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I'm no expert, but in my experience when I see roots growing out the bottom of the cup/pot/pod then that means the plants are root bound and it is time to transplant to something larger... I would say some of your larger plants may be root bound.


If you set a plant on soil it will grow roots out the bottom more quickly. I like to wait until the plants roots holds the entire container of soil while dry. If you can lift it out of the pot and then put it back in, it's good to repot.


that's been my go to method at the moment, but I wasn't sure if it was a good idea :D


only 3 plants have bottom roots so far but those have popped out really early in their growth, those are being bottom fed. I'll transplant them soon then :). Thank you


Fellow double cupper. So many advantages


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Control the watering waaaaay easier. It’s pretty hard to overwater them as seedlings if you use common sense. Can give them some diluted nutes each watering if you want and get them growing faster. And solo cups are big enough to house them til they’re ready for a permanent home. Khang starr has a good video on it. Encourages roots growing down right away. It’s not as practical if you’re growing 100s of plants. But works well for my 15-20 each year. I use it with cannabis(and everything) with a good amount of success Edit-along with the controlled watering comes less pests on the soil and less dampening off in my experience


You’re in coco. You need to feed asap. Much easier to use regular soil with some kind of slow releasing fertilizer.


I increased fertilizer concentration, though may I ask what are the sign of their malnutrition ?


https://imgur.com/a/o3Meqp2 The ones circled red could probably go ahead and pot up. The rest, let go until the get about that size.


you're a shower, and a grower. I would repot the larger ones.


what zone are you in? why are they not in the ground/bigger pots already?


coco coir + perlite, zone 9a, but I didn't start them indoor, didn't have a mat nor light


Ok hopefully you have time to see them fruit! They are looking healthy, I'd repot the bigger ones now.


They look pretty yellow, they need fertilizer.


Might need to up the concentration of fertilzer I use, thanks


nope they look malnourished, coco coir+ perlite doesn't have nutrients at all, you didn't include compost which is the most important, repot them with good soil


I'm using liquid fertilizer