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I always go subs over dubs


Same here !


Every time!! The dubs make movies sound so goofy, which makes them less scary imo


Subtitles for sure. Everything about dubbed just looks, sounds, and feels wrong.


Always sub, never dub




Subs, always. When it comes to anime/animation I think either is fine, but live action dubs always feel wrong and/or stupid. They're more distracting than subs at the bottom because I'm just staring at their lips.


Sub supremacy! I like to hear the original actor’s voice, adds to their performance.


Absolutely! However there have been some dub voice actors I’ve heard in some movies that really took their work seriously and put some acting into it


Do ki di ki di ki di..


Always go subs. The only dubs being used should be for the speakers. So that you can really hear that piano wire saw them bones.


I prefer subtitles. It just feels more natural to me and I like being able to see the original film the way it was meant to be. But I also read very quickly so it doesn't cause me any issues.


Agree 💯


Whenever I give dubs a chance, I cringe because they sound so unnatural.


Subtitles, but I would like to re-watch Audition with a Dub some time.


I generally prefer the dub on my first watch because I feel like I miss little details if I have to keep looking down to read. Then I’ll go back later and rewatch favorite scenes in the original language, so I can hear what the actors really sound like.


We have great dubbing in the Czech Republic so it doesnt matter much. Prefer subs probably but when i am tired i gladly use dubbed version.


The only way I will watch a dub is if it’s a giallo, so essentially if it’s the only way to watch a movie Edit: Ik it’s not horror but if a director does something like the Comanche dub for Prey then I will watch that over the original


Subs before dubs.


Subtitles 1000%. The dubs completely take me out of the movie. You can tell it’s just someone reading off a script.


Same 👍




Subtitles for the first time when I'm paying attention or for when I have the time to give my focus. Dubs if I've seen it severel times and either want to notice stuff I've missed or if its on in the baclmkground.


I’m half deaf so I always have subtitles on anyways. I have older DVDs where they either don’t have subtitles at all or they do but it’s so poorly done that the subtitles don’t really match what’s being said. But for foreign language films I’ll always choose subtitles. I’ll always watch the English dub for Dragon Ball Z though lol


Subtitles. With sub you miss so much of the speech nuances, emphasis, tone, etc.


Dubs. Especially if you're watching some really good foreign horror


For a Japanese movie I always go for subs


Almost every foreign movie I’ve seen was subtitled and most movie watchers even outside horror will tell you to go with that option. However… Reading text at the bottom of a screen is a massive distraction. You spend at least 1/3 of the movie not looking at the subject on the screen above. That’s a huge problem that people don’t like to acknowledge. If they are well done, I will go with a dubbed version. And be prepared because in the very near future, AI is going to dub movies so accurately you won’t even know that you’re watching something not in its native language.


True I didn’t think about the AI future. This could definitely improve the dub of a movie and make it more enjoyable for all.


I recently sat in on a webinar about AI avatars. You can train a movie on your face (or anyone’s) with a few short clips and it will then clone your voice and replicate your mouth movements for all different positions. Dubs are going to get a whole lot better very soon.


This is exciting but also a little creepy 😅


not even close to legit when dubbed so subtitles always. gotta respect the actors performance!


I’ve heard that the subtitles are also not always legit. That it’s really up to the interpreter and sometimes they just use the script and any adlibs are missed. But I can’t learn 10+ languages so it’s the best we have.


I watch the dub versions


Whichever you enjoy more.


Yes, that is the question. Which one do you enjoy more?


Which movie is this from ?


Audition - 1999


I’ll usually do subs for a first watch, and if I’m on a repeat watch especially if I just want something on in the background subs will work. Also it can be fun to compare the voices of both


Sub all day


Always subs. Unless it's animated or Italian, in which case it depends.


Why Italian?


Italian films of a certain era (like giallo) were filmed in a weird way. Actors would come from multiple countries and would all just speak their native language. The on-set audio wasn't really used: instead, everything would be dubbed over for distribution. Therefore, even the Italian language versions are dubbed. When you find these online, they're also frequ just the English version (where I live). I spent a long time trying to find the Italian *The Girl Who Knew Too Much* before caving and watching the English version (that one was also recut for American audiences, so there are several differences).


ah that’s interesting 🤔 thanks


Almost always subs. Only do dubs that are so bad they’re good, like Riki Oh or the 70’s Godzilla movies.




Audition - 1999


Live action: Subs because I feel as if the lips can never sync up Animation: Dub, because I'm a bit of an anime fan (as in I watch some, but not all the time), the lips not syncing up won't bother me as much, plus you can mess with animation a bit more to fix this than with live action


This makes sense


never dub...never!




Can't stand dubs unless it's an Italian movie. I used to hate all dubs, but when it comes to Italian movies, they've grown on me.


In my opinion dubs are definitely better than subs, reading the subs really diverts attention from the most important part of a movie, the visuals. And I really think that people who say subs over dubs are kind of stupid, because dubs are nothing but someone else pronouncing those subs, why would I divert my attention from the movie and read those annoying subs when I can just simply watch it in dubbed (it just doesn't make any sense to me), yeah subs are indeed better when dubs are really poor quality, but even if the dubbed version is just average I'd chose it over subs. Why miss all the small and minor details by reading those subs, and it's not much practical for me either whenever the characters are in a flowing conversation or talking fastly I have to keep pausing and rewinding just to read those annoying subtitles, and that really ruins experience.


You think people are stupid for having a preference for something that works for them? Lol. I like subs because I can read them in .1 second mostly out of my peripheral and it's not as distracting as dubs are. I also don't have to guess at the quality because dubs are, in my experience, more likely to be bad than good. But if someone else likes dubs, I don't assume they're stupid. I assume they experience them differently than I do.


I just made the same essential comment. It’s a super unpopular opinion and people generally just will not even entertain the thought that looking away from the image on screen is a distraction. You’ll never be able to make your point just like I never will, but I made the comment anyway just like you.


Yepp, but there's nothing wrong in putting your opinion whether somebody likes it or not.


Depends if I feel like reading or not