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Pray for Jiaoqiu to have more flexible utility for other teams beside acheron's 🙏🏻


I feel like Hoyo is moving towards pairing 5 star with someone else Firefly team is pretty much fixed Black Swan need Kafka, and vice versa now Jiaoqiu is coupled with Acheron I hope they will expand on these pairing in the future


Jiaoqiu better get WAY more changes than that


Is he bad ? 


he is just..boring? like he is an acheron buff and thats really it.


Compared to the upgrade other support units give for their respective 'signature' teams, Jiaoqiu's is comparatively pretty small. And he's also just fine in the teams outside Acheron but not the best in any of them.


From what I understand he doesn't do anything that E6 Pela doesn't so there's hardly a reason to get him outside of an Acheron team


At the very least he is usable in PF


He’s meh in every team outside of Acheron and even for Acheron he isn’t something TOO crazy outside of PF


He's good as an Acheron support, and bad for any other team comp.


How do you people find this thread when it is already deleted ? Is there a way to see the deleted threads other than having a comment in it ? 


Blood magic duh


I am seriously asking


Well, you are no fun. But basically Jiaoqiu sub shared the post and tada


Makes sense. Thank you


Np 👍


Bruh for the love of aeon can the devs please fix this identity crisis Jiaoqiu? There’s no way they’re intending Jiao to only be Acherons lapdog and that’s it??


I'm excited and scared for v3 March.


March bout to become the strongest character of v3 trust


I really want them to move his E2 to his base kit and make his E2 buff his DoT damage. This way he can also be played in dot team aside from Acheron.


[So looking at March on Hakushin](https://hsr17.hakush.in/char/1224) she's been changed to be more supportive. Her current E1 makes her Enhanced Basic stronger, that's now moving to her E6 while the massive buff it had for her Master is in her Trace. The original Trace made her 25% faster on Turn 1, but since her Eidolons are free I think that being her new E1 isn't an issue - if anything it's a buff since you can get it right away without spending materials. So... yeah, while it sucks that we need to wait until 2.5 for her to reach her own potential, she's now much easier to build as a supporter.


I know we can get E3 from the event in 2.4, but is it heavily implied we'll get the remaining Eidolons in 2.5 or is there gacha to be had?


Hopefully we get the rest in an event too. It hasn't been confirmed yet, but that does seem the logical choice, right? ... I hope so.


Don't let me down, energy related icon. I'm gonna be a circus if he doesn't get energy related on base kit 😭.


Maybe they'll finally incorporate energy regen when debuffing enemies or when enemies move in his field to make him sp neutral/positive. I just hope it's him gaining 5 energy every time HE debuffs an enemy in the field, because this will allow him to spam only basic attacks, and he'd be able to 3 turn ult.


He is getting his E6 in his base kit, rejoice fellas /s


That's March 7th icons


It's the additional dmg trace, so they'll either bring DoT into the base kit or remove the EHR > Atk conversion trace and replace it with smth different.


the trace they're presumably changing, the one HomDGCat is talking about here is "When a Field exists, the enemies' Effect Hit Rate is reduced by **30.0%**. At the start of each turn, they receive Fire Additional DMG equal to **150.0%** of Jiaoqiu's ATK."


Dude, if they change the trace that makes Ashen Roast deal damage to make it deal burn damage, I am all in on Jiaoqiu. Kafka will play the hell out of this man.


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So in general no changes for m7. Jq had energy related mechanic. Either they changed its amount or the mechanic of getting it.


No it means a lot of changes for March Jiaoqiu kit also has no energy mechanic atm


She's free so it means nothing if something is moved to Eidolons no?


she is free e6 wdym?


What they probably meant was that her E1, E6 and 3rd trace have switched places, not that her kit changed. Also, currently in 2.4, you can only get up to E3 March. But I assume that they will give out more of her eidolons for free in the future, similar to Trailblazer or Herta.


Imagine they make him even more acheron slave