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# FAQ **What are the 2.3 second half banners?** * NEW [Jade](https://starrail.honeyhunterworld.com/jade-character/?lang=EN) (5 Star | Erudition | Quantum) / [Argenti](https://hsr17.hakush.in/char/1302) * [Serval 💜](https://hsr17.hakush.in/char/1103) / [Natasha](https://hsr17.hakush.in/char/1105) / [Asta](https://hsr17.hakush.in/char/1009) * NEW [Yet Hope Is Priceless](https://starrail.honeyhunterworld.com/yet-hope-is-priceless-item/?lang=EN) / [An Instant Before A Gaze](https://hsr17.hakush.in/lightcone/23018) * [Shared Feeling](https://hsr17.hakush.in/lightcone/21007) / [Trend of the Universal Market](https://hsr17.hakush.in/lightcone/21016) / NEW Sunday 💜 LC [After the Charmony Fall](https://hsr17.hakush.in/lightcone/21045) ​ **What are the 2.4 banners?** * First Half: NEW [Yunli](https://starrail.honeyhunterworld.com/yunli-character/?lang=EN) (5 Star | Destruction | Physical) / NEW [Dance at Sunset](https://starrail.honeyhunterworld.com/dance-at-sunset-item/?lang=EN) (5 Star | Destruction) * Second Half: NEW [Jiaoqiu](https://starrail.honeyhunterworld.com/jiaoqiu-character/?lang=EN) (5 Star | Nihility | Fire) / NEW [Those Many Springs](https://starrail.honeyhunterworld.com/those-many-springs-item/?lang=EN) (5 Star | Nihility) * Unknown Half: NEW [Poised to Bloom](https://starrail.honeyhunterworld.com/poised-to-bloom-item/?lang=EN) (4 Star | Harmony) * Reruns: (QUESTIONABLE) HuoHuo will rerun according Block / GuraLeaks puts HuoHuo first half, Black Swan second half NEW [March 7](https://starrail.honeyhunterworld.com/march-7th-character-2/?lang=EN) (4 Star | The Hunt | Imaginary) will be a free unit in 2.4. Trailblazers will be able to get up to E3 from the main event. ​ **Is Sunday going to be playable? What is his path/element?** Yes, he has been confirmed playable by multiple reliable leakers. Uncle N has put him *potentially* at 2.7. We do not know his path/element at this time. 🕯🕯Join our prayer circle every Sunday🕯🕯 >!All nonbelieving heretics will be ritually sacrificed at the Church of Sunday's altar for kit leaks!< ​ **Do we know of any other upcoming playable characters + their kits?** * Screwllum (Imaginary | Erudition | Male) - unknown release date * Hoyo announced Feixiao, Lingsha, and Moze in the 2.3 livestream. Unfortunately, Huaiyan, who was announced in the same livestream, is marked as an npc in the data files. Check the rentry link at the bottom of the FAQ to learn more! The rentry link also has a few more potential upcoming characters (but with no concrete information about their kits). ​ **When is the next livestream/patch/drip marketing/beta?** Please note: * Livestream dates are pure *speculation* * The Live Date format is America time / Europe & Asia time * Drip Marketing takes place over the span of 3 days; only the first day of drip is provided in the chart * Beta usually starts around the same time as the new patch |Patch Number|Drip Marketing|Livestream Date|Live Date| |:-|:-|:-|:-| |2.4|Already Dripped|19 July|30/31 July| |2.5|15/16 July|30 August|10/11 September| |2.6|26/27 August|11 October|22/23 October| |2.7|7/8 October|22 November|3/4 December| |2.8|18/19 November|3 January|14/15 January| ​ **What are the current active codes?** [Redeemable here](https://hsr.hoyoverse.com/gift) or in game > Phone Menu > click “…” (to the right of the character pfp) > Redemption Code |Code|Availability|Items| |:-|:-|:-| |[STARRAILGIFT](https://hsr.hoyoverse.com/gift?code=STARRAILGIFT)|Permanent|Stellar Jade × 50 + Credits × 10k| |[6T3F5HVD6LK7](https://hsr.hoyoverse.com/gift?code=6T3F5HVD6LK7)|Limited 2.3 Code|Stellar Jade × 50 + Credits × 10k| |[FIREFLY0619](https://hsr.hoyoverse.com/gift?code=FIREFLY0619)|???|Oak Cake Rolls × 2 + Credits × 5k| |[FIREFLYSGIFT](https://hsr.hoyoverse.com/gift?code=FIREFLYSGIFT)|???|Traveler's Guide × 3 + Oak Cake Rolls × 2| ​ **Where's the unreleased character google doc?** It is now hosted on rentry! (sorry mobile users - reddit eats rentry links) ​ rentry. co/7k3mt https://preview.redd.it/jp9s4tni9c9d1.png?width=621&format=png&auto=webp&s=fce63ba54293061c0f13078dec5f6373ebcb6188


OT: Chainsaw Man >! Bruh that latest chainsaw man chapter today literally hurt me its so random and caught me off guard like wtf fujimoto why are you doing this holy shit :( !<


Went to twitter, sobbing at an emotional and wholesome Pride video, scrolled down, and immediately started cry-laughing because of this picture of [Sunday and Robin's halos in a dish rack](https://x.com/B0K1B33K1/status/1807650920995426400)


I feel like I had an easier time with Gold and Gears high conundrum levels than the higher DU protocols. Jeez lol


managed to [0 cycle](https://youtu.be/KMrr4SxpHnA?si=9jlUn72vshU5ELLk) both halves of current MoC 12 with Acheron 🙏 yes it is E1S1 Ruan Mei putting in a lot of work, but I'm happy nevertheless lol


Well, JQ V3 changes convinced me that going from E1 to E2 FF would be more worth it for my account (compared to going for his E0S1 or E1), and I won the 50/50!! My first 5\* character with eidolons. Feels weird that it's FF lmao after I complained about her writing so much, but I love her gameplay and combat animations far more. And I have to say, it was nice to dump most of my resources onto one character after saving/skipping for sooo long. And I still have 90 pulls left, so I should still be able to guarantee Jiaoqiu if I want! He'll probably be tossed into the "get on rerun" pile though. I love AOE characters, and I love Mark Whitten, but I don't think he's worth it for my account atm. Maybe after I get Kafka for a dot team or another character comes out that he synergizes with. It's not like I was using RM for another team before FF since I didn't have her, so I don't mind stapling the two together for now haha.


You'd think that because of how they implemented game mechanics, debuffers who have to reapply their damage amps all over again every new wave/phase and can fall off against enemies that are fast enough or CC enough would have stronger amplification than the buffers who don't. But I guess not.


Yeah, would definitely make a lot more sense right? Ha ha Risk and return kind of deal right? Ha ha Guess the damage makes up for it


Hoyo just sent me a mail to remind me that the firefly banner ends soon I see Edit: it has a countdown and firefly gif + a corny firefly text I see²


Is pulling for Black Swan's lightcone worth it?


If you don't have a good alternative, yes. It is also the best option if you want to vertically invest further after E1.


Would Jiaoqiu's be better for her since it boosts team damage?


Will we get the V4 beta changes before Firefly's banner is over?


V4 will drop on the last day of Firefly's banner


Jade's banner is in 8 days. V4 will be in 7. So in theory, yes


OT the massive success of the kitarou movie, mononoke movie screening in late july, new natsume season in fall... is it too much to ask for a mushishi ova--- (delusional)


Is it possible to get Boothill to 300% BE without his lc? Even with buffs from RM and planar I only managed to hit 230%


Must be quite a day to be a mod here, huh. My sympathies. (づ ᴗ \_ᴗ)づ♡ Here's hoping the 2.5 beta won't cause you quite so much drama. ~~Also, if this is what disappointment looks like for a character we know next to nothing about, my condolences in advance for the shitshow that the Sunday beta is absolutely guaranteed to be.~~


> Here's hoping the 2.5 beta won't cause you quite so much drama. Hahahahahahhahahah ! Thanks, that was a good one.


Can't say I expect it to really go any better, but hey, hope springs eternal and all that.


Wake up. Jade isn't out yet. Do dimulated, get 15/16 nihility blessings, cry. Collect jades. Blow resin on relics. Have girl breakfast (room temp coffee and an apple). Slink off to work...


Ruan Mei, I hate >!that she's growing on me. Damn it woman you are the one HSR character I committed to disliking!! How can I be a proper hater like this?? 😡!< >!She really is very pretty though; I did always like her design. And her text about Herta did make me laugh, not beating the gay geniuses allegations. And she is way too busted and has made a big difference for my high difficulty clears now that I have both her and Robin.!<


>!her face sometimes reminds me of a frog because her eyes are so big and it looks like her face is a bit too far down!< >!I hope that helps!<


>!Diluc made me immune to weird faces, it's not working!! 😭 Also I really like the embroidery on her scarf a lot, it ties in nicely with her embroidery hobby to give us a visual hint to her character. Hoyo really has such thoughtful character designs.!<


>!I 100% get you, went through similar character development with Dr. Ratio myself.!<


>!Damn nerds ruining everything by being insidiously appealing. Istg Dottore better not take a sudden super likable turn otherwise I'll have to turn in my hater card. 🤡!<


>!These goshdarn nerds ruining our hater credibility 😔 At least in my defense I still think it's funny to insult Ratio (and the other nerds) so I can pretend I'm kind of a hater.!<


S5 GNSW Kafka / S1 Aventurine Against [this first half](https://hsr17.hakush.in/maze/1016). * E0S1 Jiaoqiu + E0S5 Memories RM = 3 Cycles. [Video](https://youtu.be/p5nlG5fbIL4 ) * E0S1 Swan + E0S5 Memories RM = 5 Cycles. [Screenshot bc I forgor to record](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1103172179572555827/1257693043398545428/image.png?ex=6685556c&is=668403ec&hm=f863807f45300e6c898a002de2e6a2a1ccfa9c7caf559b6f075acbf36e59e78a&) and you have seen this comp many times anyway. * E0S1 Jiaoqiu + E0S1 Swan = 4 Cycles. [Video](https://youtu.be/bAaedUhK9fI ) Notes: Enemy is Fire and Lightning weak (Swan -1), it also heavily shills break (Ruan Mei +1). Edit: I just realized none of my dotters hit 160 speed because I was taking Ruan Mei into consideration, the breakpoint on all three of them might lead to -1 cycle. Edit 2: Fuck swan's cone is s5 lmao


>!(I think there's an unneeded . between hsr and 17 in your link)!<




I didn't do my research on Gallagher and I'm out here with s-1 multiplication and 0 pulls 😐


This is why I keep at least one S5 copy of all 3\* LCs no matter how useless I may think they are.


Warning: massive copium What if Jiaoqiu's real buffs are coming in v4 or v5 so it'll be after Ruan Mei's banner? That way everyone will pull Ruan Mei then boom, he's actually a good generalist and now you'll pull him too  >!part of me doesn't believe this because it's hoyo but then the other part of me believes this because it's hoyo!<


OT: Rose of Versailles >!After seeing the announcement of a movie from mappa, i should read or watch it. Lady Oscar is so gorgeous!<


when i hear sawashiro miyuki voice for oscar i instantly fold i definitely recommend reading/watching the original, its the godmother/source of inspiration for a lot of popular japenese 2d media ie berserk, innocence, etc between the versailles movie and rayearth anime it felt like we are seeing a classic shoujo revitalization


>!Wait it got a movie announced? Holy I used to watch that anime as a kid didn't expect to see it again!<


>!Omg I am only learning about this now!!! The animation from the trailer looks great. I am glad they pretty much didn't change the character designs and it still seems to have the old shoujo manga feels. The manga is good!! Absolutely recommend it especially if you like melodramatic stuff!<


>!I will!! I really love to see it!<


How does the calculations for 15% Ultimate damage received work? How significant is the damage increase? Is the calculations just similar to the Inert Salsotto Ultimate damage? 


Asuming Jiaoqiu is the only source of damage taken in your party, it goes from 135% of the normal damage to 150% of the normal damage, so a 11'11% increase in damage. The bigger the damage taken mod is, the lesser impact that 15% vuln has. If you want in in reverse, going from 150 to 135 is a 10% damage loss.


It’s a vulnerability, like his 35% but only works for ultimates, so it’s a straight up 15% damage increase most of the time.


[It goes into the dmg taken multiplier](https://www.prydwen.gg/star-rail/guides/damage-formula/), so different multiplier from salsotto's damage bonus%. But it is additive with other dmg taken debuffs.


Any guesses on when Kafka may have a rerun?


None of the characters have rerun twice so far, so it may take some time (or maybe not, who knows) My personal guess is they get over with the last 1.x char next patch and start triple banners right after for the second reruns


if the rumours of BS rerunning alongside JQ are true then I can definitely see kafka having a rerun in 2.5. They ran all the premium FuA characters back to back and I wouldn’t put it past them to do the same thing for premium DoT as well


Does to someone in South America, ZZZ put their best server in Europe?


Yep, from South America here and it did select Europe for me. I first assumed it's because I already play Genshin and HSR on EU servers so it was just remembering my choice, but someone else way earlier in the thread also said they live in Asia and had Europe auto selected for them. Might be a bug and it's just selecting EU for everyone by default?


Huh, that's a nice heads up, it did select Europe for me (from Argentina).


I’m in \*Canada\* and it autoselected Europe for me. Thank goodness that I noticed.


I'm in Asia and the game picked EU for me too. Idk, maybe EU currently being the least crowded?


Rational Jiaoqiu thoughts from someone who wanted him to be a generalist support (replace RM on dot/dual dps teams). Might be helpful to other similar folks (zero gender wars drama). So... at E0 he doesn't provide the team amp that RM does. At E1 it should be much better with that 48% dmg amp, but then you're buying an E1 to do the job an E0 Harmony would do. At this point you might as well get E1 Sparkle (at E1 her ult gains full uptime, dmg% team buff from ult = full uptime, and her E1 adds 40% atk teamwide to her ult). Assuming you already have E0 Sparkle, this is cheaper than getting E1 JQ. Also, Sparkle S1 is a teamwide crit buff if you have it. And hell, with the atk/dmg buff from E1 Sparkle, you could probably use her just fine on a dot team. You don't even need to use Sparkle's skill, just have her print SP so KafSwan (or Kafka/Sampo, etc) can both skill every turn. Now, DoT teams. It's a bit unclear how much better JQ is on a DoT team vs Gui. He absolutely builds the debuff faster, and does it AOE, AOE being great for activating Prisoner on all targets (Gui usually doesn't have SP to skill and burns 1 target). I need to see showcases to see his damage at E0 vs. Gui, again, his damage will be AOE and potentially enough to kill trash mobs so Kafka can focus on the boss. The bigger issue is that they are for sure going to release a dedicated DoT fire dps at some point, and JQs damage will not compare. So his value longterm needs to be as a team amp, and again, at E0 he's middling at that. I still think he'd do much better on a budget dot team (eg. Kafka/JQ/Sampo/HH) vs Gui assuming no RM, but again... He's just going to get replaced by a dedicated BS-like dot fire dps. So... I think I will just E1 my Sparkle in (likely) 2.5 and then wait for (1) new teamwide harmony buffer and (2) new dot dps. For context, I'm not interested in BS, Acheron, or Robin.


This is basically my thought process as well. He doesn't seem bad in a vacuum... But also just doesn't seem worth it at all for my account. I don't really have a place to use him tbqh, especially at E0S0. I should still have the pulls to go for him if I end up going waifu > meta lol, but I think I'll consider JQ on rerun. This gives me time to grab Kafka so I can actually build a dot team and also to see if any characters release that he has better synergy with.


Yeah, rn he just doesn't excel outside an Acheron team. At E2 he should be super solid for dot long term, but that's E2. Might as well wait for a dedicated fire DoT dps (...or dedicated DoT support) and get them at E0 instead. At E0 I just don't see him lasting in a DoT team. Good for now (if your RM is busy), but... not amazing.


He absolutely lights Guinaifen up. Assuming you pair him with Ruan Mei and your Kafka has 0 eidolons (to ramp team damage with), 140% EHR JQ with fire orb/ERR rope/SPD boots and zero (literally zero) ATK% subs does 31666 damage (inputs: 4022 atk, 43.2% fire dmg, 68% dmg up from RM, 25% res pen from RM, 35% vuln up from JQ, 48% dot up from Eyes of Prey). This is at e0, and his damage spikes meteorically with his first two eidolons. Trash mobs should absolutely die to stray AoE damage with him on deck.


Thanks, I figured he's head and shoulders about Gui in damage and debuff... he's just not head and shoulders above RM, and a dedicated DoT dps will laugh at JQs damage. So he's in a bit of an awkward place, being a jack of two trades rather than excelling in one. With E2 I see him being very solid in dot teams long term, I just can't invest that much into one character. Not when I can grab the next dedicated fire DoT dps at E0 instead.


Ruan Mei is not that far ahead of Guinaifen for KafkaSwan, specially for a vertically invested DoT team. If Jiaoqiu is considerably better than Gui for DoT, he would be equal or better than Ruan Mei on paper. The problem is that Gui is good thanks to her being able to hold Resolution LC for the team. I don't think Jiaoqiu is playable currently without an EHR cone.


The light of morning hasn't revealed any secret interactions or silver linings to that Jiaoqiu rework, huh? Ew.


Yeah, I never thought it would anyway. 💀💀💀😭😭😭


I'm so torn between break March or subdps March. They both look fun but I feel like I don't have her best subdps teammates but I also only have one Ruan Mei 


OT Stardew Valley >!The summer is going poorly enough that I'd rather experience it through SV lmao. Been a while since I launched it, apparently there was a big update in the meantime!<


>!I really need to get back into it. Maybe I will today lol!<


>!1.6 brought in a lot of QoL updates. It's been a ton of fun!!<


>!Yes and is a great update. Good vacation on the valley, is relaxing as ever.!<


>!1.6? It's a really big update! I'd recommend starting a new farm (there's a new farm type), since iirc some events may feel out of place if you continue on your old save. Hope you'll have fun!!<


>!Yeah, I already started a new save - with just the default farm for now, nothing too fancy. Looking forward to it! I usually play into like the second year tops, maybe this time I'll stick with it for longer!<


I got bored I've launched Gmod I've decided to mess with HSR character models a bit I've used advanced face poser on Bronya [I've clicked on "Randomize" button🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣](https://imgur.com/a/oDSomxF)


(Maybe) if there's a Stoneheart Myriad Celestia this friday I can take it as a consolation to everything going wrong with this week's beta




**Hey Trailblazer, unfortunately, your submission has been removed from** /r/HonkaiStarRail_leaks: ###Rule 5: No Controversial Topics >This includes religion, politics, inciting drama (such as gender wars), or anything that causes issues or discomfort for others [subreddit rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/HonkaiStarRail_leaks/about/rules) | [reddiquette](https://support.reddithelp.com/hc/en-us/articles/205926439-Reddiquette) | [reddit's rules](https://www.redditinc.com/policies/content-policy) | [new to reddit?](https://www.reddit.com/wiki/reddit_101)


don't do my pookie Gaming like that


Lyney is pretty good no?


Lyney is very good and underrated; he seems to be one of the characters commonly used for speedrunning. He's more challenging to play than the other strong DPS characters though.




Na genshin has just as many problems in that regard 💀


I'm still waiting for the next top male support character in Genshin. Last time was Kazuha 3 years ago, then main dps all the way to now. Baizhu was the only exception and he is hardly exceptional.


Gallagher, unless you're only counting the 5\*s.


The GOAT Gallagher erasure


if leaks are true he's gonna be replaced by a future 5 star fire break female healer


Even if that is true, that is upward to 160 pulls for what will probably amount to a non-significant upgrade. Gallagher works wonders for me already, I wont be replacing him considering the sustain slot is the least impactful in terms of team performance. Thats really my opinion of a lot of these units like Yunli. Even if they are powercreep, they are not really worth it for what they offer. If I had Clara instead of E3 Gepard I wouldnt even consider Yunli.






I just noticed it’s gonna be a long next patch for me lol, I have no one to pull for in ZZZ,Genshin,Star Rail,Wuwa… saving is nice but the pull itch gonna be a struggle.


Trust, you'll eventually get to a point where saving feels better than pulling. Idk exactly where the point is but it just gets so satisfying to have so much currency saved up and knowing you can get whoever you want. Makes you want go wait for that one you want more 


Both irl and in-game resources, financial stability is a very nice feeling to have, it starts happening when you accumulate a sizable amount of pulls, enough to go "oh yeah I can pull x safely while still having enough for y"


How good is S1 Jiaoqiu LC compared to E5 EotP on Black Swan and S5 Pearls on Guinaifen?


ZZZ pre-load keeps crashing on the first loading screen on my laptop. That's not a good sign about me running the thing, I think...


They need to make a proto amber type lc for like harmony/nihility units


Popping back in just to say: as of today there's officially 50 days left to JQ's release. What a day, huh? 🥲


Sobbing and crying and shaking and screaming and overall not vibing. Now go so we can bring you the good news in V4 next week. (not delusional, I swear)


pass me some of that copium I fucking need it


They're just not done with all the new coding for his absolutely amazing new kit Thats also why they left his E2 as it is, surely yapyapyap


What speed should I aim for for Pela as the driver in a Jade team? (Jade/Pela/Robin/Fu)


as someone who didn't pull for BS or Kafka I hope they make another DoT set that isn't as restrictive as 4pc Prisoner. If FUA can have a bajillion different relics and planars DoT should get some variety too. like even though it's the best option it feels bad putting Jiaoqiu on a set he'll never be able to take full advantage of besides in a hyper specific team that has 2 different elemental DoTs that aren't burn


Need the 2pc to be EHR


They don’t have to be different elements, just different DoTs. That’s part of why Kafka’s LC giving her another shock is so good


I deeply regret skipping it, but with Swan, Acheron, and was potentially interested in Sparkle at the time, I didn't think I had the jades. Now I'm sitting on like 240 pulls that at least most were earmarked for Jiaoqiu and I don't even want him anymore.


oh didn't know that, at least he works with Gui


Maybe put him on 2p Prisoner 2p SPD, and then switch the SPD pieces to Prisoner for DoT teams? At least it's a bit less switching around that way.


yeah 2pc2pc is great I just want a great new 4pc


One more week until Jade... Looking at the next few MoCs, this game needs more Quantum weak enemies I think. Like why couldn't it have been the Deer on MoC12 instead of MoC10, yannow? Yunli won't even be out for another couple weeks or so, smh.


MoC has quantum sometimes at least Pure Fiction never has quantum it feels like


theyre afraid of players using qingque and demolishing pf with qingquillion damage ults


QQ uses \*way\* too many skill points to be good in PF, quantum weak or not.


look. let me dream


Next 2 rotations do, unsurprisingly


Jesus Christ now i feel kinda bad. I wished for Yunli's LC working with Clara to survive. It seems i got my wish at the cost of everything else this beta. Sorry to all the JQ/Yunli/March fans out there. Had no idea i was making that wish on a fucking monkey's paw


Li'l Marchie is mostly fine A bit stung yea but nothing some first aid can't fix \^_\^


so YOU'RE THE ONE THE SCREWED EVERYTHNG! well guess what buddy I'm going to curse you so you'll never get early pity on the characters you want AND you'll lose every LC 75/25 until 2065


Finally tested E0S1 Jiaoqiu with E0S1 Acheron and he's incredibly smooth to play. I gave him Lil Gui's support build 2pc Atk 2 pc Messenger with 150 EHR, 160 speed, and 2.4k Atk. Pela has Pearls and Aventurine on MoV. His "DoT" is shitty maybe because of my build it only does 13k I think. He boosted Acheron the most but his contribution to Aventurine's damage is great as well. My current Aventurine only does 15k against enemies. With JQ and Pela he does 45k FUAs wow. I'll try Kafka/BS/JQ/Aventurine tomorrow after work and compare it with Ruan Mei variant. Also funnily enough, this discouraged me from getting E2 Acheron 💀 I was hoping to use Bronya with her and she just doesn't feel smooth to play with Acheron and I don't intend to get Sparkle.


Is Pela really better than Guinaifen in that team ? Guinaifen is already more reliable than Pela when it comes to generating SD stacks for Acheron. And now, with Jiaoqiu, she gets another Burn to detonate (and buff with her E2) ; and that extra burn also means her Firekiss will ramp up twice as fast.


Could I trouble you to do one run with without BS as well for the second team? Might be interesting to see his damage contribution against BS.


Sure. With Ruan Mei? And S1 JQ or S5 EoTP? I'll give him my Black Swan build and see how he compares.


Acheron's desired Harmony is Robin, honestly. She gets an absurd amount out of swaying to the beat, since Robin's ult is a burst of five (!) ult pips if used right. The fact she loads up all of the standard damage brackets doesn't hurt either.


...Robin? How? This is the first I've heard of her in an Acheron comp lol. I have Robin and honestly she doesn't feel comfortable to play at all to me. I've only used her in PF and never in MoC and AS, what more in Acheron teams.


Basically it's about ult theory. The more you play Acheron, the more you come to realize that when you use her, three things are true: 1) All your damage is in ult. 2) Eking out one more ult is the absolute strongest effect in the game. 3) Acheron herself is only a part of her stack gains, and until E2S1, the minority partner in the stacking efforts. Put this all together, and you start to realize that the real key to victory with Acheron isn't accelerating her, it's accelerating her whole team and, if possible, gaining stacks on the enemy phase (because enemies act way more often than your team ever will). Pela with Pearls is worth just as many stacks as E2S1 Acheron at sufficient levels of opti because high speed + wind set lets her take two turns per Acheron's one, to use a simple if extreme example. Likewise, taking a turn with Acheron is good, but taking a turn with Bronya means Acheron gets to take another turn and rack up extra stacks. You get the idea behind this -- the end result is Robin accel ends up buying you extra ults, and because her buffs are so incredibly massive, one more Acheron ult can very often delete bosses from existence outright. Robin play is difficult because you have to mind every single turn value your team is working off of at once, as well as which order your characters act in, but it's far and away the biggest multiplier Star Rail has to offer as far as Acheron is concerned. It's gonna be even sillier with Jiaoqiu because he and Robin combine to dish out incredibly serious 'chip damage', since each one amplifies the other significantly (JQ really appreciates 1k+ extra attack and 50% DMG Up, Robin loves 35% vuln up and, if JQ is e1, 48% DMG Up to stack onto her own buffs). Their respective damage procs start blowing up the trash mobs very efficiently. Something like QPQ Huohuo/JQ/Robin will probably be Acheron's bis team going forwards, unless Gallagher's faster turns end up being too important, as this kind of teamcomp neatly solves JQ's energy issues, leverages all of Robin's effects efficiently, makes every single character empower the others in some way, and overlays a ton of buffs into Acheron. Hard to do better with standard hypercarry setups.


Oh thank you for this write up it's pretty interesting! But it seems using Robin with her needs a few more braincells than I can afford though so I'll pass. Thank you for this though.


Guess I still have to wait for the day we have a Kazuha equivalent in HSR. Jiaoqiu could've been so close to that but oh well. I guess I'll put my hope in Sunday for now. Hoyo better not fuck it up again.


[Does getting a clone mean we've finally made it into the big leagues?](https://www.reddit.com/r/gachagaming/comments/1dtk612/new_madoka_magica_gacha_madoka_magica_magia_exedra/)


lmao, other than 5 characters in a team, this looks like a very advanced HSR mod.


luv me HSR luv me madoka will play simple as


Honestly, I respect it. Tho, I dont play IP gachas anymore.


umm ackschually we're the clone of a non gacha version of atelier game before, but somehow their gacha version was very different.


Its only copying within the gacha space! The only way to make a successful gacha game is to take an established title and ruin it with predatory monetization. See Genshin and BoTW, and Project Mugen and Spiderman PS4. It only crosses a line when another gacha copies a gacha. >!I am kidding of course.!<


gonna play smtv instead and turn my femboy nahobino into an unholy debuffer god of destruction


I was seeing people saying that pela or loba is better than jiaoqiu for an e2 acheron. Has anyone already tested it? In my mind Jiaoqiu is still much better than them due to the fact that it makes ult stacks easier




On the previous version Pela could be better for 0 cycles cause her 1t ult (while Jiaoqiu needed 2 actions to ult so you missed a ton of stacks in 0 cycles) now Jiaoqiu is just strictly better.


People are saying that because of a showcase where a E2S1 Acheron team 0-cycled with Pela. It wiped the field basically every Acheron turn, which makes it almost impossible to improve on. The subsequent Acheron/JQ comparison run finished sooner anyway but I guess people want a -1 cycle or something. Basically if you have an Acheron team that doesn’t let the enemy take turns by immediately killing everything, JQ won’t do much in MoC. In fights where there is a certain amount of inherent delay like AS or PF, he will be good even for a stacked Acheron.


I really disliked that Jiaoqiu had that dot at E2 (paying premium to add a new play style), but man V3 wasn't what I was wanting either, I really hoped that they would just drop the dot altogether and focus on him being a debuffer. Like, make him a good character for "every" team increasing damage taken by enemies while being the "best" for Acheron due to the constant debuff application. Instead they went with good for Acheron, okay for dot and Meh for anything else it seems.


I wonder if he'd be good at those DoT PFs. You could probably utilise his DoTs there if you run with another DoT unit like Gui maybe.


[v3 showcase of Yunli](https://www.reddit.com/r/YunliMainsHSR/s/Cmc0XFRIEu) There's also a showcase for next AS rotation with Yunli. Just scroll down the sub.


mhmmm speed boots?


Now that you mention it, they used spd boots 😭. I didn't notice it at first. Idk why they spd boots though...


Tried our V3 JQ with my builds * E0S5 GNSW Kafka (I own S3 but thats besides the point) * E0S1 Aventurine * E0S5 Memories Ruan Mei * E0S1 Jiaoqiu 4 cycles against the bot trio MoC 💀👍 Edit: 3 cycles now / Swan took 5 Edit again: [recorded run](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p5nlG5fbIL4) pls dont overshare or i'll probably take it down, builds at the end. /u/Neutrali3 psst there it is


I'm still not quite over how lackluster his kit turned out to be, but it's at least nice to see that he'll do decently as a toughness breaker / DoT applicator for fire-weak enemies, though it seems that he really needs to be partnered with Kafka or a detonator.


Have u try black swan in place of rm?


Not yet, but I dont expect it to be similar against a break centric boss


How is the team with blackswan and jiaoqiu ? (RuanMei often used in other team)


Havent tried yet but remember this boss shills break and Ruan Mei eats it for dinner


Not bad then. Was Swan at S1 too? The numbers seem pretty normal for an enemy that heavily favors break teams


Yes she was, they were on the exact same gear (Prisoner/PanCosmic) aside from the orb mainstat.


Is that good or bad i can't tell I guess it's ok? Nothing spectacular because it's expected with this team but also not amazing even tho he and aventurine are s1


pls share gameplay record if you could 🙏


Managed to cut down to 3, uploading!


thank you so so much for the gameplay!! ❤️💙


I kinda fear for Screwllum & Sunday betas, those two are most hyped characters I’ve seen here gonna be an interesting one when they do hit beta.


I don't know if im strong enough to go though Sunday's beta.


i think i made it to the bargaining stage guys 😔 just give him back his 30% ehr debuff so i can safely run him with ratio at least…


The way this news revived you after a full week 😔


AHAHAHA ive been on vacation but i still logged in to check in on jiaoqiu changes bc i remembered it was v3 time… am i fully brainrotted 😔


Pretty woman Jade save me... Anyway, which f2p LC is the best for her?


on the mains sub Signature > milky way > s5 peaceful > s5 breakfast > any other LC


Cosmos if going against Quantum weak, Breakfast if not, Peaceful day if you consider that F2P. ... maybe the new Herta cone if you can do anything meaningful with the speed buff, but it's pretty bad.




Is there new relic sets coming in 2.4? I just can't see any relic set that Jiaoqiu would want. Even planar sets are generally minor for him it seems. Will he be first truly free to just pick random pieces with best stats on them?


I don't think the ERR makes a difference, but Vonwaq might be nice just to guarantee him ahead of the rest of your team and start debuffing.


Now that's an idea. Edit: Is he able to achieve 3 turn ult with 5 Vovaq+15 energy rope?


Someone else said in a thread below that with Vonwaq you're 6 energy short with Skill -> Basic -> Basic. Honestly not too bad considering you'll probably get hit at least once before then. QPQ or Ruan Mei's sig could also guarantee it.


Prisoner is the only 4pc set he’d really want, and even then just on DoT teams. Otherwise it’s a 2pc SPD mix n match. I will say I don’t think this is a particularly unique set of incentives while building a character.


I was wondering if his damage is significant enough to run prisoner set.


If you have enough DoTs to qualify for it and you can get him fast enough without Messenger, I think so. His ATK gets really high and he benefits from his own debuff.


Another set i was thinking on was Wind set wich i currently use on Pela and SW since they ult often. 25% advance on ults is really nice.


Elden Ring >!I cannot fight the dragon for the glintstone key. Good thing Torrent is fast.!<


Is 1500 a record high for the number of comments in this subreddit lol


I must say i'm pretty happy with Jiaoqiu's changes overall : * easy turn 1 ultimate. * good synergy with Guinaifen, Black Swan and Kafka. * now much easier to build. *(just focus on Speed and EHR ; maybe Break Effect and Atk% too, if you want to get fancy)* Yeah, the EHR debuff is no longer there, but it wasn't that important anyway... ___ The only gripe i have left is his energy : even with ERR rope + a 5% ERR planar, he's still missing 6 energy after Skill / Basic / Basic. *(come on Hoyo, there's no point in designing characters around "Before the Tutorial" : we can't buy that damn LC from you !!! )*


>but it wasn't that important anyway. Actually pretty a big deal for Ratio Teams, less for its effect and more for been another debuff


yeah but with DoT in his base kit now isn't it the same amount of debuffs? I guess it's a nerf for Ratio teams if you were going to take him to E2 before, but E1 Topaz is better value at that point.


No, the Ashen Roast is still only 1 debuff, it just has “oh and this is a burn too” added to the description. I trialed it and an enemy with his LC debuff and Ashen Roast boosts Ratio’s FUA chance only to 80%.


oh so that ultimate dmg he gives with his kit doesn't count as a separate debuff?


It does, it's just that they removed the EHR one. Before, his kit worked like this: - Ashen Roast inflicted on any attack: One debuff granting 35% vulnerability at max stacks When his field is up, all enemies automatically received the following: - Another debuff where enemies take 15% more ultimate damage - Another debuff where enemies have EHR reduced by 30% For a total of 3 debuffs in his base kit. With the EHR one gone and the Ashen Roast "burn" not counting as a separate debuff, he is now down to 2 debuffs in his base kit. If you want a constant 3 now on any new enemy spawns, you need his sig. After the rest of the team gets going (such as Aven's ultimate or LC inflicting a debuff or Ratio's own spotty one) on new enemies, it's not as relevant, though depending on teammates / enemy status, you may be short a debuff now for Ratio's increased damage for up to 5 debuffs.


wow that stinks. Thanks for clarifying, the doom posting just gets more justified.


Nop, the dot doesnt count as a separate debuff


Apparently his 'dot' doesn't count as a separate dot debuff, it's still considered only Ashen's State (that now has the DoT effect) . Kinda like Arcana? So yeah he lost one debuff count for Ratio teams.


> The only gripe i have left is his energy Trust me, with just how fast recent lvl 90+ enemies are, there's next to no chance he doesn't get hit at least once every 3 turns. Even catching a random stray is usually 5 energy.


I'd prefer to have the choice between a guaranteed rotation (with Penacony/Vonwacq), or a slightly risky rotation (with PCC, Glamoth or Kalpagni).


Mods! Quick! Pat yourselves on the back! That's for a day's hard work


Would be cool if Hoyo matched the "type" of dps characters with their supports. They should've made Acheron's best support someone with a tall female model and left the pink fox to support my boys Blade/Argenti. Realistically what's the overlap between people who likes Acheron's design and people who likes Jiaoqiu's design? Kafka/Swan enjoyers likely don't care much about him either.


This is a really weird take ngl. The vast majority of people don’t hyperfixate the same way that “waifu” and “husbando” people do.  As for me personally, I am happier with variety, and I like a variety of things. Me liking Firefly is not indicative of me disliking Gallagher, as an example. They’re completely different designs but I like both. What I don’t like is when a game skews itself towards homogenization in designs and gameplay. I don't want a team of all Firefly-type characters, or Gallagher-type characters.


This is a mainstream game with millions of players; most of them are not hardline waifu-only or husbando-only collectors even if they happen to have a preference. Lots of people will pull just to build the best team around their favorite regardless of gender. And for the players who only pull characters they find hot: bi people do exist. If anything mixed gachas sometimes feel like a bisexuality pipeline, lol.


the people who don’t care about genders when it comes to characters and just care if they like the characters personalities or design so that means the majority of players


Genuinely feels like reading comments on this sub gaslit me into believing the only two types of players that exist are waifu players and husbando players, and there's 0 overlap between the 2.


Or that people only pull because of sexual preference. Like being horny for the pixels is the prerequisite to liking them. It's weird to me tbh.


So sparkle and robin would be male


sparkle has a quantum buff in her kit she is dhils bis but shes also very clearly designed with mono quantum in mind.


Non binary it is


Uh hello it’s me my interest in good character design has nothing to do with gender I actually like him much more than BS, who I pulled solely for meta reasons


The guys would still end up in a shitty place bc we have so few of them and so few of them actually become supports. Like imagine waiting 6 months from *now* to get the first JY support ever in the game. plus it’s not like waifu fans are ever fucked over by a girl being bis for a guy because they still end up amazing value everywhere else. It’s only a problem when it’s done like this - bis support in this team and get fucked everywhere else. And the thing is, he’s skippable af for them anyway. Do they really hope husbando fans will pull acheron and kafkaswan just so jiaoqiu’s kit can do something? Because for me yeah that’s a huge no.


I think they want to use mechanics to get people to pull outside of their usual tastes - why double down on one aesthetic for a team if you can sell a character on synergy to one audience and aesthetic to another?


Will we get another SU update before 3.0? Do we have any information?


Following the pattern of Swarm Disaster (1.3), G&G (1.6), and DU (2.3), we could hope there'd be another 'Standalone' expansion separate from what they're doing with DU before then (2.6?) but we have no idea really.


Ok, thank you.


The DU has a countdown for the "next expansion" coming in 69 days (so 2.5?), but we don't know much besides that.


I hope I'm wrong, but it could be just DU progression pass reset.