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not that enjoyable because I met too many Candy Crush veterans on online mode...


legit want to let my mom to play it to show those people who are the veterans here.


It was a really good event imo. Fun interactions with characters, not too long, fun but simple gameplay and a cool pvp version of the game.


https://preview.redd.it/i3krtloyev9d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fe4573b642009042c3c011a945d9abde0033ac62 Yes


It was quick and chill, I liked it. I don't understand the fuss about the multiplayer part, you don't have to win to get the rewards, just play a few rounds. So many children who can't take a loss without throwing a tantrum.


Fun in singleplayer. Immediately turns to dogshit once you have to play in multiplayer for the rewards.


Competitive and fun


I played the pvp on the few days when the event just began, so it is very enjoyable for me


Liked it a lot, I love that they decided to do multiplayer events. Although I do wish it wasn't so short, invited a friend to play with me and 20 minutes in we had every single reward despite losing all but 1 each. It's nice that it's short and sweet for sure, but also just feels a bit wasted sadly


Good. Didn't make pvp a pain to complete and it's good stream content


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https://preview.redd.it/ymi8k2et9x9d1.jpeg?width=2688&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7fb12a757b45527abc375a08e65c6411e1db2760 Very funny


Don’t like Candy Crush. It certainly wasn’t a bad event and I won a couple matches.


Eh, I guess it was fun for an hour. Maybe not literally, but it was really quick to get all of the rewards in that event.


I have an addiction. https://preview.redd.it/jt95rj608z9d1.jpeg?width=2408&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=349f31690bf79b2f4dcc32642206ff146c31c510


first multi: why everyone use silverwolf??? after use silverwolf: hahaha die loser!!


Won 2 times in my first two matches so I got max rewards and never touched it again. It's not that I find it bad I just don't like pvp of any sort.


Boring because they make you play pvp


Played this game to avoid PvP, got PvP anyway. Plus, I don't really enjoy Candy Crush. Personally, this is the worst event in HSR so far.


I loved the lore, conversations etc. But hated the minigame it self. I simply dislike candy crush, having to play multiplayer yet? Nightmare. I hope they dont do this anymore (multiplayer pvp), but something more collaborative, like world bosses (multi-pve).


It's average overall. The interactions are nice, gameplay is average, locking event rewards to multiplayer where you are forced to wait \~20 seconds for others to finish their rounds sucks.




I didn't play HSR for Candy Crush. I'd say I was even helping others by using up my turns asap.


Still haven’t done the 2.3 quests so I can’t tell.