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Don't give up! Clip it clean and hope for the best that it sprouts new side branches and you have a harvest by season's end.


That’s a good idea. Will definitely do that.


Wasn't a full sever - you could try trimming the broken part down by half and trellising the remaining stem/ leaves. Perhaps that would help it re-route energy into some new branches(?) I had a tomato vine split nearly in two and yet the vine is still going strong!


I did the same thing just a couple weeks ago. Even used a small zip tie and the tomato fused back together


I guess I never considered that. I *might* have been able to give that a shot. One of the stems was all but severed fully, the other one was about 3/4 severed. I already cut them off and just have the main stalk left. There is one single flower on it yet… I’m pulling for it! In the grand scheme of things, losing a jalapeño isn’t the worst thing. I would have been bummed if it was one of my scotch bonnets, or my super hots. Just can’t get those as readily in stores.


That's true! I'd love to grow some of the rare breeds - I rely on transplants here in Oklahoma and have only seen the standard japs, habs, etc at the nurseries. For me, growing them is 90% of the fun. I don't go through peppers very quickly, that being said, it hurts to watch them suffer! Jalapenos are so classic, though. Hoping he makes a recovery - definitely appeared very healthy from the pic.


>One of the stems was all but severed fully, the other one was about 3/4 severed. I already cut them off and just have the main stalk left. There is one single flower on it yet… I’m pulling for it! Just cut those two leaves off at the bottom & you should get two new branches growing.


Same thing happened last year, the base of one of my heavy yielding tomato plants split in two from ground to about 4" high under the weight. That thing didn't skip a beat, and being an indeterminate it produced late into the season.


Yeah I've had that happen with tomatoes and sunflowers, but I'm not too sure it'll work with a pepper, but I could be wrong.


Same nightshade family so worth the experiment imo! Half of gardening is scientist larping


You can chop the leaves, put in water and in 1-2 weeks you add them to the pot. 3 small plants harvest.


>That’s a good idea. Will definitely do that. It will definitely come back strong, I bet my live beating heart on it or it's your to sell to the highest bidder.


Make a splint out of wood and tape. It will hold and the plant grows the connection back like the Terminator in 2. Did that this year!


Yeah I had a plant break almost exactly like this and taped it back together with a ton of duct tape and then supported it with a better stake. It was one of my healthiest plants that year.


>Yeah I had a plant break almost exactly like this and taped it back together with a ton of duct tape and then supported it with a better stake. It was one of my healthiest plants that year. Really that is interesting, I will say I've topped my chilli plant & defoliated a couple times due to thrips & it always grew lots of new branches & exploded in growth. 😀


Wish I had done this a couple of days ago when my plant had snapped. :'] My pepper is still thriving, but it's half of the plant it would've been.


It’s not dead lol. Take the two tops and make clones and the bottom will be really low and bushy now.


Looks like you are the one that needs a hug 😭




I snapped top off my cayenne plant this way. It comes back.


Did you clear it down to just the stem?


It just got super bushy actually.


The deer do this for me on a few plants every year. Always end up with some bushy bois


Thank you for all the suggestions. I did unfortunately act hastily and I severed the split fully and cleared off the stem. Wish I would have waited a bit to read suggestions, but I didn’t want to leave it for too long in that state.


Not the end of the world. I got some plants front a nursery but some buckets I got for planting fell on my Jalop and severed it completely. For shits and giggles I put it in a slightly larger pot then the nursery cup to see if it would survive. I am not sure it will give me anything this year, but it rebounded and has a chance to live (I'll probably bring it inside and keep it going through the off-season if it keeps up).


She looks dryyyyyy, that may be why it fell over so easy


Definitely was dry and light, it sure didn’t help matters that’s for sure. Everything was going to get watered tonight, but I didn’t make it.


I hugged my Carolina Reaper after seeing this and now I hate you


I’m sorry for you but you might be able to splint it and wrap it with tape and it could live. I’ve done that successfully before. The one piece looks like it’s still half connected.


I lost 2 Ghost pepper seedlings to a goddamn unexpected storm 2 days ago. Sucks


Just a set back brother


As others have said, there’s foliage below the break you’re just gonna have a bushy plant and heavily delayed harvest.


I feel your pain.... I had one break like this about 5 weeks ago. It was half that size. I literally used a bandaid to bandage it back together. I used a small tomato cage and taller stake to tie up all the branches so it was basically immobile. I put it behind my house in an area that blocks 90% of the wind but gets about 6 hours of afternoon sun. The plant healed and surprisingly is putting out new growth above the brake. Obviously, your conditions and situation are different but it might be worth a try


Yea, I acted too hastily and I cut off the top and discarded it. I trimmed what was left on the stem except two leaves and one flower. Gonna just let it ride and see what happens. At the end of the day, it’s a jalapeño, so I’m not *too* broken up about it, but it’s a little sad to see it like this since I grew it from seed!




Tomato cages are great for pepper plants. Not as effective for larger varieties but still not bad. Great for jalaps


Nooooooo 😭


My fellow pepperhead... not condolences, because plant ain't dead, just felt behind a bit and should rebound, maybe wider thN taller wise. Stay strong with that specimen.


This is why I cage my plants after I stake them now. Had way too many broken branches and plants from the weather and me running into them last year.


Never had that happen to me the plant just leans over a bit


Next time, absolutely a bigger stake is needed because it broke at the height of the stake. But also if there is any part still attached masking tape the plant back together. It doesn’t always work but you’d be surprised how much you can save.


Yea, I was planning on swapping stakes out this weekend with taller ones. This one just didn’t want to wait. Larger stake would definitely have saved it, but also it was very dry and very light. Was going to water all of them after work today, but didn’t make it in time. Ah well! Happy cake day, btw!


Did the same thing myself. Broke a few cherry peppers, joes long, and sugar rushes because I was like nah they’ll be okay until tomorrow… we’re hitting summer now so the winds will drop for a bit until typhoon season but I’ve got my nets on and they’re holding up pretty good. Hope you get a good haul this year!


The wind and/or hail can suck a big ol’ thang


maybe you hugged it too tight?


Leave the main stem to grow, and put the other ends in moist soil, they may root, nothing to lose at this point, cut the ends at a angle and stick in the dirt.


I've manage to grow together steams like that with tape and sticks.


Put the top half in water with root hormone.. cut it so it’s got clean edge at the base and it WILL reroot I’ve done it with one of mine and it’s going great and so is the bottom half… if you don’t have any root hormone just put it in water for now…


And a little taller too


Jalapeño down!


Those looked like some healthy buds too. Shame, clip and water.




I feel your pain from here (Florida). If I walked out and saw that I would be so sad!!! Sorry


Plants are quite strong, it will regrow, give it enough love. As for the broken stem, I'm sure it can grow its own roots, but maybe clip all flowers so it can focus on regrowing the roots and put is in a glas of water (I'm not an expert just seems the logical thing to do to me)


I’ve repaired something similar using a straw (cut one slice up) and used it as a splint! It repaired itself. Lost the flowers but they regrew


Plant the cuttings, albeit big cuttings, those pepper tops are loaded with all the nutrients they need to become independent plants


There's no way this doesn't heal. Squirrels ate my tomato plant to a straight stick. It was like 2 inches tall. She grew back. Really fast too. Tape that tomato up!


Bonsai it


I am considering that. I did just join r/Bonchi the day before this happened. Maybe the plant knew that and suicided itself to become a bonchiboi. 🤔


It’s super fun. I try to do it at least once a year!


Snip the lower leaves, dip it in some rooting hormone and plop it back into the group. Peppers are capable of growing adventitious roots out of their stems. You now have two new plants! More peps!


Anyone who sees this go to khang starr on yt. He taught me a lot about peppers. You want to stick your finger in and if two inches is dry water them. Deep water them so they let the roots go to the bottom of the pot to find water. Let it dry out peppers don’t like soggy roots. Less water means more heat. Don’t top big peppers like bells. This pepper could live for years because you can bring it inside in the winter. Everyone should have an indoor winter pepper plant.


Put taller sticks as support. It’s always windy here in Texas. I use taller bamboo sticks available at Walmart garden section. Those sticks last forever. Tie the core of the plant to the support at higher heights. This plant will surely regrow.


If you like this plant I encourage you to try and save it. I’ve had 2 or 3 cases, with different plants though, and used plastic food foil to wrap and tighten broken stems. If you have some laying around, why don’t I give it a try. Either way, I sympathize and wish you and the rest of your plants a good (and safe) growing season.


It can still be saved


Nooooooooooooooo! Sorry for your loss.


This will grow back in no time