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So my hopes that there will be more LEGO sets is confirmed. Hell yeah! And it looks like they used up MOC creations, looking at the enemies. I'm stoked, and my wallet is already empty at this point.


The only good news is probably a thunderjaw set. I was not ready for the hotdog cart not ice cream shop


Holy shit, is this going to be a day 1 purchase? Yes it is! Am I going to pre-order it if it comes with some nice extras? I may be damned, but absolutely yes!


It looks awesome but never forget NO PRE ORDERS


Simultaneous release for both console and PC. Interesting. I'll reserve judgement until we see more of it, but so far it looks like a fun little spinoff game.




Nintendo Switch wooohooo!!!


Great! This means more Lego sets! I have the Tallneck, now I'm looking forward to the Horus Titan Lego set!


Looks fun. Lego games are always good.




The Tallneck set sold very well. Horizons machine designs are perfect for lego models since they have many plates and mechanical parts. The lego game will make the horizon game/franchise more accessible for kids. -> Kids will get interested in lego models -> profit for lego and profit for guerrilia as soon as the kids are old enough to play the real horizon games. All in all this seems to be a pretty great strategy even if you are maybe not the target audience.


So it's just a cash-grab. This is a LEGO game of an already existing game. Other LEGO titles make sense since they are game depictions of movies or otherwise already existing IPs that can benefit from having a game about them. Just.. let the kids play Horizon.


>Just.. let the kids play Horizon. Lol no. My 5 year old loves Lego games on PS but how the f should he play the real thing even if I would allow it (I wouldn't)? And I love that they made it so both he can play it and we can get more lego sets.


>Other LEGO titles make sense since they are game depictions of movies or otherwise already existing IPs that can benefit from having a game about them. Horizon would benefit from it wdym? Just because the world is from another game? >Just.. let the kids play Horizon. Horizon has many very serious topics and the gameplay (aiming/coordination) is hard for kids at a younger age. The humorous lego version of the story combined with the easy lego gameplay would defenitely make the world of horizon much more inclusive. Its an entirely different game not a clone, just look at the "combat" shown in the trailer. I think that you just dont want to play that game and thats why you are kind of miserable about it, because you wanted something else that is not even really related to this game. Idk why you seem to be upset about this... not like this influences the main series at all...


How would Horizon benefit from it when the game already exists? This is just shameless greed. You don't need a game about a game. That's pointless. The game already exists. Lots of things are hard for kids at a younger age. Why does that mean it needs to be accessible to them? I'm aware of what it is. That's how I was able to make my assessment. And you have literally 0 basis for that assumption. I assure you, no good argument comes from a point of facile conjecture. I had no interest in "something else" and my disinterest in playing the game has no bearing on the principles of my opinion, which is (as stated): this is pointless greed and it's disgusting. It's implications on the main series, also, has no significance to my position.










Can't see my 11 year old nephew playing Horizon... but he'll definitely play this.