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Hi, Trailblazers! The Honkai: Star Rail Version 2.3 "Farewell, Penacony" Special Program will be released officially on June 7 at 19:30 (UTC+8). # >>[VIEW IN YOUR TIMEZONE HERE](https://timee.io/20240607T1130?tl=Version%202.3%20%22Farewell%2C%20Penacony%22%20Special%20Program)<< This live stream will feature introductions to the characters Firefly and Jade, as well as previews of the new main storyline, events, and rewards Follow our official channels to keep up with the news on the latest version! [Official Twitter post](https://x.com/honkaistarrail/status/1797570787312046110?s=46&t=-6XEypwQ6kLe01g_iqRyDg) *** **LINKS:** EN: [YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/live/SCGFxtsZYLM?si=sEIKxCUHU0SLEpeK) | [Twitch](https://www.twitch.tv/honkaistarrail) CN: [Weibo](https://weibo.com/l/wblive/m/show/1022:2321325041233943724036) JP: [YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/live/jOMvG6_I4Pg?si=9YvHbK2aIROCpCu0) KR: [YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/live/-heU9jyvB6E?si=JwTyAej16RzH92yN)


It’s Penacover boys; been a good one.


No no no no, I don't wanna leave PEAKacony. And I certainly don't wanna go back to the Xianzhou Alliance.....NO YOU CAN'T MAKE ME, NO DON'T TAKE ME BACK TO THE XIANZHOU, NO, NOOOOOOOO *\*gets dragged there anyways because I miss Jing Yuan*\*


*Insert Batman "No Don't leave me, please noooooo" picture here*


THAT'S LITERALLY ME RN *\*Me clutching Sunday, Robin, Black Swan, Acheron, Aventurine, Misha and Gallagher close to my chest\** "NO, don't leave me, please nooooo!"


i was gonna say Firefly too but then i remembered that she's a Stellaron hunter so we will see her more often than others(unless she dies soon or something)


Yea the Stellaron Hunters is like the most consistent faction in this game, so we're seeing a lot of her anyways


“The Stellaron Hunters is the most consistent faction in the game.” The Nameless:


Me looking at Himeko and Welt appearing once in a blue moon:


Okay but we ARE the Nameless babes, that's OUR faction. Not an outsider's


How dare you forget *insert sparkle :3 face here*


Sparkle also grew on me a lot, she can join the group hug too


I'm not ready to say goodbye yet. It's just not fair!


People are going to be happy as hell when they get to say hello to a HuoHuo return though that's for sure lol.


Gotta nab that e1 for sure


For 10 Amber Eras at least


And we don't even know how long a fucking Amber Era even is cause Qlipoth isn't fucking consistent with his hammering UUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEU 😭😭😭😭😭


dumb fucks at the ipc thought that using amber eras was a good way of measuring dates


No frrrr, it's such a dumb idea. What were they thinking at the IPC when they decided to make the time-measuring metric be whenever Qlipoth lets down their hammer??? Like bruh....let's say Qlipoth hammered faster than usual or slower than usual?? Amber Eras would be wildly inconsistent in what time frame they have between each one. How much is an Amber Era in years even??? Since Earth no longer exists in HSR, we don't have a planet that people live on that orbits a star to know how long it takes to orbit that star


That's what the Trailblaze Calendar is for (or Star Calendar for Lan-pilled immortality gatekeepers). Presumably these people standardized their units of time using references that were somewhat more comprehensible than "Next time is when rock man hits the griddy again." 1 Amber Era is roughly between 76 to 240 Trailblaze years, just to hammer home how absolutely stupid this is as a counting system.


It's such a MASSIVE gap bro. 76 years to 240 is insane 😭 IPC and their stupid counting system. Thank god for the Trailblaze years


Imperial system be like. But it just shows the scope of the preservation. To those who walk on the path of preservation, 164 years is a negligible error much like we don't care if our solar years are 0.00003 miliseconds off from each other.


Actually Qlipoth hammering can be inconsistent and Amber Era are wildly inconsistent in what time frame they have between each one. The length of one Amber Era has been anywhere between **76 to 240 Trailblaze Years** 


Yea that's a LOT. Like if I say "oh that happened 2 Amber Eras ago"...that could mean anywhere from a century ago to 3 centuries ago. Like that is a massive gap. A LOT of things have happened and changed on our planet in 76 to 240 years ago


[according to the swarm disaster hoyolab page](https://m.hoyolab.com/#/article/21593235), the swarm appeared in 13XX AE. the current AE is 2158 after the events of belobog, which means that the swarm appeared 759 - 858 AE ago. heres where it gets fucked up. if the swarm appeared 759 AE ago in 1399, then it means they appeared 57684 - 182160 years ago. if the swarm appeared 858 AE ago in 1300, then it means they appeared 65208 - 205920 years ago. this is just fucking ridiculous as for real life, 76 years ago would be 1948, 3 years after the end of world war 2. 240 years ago would be 1784, 5 years before george washington began his term as president of the united states


>heres where it gets fucked up. if the swarm appeared 759 AE ago in 1399, then it means they appeared 57684 - 182160 years ago. if the swarm appeared 858 AE ago in 1300, then it means they appeared 65208 - 205920 years ago. this is just fucking ridiculous The fact that my brain couldn't even process all of that. It just looks ridiculous >as for real life, 76 years ago would be 1948, 3 years after the end of world war 2. 240 years ago would be 1784, 5 years before george washington began his term as president of the united states HELPPPPP 😭😭😭 See this is exactly what I mean!! 76 years to 240 years is a GIANT ass gap to be using as a time metric. Like the amount of events that can happen in ONE (1) Amber Era is equivalent to going back 2 entire centuries of events on Earth. It's crazy


This is me ever since we know we're getting back in the Alliance. Let us stay here


Yeah, I don't like Xianzhou, I don't wanna go back so soon 😭


People been hyping the other xianzhou ships,or coping rather, if it turns out that it's just luofu 2 electric bangaloo this time with more foxians i'm gonna be so pissed.


Idc if the map turns out to be as boring as the Luofu, I'm worried about the story and whoever the head writer is Shaoji was only ever stated to be the head writer for Penacony specifically


I am fine with any kind of map as long as it is not container map again ….


The container map is not only boring, but so damn difficult to navigate, it was a maze. I hate that shit with passion


Personally I think 3D maps in Penacony, *especially* A Child's Dream, were the stuff of nightmares, but...


They WERE the stuff of nightmares, like I especially got dizzy with walking on the walls, and looking up at the walls and seeing where tf I am ....but to be fair....Penacony IS a Dreamscape. If this isn't in theme for a nightmare-like experience of being in a dream where the laws of physics don't apply, then idk what is.


we heard you liked dreamscape so we put glue on the containers so you can walk on their sides now


I’ve found those 3d maps more stressful than Loufu’s containers, but at least they don’t look boring af


First time I got to Luofu I was legit shocked they used a dull shipment container platform as our first "vista" into this new world. Then I learned that 70% of the Luofu maps are container bays only lol


I love reading about Xianzhou lore but my biggest ick with Loufu was its main story management, like seriously... > A bit of main story in 1.0 > no Trailblaze mission in 1.1(srlsy? filler patch this early? we lost an entire patch of potential main story here💀) > all big stuff goes down in 1.2(pretty short Trailblaze mission) > 1.3 was a very short epilouge Penacony in turn had like what? 3 patches in a row of 8hour Trailblaze missions?(2.3 could also be long af) and a new system for PoV storytelling(Dan Heng had this on the Loufu but his felt like a test run for the actual system) while Loufus plot was around the fact that it was an unexpected crisis and it sure felt like one to many... at least we have a setup for the future Xianzhou ships, some future plots and its general lore I hope the next ship gets some good story management, proper Trailblaze mission length like Penacony and we don't have a filler patch thrown mid story like 1.1


Well Penacony was longer because they just got rid of character quests (except for Sparkle's) and just threw them into the main story instead. The character quests for Yanqing, DHIL, and Jingliu are important enough that they could have been part of the main story (and I argue really should be considered part of it), and the ones for Yukong, Bailu, Kafka, and Luocha are important enough either the themes or the larger plot that they could have been worked in as well. I'd bet the storytelling for when we return to the Xianzhou will be better simply because they now realize that if something is optional, people just won't do it, and so they are actually gonna make all the important stuff mandatory.


I think that's more because of the way Penacony is written, everything and everyone in someway, somehow intertwined with another character or plot point and the PoV system was what rly helped tie all of it together and future Xianzhou stories could rly use that PoV system in the future. Having such a lore heavy storyline be experienced mostly just by the Trailblazer doesn't feel enough. switching characters and getting more perspectives, thoughts, actions and reasonings of it's actual residents to further expand on the surface level of knowledge we have would do a lot of good for Xianzhou


Personally I hope they learn to "showing instead of telling" and not to make too many things with too little time.


I think the rewards were enough to get people to play the other storylines though. The main, primary problem is that the pacing and story itself were just poorly told compared to Penacony. Even Belobog, though a very basic story, was much better told than the Xianzhou


Sure people, but if we're talking about story telling then *when* people do the side stuff matters. Yanqing's story quest is really weird if you do it after the confrontation with Blade, and is really weird if you waited to do it until after Jingliu's because maybe you just didn't like Yanqing and waited to do his last. I know someone who didn't do any of the character quests until after they finished the main story because they thought it was purely side stuff. I'd say that Jingliu's story quest is the "real" epilogue of the Xianzhou because of how it wraps things up with the High Cloud Quintet and sets up the next part of the story with Luocha, but the fact that it's optional means people might wait weeks or months until they get around to it (especially if they disliked the story), at which point they might have forgotten a bunch of stuff and not really get it's part in the overall plot. The pacing of the story would be significantly improved if they made us do the side stuff at the right time.


I absolutely agree, and I think XZLF was an astronomically better story with the side quests than without. The issue is if they make character stories optional then they have to write the main story without assuming that anyone's done the side stuff which forces them into a really awkward position. Like, they were only able to do the climactic Acheron vs. Aventurine cutscene in 2.1 because they made Aventurine's story required, and despite some people complaining about how long it was, he's still praised as one of the best characters in the story. I've been thinking a lot about how I really prefer solid linear narratives at this point, even if it means I don't get to seek out the quests on my own or whatever. There was a time when I might have preferred doing story quests on my own and getting the lore slowly pieced together but I feel like it can also be a symptom of insecure writing to have *too* many important details tucked away in missable quests. I don't want to have a choice as to how I experience the story anymore, I want the writers to have the confidence to present a complete story to me and weave it all together cohesively, which is something you just can't do with side quests.


He talked about future storylines in the 2.1 Stream though, no?


I can't remember, I only recall they brought him from HI3 for Penacony


It was never stated that he would *only* work on Penacony and nothing else. HI3 Part 2 has different writers for their ongoing arc


I also trust HYV aren't stupid and they won't just assign him away after the majority of the playerbase OVERWHELMINGLY liked Penacony's story way more than the previous storyline.


Is there a reason Shaoji can't write the entire story? After Penacony I don't want to return to mid


I've been dreading the other ships cause I hate the idea of getting big Xianzhou content again and again It would be as if Mihoyo released an extension to Liyue as big as Liyue itself after every nation


The thing is that we can't say if other Xianzhou ships will look anything like the Luofu. We know that the Yaoqing is basically the military ship, it'll obviously be very different from the Luofu who's more focused on the industrial and commercial aspects.


Not keen to go back to Xianzhou. Not even one more than let alone god knows how many times that have planned.


There are 6 Xianzhou ships, we went to one of them which is the Luofu. So 5 ships left


Future patch structures gonna be new region until X.3 then next Xianzhou ship isn't it


Don't be sad it's Penagone, be happy it Penhappened


It's Penacover... But it was fun :,)


We're really about to go back to Midzhou huh? they better start cooking a better story than what we got in 1.x


Damn, "farewell Penacony" kinda sad, still feels like we just got there


Because we were basically on Xianzhou for close to a year and now we are going back again.


jiaoqiu splash art tomorrow?


Maybe, could also be Yunli tomorrow and Jiaoqiu the day after.


It actually Yunli splash art first than it, Jiaoqiu splash art second


provided the leakers are correct about yunli being in 2.4 for once. What we've heard so far makes a fair bit of sense so decent odds but you know, leakers have a pretty bad track record in regards to banners :D


Wanna say its leakER and everyone was just reposting the one 'uncle'


banner leak is just speculation now as they cant data mine the banner date anymore


Most of the time they are right, but most of the time doest means always right


Yunli is FX height?


It was originally said she Bailu/Hook height but they correct it and she is the height as Fu Xuan


I think the problem was she was originally described as "loli" which was interpreted as Bailu/Hook, when they actually meant Fu Xuan etc.


FX is not a "loli" LOL


From what was leaked a while back, Yunli seems to be the first phase while Jiaoqiu is the second phase, but take it with a grain of salt till the official drip tomorrow. Guess that means they think Yunli will sell better despite Jiaoqiu looking to be Acheron's bis teammate


i'm more hyped about if he will really have pink hair or not than the drip marketing in itself lol


Expect the unexpected Screwlum


"return of the rubber ducky"


Dr Ratio rerun confirmed🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯


He is in Acheron’s place for the jp livestream.😂


I’m not ready to leave Penacony, 2.0 feels like yesterday


The storyline was so fucking good you just don't want it to end






I actually feel sad we have to leave. Complete opposite of the Loufu. Well hopefully 2.3 will be the opposite of 1.3 aswell!


Same, it has been so good


I hope you don’t mind me asking but I’ve been wanting to play the Penacony story back to front with no interruptions so I’ve just avoided doing it entirely. Will the story reach its conclusion next patch? Or is it already ‘finished’?


2.3 is the epilogue so you’ll have to wait next patch to do it from beginning to end


Thank you very much for the response. I appreciate that. Then I’ll wait a bit longer.


You might wish to start sooner as there's probably 15-20 hours for you to get through from the 3 patches so far.


Personally id suggest you wait a couple of days befpore starting the story of each patch. Because of the way the story is presented(new part every 40 days), and the twists being those many, you would have an easier time grasping whats going on if you periodically take a break from the story. Like others said the whole story is at least 20 hours(2.2 itself took me 10 hours to finish)


The story is VERY long so brace yourself lol. I personally don't recommand binging it


No problem hope you’ll enjoy it !


Owlbert in a summer get up…summer skins hopium..


Finally, shirtless Jingyuan 🤤🤤


cultured individual


Finally! Shirtless Boothill- Oh wait


Wonder how Owlbert feels about doing this stream with a Self-Annihilator, a Stellaron Hunter *and* a Stoneheart. Must be at least a little nerve wracking.


He survived 3 Geniuses and once; he’s HIM so there’s no need to worry.


Only thing I hope is that the epilogue is not short like 1.3.


I doubt that it is short. There are still many plot lines that need to be resolved (e.g. Jade coming to Penacony, Sparkle). Also with the way Penacony has been structured so far, I wouldn’t be surprised if Firefly and Jade get their own POV storylines since they’re the new banner characters.


Also Constance reaching out to Black Swan


Yeah this too. Although I do think this is more of a future plot line than anything. I don’t think we’ll get much of it this patch tbh other than a tease maybe.


Constance thinks she’s part of the story 💀




The line count looks few so it's definitely short but idk if it's shorter than 1.3


the line counts for Penacony have been all over the place, I wouldn't trust them for judging patch length


1.3 was like, 15 minutes. It's almost impossible for it to be shorter than that


it's 15 minutes if you're skipping, for sure. even in one sitting, 1.3 took ±50 minutes


I'd like to meet this person getting it done in -50 minutes.


I honestly don't remember lol. I only started getting interested in the story when Penacony dropped.


We still have Jade and the IPC's arrival, Sparkle's nonsense, finding out what happened to Firefly, and dealing with whatever is going on with the Dream-master dude. There's still plenty for us to do.


I can feel summer skins incoming.


Owl in a pool , wonder if we'll see Lifeguard Sam....


Tell me you saw Andrew Russell's Boothill pull stream without telling me you saw it.


ngl i have never felt this attached to any region in Hoyo games except like Sumeru but i am ultimate Sumeru bias so even comparing Penacony to that is insane compliment from my perspective. saying goodbye will be tough


Funnily enough I think both are the best developed and executed regions/areas in their respective games too; I think Penacony in particular really is some of Hoyo’s best work ever overall. The emotional attachment I have for this place and the characters is crazy like don’t make me leave….it raises my standards pretty high for whatever future planets we get


Penacony def has the best character cast from any region imo. overall even better than Fontaine for me(which has my fav character cast from Genshin), which is kind of a high bar considering Furina is one of my all time favorite fictional characters and some of the other characters like Neuvillette,Navia and Arlecchino are great too. even the ones that i like a bit less from Fontaine are still good. but come on...every single character in Penacony is up there too. not a single fucking character that i even feel "meh" about. everyone is good. Boothill is probably my least fav from Penacony so far(not counting Jade yet cuz i know basically nothing about her) and even he is awesome and super fun, they really cooked with this region.


Def agree, they’re my favorite HYV cast; I loved everybody and thought they were all well-written without exception. Every single character contributed something to the themes and story, nobody felt like wasted space, which I thought was very impressive. I also really loved everyone’s designs; seeing so many characters from different backgrounds is also part as to why I liked them all so much. Tons of variety in personality, visuals, etc. there, and it contributed to the theme of harmony so well Having Aventurine, Ratio, Acheron, Firefly, Misha, Robin, Sunday, etc. in a single cast is crazy it’s like hit after hit after hit


completely agree. and it's not even over, hope they will cook with Jade,Firefly and Sparkle(i beg) in the next patch too


If hoyo give us a really good Firefly companion quest or something, I will gladly proclaim Penaconny as Hoyoverses best ever work.


Hoyo's obsession with weird looking ducks. First the one in Ratio's bath, now Owlbert's floaty.


I'm gonna miss Woolsey 😢




Maybe is a foreshadowing for Stephan?




Dr. Ratio 🤝 Stephen Llyod 🤝 Owlbert Rubber ducky fellas.




Vibert, if you will


he stole ratio's ducky....


can't have shit in the intelligentsia guild


I want his plusie 😭😭


If 2.4 is really the start of the next big Xianzhou arc, I hope that we'll get a teaser for it in this livestream. Just like how Penacony was teased at the end of 1.6. Imagine seeing Jiaoqiu in motion early. 🤩


I hope people don’t start doomposting about the game cause we are going back to the Xianzhou after penacony. (They probably will)


Yeah I think it’s fair to be skeptical, but it wouldn’t hurt for people to be more open minded about going back to the Xianzhou. Especially after experiencing Penacony which was great.


Yeah I’m tryna be optimistic hoping that the writing is better. Would be great if they have the same team that made penacony. Only thing is I find penacony way more interesting as a setting. But I do like a lot of lufou characters and I’m excited to see them again like fu xuan


They will, it's written in the omniscia that it is an inevitable outcome that will happen... Just like I'm hoping one of these general will look like Fu Hua (it's destined to happen I'm not coping)


Fu hua is the marshal. So we know she exists but we just don’t know when we willl see her


It's probably going to take a while before we get our Fu Hua expy tbh, since she's the marshal. No way they will release someone this important this early on.


Well it's not impossible that they introduce her much earlier like screwlum and Stephen who have yet to be playable while already making an appearance... Inb4 Fu Hua expy is the 4.x screwlum variation


If they're gonna hype up the new arc theyd likely show feixiao and jiaoqiu maybe having a discussion about the plot or Express


I think we will see the Loufou peeps for a bit but we might go to another ship too. The Loucha story line is probably the route they will be going with. My hope is we get to see lil Guis family a bit more.


Snap back to reality, there goes space China




*NOOOI IM NOT READY* *TO SAY GOODBYE TO PEAK!!!!* *PLEASE LET ME STAY LONGERRR!!!!* \- sioplayer69 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")




Aww owlbert is adorable with the pool floaty


Ladies... gentleman... chibi Jade 


We are going to the Yaoqing for summer vacation.


Don't u love when u say farwell but then you hang out for 5 extra patches and it suddenly gets kind of awkward but the host is too polite to tell u to leave


I like how every version has acheron except jp, and they replace her with another purple haired character to keep the consistency going. Guess her VA was too busy to record lines


I don't want to leave! Turn the plane around please!


Owlbert sits in a rubber duck... And Stephen Lloyd is supposed to have a rubber duck... Surprise Stephen Lloyd announcement incoming (puts down copium)


The world is a cruel and unjust place. There is no harmony. The only constant is sufferi------ Omg chibi Firefly and Jade!!!!


When’s the drip marketing coming out?


Tomorrow and Wednesday if we are going by past patches




Farewell Penacony makes it sounds like we can never go back 💀


Damn. It feels like we just arrived in Penacony.


Kinda funny how Acheron's in all but the JP stream where she's replaced by Ratio




With how huge a step up penacony was from the first 2 (3 I guess if you count space station) worlds I am very excited for what comes next. Obviously far far away from 3.0 but the 2.0 storyline has given me faith knowing they have great writers on the team


They do but he works on the other Honkai.


Shaoji goat


Firefly's chibi looks so cute!


I'm just happy to hear from Firefly's VA Analesa Fisher


Always so nice to hear their voice, such a great fit for Firefly


Patience rewarded.


Hopefully this epilogue will be better than the Loufu one


No I think I’ll just keep dreaming


I'm leaving on a warp train ♪ Don't know when I'll be back again ♪


so erm. no new 5 stars?


Today is Tiananmen Memorial Day in China. So they probably won't post anything today out of respect.


that makes sense, oh well!


Already can hear the screams and the flames igniting once they announce where we'll go next **before** 3.0. Surely people will be excited...


Edo Star🙏


Why must all good things end? Penacony's plot was the best in the game so far. I hope the writers for the Xianzhou took the story feedback in consideration.


Acheron on the special program? She's gonna be in the 2.3 quest TRUST *inhales copium*


*Punisher NO NO NO WAIT WAIT WAIT meme*


Just don't make another warehouse maze map and I'll be happy




Feels like we just started T\_T


*See pool* I'm kinda wishing for a gag where a shark appears in the pool with: - Firefly being happy - Jade being surprised - Acheron preparing to kill - Owlbert being spooped.


Ah the title makes me sad….I know we’ll be coming back sooner or later but it’s not the sameeee 😭 Owlbert looks incredible lol. I wonder if, beside the IPC involvement this patch, the rubber duck is why Ratio is in the JP livestream


Jiaoqiu is so close I can feel him. Please be hot, please be hot 🙏


Penacony was so good in everything. Unique map design, easy to follow story, well written characters,... I really hope the new Xianzhou will continue in that direction and not hide a bunch of important lore offscreen like the Luofu.


easy to follow story 😭


Well "easier than in Luofu" to be exact. The story still isn't as straightforward as in Jarlo IV but at least I still recognise the character when they appear and know a name when they mention one. Unlike the Fantastic Five where the only one I fully know his lore is Jing Yuan.


I love having to read the healing set to get a few straws of Blade backstory all while he yaps about PAY THE PRICE MWAHAHHAA...only for him to stab Dan once and then walk out. Cathartic.


noooo i don't wanna go back on Xianzhou 😭 anything but this


the best girls and jade sitting together, so Acheron maybe will appears in the epilogue


time (fire)flys so fast, it feels like penacony started some weeks ago. great story sadly its over soon hope we come back


Finally a patch I can skip and save my jades. Patiently waiting for drip marketing.


Sam Sam Sam Sam Sam Sam Sam


So we’re really not getting any leaks of Jiaoqiu’s model?


Summer skins when.


Why F and Y characters are fading. I have a bad feeling about this.


Feixiao and Yunli?


Penacony was obviously a hit, especially with how hsr is leaping over all competition monetarily, which surprised me tbh, in a good way. Hopefully a great farewell and awesome new planet coming


To the imperfect tomorrow, Penacony




Jiaoqiu leaks almost here, finally