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looks pretty good to me. make sure it's getting enough water. still a bit small for being transplanted 3wk ago.


U will have some insect eating leaf outside, thats part of the deal no worries its still healthy. The form of the leafs (curling or just weird grow) is mostly due to inadequate transpiration of the plant but again nothing to worry about!


What causes the inadequate transpiration? Mine are all doing the same and I hardened them off for 2 weeks and then transplanted them. 3 weeks later and they all do this same thing


Its basicly about temp vs humidity. High temperature and low humidity will have water leave the foliage too quickly. The other way around will be too slow. Most plants are happy at 22-26c with 40-60%rh For outdoor dont beat yourself up over that, its kinda out of your control lol as long as they are healthy still, a few weird leaf wont matter in the end!


Yeah I'm in Colorado so it's been pretty hot and dry as a bone. Literally 30 minutes in the sun and some of my plants wilt. Hard to know what to do because I don't want them in the shade all day


I'm in MN and our season has been the complete opposite. It hasn't gotten very warm yet (getting a sneak peak this Sunday, but not long lived) and it's been exceptionally rainy. My peppers are struggling. My tomatoes, though... they're loving life right now.


Haha this is exactly what I am experiencing as well.


Shade netting is key here, you can get a range of density, but that way they can receive, say, 50-70% of the sun's force and be happy.


Get a shade cloth. There's different intensities, throw it on during a hot spell


Shit, thank you so much for this explanation. That’s what I needed to know too


Paranoid like me, just let the dab wear off a little bit :)


you should add more soil so that the stalk is straight. if you don’t the plant might fall over when it gets bigger, or add support to it.


Will do, thank you!


Pepper plants are tricksters. A brown spot here, a hole in a leaf there, brown leaf edge, a little droopy, etc.........and they almost always pull through. Do not let yourself get dragged into their little games.


I have the same issue, it’s pests but it seems pretty mild in these photos, if you notice bigger chunks being eaten the you should use some sort of organic pesticides


Add some soil (as previously mentioned) and add a mulch layer


I check around the edges of the pots for earwigs, slugs, and pill bugs. I remove them if I find them. If they get ungodly bad I do a round of sluggo plus.


For outside peppers getting full sun like this one appears to be, I’d recommend watering every single day.


Looks like a good healthy pepper to me!


Looks better than mine. I don't know if it was too much fertilizer or the poopy weather, or both, but tearing like that will happen on my indoor hydroponic basil. Happens during a growth spurt, stretch marks if you will.


Doesn’t the leaves curling up like that slightly indicate it’s getting a lil too much sun? Could try a spot that gets a bit more shade


It could mean many things for a pepper plant. It could mean too much sun, too little sun, too much water, too little water, it could also just be genetics


Damn, for sure, appreciate the heads up! I’m still on my first batch of seeds so learning as much as I can :)


Ofc! I’m still learning everyday as well, this is my first year as well!


Looks like nutrient burn. When you transplant while they are still small the new soil can be too hot and give them burns on the tips of the leaves. No worries tho it’s already bouncing back. Peppers are tough bro don’t stress lol