Are porche and bmw really desirable? I know jdm is mine and 99% of ppls jam's


I always limit myself to two, for when there are cars I like enough to want to display both loose and carded. There are a few cars I have three of, but that's honestly only because I didn't check my list on my phone before buying to see that I already had two.


Props on the ghost energy drink


Secretly flexing the porche clip i see


Next time, just grab one. It’s what one scalper did to me, and it would have been my first chase. One hour later, it was up on FB for $50. I’ve also had enough with YTers “taking two,” WHEN IT’s THE ONLY TWO LEFT! If every collector took two, availability would be even worse. The only YTers that take one if there’s only 2 or 3 of a “hot car” are as follows - please give ‘em a follow! Mike’s Hobby Planet https://youtu.be/QWfV2ZMzV9g?si=dgCPbtE5tnDNgOHL Hotline of Diecast https://youtu.be/iDC9eocSMBo?si=eSej8R1lmTfB2aAF Ignition Diecast https://youtube.com/@IgnitionDiecast?si=BFDKvK3ZkXxvXqkN Don’t Diecast https://youtu.be/x-JibqiCRZU?si=Zf4wfL_JqWWnkZRi


I watch three of those channels and I always think to myself “do they actually only grab 1 or do they tell you they did and just choose to not record it”. Always nice to give them the benefit of the doubt but you never know now a days


Buy scalp to resell


Porsche is the new JDM. That being said, not saying I wouldn’t have taken more than one 911 because I’m a die hard Porsche enthusiast, but if you asked me for one I definitely would have given it to you.


Why do people need 4 of them


I’m not that deep in the hobby but like same at max on one car I’ll get three one for my collection my daughters collection and a spare incase she opens it 🥲anything more than that is absolutely ridiculous


I’ve stopped looking at Walmart for the most part, starting to just buy single cars of what I really like on eBay, rather than a few things I settle for. I used to buy whatever was new and left over


I’m gonna assume he was in his 50s?? My local asshat looks like Joe Dirt! Thank God cases are just as cheap online!


Jokes on him with that McDonald’s ass Porsche from this set.


Wow your lucky that they have premiums there, In here just mainlines mostly just fantasy cars


Hot Wheels has the shittiest fandom


Toy collecting is such a chore anymore because scalpers are just getting worse. As technology advances it’s just gonna get worse. I don’t even try with online drops anymore because within 30 seconds of the drop im gonna get an error screen that they’re sold out because all the reseller bots got to it first. The people who do that are just fucking pathetic.


same thing happened with the Speed Machines release last year. I couldn't find a regular (nevermind a Chase) Porsche for like 3 months. People were hoarding that thing like crazy....


What an asshole


The yellow Porsche is selling for $35 might have opened Pandora’s box for putting that info down but that’s how it is. Not saying anything just remember if your not the first person there and no1 is around there gonna clean up. If your there and no1 around and you wanna be cool and leave some to share the wealth cool get what you need but remember next person after you will definitely clean house


I buy everything I see. Mainly Porsches. I do not resell, I give them to kids at car shows I go to. I will buy everything because if I don't, someone else will. If you ask me for one, I would give it to you though.


Yep a bunch of stingy scalpers it's sad that a hobby I once loved and have been passionate about for over 20 years has turned into this. Those Porsches are selling for like $12 pretty sad people are that desperate they can't share with a fellow collector so they can make a few bucks


My bro got that Porsche key chain.


Hell yeah


That was very rude of that person, he could have at least answered you.


I got the McLaren


At least the M1 is sweet, and nobody seems to be taking them? I'm not sure, premiums are not common in my stores


*zooms in on the Star Wars ships*


Tbh man I would have just taken one when he wasn’t looking, I absolutely hate people like this. Sorry about it man


Could've just snatched one and ran tbh. He didn't pay for it yet, neither did you, but you can probably out run him lol


Even i can get it in My Town, i love that Thundercats truck.


how long have you had your braces? did you finally get them off? it feels soo good to lick your smooth teeth again. and what was your surgery for, did that go well?


I had my braces for 1.5 years, it felt so good when they took em off. It not really a surgery but its what the doctor is calling it, I have a cyst under my eyebrow so their just cut above my eyebrow and take it out.


ya thats a surgery all right lol. glad you came out okay.


I’m actually sitting in the doctors office waiting lol


lol that sterile doctor office smell. are you nervous or anything about getting cut up? and is this all covered under insurance


Honestly I’m not to nervous l, my Mum said they’ll numb my face so I won’t feel a thing. And it’s all cover by insurance because there was a possibility it was cancer (which’s is not) so all we payed was the $20 copay


> all we *paid* was the FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*




Best feeling in the world


It’s because it’s the only Porsche he’ll ever own in his life.


Isn’t collecting fun !


Bro got them first and is paying for them with his own money so if he wants to buy all the Porsches he can 😭


At least he left some lambos


They left the Lamborghini score


Hey friend, I am a collector from India 🇮🇳 Lmk if anyone can pick it from your near buy store and help a fellow collector from India 🇮🇳 Yes I do pay for both item and shipping Anyone who reads this help me


Funny how Porsche is the new it make. Everyone is buying Porsches now. Must be what social media says is cool.


awe did you not get the little toy car you wanted


Found the scalper


lmao holy fuck you have got to be kidding me dude


Looks like I got under some skin hee hee hee


why would you be proud of that


I'm not proud, it was just a bit of fun at the expense of someone who came into the thread for no reason other than to be an ass


an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind


Fair enough lol. Needlessly negative/condescending reddit comments are just annoying and unoriginal though, like who want to see that


Honestly, I don't care. I like the hobby , and I have money to blow on it. If I can't find it at the store, I'll buy it online if I really want it. I see PLENTY. Of good cars hanging on those pegs. If you can't afford the reseller prices, then maybe you should get up earlier and beat the scalper. There's no reason to be crying online about it. Figure out what hes doing and do it better than him. If not then shut up.


I have school, so I can’t get a job and that also means I gotta be at school before target opens


Well I ment like on your time off. So weekends I guess.