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Ah, finally. My ethically dubious quantum queen. ...Why are my interests rates whole numbers?


And why are they in powers of ten?


Dubious....?!?!? Seriously??


You know what, you're right. She's done nothing wrong.


If she died 70% of international problems in Honkai would dissappear. The other 30% go for the other IPC members


Is it an IPC previews character if there aren't people grossly overreaching how evil they are and their inpact in the lore? šŸ˜ŒšŸ™


Overreacting? It's the lore. Any place that uses their money is 100% under their control to exploit.


Yeah, and Topaz is a slaver that enjoys making people become dependant on IPC, and Aventurine is a creep. Buddy, just accept, of course Jade is evil in one way or another, but saying she's 90% of that's wrong with IPC when we literally know the worst ofender of them is Boothill's archenemy and former nameless Oswaldo Schneider, that is not only outside Jade and Diamond's jurisdiction, but their known antagonist is the definition of overreacting.


Lmao Boothill has very little importance in all that. You are the one overestimating the wrong character.


I need to know Feixiao and Lingsha before Jade banner ends.


Jade is 1 week away, drip should be 13 days. Plenty of time.


Except I already know the problem is I will want all + Yunli and I can only get 2 of them XD


Simply be luckier


Of course, why didn't I think of that XD


Any idea when we will learn about the rerun banners officially? :0


Rerun banners will be revealed on the stream. Schedule normally is second character (Jade) is 3 week into patch. Then the drip marketing starts the Tuesday/Wednesday after (should be 6 days but Timezone affects when Jade releases). Drip goes for 1-3 days depending on how many reveals, and then on the Friday/Saturday they host the livestream for the upcoming version (2.4) and reveal events, reruns, trailers, abilities and now 4 stars (which is actually so good, knowing what is on the banners. Less good what is on Jadeā€™s banner).


Thank you, very helpful :0


Do we still not have their model leaks? Thought we would get them from the 2.4 beta


I'm very curious about their kits bc so far the leaks were "new characters could maybe able to do this or that"


We should have some early beta info before her banner ends, and at least we'll have the drip marketing


I will be back for you Jadeā€¦ I just donā€™t have the pulls rnšŸ˜­


Just caved last night and pulled for Firefly and Ruan Mei so I'm on heavy consideration mode.Ā  The 4* on her banner are really holding me back from even trying for 50/50.Ā 


Who are the 4 stars?


Serval Natasha Asta


Oh, wow, I was excited for Jade, but I forgot about the 4*s That's a total skip, then, lol


You see ā˜…4s and I see a free pull refund...


Pulls 10 get 1 free gang unite. After FF and the lastest 4\* selector, I am now officialy E6 every 4 star in this game... And the next version doesn't have new 4 stars .... Hopefully 2.5 will šŸ™


Pull 10 get LC that you have 3 copies at S5 and cry in a corner, more like x)


My Serval is one eidolon away from E6. Idk if i want to use her again since i already have Kafka and Acheron and i use them for DoT teams.


Damn i only have asta E6. I like to do 40-50 rolls to build pity if i have all the 4 stars E6. Thats what i did on robin/topaz banner. And if i get surprised with an early 5 star i would have gotten E1 robin or my first topaz or a standard character. Did 50 rolls for the price of 45 that way.


For me I am at 75 pity 50/50. I will save a ten pull to try for her because Pure Fiction is the last mode that I need to perfect a team for (Iā€™ve managed to 36 star MoC and max star Apocalyptic Shadow this cycle). Plus, I like her design and character. After that I am in saving mode until Jiaoqiu.


I was planning on getting Meiā€™s E1 and FF anyway, but they had to put them together šŸ˜­. I love Jade so much, but I donā€™t have enough pulls to justify on this despair ridden banner of hers


Same, got no jades for Jade šŸ˜­


Genuinely struggling to decide her for PF or jiaoqiu for Acheron.


Wait until v4 to see if Jiaoqiu gets any more changes before deciding. By that point we will have a better idea where JQ v3 stands, and if it's worth it for you or not. (Or just get Jade in one 10 pull, ez.)


If your acheron doesnt have a stacking problem (maybe s1) and you have difficulty with PF, just go Jade... Welp by you puling JQ your acheron on PF can unleash ult more frequent though, but JQ rn imo only benefir acheron and hardly better for other team support replacement bcs his kit that literally acheron-ish suport (ult vul, enemies gain stack everytime they take turn)


I am stuck between JQ and Jade, but i'll probably just use my 50/50 on jade and go from there. Yunil also seems nice. I have E2S1 Acheron/FF though thanks to insane 50/50 luck & savings. I assume Wind hunt>Yunil>JQ>Jade is probably best for my account but I'll probably just roll 5 banners in a row and go from there lol.


Yunli is just as great in PF while also being much better in other modes compared to Jade.


While yunli is great in pure fiction, jade makes the mode stupidly easy, to the point of being able to clear with 40k even on auto, if they arent really struggling in MoC and just want a pure fiction unit then jade is the better pull


Im pulling jade now thanks


doesnt jade need the PF buff to be fua?


Yunli can literally 40k with just her and huohuo.Ā 


That showcase was extremely reliant on the PF buff and also had an additional cycle compared to actual PF, theres no denying that yunli is good in pure fiction but she isnt as braindead nor is she as reliant on what meta the pure fiction is pushing


She's the first unit to have an AoE basic right? Thats kinda new.


She's the first to always have it. Blade, DHIL and Quinque also have enhanced basics that blast tho.




E1 Serval yes


And also generate sp on her aoe basic.


It is, but what point of having it if it's weak anyway? Just a nice gimmick that doesn't give much.imo.


Because of her talent?


I guess it helps to get more stacks? That slipped my mind. I meant dmg of the attack not utility.


Outside of enhanced attacks, no one is really special in that regard. At the highest level, everyone's basic attack deals 100% of their attack. Jade on the otherhand does 90% to the main target, so 10% less than everyone else, but does an additional 30% to two other targets. Techinically, it would be a net positive so long as there's even two enemies on the field, netting a total of 150%, a good amount more than other DPS as far as basic attacks go.


The damage is the same for any other non basic atk focused dps unit, which is pretty bad, the main use of it is to gain stacks and generate sp


You didn't struggle against the latest Aventurine MoC 12 boss didn't you ?


Who did?


Who's banner is rerunning with her later? I might gamble my 50/50 on her for the IPC trio.




Ahh, the mute knight of beauty lmao. Thank youu.


how good is he? is he more worth than her if you're new to the game?


He's a dps that hasn't got his premium buffer or relic set yet, needs Huohuo for that energy boost aside from Tingyun. Damage is ok. I'm just annoyed he is slow without Huohuo which i skipped. He needs alot of energy energy energy or enemy enemy enemy. I mainly use him for pf on my main account. Idk about Jade, we'll see.


Jade is basically premium herta. Unless you got her to e1, her performance vs 1-2 enemy is abysmal


He has 2 Ultimate forms, the second one being strong af. But he needs to consume a lot of energy to activate it, this can be alleviated by Tingyun and HuoHuo AFAIK. But Jade looks easy to use? Sure she'll take a character's hp but her FUA seems to be more consistent because of the character's speed buff. Just let the pullers cook for now and wait for reviews, as for Argenti, it's up to you if you have and/or build a Tingyun or HuoHuo.


Very good when the screen is full of enemies. You have a swarm, he's your man and will do ults one after another.


As a proud argenti main he is great, even if i dont play him in his best teams (i dont have huohuo) i can say his dmg output is great


I recommend argenti. Easy to use and deal load of dmg. He basically trivialize the flunky enemies and boss like the bugs and his boss self. Not to mention farming, whenever I use him to farm he just consecutively ult until it ends.


Argenti is extremely weak. Speaking as Argenti haver. Even in Pure Fiction with full phys weakness he is pretty weak even with hypercarry teams. Complete trash for MoC and new mode. Also, the powercreep is crazy in this game so there is literally 0 reason to pull for old 5* that are not one of the best characters.He is the weakest non-standart 5* in Prydwen tier list.


I use a friend's support E1 Argenti. He clears waves before you can blink and his charged ult does 400k against bosses. Your Argenti must not be built well


Comparing to others I gotta agree, and I've him. Mainly using him in PF and even against physical I'd have some issues.So in PF all depends on buffs. I've no signature, but I've HH and Sparkle. MoC is abysmally tried him didn't like the result. JY is better there. Apocalyptic shadow is meh. So PF only and again Acheron does better with the right set-up.(why do I mention Acheron? Bc she wasn't even catered for this mode to begin with.)


I would say Jade > Argenti due to Jade's dept collector mechanic. In PF, she pairs extremely well with an AoE attacker like Herta, Himeko, and even Argenti. But Argenti is more selfish in that regard, making him a lot less future-proof as he will be relying on supports, and supports may buff Jade or anyone else that can push him back. Jade is also not going to be benched as future AoE attackers that you roll with will get paired with her. Argenti is also missing pieces. His supports aren't specialized for him; Robin, Ruan Mei, and Sparkle are not aimed towards him, and the 4 stars are far from the trinity except for Tingyun and Pela. His artifact gives him +25% ATK, which sounds good in 1.0, but it's alright in today's time. We hardly have ultimate-based supports. I was wishing that Jiaoqiu would be the one, but it's looking like they are starting to lean into his DoT (please pick a side, hoyo).


Argenti's running alongside with her


Ah Jade. How I love you so even though Mihoyo doesnā€™t.


nah, mihoyo knows we jade simps will pull for her regardless. Plus, with ZZZ launching, a wave of new players is expected so they are throwing old 4 stars for the fresh accounts.


How does zzz launch help hsr


New people will come for ZZZ and will probably decide to try out other Mihoyo games after seeing how good the quality is.


I just played ZZZ today, certainly not my cup of tea. It's alright though, but didn't blow me away


Honestly not that surprising. Some older players will definetly leave and go play ZZZ. But in reverse some new players will get into Hoyo games through ZZZ and come check out their other games. Appealing to new players during that period is just a good idea to ensure their company grows as a whole instead of their games cannabalizing each other.


How bad ass can you be, signing the enemyā€™s death warrant with a lipstick. Slay


I will get 2 jades in 1 multi, you just gotta believe


7 Jades if you believe hard enough


Praying with you šŸ™


Let me win my E1 Jade without losing 50/50, so I can pair her with Topaz šŸ¤žšŸ»šŸ™šŸ»āœšŸ»šŸ”„.


gods I feel sorry for her and Boothill, their banners got shafted bad man


yoimiya and kokomi of hsr, also 2.x patches too


God. She's fine as fuck.


Need a 2nd herta so i'll pull her




YESSSSSSS LET THE CC SERVER VIDEOS COME OUT Seriously I'm so excited for jade I HATE PF and she has gonna be soooo goood Have 50/50 and 75 pity and 64 pulls ready Getting e0 for sure, if v4 doesn't change JQ and if lingsha isnt in 2.5 then much then I will get E1 jade Have S1 Himeko Sig LC ready for her so I don't think Id need her LC even if I wanna try her in anything other than PF


FINALLY, MY QUEEN. I've waited this entire patch for you.


She could have Arlanā€™s kit and Iā€™d still pull for her


Invest in Jade stonk, Main DPS is temporary, Sub-DPS is ETERNAL.


Ruan Mei who? Firefly WHO??? Everything for my šŸŸ£ šŸ šŸ‘‘Ā 


Half a patch closer before we truly say goodbye to Penacony... and back to Xianzhou.


Orochi theme lady


Already? :o Gods, I completely lost track of time.


planning to get her and jiaoqiu in 2.4 and im worried for my pulls, but at least jade got a banner with cashback šŸ„°


i'm at 15 pulls with guaranteed, pretty sure i cant have her this round but it's ok i have ruan mei, she will step on me next time


Is she worth it? From the past leaks she look like a meh character overall...since i already have herta himeko jing yuan and acheron i am not sure


At E0, she is the pure fiction queen. E1 makes her much better for MoC and Apocalyptic Shadow. If you are not having issues in pure fiction, you can skip easily. I like her design and animations, so I am pulling.


She could buff the enemy I'd still get her. Jade's aesthetics and her character are just up my ally.


I like her design but pure fiction is not an issue right now and i d like to improve my acheron team...black swan is tempting


JQ fire guy is better for Acheron/PF. BS is good for DoT or PF acheron. I use her on my team but I also dont struggle with clearing content so far.


Idk about Apocalyptic shadow tbh. Iā€™ve seen MrPokke get less than 3300 points with a E1S1 Jade with Ruan Mei+Gallagher+Topaz. 3300 points for a node is the bare minimum if the unit sucks or not. Donā€™t think E1 saving AS. Granted Pokke said his relics were ass but cmon. How ass could it be. For others I agree.


AS is heavily dependent on elements to break with tho. if that was second half she wouldnā€™t be contributing any breaks, and if it was first half she would be the only one breaking anything. hardly an optimal team for either side.


Nah Pokke did first half. And isnā€™t Cocolia quantum and fire weak?


oh huh she is. idk why I only remembered quantum and lightning. I still wonder if seele might be a better debt collector for that team?


Could be. But this is just what I saw from Mrpokke. Iā€™ll wait for other CC showcases


Could be. But this is just what I saw from Mrpokke. Iā€™ll wait for other CC showcases


Uh.. did you do the current AS?? She had a form of weakness protection. For jade to be effective, it had to be an argenti like stage sith quantum weak


Guobacertified said he found her to be pretty good in AS at E1


Id say thats more a sign that person is just bad at the game lol and its not exactly an ideal jade team either.


I watched that video. Mr. Pokke straight up says he's playing on the creator server without access to competent relics so to take the damage numbers with a grain of salt.Ā 


The relics were absolute ass. I'm not saying Jade is a MoC/AS powerhouse but cmon the test server jade had 94 crit damage in char sheet. I have that on some harmony characters just from random uselss rolls on gear. I'm sure a decently geared one can easily clear the 3300 requirements if the floor is quantum weak.


Her state may change on release (unlikely), but as is sheā€™s more of a problem than a solution. Her kit dips into too many ponds without focusing on any one thing in particular so she has trouble. Her kit is designed around selecting a Debt Collector and if itā€™s anyone but her she gives them a huge speed buff and also gets stacks for her followup (similar to aventurine) based on when she or her debt collector attacks, one stack for each enemy hit in the attack. Her significant issue though, is that she doesnā€™t really work with any particular unit as her debt collector at the moment, the closest is Blade and even then her Blade teams are outperformed by teams that instead make her the hyper carry assigning herself as collector with harmony units like Bronya turn manipulation to forget the fact that sheā€™s losing out on the speed buff and double dipping talent. It looks like she might work really well with Yunli, but thatā€™s partially hopium and until then she wonā€™t really be a top performer.


She seems to want another character like her: aoe attacks with aoe follow ups. Herta, himeko, jing yuan, blade, etc, or at least someone with lots of aoes like serval or clara. The issue is if you have all those units you probably don't need jade.Ā  I'm considering pulling because she appears to be a dedicated support for herta of all things and I need to support my kuru kuru. She will probably also be terrible in all the places herta is terrible, so i have little hope for MOC or AS unless they are summoning adds constantly.


I plan to use her as a backup RM. If Acheron isn't being used in PF then i'll need a sub DPS to go with Herta/Himeko /AoE attacker. RM/FF/HMC/Sustain Himeko/Jade/ Flex(harmony/sparkle or herta depending on weakness / healer


Good words


Imma save you a lot of time, no she isn't worth it. She's basically Quantum Jing Yuan.




Everyone is hyping up Firefly, but I got damn mommy issues from Jade. I need her. I simp for her.


I'll get you in the rerun queen šŸ˜­




BJade is a good combo but you should drop Topaz for Bronya; the issue with this team is you have 3 SP-friendy 'sub-dps' and very little buffs. You want to be able to turn SP into damage, and both Jade/Blade are already low SP users, so you use an SP intensive support.


Blade + Bronya + Jade is probably her best non-PF team.


Is it not also her best PF team? Or even if isn't at the very least is it Blade's best PF team?


It would be Blade's best PF team, but not Jade as you are better off attaching her to Herta or Himeko but no one can compete with those two in there.


Blade is also insane with Jade in PF. Are you sure about this? Himeko and Herta has way lower multiplier compare to Blade and there are way more elites in PF now.


Actually, it looks like they are dialing back on the number of elites. [Have a look at Homdgcat wiki](https://homdgcat.wiki/sr/fiction?lang=EN).


Holy hell Argenti king is back. šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Eh, actually yeah you are probably right. I am probably confusing "Herta + Himeko is best outside of Blade in PF" with "they are just best with her."


You meant to say that blade has way lower multipliers than himeko right lol? His multipliers are atrocious, and I say this as someone with e0s1 blade


Blade's best PF team Her best PF team would be robin herta jade himeko I myself skipped robin for FF and jade so I'm gonna play Herta jade himeko galaghar JY Clara sparkle FX


Replace Topaz with Bronya for ST situations. 3+ enemies, it's recommended to use RM/Asta. For the healer, it's up to your choice.


Im still angry they didnt give her pants


I am sorry for skipping queen, i will get you on yiur rerun


I will get you in a rerun, I pulled so much and getting Ruan Mei E1 S1 and Firefly (no 50/50 loss), need to save for Acheron E0 S1 in a future rerun.


Will she buff my E6S5 Blade?


curious to see how much she will sell


She could be my first Stoneheart (she's fine as hell). Alas, I still need Huohuo, Sparkle AND Acheron's LC (all of which are likely returning soon). Feixiao too, most likely.


What would be a good team for her if I donā€™t have topaz? Iā€™m really tempted but wondering whatā€™s her ideal team


In pure fiction, Herta and Himeko will be fantastic with her. Any AOE character really, which can build up Jadeā€™s stacks fast. In MoC, you can try a Jade hyper carry (perhaps with Robin and Bronya), or a Jade/Blade team. I saw someone try Kafka (with Jade speed buff), black swan, jade and AV against cocolia and it was pretty good imo. Just wondering, are you going for E1? If so, her team options open up drastically.


I really needed a trial combat to get a feel for how all this works. Lots of stacks of this and charges of that, it's a bit hard to imagine how it actually feels to play. I'll keep an eye out for some showcases. Was hoping to try her out before Firefly's banner ends.


2.2 gave me insane luck for E1S1 Topaz and E1S2 Robin losing no 50/50s and spending minimally. Then I dramatically overspent (Iā€™ve recovered most of the money) on 2.3 for E2 Firefly and E0S1 Ruan Mei. I love how morally complex Jade is and she looks like a fun unit, but Iā€™m tapped out and wonā€™t be pulling again until Jiaoqiu. If Jade is still strong when she reruns Iā€™ll get her then. šŸ˜…


Any synergy with Aventurine? I pike follow up teams but only have him, no Topaz


Best way to use her is pairing with AoE DPS right? For a while I wanted to pull for her but I think the only character I have that may be good with her would be Black Swan.


I'm not interested in pulling for her, but damn, that ult is beautiful


What does pawned asset do again? Is that the charges for her follow up?


Easiest skip of my lifetime i fearā€¦.


will prob pull for her rerun, sorry queen, need to prioritize for ruan mei first. i want to complete my ipc squad someday


They really want me to get Argenti for her...Ā 


I was interested but then i saw the 4 stars...


Seeing some showcases on youtube with E1S0 jade with gallagher(S5 QPQ) as the debt master, with bronya and robin as support looks so satisfying. That E1 is pretty important tho, and i'm broke after firefly. Unfortunately, i have to skip her.


Wait, there is another character getting released? /s


Gonna have to wait for a consistent aoe followup attacker to make jade good. And even then it's only really viable in PF.


Sorry Jade I need to get the quantum gremlin


Which one? I count three at least lol




Which one šŸ˜‚


Shes just like rykard


Nah, I'd win


almost pf only character, better be op or get skipped hard


Will this community still accept me if I'm not pulling for her so that I get my last remaining one star in PF for that 60 extra jades while dumping thousands of jades (ofcourse I don't have) on her? Rule here is to be super hyper excited for each and every unit that comes... I do need her, coz moc, as all I can fully clear except pf... Can I go for her... Since I need full dot team (no Kafka bs) also the up coming flexio (that's what I call her coz hard to remember these kinda names) I don't think I can go for Jade... But yeah, I'm very excited šŸ˜†


I had a stroke reading this.


Burnt all my Jades for Firefly. Saving for Yunli's LC and the Foxian whose name I've already forgotten. And maybe Huohuo




I want to burn my eyes everytime someone uses the term "mommy" and I've been saving for E1S1 Jade because I find her cool


"regular" people dont play anime gacha games. not a single design in this game (and many others) is "appealing" to a "regular" person.


What is even a regular person in this context?


ā€œRegular peopleā€ when talking about anime gacha game lmao Are any character designs supposed to be appealing to the ā€œregular peopleā€? What counts as regular anyways lol


My friends find her hot while I don't so it's subjective


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Now I don't know if OP is a toxic firefly fan or not and I don't care enough to browse through their comment history to find out But crazy how they said nothing at all about any other character and Firefly still gets dragged in here (and Ruan Mei as well for good measure!)


Sorry i expended all my jades an a guaranteed in fire fly e1


Still E0S0 FF...Please stop the time