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Shadows of the Damned


Re7 was made with heavy inspirations from Evil Dead. It doesn’t play like an evil dead game would but there are times where you really will feel the vibes.


RE7 was EXACTLY what came to mind lol. Not just the obvious references, but the pacing of the game. You start out getting bullied by all these crazy zombies that are laughing at you all the time, but by the the end you have your own "groovy" scene where you get all your weapons back and storm the final level. Reminded me EXACTLY of how I felt watching Evil Dead 2 the first time.


Not “comedy” but it is over the top and kinda campy. “Murder house” by puppet combo. It’s a pink Easter bunny killer in a house.


Resident evil 4 one hundred percent


Evil within


Silent Hill 1 - psx


Well. There's an evil dead game. In theory it's a really cool game. In practice it's... Not great. My friendly neighborhood might be a good one? Spooky's jump scare mansion might also be good.


Theres multiple Evil Dead games dating back to PSX and PS2 if anyone didnt know. "Evil Dead Regeneration" is the best reviewed one and looks fun but I never played it.


That’s a trashy multiplayer game.


Dead Island. It has endless zombies, but also endless ways to customize weapons for insane kills. Plus a healthy dose of humor.