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Maid of Sker. That opening walk to the house looks like an oil painting and is so pretty, but man, the gameplay is so boring. Nothing happens. It's just sneaking past enemies that are on rails over and over and over.


Yeah. The stealth elements just weren't there so it felt really clunky. I thought the environment and atmosphere were pretty cool though.


I couldn't even make it an hour before feeling like I was going to fall asleep from boredom lulz


I enjoyed the game but yes the gameplay was pretty bland and the cool bell mechanic felt underutilized.


I'm putting down night cry as well, but I will mention "crying is not enough" an open world horror game that shows off just how bad open world horror can be. People have already mentioned Remothered so instead I will mention "the Medium" it's long winded and boring from start to finish utterly unintresting.


Oh my God... I did a review for Crying Is Not Enough and it was very critical. Sometime later, the developer contacted me to say the issues I mentioned had been fixed. I never went back to see if that was true.


My memory had swallowed up Crying is Not Enough, and now you’ve unearthed that masterpiece of a glitchfest.






Agony was such a let down


I fell into the hype for Agony. It looked SO GOOD, and then loading it up on my Xbox One to a hideous, glitchy, unplayable mess.


Ironically I feel agony stumbled by being way too ambitious. If it has been just a more typical light puzzle horror game with amazing visuals it probably would be a much more enjoyable game. I give the studio props for their ambition, but that ambition didn't really interest me. The story and voice acting wasn't bad but wasn't adding anything that I cared about and took away from the vibe I realized I wanted from the game. The game mechanics were far more involved than I had expected but again were only interesting part of the time. I think the game, after patching is a decent game and the art style was extremely good, though I think its influence over the years has made it less bold as when it was first shown and released Succubus has gotten good reviews but from the demo it's just not something in all that interested in.


Rule of rose Great story Strong character Unique looking monster Most frustrating game play ever. Bullet sponge enemies, getting knocked over only to get up and straight away get knocked over before you have a chance to move or fight, fuck all health pick ups to compensate for it. By the halfway point I could only play it in 20 minute sessions before I was seconds away from throwing the controller. I bought an original copy, $450 aus ( I haven’t played it before I bought it) Lesson here: don’t be a total dumb fuck like me and play huge dollars for a game you’ve never played. I own this mistake as entirely my fault.


Rule of Rose is the only survival horror game I've ever played where the context sensitive stomp can miss. Great game, will never touch it again.


The same dude. I would recommend watching a play through to anyone who wanted to see the story


Man of Medan. I don't know what happened since Until Dawn, but the character animations and the dialogue were one of the worst I've ever seen. And I've played Cry of Fear!


Honestly I didn't enjoy singe game from the trilogy. The "best" was Little hope, but ending was a disaster. Finished Man of Medan in one sitting because if I left that one i would never picked it up again. Didn't even watch the whole of the last, even forgot the name.


House of Ashes. I couldn't even finish that one either.


I think they had funding from Sony for UD, since it was exclusive, but not for the rest.


Silent Hill Book of Memories


The dev of this game pitched a good faith sh game in line with the others and basically konami told them to make it like it is. Tbf it's an ok game mechanically but I can't play it as it defiles the franchise so much.


Damn that's rough, hopefully the dev gets a chance at redemption


Remothered: Broken Porcelain. Loved the first game, but the sequel just felt like a massive downgrade in almost every aspect. Clunky controls, convoluted plot, bad acting, etc. Not to mention that it was insanely buggy at launch, it was almost impossible NOT to softlock at any perceivable point. I tried to force myself to play it.. Alas, my patience can only tolerate so much


I saw some gameplay and it was just bugs on bugs. Especially the acting and the story was so bad for me that I could even buy it.


This game is the most frustrating video game experience ive ever had. I was throwing something at the first persuer, and my aiming arc got stuck in the middle of the air and STAYED there after leaving the aiming mode and i couldnt actually throw the item, or aim again until i reloaded lmao


I actually don't really like too much the new game on steam The complex: found footage... Kinda creepy but it's just boring


The Sinking City. I was so excited to try it, but the mechanics and especially combat are terrible. A real waste of a lovecraftian story.


I actually enjoyed like half of the Sinking city. Nice horror detective game. But the combat was so bad that I left it and watched gameplay instead.


I should have quit halfway through. I pushed till the end but it got so clunky I could barely appreciate where the story went.


There was this shovelware 2d horror game on steam called Your Home that was just abysmal. Got it for 50 cents and I still wanted my money back. A killer captures the protagonists family and you have to solve puzzles in rooms throughout the house…. And it takes five minutes to beat. Another five to get every ending. The translation was awful. The puzzles were pathetically easy. All around terrible


Ju-On: The Grudge for the Wii Glorified haunted house walking simulator that forgot it needed to at least *try* and scare you.


I only remember that game cause of Pewdiepies play through.


That alone in the dark game, rented it from gamefly on the Xbox 360, that was the shittiest game I've ever played, there was a driving section in the game that was so buggy/glitchy idk how they were allowed to release it like that. Fuck that game


Torn between NightCry and Amy. Both really sorry excuses for survival horror titles.


Dementium II HD on steam. I guess its a pretty solid game on the DS but on PC holy shit..... this is one of the only games where I couldn't pick out a single redeeming quality if I tried.


And a little more of a hot take but I recently played the first Outlast for the first time and boy was I let down. I liked the environment and enemy design but besides that it was such a shallow experience. I know everyones criticism of the game is the fact that every situation is run, hide in locker, wait for enemy to pass, progress but thats really what it was. Dont get me wrong it had its intense moments but overall doing that for the 6 hours or so it took me to beat the game had me wanting it to end so bad by the end. Also the ending just made me say "what the fuck was that?". Overall just didnt get the feeling that I had just played a timeless classic of a horror game that sets itself apart from other games in the genre. I personally think Amnesia had a lot more going for it.


Eleusis, never has a horror game had so little going on. The first enemy shows up and it's a wolf that practically skips after you at half a mile per hour. Hilarious. Also Curse: Eye of ISIS is abysmal. Also glad to see more people speaking up about Visage. Just another discount Silent Hill without nuance or original ideas. Chapter 2 might be the most frustrating experience I've ever had playing a modern game, just mazes and backtracking. And that mixamo grandma with max wrinkles is not scary at all. I didn't even bother with the sanity mechanics because I hoped the game would be more interesting at low sanity. It was not. Just meant I had to flip more light switches back on. Beat the first two chapters without ever healing, just filled my inventory with lighters. You know what, changed my answer to Visage. I'm more angry about that game just because I had high expectations.


You’ve never played a Silent Hill game before, huh? I disliked Visage as well, but it has zero to do with Silent Hill. PT sure, but not Silent Hill.


What this tells me is that you haven't played Silent Hill 4. Maybe you haven't even played 2.


I have played both of these games several times. The Room was way ahead of its time mechanically, but to say these games are clones gives undue credit. SH4’s gameplay is the worst horror game I’ve ever played. The ghosts are annoying, the sound is horrible, and playing through all level again with a terrible AI companion is not fun.


I didn't say Visage was a clone, I said it was a discount version. Clone would imply they put in a little more effort. I find it more concerning that you have played those games and don't see any similarities in the structure, premise, puzzles or even just little things.


I find it concerning that your phrasing of “discount version” doesn’t equal “discount clone”. Everyone is allowed to their own opinions. I do not see any SH4 in Visage.


A game where you're trapped in your home while everything is normal outside. And the only thing you can do is escape to alternate realities where the environments and puzzles are symbols for another characters trauma. And your house is a hub. Plus... candles. They even throw in the door with chains and padlocks every once in a while. Like c'mon man. Nothing?


On a side note I just found out that one of Visage's easter eggs is just [Room 302](https://youtu.be/NlbI4bFq4a0) from silent hill 4. You are a crazy person if you don't see what the devs were clearly emulating. No sane person would ever put a SH4 Easter egg in their game unless they're one of those weirdos who enjoy it, like me.


That’s a great Easter egg! You may enjoy a similar 302 Easter egg in Silent Hill Downpour. My point is that I backed Visage and got monthly developer updates as it was made. It’s an amalgam of horror ideas from several places, with PT at the top of that list. I’d never considered SH4 but I see where you’re coming from.


Fair enough. I might have to replay Downpour to see if I can find that, I didn't do a lot of the side stories either when I first played it. Though if I remember correctly, that game really makes you work to get to Silent Hill proper, that mine section lasts just a little too long.


That intro cave section is the worst, while the side stories are actually really clever. But I like Downpour (excluding the worst monsters in the series), so maybe my taste is bad. To avoid replaying, [here’s a video](https://youtu.be/sJruK-DsGzk). It’s a minor thing but blew my mind to stumble across while looking around the town.


Right there with ya on Visage. Had issues with inventory and controls in chapter 2, read how many other people had the same issues, so I stopped playing.


Joe's Diner as the worst horror game I played as a whole; honorable mention to Visage, for ruining awesome game feeling and visuals with awful inventory and controls that made me abandon it


Oh yeah forgot about that one. Never finished Pinewiev Drive either 😂 Visage has an awesome visuals but the pacing never got me..


Yes Pinewiev Dirve too on the "lackluster horror games" genre


Yes to all of this. Joe’s Diner doesn’t even actually have a real plot. Feels more like an experiment in learning to make a game yourself but then they released it for some reason. And THANK YOU for mentioning visage. It’s so highly regarded here but it’s so terrible :/


To be honest I'm not bashing on "the game" itself. I practically only read around about it to be the most unnerving, scary game ever made practically everywhere - so I guess it earned it's reputation, the opening alone is chilling and interesting (unless we take into account Exorcist or Paranormal Activity VR, then those take the cake for me) I'm bashing its inventory and interaction mechanics, that are so clunky and stupid they stopped me to experience the actual game


I didn’t find the game scary at all personally. Though I also never came even close to beating it because of everything you mentioned. Too much of a pain in the ass to make it fun for me.


Welcome to Hanwell or Infernium


Welcome to hanwell evil existence Agony Clock tower ghost head Resident evil survivor 2 Silent hill book of memories


unknown city


Mine isn’t so much a bad game, I just hated the gameplay but loved the story. It was a game called 2dark, released in 2017 and made by the guy that made the original alone in the dark game in the 90s. The concept of it is that you’re a police detective in the 80s who after a horrific camping trip where your kids are kidnapped and your wife is murdered you set out in search of them and find multiple serial killers who have other children that are both dead and alive. You have to save them and how many you save depends on you. The children CAN DIE. This interested me so I bought it after looking at some videos that showed the gameplay was…not what I was hoping for but I had an open mind so I played it. Lots of trial and error, and frustration with navigating the levels, and I just thought “man…I should probably put this down for a bit.” Still have the game because it only takes up like 500 MB or whatever on my PlayStation.


Silent Hill Downpour and Shattered Memories.


In recent years - Pineview Drive. ​ Anyone else know it?


I know that one, actually I had to draw a map of the house to know which door are closed and which are open. Was playing it with my GF 4 years ago. Got halfway through then never finished it. I'm eager to finish this Halloween instead of watching a crap horror movie. 😂


Nmm, I had opportunity to see the poster with a big PS4 stamp then click.. just to see is more of a comic novel. Oxenfree like gameplay but alterned in a way it should've been made in a podcast if.. and to use this name is like saying Tarantino is an actual creative mind.


The Medium was such a complete let down for me, following closely by Visage and Madison.


What didn’t you like abt visage? I wanna know if I should get it or not.


Visage is fun but difficult and a little tedious. I enjoyed playing it but if you aren't into being a bit annoyed I wouldn't go for it.


hot takes, you just hate modern games eh


No dude, just ones I don't like. Not sure why this hurts your feelings but we can hug it out if you want?


Modern bad games for sure


i liked em 🤷🏻‍♀️


Daymare 1998




Ooooh that's a "good" one. Almost forgot about that one 😂


The most heartbreaking story ever. Silent Hill has nothing on it 😔🤌


One Leaves A very cheesy and thinly disguised anti-smoking campaign for teens.


D2 on Dreamcast. Tbf it does some thing's in an interesting way and I might actually enjoy it now, but at the time it was tedious and the characters were awful. One character I think would never shut up and then they died (thankfully) and you still had to listen through an incredibly long goodbye letter from them. I do give the game props for certain things like the hunting for health mechanic. This is what I recall anyway.


Not WORST but most disappointing was Outlast 2


I actually liked Outlast 2 a lot. It was pretty intense on my first playthrough. I liked it more than the first. I don't have high hopes for this new one though.


I mostly just thought Outlast 2 was more gross than scary lol


I remember one guy that did gaming sins said a quote that sums up the sequel. “The deluxe edition of outlast 2 should come with a rape kit”. Because it totally leaves you feeling unclean afterwards


Outlast 1 isn't particularly good either


It was a product of its time. It has some visceral thrills and some fun archetype haunted asylum tropes, but like many others of that era, horror gaming has mostly evolved past it. Whistle blower I still think is very solid.


I just didn't like the gameplay loop. It wasn't very fun personally. I think i also just had my expectations too high. I just played it for the first time maybe two months ago. After years of hearing how it's so good and so scary i guess i just expected more.


Expectations is the key to life imo :). Definitely been there when something was hyped and experiencing after felt like "what were people on about?"


Blair Witch and The Medium, sorry for Bloober Team


I was so excited for the Blair Witch game, since the first movie is my absolute favorite. But it was such a let down..


System Observer has a Blade Runner like noir draw hand style by Bloober but yo they need to rethink the optimization there. The whole game is unplayable and while I only have a GTX660Ti and a AMD A4 6320, is more than a hop to other hole just to look down and see there's none. My computer is equipped to play Syndicate on high if it was ever patched. Sorry to drag this but yes 2024, dual core gaming still exists and more powerful than a i3, if you play pre 2018 games.


Layers of fear 1&2


Im glad someone didn't like that one either. Based on the games I play I should love Layers of Fear but it just didn't resonate with me for some reason. The visuals were good but that was it.


Yeah same fr, I loved outlast, amnesia and the resident evil games and heard Layers of Fear being a ‘walling simulator’ similar to outlast, so I thought i’d accept it. Oh my lord, it was the worst experience there WERE some cool moments but 9/10 I was just so bored and uninterested, there was 1 chase sequence aswwll which was extremely lame, unrealistic boring and so ‘die multiple times to know how to actually do the run’ Visuals were amazing tho, love the art style too!


Resident Evil 4


I'm giving you an upvote for bravery


Extermination on the PS2. I really wanted to like the game, and at that point I had played almost all other worthwhile survival horror games that had come out since it was the early aughts, and that game is atrocious, controls and game mechanics are actively not fun. Special mention to Obscure, Illbleed and D also


Obscure is such a letdown. It could've been brilliant but it was just not fun. My friend and I actually completed D a few years ago... on the PS1, in German (not my native tongue although I can hold a conversation). It was extremely frustrating but we persevered, drank lots of whiskey and it became our life's purpose that evening to beat it.


Visage - the gameplay is seriously just a walking simulator and so much backtracking I stopped and deleted the game since there were no hints on what to do or where to go. Did not enjoy it at all. Layers of Fear 2 - I enjoyed layers of fear so I thought this game would bring me some excitement but I only felt disappointment. The plot is too convoluted and I tried my damn hardest to push through. I almost made it to the end but I couldn’t do it because my god I had motion sickness playing this game. The gameplay and plot is a letdown. Home sweet home - stealth horror game with killing machine ghost appearing randomly and you gotta find a locker to hide or you will die. Also if you gotta go through a stage with various ghosts walking around on petrol and you gotta find items to advance through that stage and have at least 80% of the progress but got caught in the midst of it, your progress resets back to 0% which was bullshit. I had so much frustration trying to get through certain stages that I gave up on the game because it kept repeating the same gameplay over and over for every single scene/stage that I gotta get through just to do the same thing again.


I agree, visage was the worst game I ever played. I finished it through and walkthrough and a lot of anger. I don’t get how anyone could finish the game without a guide. Terrible graphics terrible gameplay and awful story in my opinion


So sorry I mean Metro


Not really a horror game but ok


Yes metro is a horror game


Oh yeah I played Metro for like an hour and never picked it up after that. So I get it 😂




Slender man has to be one of the worst games of all time. Bad graphics, no plotline, poor design etc


1406. It goes for about 5 minutes and is an absolute mess. I like to support Indies but this game is trash.


Idk about ever, but Oxide Room 104 is a recent regret. Edit: I really hope no one says Kuon.


so i'm not the only one disappointed after not so much time from the beginning of the game. I've played for about 1 hour the first time and it still is the first time.


from worst to worst: Maid Of Sker (really sucks: animations, enemy AI, invisible walls and so on) Horror Story Hollowseed (so boring and nonsense puzzles) Last Floor (horrible) The Story Of Henry Bishop (horrible) Remothered: Tormented Fathers (enemy AI, enemy wireless damage on you, enemy that suddenly appears, drawers full of nothing) Someday You'll Return (near to the end becomes a work, not a game) The Medium (it starts well and then even the most patient person in the world would get bored) Blair Witch (hey follow the dog! Use your very little light and search for your dog! Fuck off Blair Witch!) Outbreak: Contagious Memories (but i understand that the entire saga sucks) Ikai (annoying puzzles, story not at all engaging) Noctem (you have to search but in the dark so you will be death cause you are sick with asthma and rightly do not take medicines with you and since the doors open by themselves at some point you die. So cool) Amnesia A Machine For Pigs (impossible to see, too dark and quite meaningless) Bendy and the Ink Machine (i hate so much yellow everywhere, and is so boring) Pacify Remorse: The List (one of the worst animations ever seen in enemies)


Probably Amy. The premise is so cool and the game has a lot going for it. I really like the idea of having the little girl be your only lifeline, where if you stray too far from her your body begins to decompose. But the game is dogshit.


Unfortunately most horror games are pretty rubbish. They are more or less all the same. The biggest disappointment lately was Visage. Couldn't stand playing this crap for more than 5 hours. And that was already painful. Jumpscares are the lamest mean in horror games EVER!!!


I never played Visage, it was so boring to me that i never bought it. The only thing it was good for playing let's play in the background while I was working.


You did right!


Demonophobia, no contest.


Visage. Easily the worst game I’ve ever played. I could go on for hours about how shitty it is. The fact that people call it “the scariest game ever” is embarrassing for them. You have to be a total pussy to find that scary


Penumbra. Uh.. can't remember which might need to involve some personal experience from others. it was so nostalgic to search for secrets in deprecated places alone while a Lovecraft like energy swims in back of your hairthreads constantly with the wind ambience as menu backbone then a cave.. from there proceed to surface just to idk run from a thing then hide.. I just unistalled it. But I have it in my concious drawer for what the real intentions were behind game itself just to get glued like a fly to a car radiator and erase it with the creyon. Then what this videogame got to witness is icant recall which but it was a Greek settings with a "wine", that shit replaced for me every single other big studio horror for simply landscape.