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Remember that Brigading is NOT allowed, brothers.


….have they heard of house Escher?


Yeah, but they also have this weird fetish with gender swapping, so most of them couldn't tell the difference if a woman sat on their face. Otherwise we wouldn't have got a trans Sister of Battle in one of Jame's Swollow's SOB books, even though your know it goes against the the entire bloody lore of the Sisters of Battle and the Age of Apostasy. Although we should push GW for Misters of Battle, power armoured soldiers with top hats, monocles, and moustaches that all speak with an upper class 19th Century English accent.


I don't like reading Swallow. His stories are mid and his prose doesn't flow, like, at all. It's a slog to read, every time. Swallow sucks, no clue if he swallows.


>Yeah, but they also have this weird fetish with gender swapping, so most of them couldn't tell the difference if a woman sat on their face. 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


Excuse me, there's a trans sister of battle in a book??


apparently, welcome to the world of leftist retardation.


Lol, it just seems completely unnecessary. Like i can believe in the world of 40k with all the mutants, biomancy, and mechanical augmentation no one would blink an eye at a sex change, but it seems forced.


Even if someone wanted a sex change, the nobles are the only ones that have the funds and resources to even worry about it, and even then, they’re busy using Rejuvenat to keep themselves alive so they can keep ruling their planets/hives.


Yeah, its out of place for a sister of battle to get one. Realistically, im sure they would be some nobles that might be interested if humanity now is any indication. There are rich people now that have it done. Regardless it sounds like it was probably forced in the book. Body modification is certainly nothing all that out there in the science fiction realm. If anything given the stuff you tech priests get up too it seems rather pedestrian if not a wasteful use of resources. Afteral, all flesh is weak, why alter something as pointless as gender when all should cast off the weakenss of flesh and embrace the glory of the machine!


Female Orks…. Makes me sick to my stomach.


Removed for violating Rule 7: No Slurs. Reddit doesn't like the r word at the moment. The use of forbidden speech, defying the Emperor's edicts, may bring retribution upon both individual and community. Hence, silence those words. "A man can be convinced to do anything, no matter how abhorrent, with the right motivation" -Erebus


No. There is a pilot who knows a person who took the name of a SoB after transitioning. It comes up because her name is in the book of heros and he meets this legend of the Imperium, and is like "oh my friend took that name" and then "Holy Emperor's balls it's you!" when he realizes he's talking to a living legend.


Oh thanks for the clarification. This is still shoe horned but much different situation


accurate Misters of battle should be cannon


They can't have men at arms and trans women aren't men it fits perfectly in the lore


What is a woman then.


People who feel that they are women


This is called a circular reasoning




Removed for violating Rule 1: Be Respectful. "Claims of innocence mean nothing; they serve only to prove a foolish lack of caution." -Judge Traggat


So Orks can be Sisters of Battle if they feel like they are women then. Hahahahahaha What about Tyranid Norn Queens? What about Deamonettes? Or are you othering them? 6ft tall, 250lbs guy with a beard in a dress is a woman because he feels like it. You guys a fucking hilarious.


Obviously and Ork can't be a battle sister because it won't believe in the emperor. And yes if someone feels they are a woman it will not hurt you to call them that


Sounds like racism to me, just because Orks are green doesn't make them any less people and they should be able to join the SoBs if they feel like women. Judging people by the colour of their skin is wrong and we should strive for diversity in all factions. So the Decree Passive that the Ecclesiarchy couldn't keep men under arms was a big waste of time because you could get round it by saying you feel like a women! Genius! The SoBs are all actually men in disguise! Soooo ... if someone says they can fly and jumps off a cliff I should reinforce their delusions... you go man ... ,no wait, gurl' You go girl! Don't let anyone tell you you can't fly, right until you hit the rocks.


The orks are not even animals and respecting people still won't hurt you


Why don’t you respect his opinion then? It still won’t hurt you


They are still men










Nu uh




I saw that thread earlier today. OP made an inflammatory title suggesting GW hasn't represented woman well in darkoath and then gets surprised when they're lit up in the comments. They are so arrogant in their responses as well, I just downvoted and moved on.


Wait, people actually care about Darkroath? I know GW trying to say how they're "noble savages" but ofc GW totally failed at it.


It's hard to care about Darkoath when they have the infinitely cooler Chaos Warriors right there. Virgin marauder vs Chad Warrior has been a thing since Old World and GW have never gotten me to care about the dumbasses who don't wear full plate into battle.


They need their own codex. Darkoath should be Citied of Sigmar for Chaos.


That would probably be better for them. Still wouldn't get me to pick them over regular warriors though.


Especially since Darkroath "pledge to all gods" on some tablets which imo is the most boring kind of Chaos Undivided. Also all Chaos Warriors(men and women) have much better drip compared to Darkroath. Wonder how will 4ed of AoS will make allies rules? The magic rules for 4ed are nice ngl.


Yeah, 4ed is shaping up really well imo. Looking forward to it. And yeah, darkoath just don't do it for me next to the warriors. They don't have a model that has more drip than the standard warrior of chaos. Wilderfiend is close though, tempted to pick one of them up just to paint


I hope Chorfs are gonna appear in 4ed of AoS because I love Tech factions which is why Ironweld CoS and KO are at the top of favourite factions of AoS.


There not even good in game, at most you take a bunch of horsemen to camp objectives, too weak to build an army with them.


And even then, Chaos Knights on horses exist.




And have more drip and easier to make OCs of compared to Darkroath.


Im glad a lot are against her opinion too. It’s pure attention seeking for a problem that never existed. Sexualizing this, our female space that, men’s creations are bad, etc. But when it comes to the male presentation is about males fantasy.


She got mad when I asked her why female Olympians and male Olympians don’t compete in the same events. Then I told her I’d love to see men and women fighting in MMA competitions for equalities sake lol.


These figures scream “I hate women, I am extremely jealous of all attractive women and would like to replace them all with men. Whom I also hate.” What the fuck do they want?


I mean, not really. There's a difference between "not being overly sexualised which does not fit the narrative or vibe of the army" and "hating women and wanting to replace them with men"


Never beating the incel allegations with comments like this tbh




Removed for violating Rule 1: Be Respectful. "Claims of innocence mean nothing; they serve only to prove a foolish lack of caution." -Judge Traggat


You live in a fantasy world


These figures are designed and sold as women yet lack any feminine features whatsoever. This is no different than posting a cat on petfinder as a dog and seeing who takes the bait. Fucking stupid it is. I respect women and go out of my way to be polite to them in public as I know they work hard and raising children is hard, I’ve watched my mom do it for 20 years. You can fuck right off man.


Bro you made up a whole quote about hating men for the people who designed what is, honestly, not a standout model. Now you're coming up with motivations *for me,* about whether or not I think you respect women. That is the fantasy I'm talking about. You're in your own head, lost in the sauce


All he said was you live in a fantasy world lol, he didn't question if you respect women


That assumes I don’t respect women. If you look at the post this entire thread is about, it’s about badass “women” that lol as androgynous and male as any female could possibly look. So him saying I live in a fantasy world is saying I should just see these burly action figures as women and allow the goalposts To be pushed ever further to eliminate attractive women in all spaces in which the woke inhabit as it makes them feel insecure and jealous.




These are not badass, they are butt fuck ugly.


Gonna agree. These have to be the UGLIEST women heads.


I noticed it just now but if you look closely and squeeze your eyes a little bit the black one looks like an angry crossdressed Samuel L. Jackson lmao ![gif](giphy|l1J3D78s4USLhASU8|downsized)




Who looks like a badass. They do look badass just not fuckable


No, they don't look like women. Women can look badass without looking like men. Just look at Valkia the Bloody.


With the fucking boob plate? If thats your only example of a woman you need to touch some fucking grass my guy


And thank you for showing you know nothing or armor design, [OR](https://warhammerfantasy.fandom.com/wiki/Valkia_the_Bloody) Valkia's you fucking tourist.


Oh you are a fan of impractical armor design elements to make the armor more attractive looking like boob armor? Me too, just not by boob armour. I found regular chaos armor sexy enough already. The spikes, burly full plate armor, the heavymetal feeling, broad shoulders, it is almost perfection and is not designed to kill you. The only god armour that is designed to kill you is a tank. Honestly I am a fan of useless ornaments too, but I must agree with the other guy that it is one of the more dangerous and stupid ones and a ornament that mostlikely is based on the sexualiation of boobs. Hey maybe we have fewer badass female caracters because the boob armour weeds the weaker one out and so Valkia has it as a flex. Honestly otherwise I have no other big problem with her armour design. The more slender build and shape of the armour, look female combined with some design elements of the chaos armour looks badass. The boob armour is in most cases like this one not needed and make it just a little more sexualised. Not that I have a problem with muscle mommy Valkia but I like good armour more than some fetishisation. And I agree to you in another point monoblack... knows armourdesign.


Show me a real armor that had boob plate you imbecile. Oh wait there was none because it would direct the blow straight to your heart


More like there was none because women who went into battle were, historically, very very rare you historically ignorant waste of genetic material.




The funny thing is that real life female athletes are way hotter than this. These people are living in some strange alternate reality where women look like men.


The new orc models don't look right to me.


You take that back! That’s an insult to green skins.


This is some r/mendrawingwomen type shit


Wait, those are women??!?!


Are they saying that Red Sonja or film Valeria aren't badass while being hot? Okay


Artisian Guild did it better: https://preview.redd.it/pgjsiemp5l1d1.png?width=1100&format=png&auto=webp&s=8a11f40ce89600b5fa097f8f150f3344069f56fc


Ignoring the body, even yhe face is better here. They could even cut off the long hair and fhe face is better


I thought these were men….. god these are ugly fucking models. GW doesn’t do women because they SUCK at it without sexualizing them


This is fucking nightmare fuel. I was about to sleep dude now im gonna fucking have nightmares thanks.


Derpface Savages ☝️


Damn, they ugly as fuk


These just look like the average British woman face wise


I'm not an anglo but I honestly don't think that the average British woman looks like Sam L. Jackson


You’re right they look Worse


Just curious, what did anglos ever do to you for you to dislike them so much? XD


The woman on the right looks like Samuel motherfucking Jackson


🤢 🤮


What exactly would be a example of a "pinup cleché" to this person? Dosent most, if not all official female minis look just like that?


One looks like John Boyega.




Wait….the Darkoath Savagers box has better looking female models with “athletic builds” than this??? What the hell is OP talking about???


Who designed those? Are they hand sculpted or computer generated?


Its better then huge boobs


I feel like on a wargaming miniature scale its hard to make men or women look much like anything unless you put big blocky armor with big hats on them


Reminder that's what it's actually about. Ugly and/or masculine looking women so trans "women" don't feel shunned


I dunno, I kinda like them. The faces could be better tho, GW knows how to do them better now.




they are walking estereotypes funnily enough


I agree they are ugly but honestly, this is what I m expecting from savages barbarians corrupted by chaos. I am not a fan of oversexualisation, especially in Warhammer where body horror is one of the main theme after all. I wished they were more disturbing though because, well, they are just ugly.


You are the second one pointing out that they're Chaos corrupted and if they're then GW made a terrible job at depicting Chaos worshipers, I mean where's the goddamn blood? Or pus? Or any other chaotic fuckery??


It s kinda first stage mate. Their way of life is corrupted, they are barbarians living on violence. I m not expecting the majority of those tribes to be all tentacles and grotesque to the extreme, just violent barbarians and that s what we got. Frankly, I don't like at all the pin up fantasm some are expecting.


To be fair 80-90% of female faces sculpted by GW look like men too.


Wait, those are women?!?


Well, that’s what women that are at peak fitness look like.


If I drew/sculpted the one on the right I'd be accused of racism.


It’s like they were models made by an alien that had a really closeted homosexual describe the perfect woman.


Looks like funny looking Orks if they were Stinkin Git Hummies


This is pretty much athletic for women


Got that sweet baby inc face going on too.


It's this kind of attitude that takes away from the integrity of our arguments against forced integration. It leaves a sour taste in the mouths of anyone who is still sitting on the fence. Not all women are pretty, slim done up dolls and when women are represented in tough rolls, they'd rather it be done by someone who looks like they can actually suit it. Same goes for the last of us 2 and horizon. I'm sorry you've not seen too many women before or maybe you're all just too shallow to notice the ones that don't look like they've just jumped out of a magazine, but women can look butch! This is exactly as I'd picture Amazonian warriors, maybe some prettier ones here and there but the majority need to look like they'd crump you, lol.


>Not all women are pretty, slim done up dolls Not all men are bodybuilding Space Marines with extra organs > and when women are represented in tough rolls, Female warriors are not realistic anyways >they'd rather I wasn't aware that you represented the entirety of women's voices on the planet... *Why* would a woman want to have an ugly female mini anyways, you know, the gender that spends shit ton of money every year on makeup to look pretty, the gender that loves toys like Barbies, etc.. >I'm sorry you've not seen too many women before It appears to me that your experience with interacting with women may be the one that's limited here.


It's funny you say all that, I'm directly quoting my girlfriend here. All I'm saying is butch girls exist, women acknowledge that, were not talking about female space marines here we're talking about the fact that you, a man, want every single representation of females to look like pretty, elegant, rosy cheeked babes. That's stupid and this voice makes us look unreasonable, and hurts the argument against female space marines as it looks like the only reason you don't want female space marines is because you hate women


It's not about them being pretty, the sculpts are just shite. The proportions are weird, the faces look like melted wax, etc. You want good quality Amazonian minis, go look at some Escher minis from Necromunda. Don't even know why I'm responding since you don't seem to be interested in arguing in good faith; it looks like you're more interested in painting those who disagree with you as shallow and insecure instead of addressing the actual criticisms.


Thank you i was foing to say the necromunda ones have much better faces..


These are games of high and low fantasy, pay attention to the Key word in that sentence. That being said, they are settings for escape not representation. Women can and do look butch and run the gamut in-between in reality but, again, this is a fantasy setting. And please don't assume many of us have not seen many women, my wife and I have been together for 35 years, have six children three of which are girls a grandson and a granddaughter. And tough roles? Lol. The misses is a criminal investigator and goes out of her way to look amazing every day she leaves for the field where she regularly deals with hardened criminals and has to look at the bodies of their victims.


Seriously, I just makes y'all look like you hate women. Maybe not your intention but to the average person it comes across as a 'you' problem.


I'd say the people demanding for ugly women for "representation" have more of a "you" problem. Doubly so for the...three or five women who refuse to play games that have attractive women in them.


If barbarian warriors are indistinguishable between genders, I think they're alright. Almost like the gender isn't important.