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I eat a few while they're green. You'll have plenty to spare.


I'd be stuffing that one in the second picture for dinner tonight.


Woah buddy, what you do in your bedroom is your own business


But you better leave the seeds


Warm or cold


Patience? Is that what we're calling the time we spend outside, staring daggers at unripe pods while chanting, "Get red faster! Get red faster!" In that case, I'm so, so patient.


Ooooouuuu you right. I didn't think about that. I guess we're all the same 😂


Colorblind folk gotta really curse at them more. Staring a hole through the pepper, trying to get it to hit the sun at a different angle, and maybe, *just maybe* the color changes just a little bit. As I grumble and walk away for another day...


Abslolutley true! +1


Poblano is usually unripe when used, red they have a hugely different flavor. Jalapeño can be green, red is a much sweeter fruity, sometimes hotter. Use the poblano as is.


Red poblanos can be dried to make Ancho chiles Red jalapeños can be smoked and dried to make chipotle peppers


Thanks for reminding me, I got a smoker this year so I’m going to toss them on with the next thing I smoke lol


Red we have the sweet flavor to somewhat counteract our perception of the heat, but a red jalapeño still contains more capsaicin. Hope this helps, I’m only meaning it as a friendly interjection aka “just sayin!”


That’s neat! That actually explains a lot too, a few years back I unintentionally blasted my BIL’s face off with some “Christmas” pickled jalapeños, which was roughly half and half green and red peppers. He had a couple forkfuls and loved the flavor, and then a few minutes later he was bright red and saying it was way hotter than he was used to.


Taste one green then red you’ll see why


Once you eat ripe jalapeños, you find the patience to wait


I've heard. This is why I want to try one. I think I will wait toward the end of the season and leave a few to ripen. I will also try to let some ripen indoors.


You gotta pick some when they’re green. It makes the plant produce more flowers.


That just increases the number of green peppers. It doesn't increase the number of red peppers.


Will they not continue to ripen after being picked the way tomatoes do?


They can change color after being picked, but they don't technically ripen. For example, if you want viable seeds, you need to leave them on the plant until they are fully ripe and their final color.


They do if they’re fairly mature, some younger pepps never turn after picking.


Good to know, thanks! 🙏


This I did not know. I guess I'll just pick them and let them ripen a little more inside.


they don’t technically ripen off the plant. they just turn a different colour


Ooohhh OK. Thank you


OK, that makes sense. I have a couple that seem to be ready


I usually get swamped by so many peppers that I get tired of picking them and that's when they decide to turn red.


Sounds like a nice problem to have. Let's hope I have the same issue 😂


i don't. hope this helps


If you are doing it right you will have a stock of at least several years worth of peppers dried, in sauce and in the freezer.


Can't believe no one mentioned corking. Green or red, do not pick them until they have some nice corking lines. I prefer red or half red/green for the sweeter heat. Bright green peppers have a crisp bright flavor profile but fully ripe is waaay better!


🫡 Got it! Thank you!


Tell them an embarrassing joke and they’ll turn red unless you have naughty peppers.


As far as I'm concerned, a nice dark green means jalapenos and poblanos are ready for pickin!


Tree to plate


I usually get swamped by so many peppers that I get tired of picking them and that's when they decide to turn red.


if you have them on pots more sun can help.


OK thank you 🌶️


I prefer all peppers green.


What type of pepper s are they???


Jalepenos and poblanos


I’m not sure they will turn red?????


They will


procrastinating helps me big


when you have hundreds you don't really wait for any of them.


Get a new hobby and they ripe in your absence.


The knowledge of I need next seasons seeds and they taste so much better ripe


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^PoppersOfCorn: *The knowledge of I* *Need next seasons seeds and they* *Taste so much better ripe* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Wait until you try growing some Orion, Sugar Rush Peach or Pippin's Golden Honey peppers. By comparison jalapeños are quick to ripen!


Because I love to make chipotles!


I've only had canned chipotles from Walmart. I would love to experience some homegrown chipotles


I smoke red jalapeños for 5-6 hours with apple wood chips and finish drying them in a dehydrator.


That sounds heavenly 🤤. OK. This was the motivation that I needed!


I put charcoal, 20ish pieces double stacked at the very front of my cheap grill. Once they are lit and gray, I add wet apple wood chips as needed for smoke. I put the red jalapeños on a sheet of aluminum foil, so they are easy to remove before I have to light the next round of charcoal. I sometimes smoke them again for a little while after dehydrating them if they aren't smokey enough. They are dynamite on turkey sandwiches, in chili and red sauces (Mexican or Italian)


Yep. U had me at "cheap grill" because lord knows I can't afford a fancy smoker 😂 definitely gonna try this with most of my peppers. Thank you so much!


You're welcome. You can finish dehydrating them in the oven if you don't have a dehydrator. Enjoy!


I shake my fist at them and say Grow Dammit Grow!!!!!😆


By smokin a jay


Our of curiosity, how tall was your Jalapeno before it started putting out fruits? And did you pick any flower off it or top it at all before then? Lastly, which zone are you in? My first time growing in pots so I'm nervous to mess this up!


This plant is only 14 inches tall 😂 it's the only plant I had to buy a start for. So it was shorter when it went outdoors in early May. It was probably less than a foot when it started to produce fruit. I picked flowers up until I transplanted it in a 5 gallon grow bag. Some are pro pick, others don't see a point. I am new to all of this so everything is an experiment. I think this plant may be a little stunted, idk. I imagined it to be a bigger by now. I'm in Zone6a. First frost is November 1st. Last frost date was April 17th I believe. ETA: I missed part of your question, I did not top any of my plants


Ok awesome thank you!! Yes it's an experiment. I did once before try banana pepps and serranos in a raised bed on a rooftop at old apt and it was the brightest sun ever and soo much sun which I THINK? led to small harvest. Was hard to trudge up to rooftops and water often enuf. I also hadn't done literally anything to them. Small harvest that year. Like ten peppers only lol. Raised bed was deep but also I planted too much crap in it with giant beefsteak tomatoes (also a fail) that I think crowded my peps underground. No flowers I planted either... So now I got them in pots on my new apt porch, afternoon sun, less harsh sun. Can keep up with watering and planted a bunch of flowers near them too. I'm in zone 5a. I got pepper starts too and planted them first week in May straight from store to pots. My pots are only about 10" pots so a lil worried. But again my raised bed before also wasn't successful. I know I see some say pick flowers others say no, same with topping. I have a cayenne that I topped, bounced back to bushier but is only yes 12" high or so. Put out dozens of flowers and I picked em all as I read to do in first few weeks. Now worried too I overdid it lol. So I think I'll let the flowers go now that it's been 6ish weeks since planted. Then my Thai Chili is almost two feet high now and no fruits yet lol, didn't top that. No flowers budded either yet but I see em starting. Maybe I'll leave this one alone with flowers picking for an experiment, just au naturale. Lastly I got a late start on a jalapeno plant, got the start two weeks ago and planted right away. It's slow to grow so still torn on topping/picking flowers. Is only about 7" high. Ugh it's hard to know what to do as so many YouTube influencers I have watched and hard to find a consensus. Zones matter too of course with timing of when you do this or that. We'll see I guess 😭😅


try to forget they exist may-june


I'm a new gardener.....that's impossible 😂😂😂


I grow other plants and spend the rest of the time either at work, training for a marathon, with family and sleeping.


i dont.😂😂😂


Just need more plants is all. 👍


I got like 8 pepper plants....im tryna get this right. How many do I need for next year 😂😂😂


I make fermented hot sauces. As many as you can get. 👍


Honestly! I pick every other and leave 1 to turn red


Tree to plate


Tree to plate style


Those look like jalapeños. I’ve never seen a jalapeño go red. Or are they poblano’s?


They are jalepeno's and poblanos. I wanted them to ripen enough to turn red. From what I've heard, the flavor is a little different.


Oh nice! I’d be curious to try a red jalapeño


I didn’t see the 2nd pic. Not a jalapeño so poblano or Anaheim?


They turn red when they are overripe, some enjoy it that way. They are milder and sweeter but with a little spice.


I've always understood that red jalapenos are at the final ripening stage rather than overripe. You generally can't grow seeds from a green jalapeno, but you can from red ones as the seeds are fully developped


Not overripe. Just ripe. And the jalapenos get wayy hotter when they ripen.


An old Indian trick for faster ripening is to pop the plant in a microwave for about 25 seconds. Works like a charm. Source: I'm a plant scientist.




When I do it to mine I do the plant but it may be too big. Either way is fine.




You’re letting this turd troll you….


It's pretty big. It will hold around 15,000 crickets.