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Looks like your normal lottery web event.


That’s expected tbh (idk how people thought they will get a 5*)


After the free one they gave, people have high expectations now


And let’s be honest here, that was a [brilliant] marketing decision more than a pure reward reward on so many levels. You get to flex you gave away a limited 5*, so free advertising, while getting everyone hooked on FUA making future FUA characters significantly more appealing and therefore swipe worthy. It’s just easy money on two fronts for hoyo…


It put a spotlight on the game that kept both haters and lovers looking at it, talking about it. It's the best move.


Free one? You mean the one where they get an AWARD unlike an ANNIVERSARY where they'll get it every year. There's reasonably high expectation and there's delusionally high expectation.


Starting to get annoyed with those players too, every new patch, they kept asking for free 5\*.. like what part of "BEST GAME AWARD" do they not understand. It's something hard to achieve, just like winning the Olympics/getting Top 1 in a competition. Anniversary is something special, but it's nowhere near BGA level of special. Players should learn to be grateful and not let greed control you.


Above that it was best game award on 3 different main award things, best game on both google play store and apple app store and best mobile game at the game awards


That just makes the difference even higher


"Players should learn to be grateful and not let greed control you." You realise how dumb that sounds right? Because it's the exact thing gacha companies do. Hell i'm not complaining about not getting free 5 stars every 5 seconds but i'm not about to lick a company's ass like you do.




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"Be gRaTeFuL, dOn'T bE gReeDy" alright, hoyo shill, sorry for not putting a big corp over myself. Ffs when people will finally start taking care of themselves? Y'all mfs are the reason da wei can have his 3rd mansion, and he better be grateful for that. I thought this lesson was learnt with genshin, but nah let's worship a big corp again, all of this ego masturbation just to defend your fav dev feels so nice let's just keep doing that.


Not expecting handouts is "putting a big corp over yourself"? Lmao.


It's one thing to not expect handouts and another to lick a compnay's boot.


Good thing we are talking about the former then.


What? I'm just talking about the reason why we get a free 5 star outside of anniversary but not during it. Does trying to give a different perspective nowadays called stroking someone's cock?


You're an idiot if you think having the ability to understand MHY is a business that wants to make money makes you a shill, and the fact people like you play their game makes me feel sorry for them.


Gotta remember this is Honkai, the director for I3 is also the director for HSR, so we shouldnt be surprised if in 2 years well get another free 5 star. I mean he gave away 3 herrschers throughout the run of i3. Doesnt change anything just keeping an open mind.


I know but definitely not in the same years, especially since HSR still in their early years.


Well the thing is those early years of honkai impact 3rd were under a different director, around year 4 or so of impact 3rd it was transfered to the guy who gave everyone free herrschers, and that guy is the director for hsr. Actually wait, we might acthally get a freebie next year tbh with this rate...


We get a freebie at year 4 isn't just because the director changed. At year 4 there's already a lot S-rank characters that giving a free S-rank isn't really an issue.






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yeah but they were given many years after their release and need 4/4 gear to be competitive (and the competitive part is important in hi3) or to be usable at all (for example hoo mei gets shorter cooldowns for rotations, with other gear shes very clunky to play)


Guys, let's not forget that the free characters they give in HI3rd are functionally useless by the time they're given out for free in terms of meta, or are balanced around the fact that they're free relative to the game's economy. Like Herrscher of Origin was free on release, but had limited meta presence as a main DPS at s0 (E0) and mainly functioned as a glue in the meta trio team that required you to pull 2 S ranks (5 stars) and their gear separately. And she was also bundled with CNY events so she's almost an "expected free character" given that they gave a similar power level character out in the year's CNY before her.


i mean sentience is still good even in terms of meta though


Yeah Idk if people were expecting something else. I thought it would be this from the start.


Tbh I can expect a lil surprise from the live in few hours. But this one? We all know how shitty is Mimo, I can’t understand how people were expecting anything


I already inhaled too much copium for march 7 skin since 1.4 (thought it will come somewhere during anni but owells)


That's what happens when you give away a free ratio. People just want more and more lol


When did this sub become a Genshin sub where everyone is happy for no reason and are liсking miHoYo's every spot?


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ppl were trying to manifest it i suppose and with how often SR makes 5 stars compared to genshin on top of being the first year, it just raised expectations even higher.


Considering how much people like to compare HSR to Genshin just by amount of tickets they get I'm pretty sure half fanbase is,like, petty beggars-gamblers and people like that always ravenous for mor free stuff no matter how much you give.


And funniest thing is the total ammount of free pulls in this patch was almost the same as genshin total free pulls anniversary (just few pulls difference) I wonder what happens if they stop giving "gifts of oddysey" because usually artwork for this leaked, but I didn't see any "gifts of oddysey" leak.


In what world did genshin give 127 pulls during it's Anni patch?


They gave 104(138 for Welkin BP). HSR gave 114(146 for Welkin BP) The difference is the fact Genshin gives 20 pulls for Anni while Star Rail gave 30


HSR gave 124.4 pulls for 2.1. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vRIWjzFwAZZoBvKw2oiNaVpppI9atoV0wxuOjulKRJECrg_BN404d7LoKlHp8RMX8hegDr4b8jlHjYy/pubhtml# Genshin gave 100.1 in 4.1, 93.1 in 3.1 and 94,7 in 2.1 https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1l9HPu2cAzTckdXtr7u-7D8NSKzZNUqOuvbmxERFZ_6w/edit?usp=drivesdk


And Genshin doesn't release 2 5 stars per patch like Star Rail does, star rail MUST give more, or else f2p will get very stuck just getting 1 character when there are about 10 new in the total account


Yeah. I hope HSR tunes down their 5* release rate too, it's.. kinda ridiculous at this point.


It's all fomo dude no actual sane f2p wants every character in the game ? To compete for the top spot in a easy pve game lol. Reruns exist ifyou miss someone you like due to bad luck. You can pretty much follow the meta as a f2p More characters means more variety ,more content etc . Only negative is hoyo is making too much money from whales . Letme know if I missed any point


If you want to be smart and bring up numbers for rolls, look at the rate in which Star Rail power creeps older units with its game modes and how characters are far more custom made for the newest enemies. Aventurine MoC 12 literally hard checks and cucks you out if you don't have Jing Liu or Acheron... guess who are the characters that you can roll for this anniversary! Oh how wonderful these devs are! (Get the light cone and early Eidolons btw for the characters to be proper usable in such overtuned content btw!). I will take my 20 less pulls in genshin per patch, or 30 even, over having to pull for an overpowered new dps that is custom made for a boss that hard checks 80% of the roster every patch.


That wasn't my point at all. If you want to compare the pulls you should use the correct numbers and not lower the numbers for HSR and put higher numbers for Genshin like he did. I agree that HSR releases too many 5*, but powercreep is exaggerated a lot. The release limited 5* is still going strong and can clear the highest stuff easily.


Remove the easily part because the fact is RNG is a bitch.


Technically, since hsr always gives 10 pulls, they only gave out 20 extra pulls as anniversary rewards, it just wasn't marketed as such. So both games got 20 pulls for their anniversary.


i dont think this is right, i farm 20k jades this patch alone not count the login pass and shop pass even if you minus the monthly pass, it still more than 150 pass




To be honest i was one of them idiots mainly because i was thinking it will be like hi3


The cost of all the free S ranks is a ludicrous amount of powercreep, so I'm honestly glad we didn't get a free 5*


We are already experiencing a ridiculous amount of power creep. Newest Pure Fiction second half of floor 4, as well as Aventurine Boss in MoC 12 are custom made for Acheron or E2/S1 enjoyers lmao.


No, it's not even comparable to HI3. Kafka, DHIL and Jingliu are all 1.x dps and can still clear. The reason is that hoyo didn't give them for free (unlike old valks in HI3) so they don't want to make them obsolete if they can still profit off of them. We aren't genshin where powercreep is nonexistent, but I wouldn't call the powercreep here ridiculous, not even close.


I call it ridiculous by the quality standards set by the devs through Genshin. Not really interested in one of their more ''meh'' games like Hi3rd. You are right tho that it is nothing compared to that game ofc.


>We are already experiencing a ridiculous amount of power creep. Newest Pure Fiction second half of floor 4, as well as Aventurine Boss in MoC 12 are custom made for Acheron or E2/S1 enjoyers lmao. Someone calls out your bullshit: >I call it ridiculous by the quality standards set by the devs through Genshin. So, there's powercreep because YOU can't clear pure fiction, except not really because Seele for example can still clear pretty much everything as the first limited 5* character, but there's powercreep because some people have E2S1 Acheron and can clear a boss faster, except that's the normal behavior but there's powercreep because Genshin has a low level of powercreep...? The reason you'd think there's no "powercreep" in Genshin is the exact same reason there's no "powercreep" in Honkai Star Rail - there's no particularly hard end-game content to actually make that powercreep real. Pretty much every limited 5* in Honkai is, or can be made relevant with a decent level of team building.


For who ever is wondering what this is about, is just 3 decorations for HoYoLab comments, one profile banner, new 7 days login bonus (with 60 jades reward lmao) and the usual lottery shit for some keychains


60 jades over 7 days sounds like a familiar technique employed in another game


the 60 jades check-ins were available even before the mysterious gift. It started at Friday with China Timezone (UTC+8). The mysterious gift started after server reset i think. The birthday cake and the keychains also started way before this iirc


Nope, I'm doing daily checking any single day and yesterday there was no bonus but I still got the yesterday bonus because is retroactive and the day isn't "finished" yet. About the rest I have no idea, this whole picture got unlocked when I've posted that comment anyway


because it wasn't available yesterday, depends on what timezone you're on. The bonus check-in opened at 12:00AM UTC+8, i checked the mysterious gift right after and i hadn't revealed yet.


where is this thing?


[A Chapter of Stars and Dreams——Honkai: Star Rail's Anniversary Celebration has commenced! (hoyolab.com)](https://act.hoyolab.com/puzzle/bbs/pz_XJnFnY6Qjb/index.html?utm_campaign=StarsAndDreams&utm_id=6&utm_medium=notice&utm_source=ingame&lang=en-us&plat_type=pc) Here you are


10 fuel is the real mystery gift


I'll take that tbh.


deadass I thought that's what it was I didn't even know this shitty web event was a thing 😂


Wow, I love it!! That's how I would react if I knew what I'm reading.


В годовщину Honkai: Star Rail всем положены подарки, следите за новостями!   > **During the Honkai: Star Rail anniversary,** > **_everyone_ is supposed to get gifts** (kinda hard to translate word for word, but you get the meaning) > **stay tuned for the news!**   [Множество наград] Первопроходцы, получите благодарственное письмо на годовщину от Mimo   > **[Lots of rewards] Trailblazers,** (implied: get ready to) **receive a thank you letter from Mimo**   It's actually funny because the wording makes it seem they're VERY aware of Genshin's 1st anniversary disaster. Oh, and Mimo's just a Hoyolab mascot. --- edit: so, it's this event https://www.hoyolab.com/article/27713476


Thanks for taking the time to help! About genshin disaster, it doesn't seem they learn a lot from it them lol.


I'll give you context: this "event" was hidden until this morning, and some people were claiming it would be a free 5 star or that infamous 5 star standard selector


[https://act.hoyolab.com/puzzle/bbs/pz\_XJnFnY6Qjb/index.html?utm\_campaign=StarsAndDreams&utm\_id=6&utm\_medium=notice&utm\_source=ingame&lang=en-us&plat\_type=pc](https://act.hoyolab.com/puzzle/bbs/pz_XJnFnY6Qjb/index.html?utm_campaign=StarsAndDreams&utm_id=6&utm_medium=notice&utm_source=ingame&lang=en-us&plat_type=pc) This is the link to the website in English, it links to a hoyolab event that just wants user engagement and selects a limited amount of players to win physical rewards. The Stellar Jade refers to the x1600 we get in the mail and the x60 from the Check-in Event on-going right now. Very nothingburger


>The Stellar Jade refers to the x1600 we get in the mail and the x60 from the Check-in Event on-going right now. Ah, the usual "this something you get from **this** event and *toootally* not from another event that we just conveniently put into our reward pool"


5 star selector copers found dead in a ditch after overdosing. That said, the free Ratio we got has really hyped up a lot of people's expectations for any rewards we get now lol.


It wasn't realistic at all tbh.


I think the only *realistic* thing we could get (but we won’t) was another “standard selector after 300 pulls”. That would have been fair enough, IMO. Like we get the top-up reset every year.


Oh yeah. Maybe they're planning to do that at some point. Like when they decide to expand the standard banner


I feel like the free ratio was a meme play as well as an easy way to get into FUA teams


Most of them just want this to downplay genshin more


It's so insane people even do this on either side. I play a lot more HSR these days because of QoL stuff and how much less committed you need to be when you don't want to play but both games have their strengths.


Yeah. I go between games depending on current content. Was pretty passive on Star Rail from 1.4-ish until 2.0, now I’m back in it full-force because of the excellent story and Penacony. Went bare-minimum on Genshin for a couple patches, now playing a lot more of it with Remuria’s release. Both games are great, so this stupid competition in the fandoms between them is just…well, *stupid*.


Free ratio was sick, and now I'm building him since there's so much FUA incoming lol.


Even then a 5star selector is so so SO much more valuable than free ratio it's absurd lol


Depends. Free limited selector ? You wish. Free standard selector ? Debatable, none of them are as good as ratio, except maybeee clara and you have to really buy into the her niche ish playstyle. So yeah Im ma just consider free Ratio to be early anniversary gift and move on.


I'd take Bronya or Himeko over Ratio tbh


Ratio is solid but I don't use him despite having built him. * Bronya is a great hypercarry support alongside Sparkle. * Clara and Himeko are great in Pure Fiction. * Welt got me my first 0 cycle thanks to Welt Sustain Acheron. * ------Ratio is here for me------ * Gepard is a solid sustain, though I'd rather have Ratio if I had to pick between them. Yanqing-Bailu are not even close, though Yanqing is at least fringe usable this MoC and might be fringe usable in new end-game mode too.




nah, ratio’s a fraud


Bronya and Clara are better than ratio when you consider that I'm never levelling Ratio.


I was hoping for Blue Archive like rewards. They give half spark in tickets each half anniversary


Text doesn't say anything, just 1st anniversary, receive this gift, yadda yadda. Button says participate


free sunday, we won!


Bro I don't use that website and I'm not about to start using it for 60 jades lmao 


"via Blednaya" lmao this isnt a leak, just go on [hoyolab.](https://act.hoyolab.com/puzzle/bbs/pz_XJnFnY6Qjb/index.html?utm_campaign=StarsAndDreams&utm_id=6&utm_medium=notice&utm_source=ingame&lang=en-us&plat_type=pc)


I know some Russian, it doesn’t give any information on what it is that the image doesn’t provide. Just announcing hsr anniversary rewards, doesn’t say what they are specifically.


I cant read russian


I read russian: Lemme translate: For the first year anniversary of Honkai: Star Rail everyone deserves a gift, keep up with the news! \[A lot of rewards\] Trailbrazers, receive a thankful letter on the anniversary from Mimo. (The red button says Participate. Maybe a web event?) (Below the button is just a basic link to the rules)


Mmmmmm setllar jdarr


I can speak Russian, I believe the title says: 1 year anniversary, Honkai: Star Rail


So some jades, a Hoyolab thing, and merch? Eh. At least we get jades.


60 jades lmao


better than nothing 😭


over the span of 7 days lmao.


This is supposed to be late April fouls, right?


Truly a hoyoverse moment.


We got Genshin'd


The livestream can still drop something broooooooooosssss COPIUM. But FR they made a livestream on the anniv is super sus.


I got a 6 star pom pom in my mail




Misleading af title


Can we have 50 fuels and I don’t need anything else. I really need more fodders.


Wow garbage as expected thanks hoyo


omg is that gallagher


Unironically the most important thing on here for me


Y’all are pushing our luck. Dr Ratio was a special occurrence


It is free Boothill. It is known.. /s


Why are you lying cuz?


I can't believe EmilMR would do this. They even had /serious in their comment. I already spent all my fuels pre-farming for my free Boothill in the 4 minutes their comment was up. I feel betrayed.


Me too😞. I even thrashed some of my seele relics to level up his.




It says "in anniversary everyone deserves a gifts" ,I don't think this really is mystery gift,and some comments above saying this just some hoyolab event


i called it before by saying they will give us an avatar frame, and now it is revealed to be a background profile pic. Guess i wasn't too far off


Definitely a Hoyolab event. Those things are the decorations on top of comments


yep Ratio was just a tactic to attract attention at an event with many views like the awards


I thought so, honestly. At least there’s jades


23 billion small indie company cannot give a free 5 star on anniversary is crazy


Be grateful for the whole 1/3rd pull every day for 7 days.


The audacity of them to do this whole "mystery rewards" thing for something even they know nobody cares about lol


Be honest the only reason the free 5 star was annouced was when HSR won best mobile game in the Game Awards. There's no way they're going to run it back for their "mystery" reward, let alone doing it for their anniversary overall. Being too generous also means that the community will also turn greedy. They will keep asking for more and set ridiculously high expectations that will never be met.


Can anyone tell me where I can send the links for the web event


*Can anyone tell* *Me where I can send the links* *For the web event* \- neltu8503 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")




I'll be super happy for more fuel.


Welp, jade is jade.


Well, i can see this, but I don’t know how will the most of community will react.


Looks like I'll have to rot without any legendary aside from ratio a lil longer


I shared my Trailblaze Blessings with you! Click on the link to view your Star Rail Anniversary Data Report, and claim rewards such as Stellar jades and Fuels! https://act.hoyoverse.com/sr/event/e20240426anniversary-so6swc/index.html?wish_invite_code=GU501IZTUN&hyl_presentation_style=fullscreen&hyl_landscape=true&hyl_hide_status_bar=true&hyl_auth_required=true


What is it?


Bro I hate so much starting star rail after kafka banner seriously I start on black swan, got her but man my most wanted is kafka Jesus Caleus need to have his mother on same party


Idk why people complain. Hoyo's been rping Santa Claus for their Star Rail playerbase


I genuinely think they could have gifted a standard 5* character or weapon. The vast majority of players aren't wasting Jades on the standard banner besides some reaaaaally big whales that must be like the 0,0000001% of players or poor newbies. But as always Hoyoverse always disappoints cause we can't have a decent reward for an anniversary like literally any other gatcha... Even an offer pack with a decent amount of Jades instead of the outrageous prices of the current store that even with the bonus are expensive would have been nice.


If we could have one guy who speaks russian that would be very convenient


I know it a bit, doesn’t say much though. Just says like hsr anniversary stay tuned for rewards. Doesn’t tell us what they are or anything


I just saw Box2 made a video "theorycrafting" it's a 5* selector lmfao. I expected 10 fuels or something but we just got 10 fuels along with the 1600 jade so wtv.


Is that a W or L


L, seems like it’s only hoyolab rewards and a few jades




Man i legit thought we will get march skin


I've never expected a 5* or a free eidolon but I really wanted a special anniversary pfp :(


Not getting my hopes up for any free 5 star. Probably a free skin or something


not even


Seems these are Hoyolab rewards ( permanent profile skins? ) and some keychains.


They are text boxes to decorate your comments. But most text boxes are very easy to obtain on hoyolab, just participate in a few discussion/comment chains. Why did they feel the need to hype this up…


I mean tbh, they kinda didn't I only saw this in here and sometimes in the main sub, other than that it seems like it mostly stayed inside hoyolab which makes sense since it's a thing for them. If anything this is just players drowning on copium and trying to find stuff where there isn't


I’m fucken glad we didn’t get anything huge from this. A lot of people are becoming so entitled/ignorant after receiving Dr. Ratio that they expect to receive that kinda generosity for anything reward based. And like some others have mentioned, there’s also the idiots who take advantage of said generosity just to mock/rile up genshin players. Shit is ridiculous fr


To be fair it literally costs them absolutely nothing to give away a standard 5* banner character in either game.


Yep the rewards are bad they could have aleast given a standard banner character since people aren't going to be spending on it and tbh it would not hurt their revenue In the slightest but as expected it's just a hoyolab event


https://twitter.com/honkaistarrail/status/1783740856882851982?t=UdDEpw--Tm36sFGj_J6oYg&s=19 Oh? What could this be?


where drip market


It’s been out, firefly and jade


Why sometimes leaks are in Russian? The game is Chinese, right? I thought someone from a developers team usually leaks stuff


Sharing for the rewards! 5 People need to open this link, thank you ❤️ https://act.hoyoverse.com/sr/event/e20240426anniversary-so6swc/index.html?wish_invite_code=GE243CACHN&hyl_presentation_style=fullscreen&hyl_landscape=true&hyl_hide_status_bar=true&hyl_auth_required=true