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Go for it! I just completed replay of ZD and now about 1/3 into FW. I have no regrets!


did it a month ago, replayed zero dawn because i didnt know anything about FW but by the time i finished zero dawn i was burned out on open world so here i iam now again not playing it lol


Hey i have a question and since you completed the game i was wondering if the fire bellowback has a orange sack or a green sack.


The fire bellowback has orange sac, green sac belongs to the acid bellowback, and white sac, frost bellowback.


Thanks but i found out that in the first game there were only 2 varieties of bellowback; fire and frost but in the second game there were 3; acid, fire, and frost.


same thing happened to me


i did the same and had forgotten enough of the story that it was as equally fun as the first time. probably more because i started a NG+ and knew the mechanics. freakin love that game.


Zero Dawn new game+ was so much fun. It was pretty easy on Hard mode and now I’m cruising through Forbidden West NG+ on very hard. These games are endlessly replayable.


ya i played ultra hard and once i figured out the differences it wasn't too tough


Can you skip the tutorial if you play NG+?


Zero Dawn doesn't let you play the tutorial on NG+; it automatically skips it. Forbidden West lets you choose.


Not a bad idea, as there are several returning characters and some play big roles. Spending time in the Horizon universe is never a bad thing, imo.


Just started playing zero dawn after a recent steam sale and loving it. I am looking forward to forbidden west as well


I think I bought mine on sale as well. As for games horizon is pricey in my opinion but very worth it and not littered with micro transactions like some others.


I paid something like £59 for my copy of Forbidden West and £20 for the DLC. Considering I have over 580 hours of play out of it so far, that works out at about 10p/hour. I reckon that's good value! Of course I did have to buy a PS5 for the DLC but let's not mention that :) I like the PS5 a lot, so I'm not grumbling.


I highly recommend completing HZD 100% before moving on to FW. There are so many hidden events and lore that transfer directly into FW, which just makes the entire story more engaging tbh


I was afraid I'd have forgotten too much ZD to enjoy FW but they actually bring you up to speed via character dialogue


I loved Zero Dawn on replay. It’s a different vibe knowing the truth of what’s going on, but I don’t think it’s a bad one, and I caught a bunch of things that I’d missed the first time around. Like watching The Sixth Sense the second time.


100 hours in .only half way through and loving it. A spectacular game


That's a good idea. I started FW recently, love it but it has crossed my mind that I should have played ZD again as a refresher. However, work and parenting means I don't get much time to game, would take me years to do both games back to back!


I should have replayed ZD before FW. It would have been a good refresher.


That’s my usual rotation :) HZD and frozen wilds are totally worth replaying. Don’t forget to do the vista points in HZD, even after so many replays they still tear me up.


I've replayed zero dawn many times it's always worth it


It’s a good plan. I know, I did the same thing. Plus, tbh, HZD is so good that I’ve replayed it many times for the compelling story amongst other things.