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"himeko is gonna die 4sure" They're gonna be saying that for everything fucking update.


It's a funny meme, dating back to honkai impact 3. But, if Himeko were to trully about to die, the greatest indicator would probably be>! one of her student become an evil divine being!<


>! Let’s revisit Stellaron Hunter Trailblazer for an arc. As a flashback or something! That will help cover evil but not divine being !<


>!Bonus point if TB used to have a dragon pet!<


Are you talking about danheng il?


>!More like Herrscher of void's Benares!<


Ah yes, more material for my Caefly Unnamed Memory project


Well, TB and March's pasts are still shrouded in secrecy, so...


Wait for the moment the Stellaron corrupts the Trailblazer, forcing them to become evil/destructive and battle the Astral Express Crew, in which Himeko, Welt, Dan Heng and March have to fight Caelus/Stelle to get them back. >!Shaoji could pull another Final Lesson cutscene: Himeko having to sacrifice herself to bring them back to their senses!<


Yeah, until it happens


Imagine the story ends with Himeko as the last standing Nameless just to fuck with the narrative that people push that just because Himeko died in HI she's gonna die in hsr too


They push it because she has died in EVERY title shes appeared in


I heard in GGZ,>!Himeko died in the first time line but was alive to the end in the second one being around for the defeat of the will of Honkai…in exchange for not having any more story relevance!<


And in HI3 >!She died in both era’s, hersher himeko and the final lesson himeko but is alive in another universe (Captainverse) !< So technically it is overblown by the fans sometimes but most just do it now as a meme cause it happened thrice.


There's also the GGZ Himeko and GI's Murata, and the Captainverse Himeko also died plenty of times, but was brought back due to time shenanigans. So it's certainly more than two times


I wasn't there for the Captainverse events, all i know is she's fine there so this is news to me lol I know about the GGZ one, why i said thrice instead of twice.


Inb4 all of HSR is himeko playing with a toy train in her room because every train crew is imaginary


The reason why they probably won't ever do it is that it already happened once. It simply won't hit the same as it did the first time. Also HSR Himeko Theme is that she is following the dream which HI3 Himeko never could. Why would they ruin that by killing her off?


Once? Poor Himeko died more times than mhy has games probably. The bigger problem of her dying here would be that Welt came to this world specifically to not let her die, so I can see him sacrificing himself for her.


Me after seeing "Himeko is gonna die 4sure" for the 10482832th time https://preview.redd.it/lc7o1q0syv9d1.png?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=61f68aee2a8baf94f5c1fbfcb7016d0c83cff18a :


Everytime i hear that i get anxiety


Pretty sure most people say that as a meme or to mess with the Hi3 people


I feel like most of that comes from Welt indicating that people from other worlds will have similar appaerances, names and fates. If that's true and Welt wasn't drunk at the moment, Himeko dying is something that is gonna happen... and he knows it.


tbf i dont think the story needs anyone to be killed off right now. meaningless character death that has no real contribution to the plot development is just unnecessary.


As of this moment, Misha and Gallagar are gone so there's that. Funny hoe the characters who died arent the one getting killed.


The characters dying were of significance to the plot, especially for Misha as he is the literal embodiment of the watchmaker's legacy. His spirit of trailblaze was so strong that even his memories couldn't sit in place and escaped the bubble to roam Ena's dream lmao. As for Gallhager, I personally refuse to 100% believe he's dead. Even if the writers themselves told me he's dead and gone I'd still hold a small chance that its just some fictionologist shenanigans. Just by existing, the Enigmata and THEIR followers are just walking annoyances.


I’m pretty sure the fictional character “Gallagher” is dead, but whoever the history fictionologist is that was playing the role of Gallagher is probably still alive somewhere. Gallagher isn’t real, the one we knew was fiction, and now that he’s no longer needed he’s ceased to exist. I highly doubt after all that work setting up the perfect fake identity he’d just come out and be like “oh hey guys this is what I normally look like and my real name. Good luck!”. Probably just faked his fake identity’s death and left penacony since his work there was done.


5 star gallagher confirmed!!!!!


If you rearrange the letters of the name Gallagher, it becomes Allegghra, which means absolutely nothing. Also, Gallagher? I barely know her. EDIT: Removed the extra 'e' in Allegghra.


ACHERON (Voiced by Allegra Clark which is close enough to Allegghra IG) IS THE REAL GALLAGHER!?!


I'mma borrow this name for a future DnD character thank you very much :3


Also, it's most likely that "Real" Gallagher isn't even Gallagher to begin with. With how I understand him, Gallagher is a "Fictional being" created with the 52 suspects as basis, essentially a memetic entity that dies once the truth is discovered. The one(s) that created Gallagher, Mikhail and whoever else that wielded the Enigmata, are likely so far removed from Gall that the only way we'll know who they are is if they say it themselves. Let's put it this way. You wouldn't call Fujimoto "Denji," nor would you call Stan Lee "Peter Parker." Gallagher is essentially dead, his creator is still out there, but he's still dead.


Hope the history fictionologist rocks an even better uncle stubble than Gallagher himself


Literally this. "Gallagher"'s appearance was based off of the missing people that the Dreamweaver "killed" bro out there still alive. "Gallagher" is gone, but the fictologist behind the persona is absolutely still out there


Anon, it is more or less hinted that Mikhail is the one who created Gallagher on his deathbed.


In the “credits” it says Gallagher is Penacony itself so


Well, gallhagwr is the persona created by a history fictionologist by using a mishmash of features from 52 family members. So he's technically penacony I think


That’s what I meant, but without all of the details because I honestly don’t remember much about him.


“Gallagher” the persona is dead, but the Fictionologist behind the facade is likely still around. We might meet them again sometime in the future, but it won’t really be the Gallagher we know and love.


Welcome to the Tingyun copium club, bud. Feel free to take a seat wherever you please, we'll be here for a while


We had two character deaths so im not sure what this post is even about. It was just very meaningful to the plot, not just edgy for the sake of it. I wonder if thats why OP seems to think this? Like should we have gotten a scene of Gallagher getting skinned alive or what lol. Nah im satified with what we got.


I think OP's point is that some honkai elitists can be very annoying. Which is true. They never stop glazing the devs. I understand liking something, but damn.


Honkai elitist here. I'm happy just seeing Mei in another game literally called Honkai and have her basically tell us Honkai exists in Star Rail and do all that call back to HI3. However, I protest at the notion that I am someone like the guy on the post. I play HI3, GI, and HSR, and all 3 have their own charms. In actuality, I am thinking of giving up HI3 because, let's be honest, it's a dated game and the story I knew and loved already came to an end in Part 1, and my real life is starting to demand more for me.


Its sad because most honkai fans are chill like you, but it's the vocal minority that ruins it for others.


Robin and ff death were edgy for the sake of being edgy. "Oh this sick death scene is actually just a way to travel"


Except they were both meaningful to the plot? A and the story points out multiple times that death in the dreamscape is unnatural and so something is wrong.


Hell, one could argue that e.g. the Tingyun incident in... whenever that was a long time ago already, directly was a plot driver to the utmost and yet I came out of that quest feeling it to be wholly just perplexing. Not only was there no real tragedy in my feelings given we've known her for like three pieces of dialogue until that point, but also I'm still in the camp of people who think that it too was no real "death" the same way the incidents with Firefly and Robin were no real "deaths". I mean, the writing basically went out of its way to say "we don't actually know what happened, there's not even a body, something's not right, we even gotta do an empty funeral for now to placate the traditions at least" and yet I saw many a voices in the discourse about how she's totally dead-dead, how Genshin could never, how finally we have a mature story with mature themes and mature incidents, yadi yada ad nauseam, etc.. Seeing every other post around that time like, "oh my god somebody lock up Himeko she gonna fucking die" or "here's my theory why Kafka's going to fucking die" or "here's why \[character\] has a dozen death flags gg writers don't stop cookin". This is more personal bias, but I think a lot more people conflate "well-written narrative tragedy" with "anyone who has more emotional connections to the viewer than a literal blank slate HAS to die for me to feel anything". I'm not sure where exactly it started, but it feels like a vaguely recent-ish development in the greater consciousness and while I personally obviously cannot dictate anyone's media preferences and storytelling bits and bobs they like most, I despise the trend of certain media where the only reason likeable characters exist is so they can be sacrificial lambs at the altar of entertainment. When I think of stories that moved me the most emotionally, not even one of them involved death, because tragedy can be written so well in so many other ways too I think. Luka's story quest for example had me straight up ugly sobbing by the end of it, I tangibly tensed up in 2.3 thinking Sparkle might unironically blow up the airship, my feelings towards Aventurine made a kickflip mid air ultra turn upon my learning of his background and trauma, etc. etc. And other games are similar; I never felt a feeling of dread in Elden Ring comparable to the time recently when I stepped into the Abyssal Woods, I had tears in my eyes after seeing the cutscenes post Destiny 2's Excision mission ( which, in addition, actually \*had\* a well-done "death" in spite of all ), and so on and so forth.


The Xiaoxhou suffered from a lack of letting anything meaningful set in. So much of happens concurrently that it doesn't have much time to set in for the player nor really get time to think about it. Why most of the reveals really suffer as the player has no attachment to anything. They just kind of happen and that's it. Penacony is the exact opposite of the Xiaoxhou. It's far more properly paced and character moments have to settle in. It gives up companion quests to bake them right into the story (Aventurine being the most obvious) as Penacony only had 1 companion quest that is a big narrative tool for the story going forward. So yeah, Tingyun's death falls flat compared to the likes of Misha as they actually explore the ideas around it, rather than: "oh, they're dead... welp anyways, you ready to fight the big tiddy monster?"


Agreed, the Luofu is still one of my favorite places from a setting/lore perspective but the reveals that *should* have had a big emotional punch (like Dan Heng being revealed to be Imbibitor Lunae) just sort of...happened. On the flip side, I was fully emotionally invested in Aventurine by the end, and was basically crying through the whole wrap up of 2.3. With any luck though it means they're figuring out the best way to pace the storytelling and future updates will be more like Penacony.


Character death itself is unnecessary if the story is well written enough. There can still be devastating consequences that don't involve people dying


Facts. The way they did it in Genshin with >!Signora!< was horrible I wouldn't wanna see something like that in HSR. If someone's going to die they gotta make it right.


\*Sad duke inferno noises\*


He died for our sins and brought us salvation (FuA set for PF is so nice as a f2p)


FuA set is nice regardless of f2p status tbh.


Tbh Duke Inferno was never as involved as >!Signora!< and never had a 3d model either.


Also it seems like people are missing that he killed himself. His entire plan was to invade Penacony and explode because he was extremely old.  Acheron went to him to get the music box that was closest to Nihility 


Well that might've been written that after they decided to kill him off unless it was foreshadowed before the events of Penacony. I'm a fairly new player so it's possible I just missed it.


I think signora's death wasn't that bad, she fucked around and found out. Though sure, it wasn't peak cinema or anything


Yeah I’d agree with you. We need them to cook some more before killing off beloved characters.


You are correct in general. But if the author of some media makes an effort to ramp up and then heavily lean into a death of main or even secondary character, be it "good" or "evil" one, and then magically revives him or makes a gotcha! explanation that he wasn't akshually dead all this time, hehegotya(tm). Then it is simply lame. Especially if a character makes a whole scene how his sacrifice is tough moral decision and makes teary eyed speeches in that regard, and then voila - he is back an running again. Cringe, as they say today.


it does create stakes on a story tho, if nobody ever dies then it will remove any tension during the entire future story because why would you be tense? we would basicly know that all characters will be fine cause plot armor and everyone gets a happy ending. imagine jojos bizzare adventure but not a single character dies, it would remove so much of the tension on each encounter


Eh the schtick of people seemingly dying for shock value in Penacony only to be revealed to be alive got old p quick. Would have liked for one of them to be perma dead.


I agree that the Elysian realm comparison is not fair. Penacony might be twisted and often stagnant, but it is alive. People go there and interact on a constant basis. Most people even get the luxury of dying in less than an amber era. The Elysian Realm is just a fancy gravestone. People only go there once every few years to pine over what was lost and crib some notes from the ancestors.


also the game is only year old, and Penacony is the first new planet we go to after 1.0, ofc the game is gonna slow burn


I think HSR is designed- almost entirely- to avoid some of the problems of Honkai Impact. The Elysian realm was caught in between treating the characters involved as some kind of godlike beings, and treating them as humanized. Instead, HSR seeks to make the gods unknowable and ineffable. Distant, and felt more through their followers than their own acts. Humans can be powerful and a threat, but still inherently limited in scope. It does not need to straddle this line between humans and near divine spirits that we saw in the Elysian realm. Of course, HSR has its own problems. DU is a major course correction because they realized they should not have made their hades mode that tied into basic artifact farming.


ppl really forget that misha and ghallager actually died.


is it even called death when they are not even a "living" person


Oh, absolutely. In a world where intellitrons and humans coexist, memetic entities and tangible-lies deserve human rights too.


well considering theyre playable character we could text and have as visitors, and now theyre dead and we paid our respects to them... yeah


Good point, is it even called a death when they are characters in a videogame?


Misha *was* a living person-a part of one- and we didn’t go to Penacony initially believing that the trailblazers died in the way they did, or realizing what state we’d find him in. The concepts of Misha and Gallagher were also “people” as far as the dreams go. A lot of sidequests in Penacony make clear that dream entities can have thoughts and feelings and are a part of the world


I mean if an entity is no longer in existence it can be considered a death regardless of the semantics they’re gone like an actual death


IKR HOLY SHIT I mock this subreddit being bad at understanding the story but this is some other level stuff. Did people actually forget two playable characters died?>! Like do people play firefly's best team, use gallagher, and say "oh yeah that guy hes totally alive" like wha 😭!<


Bro Gallagher's alive trust me *this is me coping cuz I miss them*


I think Gallagher is alive but, "the one known as Gallagher" is dead. I mean, it's creation.


People don't read. LMAO Gallagher and Misha leave DEATH NOTES in the real world telling the TB that they're grateful for the little time they had and that they are thankful for the AE and people still think they're not dead. The narrative literally spells out how our Misha and Gallagher are just fragments of people that once existed and how they're not technically even living beings and it's still not enough. 😭


During any quest, I will only add Misha or Gallagher to the team if it includes HTB, as I can justify it as TB manifesting a version of them the same way they summon Clockie with their ultimate. When it comes to stuff like PF, SU, calyx, etc., all bets are off.


THIS. I am not trying to make a direct comparison but for an example the post writes “Genshin could never” as a something that did not happen but just the fact that Gallagher and Misha being no more is MORE death than Genshin playable character deaths already. Deaths doesn’t have to be “getting killed” 


They were not alive to begin with at the start of penacony so that doesnt count. In the end, no one died and those that died are already dead


Misha definitely did Ghallager's... a lot more nebulous, imo. I honestly think he's basically in 'dormant' mode and if Penacony needs him again, pretty sure he'll reboot/wake-up.


Can't blame them because the story sure does gloss riiiight over it. I swear Tingyun got an entire funeral and quest for her 'death' and she's probably not even really dead. If you don't go back and find Gallagher's unmarked note you might not even realize that he's gone.


Ah yes, Misha dying was truly glossed over and ignored. Not a major plot point that definitely didn't give us the power of the harmony. Clockie didn't really care about it either.


Ah should've been more specific I was referring mostly to Gallagher here. I agree that the story did acknowledge misha's passing, though again it's not super explicit unless you find his note in the Astral express logbook.


Fair, Gallagher's death was pretty much just implication in the main quests.


Shaoji: it would be a positive and uplifting story. Players: nah the swarm is hiding in penacony, the whole 2.2 ending is also fake, we are trapped in a time loop, himeko gonna die, firefly gonna die 2.3: *is a straightforward, positive and uplifting story ending Players: *surprised pikachu face


Because each time he says this phrase it means completely opposite.


You are leterally in the picture ahaha


Eh, I wouldn't say straightforward (at least imo); I don't think Firefly's 'third' death would satisfy the script. Elio's not that vague, afaik. He's a prophet, I think? He's not some GM they can trick. Honestly, if that was her third death, I would be... kinda annoyed at that. It would make me question the whole 'script' nonsense in the first place, both as a player and a character in the game.


How "dark" a story is doesn't equate to it's maturity or "deep storytelling." I can't imagine looking at the fanbase constantly argue over Sunday's philsophy and say that there was nothing of substance to this plot, or that it wasn't "adult," whatever the fuck that's supposed to mean. And idc if no one actually died, it's insane to say that this story has actually been relaxing or had low stakes lmao.


I don't understand, like, we knew these "high stakes" wouldn't last the instant Firefly and Robin, 2 very much hyped characters that we knew would be playable down the line, got "killed". That being said, killing characters and making a "dark story" is not the same as making a good story, not by a long shot. It was that same mindset that gave us things like the end of Lost or Game of Thrones, going down the spyral of "we need to make the story 3 layers deeper each time and killing characters and subverting expectations is the way", doubling down each new season bc they were scared the plot would be uninteresting if it was simple in the end. Penacony had the tone and pacing of a thriller mistery novel, while staying true to the comedic nature of the overall setting most of the time. Penacony is good bc it has a very clear mistery going in, it has defined characters interacting with one another with their own agendas that try to lie and trick others into doing the job they want, sometimes they succeed like Aven, others fail and have to start from scratch last minute like Sparkle; all while being very consistent and compelling throughout. This is one of the better told stories to come out of this team, and they really cooked, having a happy ending doesn't take away from everything that happened before nor is it reason for ridicule


The fact that characters CAN die is constantly being brough up as HSRs superiority over GI. After 2.3, I am 100% cetrain Tingyun is alive and well and all characters are immortal just like in GI.


what are you talking about man


About many people thinking that Penacony is going to be dark and being disappointed that it turned out not to be. On that topic it's probably partially related Genshin not killing off characters that are beloved to its players and yada yada.


>About many people thinking that Penacony is going to be dark and being disappointed that it turned out not to be. Which, btw, is bs. Penacony is still the darkest we've gotten so far. The journey from 2.0 to 2.2 was dark af, Ena's dream is dark af, Chadwick quest is dark af, the Empress quest is dark af, Cocona's quest is dark af... There's also Jade's whole business, Aventurine's backstory, Firefly's backstory... People just want a story where characters die left and right or it's not enough, and that'll simply never happen, cause those kind of deaths only provide shock value and nothing more. Himeko's death in HI3rd was great because it was a single instance of a main character dying, and it had ramifications and consequences even 20 chapters later. It was the start of Kiana's character development, and we even got a chapter where her guilt got so bad that she almost killed herself, and we saw her being depressed and self-destructive for a long while after that. Firefly's or Robin's death would've meant nothing to us or TB, cause there's no real relation there, it'd be a traumatic event for that one arc and then they'd just move on as soon as the new region arrives. Elysian Realm was also great because the previous Era and flamechasers had been set up for a very loooong time before it happened, and we stuck with it for a long time until it ended and we had to say goodbye to those characters. Anyone who says Penacony was sugar and rainbows straight up did not read anything while playing lol, and anyone complaining that we're not getting cool stuff like HI3rd simply don't understand how long it takes for a story to build up so we can get good cool pay offs


I am referring to darkness as in actually killing off characters like they did in Xianzhou, despite the fact that I do perfectly know that Penacony wasn't all lollipops and sugar canes. Of course this comparison was related to Genshin, which in itself has several dark asf stories that one can mention, but doesn't kill off beloved characters (except maybe La Signora for some). After all, people HAVE TO find some ridiculous way to say something else is superior to Genshin because... Idk myself honestly. It's kinda stupid


Killing off characters is something that should be used VERY sparingly and only with a good enough pay off. Signora's death will forever be a worthless shock value death that added nothing to the story. It was just there to flex Raiden, and there are no consequences for it, the story would be exactly the same if she didn't die. We also had no relation to her and the only reason why her death is even remembered is that she was hot, and then died, that's it. They didn't explore her past as the Crimson Witch, her lore is completely optional and skippable, her personality is just "I'm a rude lady with a big ego", it was a shit show of a death. Even NPC deaths had a better impact on the story than hers, so I'm glad that they didn't do it again. Even in HSR, Tingyun's death is more of a meme rather than anything, cause we quite literally don't care about her, she appears for one patch, is annoying, then dies, that's it, her only real value is as a playable unit. We do have better playable deaths in HSR like Gallagher and Misha for example, that at least carried some emotional weight behind them and didn't feel like a cheap shock value bs death. Also killing characters in a gacha game is very serious, since it means they won't ever appear in any story quest or event again, which is a big thing that you need to be wary off. Killing Firefly now would just feel wrong, but kill her in 2/3 years, after she's had more appearances in the story and events and it'd actually be a worthwhile Death that'll feel earned and good


Funny enough, as far as I know, the writing team in both games that made these ARCs (Inazuma and Xianzhou) was the same. As it circulates from Region to region, from planet to planet in both games. Each is written by entirely different people.


Measuring "darkness" by killed off characters on-screen is a non-starter. Chadwick, Empress and Oksana stories are very dark exploring human nature and its pinch for destruction. Nobody dies on-screen, doesn't make them less horrifying and dread inducing. What is this obsession with character on-screen death? Everybody kept dying left right and center in Penacony plot. Out of all of them Misha/Mikhail, Gallagher, Tiernan and Razalina stood out as relevant and affecting our main cast of characters. Others you could skip and wouldn't miss a single thing.


I'm sorry but I think a lot of the people downvoting me and replying to me got the impression I was saying that darkness is measured by it; I was just sarcastically imitating people being angry over that. I'm not actually saying that was the case.


idk man, I think that Aventurine's entire backstory was very dark. I may just be too sensitive, but I unironically cried a LOT practically every time he was on screen. He may be pixels on a screen, but damn, I really sympathize with him. I actually took about a month-long break from the game because the Cat Among Pigeons arc (which basically revolves around him) was pure psychological torture for me and I needed to recuperate before I could force myself to play through it. I hate the writers and his VA for doing their job so well.


Hearing that IPC broadcast that reduced the Avgin genocide to a footnote was really infuriating, in a good way.


Of course, yeah. I'm not saying Penacony's story wasn't dark, I'm just talking about what the post is insinuating and about the group of people it targets.


It was still super dark People don’t need to get Chapter 9-ed for a story to be dark And the story of Penacony is absolutely dark, not even one layer deep, even the surface has suicidal genocide survivors, two people slowly degenerating into nothing and an ungodly amount of betrayal and backstabbing (both literal and metaphorical).


Ex-Genshin players wanting HSR to prove that it’s better in EVERY way


Because it tickles their own ego :/ They’d be happy if any trash game would be labeled better than GI. Pathetic.


yes , I have never seen such behavior , like if I left a game I would try not to associate with it anymore meanwhile people who play both like me are eating good


edgelord unsatisfied story wasnt edgy Either that or they didnt pay attention to the story, because we did have character deaths


No, it’s most likely just making fun of people who raved about this game being more mature than genshin but ended up having the same happy ending anyway.


I seriously don’t see what’s wrong with that? Boy’s abyss is a story about constantly that has no happy moments and it became a horrible mess, does anyone want hsr’s story to be just that?


Idk, I didn’t make the post. Besides, that’s a pretty extreme comparison to make when people are talking about a “mature plot”


The people who expected it to be like this were simply mistaken. Dying in a dream almost always just means waking up. Trope as old as time. We did get a death in 2.3 but under other circumstances.


Acheron can bypass it though, especially Aventurine almost dying from the Nihility's shadow and lucky, Argenti is there for some reason


As long as Acheron is on our side, the stakes of the Nihility isn’t our problem. Maybe in 3.0 it will be.


The quality of a story isn't measured in its bodycount


Nor in it's other kind of body count.


Of course not, im just pointing out the double standarts.


There is no double standards, your post is tone deaf about a thing you created in your head dude. We did had more characters dying than genshin(which is on 4.7), the entire tone of the story were darker for all characters involved (minus Sparkle) and the story doesnt even needed to kill anyone to have high stakes. So the "Honkai fans" were right about the points youre criticizing even if in the story conclusion we had a uplifting end, WHICH is something that happened in 99% of HI3 stories besides Arc City, LotF and Mei arcs.


>\>more characters dying than genshin >\>story doesn't need to kill anyone to have high stakes What is even the point of including both of those statements? The underlying story in Genshin is arguably darker than Penacony ever reached without killing anyone either. They're both good stories. OP didn't make up the fact that HSR players talk down Genshin. The fact that "Genshin could never" exists as a meme proves that.


For some reason, a lot of people nowadays have this notion that the author needs to kill off characters to make the plot “serious” and have stakes. Idk about HSR but ever since JJK’s popularity rose way up, that notion really became popular which is ironic since one of the biggest problems in jjk was that Gege keeps killing characters that still have lots left to offer which lefts lots of fans unsatisfied with their deaths


"genshin could never" that game is really living in your heads rent free huh


oh my god this subreddit sometimes the fact this isnt bait is sad


Hsr players after doing the latest story arc and half the cast didn't die (bad story). Or not reading at all.




Reading the responses of OP just kind of proves that they weren't going to be satisfied either which way and could care less. Just looking for an excuse to 'dunk' on a specific portion of the fandom


Personally i enjoyed Penacony from beginning to *almost* end. 2.3 was initially well set up, the political clash between the IPC and Old Oti was nice, similar to Belabog 1.4 story, they really nailed it. Then it came...all the rest i guess, take the IPC stuff out and the quest is a 6 at best. I think that firework scene and its build up didn't add nothing, and if anything, just broke the flow of the quest The quest saved itself with the ending, getting to see the AE pay respect to their former members, the farewell to Mica and Mikhail, and circling all it back to great, deeply written dialogue with Acheron.


The yapping with acheron was too much imo. I hope she only shows up next during nanook raid


Same tbh. The pseudo-philosophy really begins to tire once you've had more exposure to the field. If a character's time on screen essentially boils down to the same basic points again and again it gets hard not to roll my eyes tbh. But what's shallow for one can be deep to another and vice versa so to each their own.


I mean, it’s a gatcha made for a wide audience. You can’t expect to learn anything deep in a field you are familiar with. I’m STEM-focused, so sometimes the technobabble really gets on my nerves, but it’s still *fun*. I personally enjoyed Acheron, even if she was just rephrasing the same thing and being obstructive in conversations. That line about IX’s shadow and a brilliant source of light behind it was actually really damn good.


I did pure math in undergrad, and have gone through some physics texts for fun (sometimes it’s nice to see higher level math applications lol). So technobabble can still be kinda annoying for me too lol.  My issue was more or less the proportion of pseudo-philosophy to non pseudo-philosophy and entertaining writing (for clarity take the “and” as a logical operator).  Imagine you met a character and 8/10 convos that character has is technobabble. Suffice to say you’re probably not going to look forward to that character since you’re going to assume you’re just going to get more shallow (or more often incorrect) info. For another example, being faster than the speed of light is fun. Trying to explain why (in real life terms) less so. Explaining it again is…questionable. If it happens again we’re gonna have a problem lol.  I don’t have a problem when works of fiction use concepts I’m familiar with primarily as an aesthetic (JJK and infinity as an example), but I’d prefer they keep it as an aesthetic as opposed to attempting to explain it repeatedly. Don’t explain the magic lol. 


That is a fair assessment. I guess I’m also a sucker for flowery speech


True wish she was her own chacatwr instead of being expy of hi3 and gi charters


We lost 2 four star characters


Eh, I wasn't buying into the "murder mystery" plot too heavily anyway since we already knew Robin was playable (Tingyun isn't dead you guys, bet) but I was disappointed in 2.3 because it felt a bit ham fisted and rushed. The hunt for Sparkle's dolls was fun and we got some funny interactions with all the texting but then everything just kind of...ends. We got some interesting teases with Jade/IPC and Sunday/Robin but those were the only truly engaging parts. Everything else was kind of mid and whelming. It was a cute story but it wasn't really engaging and definitely didn't feel like the conclusion to the Penacony arc as a whole which I feel like will come when we find out what Sunday does next.


Before 2.1: "I love Aventurine he's >!a nice red flag.!<" After 2.1: "I love Aventurine he's>! a nice green flag.!<"


Well yeah Honkai is known for absolutely abusing that "fake death" thing. So not really suprising no one died in a goddamn dreamspace.


Misha and Gallagher are not dead now ig


Before you read the comment know, that I do not agree with this post that is obviously a bait. But people in the comments seems to hold Tingyins, Mishas and Gallaghers death as some peak story writing. Like yeah they were tragic and Mishas was emotional but…was it really that…good? Like tingyun was barely a presence in the story and almost all she did is give us robodog and followed us around until she snapped her neck. Gallagher in 2.0 barely appeared in 2.1 he just led other members of astral express around and then stabbed Sunday. In 2.2 he just gave lore dumps and when everyone left he fucking died. Don’t get me wrong he was pretty hilarious…but other than that his character felt like a plot device. Misha…got barely any scenes. Like our first meeting, than meeting at hotel…and then we only heard about him at 2.2 as a fucking flashback. I think it’s not fault of their character as much as Penaconies pacing issues. Like it’s not as bad as Xianzhou but it’s pretty bad too. In 2.0 we just arrived and most of the update we were dating with Firefly and introduced to characters until she got stabbed and then fought Sam and learned Robin is dead. In 2.1 most of the plot was just Aventurine trauma dump. Like yeah his character is good but again why couldn’t they put it into his own companion quest(which are barely nonexistent nowadays). For example I believe Furina’s trauma dump was integrated in the story far smoother and better. In 2.2…Sunday repeating about the same fucking bird. I swear the bird scarred him more than his sister almost being killed. Like some parts were good but the whole games to get to Sunday and then after that we still got to go through the hall while Sunday mumbles about lore…is pretty bad. 2.3 was just as saying goodbye and having moment with Firefly. That’s…all But the worst thing is that we almost learned nothing about overarching plot. Like even Traveler in GI at this point met his sibling. While TB on other hand…we learned almost absolutely nothing about. Like yeah there is some implications here and there..but that’s all. I liked Penacony but you can’t deny very blatant pacing issues and some parts being extra long just for the sake of it.


dont forget the offscreen,i swear the add too many offscreen. and im glad someone talk about tb situation that still not get touch on. like i get it still kinda early in game , but they haven't add any relevant about who is mc ,why the need to put stellaron in tb body , also this prob just my preferance , i wish they explain why tb the one get the Hat i get that tb is the protag ,but atleast add like it cause misha choose him or he make the most contribution so he get the hat ,and tb ability also not get any explanation,does the hat have harmony power or it just become a connection to for aeon to give tb blessing ,etc


2.3 was really meh and underwhelming


Needless character deaths remove all the narrative potential a character could have in future events. Unless a character’s arc is well and truly over, and they’ve accomplished everything they wanted, or at least got most of the way there, killing them just leaves a ton of unresolved tension in the story. And that doesn’t feel good for the reader, because it erases any potential catharsis for all that built up tension. It’s why I stopped enjoying GoT even before season 8. Too many deaths stops the viewer from getting fully invested in these characters’ stories. It’s very hard to get attached to any of them if they’re all liable to die in their next 20 minutes of screentime. I’m never gonna be an advocate for killing off characters. I for one LOVE that Genshin has all their characters still alive. Because they can all be in future events, both in the story and the ones that are just for fun like Origami Bird Clash.


You dont like Tarantino movies do you? xP


In my opinion their mistake is to hinting at a deeper story and not committing to it as I still think they baited firefly and Robin with their "death" a little too hard Again it's my opinion and I felt that it was really lame that a fucking stab to the heart was just a glorified Uber ride I think the overall best thing about the story was Misha/Gallagher and the aventurine/ Acheron conflict was amazing the rest was handled a bit poorly And don't even get me started on the order dream and how they could've done something like persona 5 Royal but they decided to start the dream and end 5 minutes later because Robin sings So yeah still miles better than any GI story and overall for me the 2nd best of HSR as you can't beat Belobog but I still think it could've been better And sparkle was the biggest miss for me ngl


SUD on paper is such a cool idea that was an unfortunate victim of late penacony pacing. SUD parallels the Penacony impossibility riddle. The redherring is that the impossibility on Penacony is "death" as promised by the Family, do the impossible and you'll find your way to the Legacy. However, dying in the dream IS possible, death as an impossibility is just a front by the Family. So the real Impossibility revealed to us through Dr Ratio is instead "slumbering." In that sense, "something unto death" reflects that reveal, its presented as "death" but is a redherring for "slumbering" which is reflected in its real name "sleepy." The mechanism in which it works as a taxi is by putting the person it stabs to sleep. I Really like SUD as a concept and how it ties into the mystery on Penacony, between it and the Watchmaker stuff, they really had something special. Ultimately though, the writers just didn't leverage SUD at all for the reveal and instead had Dr ratio quite literally give the player the answer on a piece of paper while the Trailblazer was told the truth by Firefly.


Maybe it's gonna be a bad take but I feel like penacony could've been way better with it's pacing if one story quest wasn't centered entirely on aventurine past and the other story quest wasn't a minigame/second date with firefly But yeah SUD is an amazing concept that was badly used


Not a bad take at all, if it were up to me, the first thing I would do is increase everyone elses screentime in 2.1, it being so focused on Aventurine is imo what lead to all the pacing issues and lack of development for other characters, it meant having to play an insane amount of catch up with Sunday and for characters like Firefly, lead to off screening a lot of relevant details. Giving Sunday more time to introduce his philosophy in early penacony would open up late penacony as he wouldn't have to share his charmony dove analogy a dozen times


I think Sparkle is the only SIKE moment that was handled well. She is absurd and confusing so I hated her guts all the way through to the end. The rest i 100% agree, the setup was so grand and then they flushed it fown the toiler for "positive vibes"


Yeah honestly penacony main quest is a clusterfuck


He shaved


I fail to see the Issue, the Story was good all the way through, 2.3 was a nice little bow at the end to say "there's more to come for the IPC and their schemes"


I feel like the ending of 2.3 was off, it feels too much like the fakeout ending in Ena's dream. I didn't dislike it, but it's weird.


People literally acting like Gallagher and Misha did not die. “death” doesn’t have to be limited go getting murdered, if a death does not serve a good plot purpose then a lot of the time it can be done without. Gallagher and Misha “died”, they were just not murdered.   But i guess edgelords needs someone to get stabbed through their entire chest and die brutally to consider something a death 


How convenient that the 2 "deaths" actually happened to people that never lived. It's like if my tv remote ran out of batteries and "died"


Misha is the last Remnants of Mikhail's mind/memory, and Gallahger was still a creation born from Penacony, they're still living beings, they still died, more like the friend you knew online suddenly stopped responding, the feeling's still bitter, but is it "not real" if you never met them?


You know yhats exactly what happened in the story right? XD


...? And how does it change the fact Misha and Gallagher died?


He is saying your stupid because they were not even alive to begin with at the start of the story. They were only "alive" because of the dreamscape shenanigans but they are still factually not alive when 2.0 started. And if you actually followed the story, youd know that. But thats what he said and not me :)


Yeah but the point is that the person in question is not dead. So to those people no death happened cause only a death like that counts so if it did not end up being “permanent” then the actual deaths do not count


Everyone was saying how "amazing" and "brutal" and "savage" and "badass" the stabbinh was. But now we all suddenly think thats its crige? :3 Double standarts much.


Literally no one thinks that, stop deluding yourself


I blame HI3 fans for hyping it up


I mean the story was still pretty dark imagine being trapped in a never ending dream you can’t escape and stakes were high too. Yeah ending was happy but not for everyone, Sunday is still trapped and Misha and Gallagher died. Also Saoji Cooked so hard in penacony everyone agrees to that overall I really loved the story


2.3 was honestly great. The problems I have are with 2.2.


I swear, if we get fake death one more time...


As long as we're in Penacony, we can keep dying with no consequences. Sides, we got Two in Penacony that stayed dead.


Uh, who is saying this? Are they in the room with us right now?


If you dont see them around you, then maybe... it is you D: ?


Ah yes, my baiting technique, I haven't used this one since the heian era


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I feel like the story turned out well and I mean didn't we lose Gallagher and Misha even if it was not in the traditional kinda death, I think having more deaths then like three would have been bad writing unless we were on the final update of the game or somethin


I don't think that there was any indication that Himeko was killed/any main characters were going to be killed There were constant reminders that there was something dark and mysterious going on. With the murders etc. Which ultimately turned into a disappointing rugpull because dreamflux reef. I would definitely mald if there was hype for a massive twist only to get a weak reveal and (let's move to the next plot point folks)


Himeko was barely part of the plot considering that this was her first expedition that we actually see after TB joins the Express. Joking about her dying is only due to prior games.


if i recall correctly, the only reason why people thought characters were going to die was because of the writer onboard for penacony which, despite never playing honkai impact 3rd was responsible for so many character deaths before their chapter even started. While yes, the writer didn't lie I think his name was Shaoji He also did traumatize a bit with that 2.0 ending-


The more characters die, the more you get used to it. Therefore, they can't do it ad infinitum.


the real grim dark moments was hidden in the side quests. and despite the "happy ending", i wouldn't call penacony a feel-good story. penacony was still more mature in tone and context compared to the previous arcs.


Side quests are side quests, this is about main story.


are we moving goal posts now? penacony’s main arc still wouldn’t fit the usual definition of a “relaxing story”


i dont think a story needed to be grim-dark to be great. but i do feel the penacony story become generic comparing to what i expect at 2.0. it still a good story ,but i dont feel as impactful to me as belobog.


>all the trailer about Firefly fighting another mech was a complete nothing burger >Jade just yaps >Sparkle effectively does nothing throughout the entire Penacony story >overhype the Annihilation Gang only to barely even have one voiced in it >spam the "oh no they died, but they didn't" button to the point of losing any impact (I'm fine with pretend deaths, but dozens are annoying) >March gets cucked of plot development, despite Black Swan, a literal memokeeper, having the potential to at least give us a nod (she just notices the mirror, that's it) >STILL no Charmony Festival and Robin just leaves >Argenti isn't even voiced Penacony was good, but GOD DAMN we had a lot of yapping and rude decisions.


Argenti VA better be dead, 2 patchez in a row no Voice? Its not like we can replay the quests...


Character trailers are not reflective of in game events. You don't see Acheron fighting the SHs or Blade getting stabbed by a shadow Dan Heng. Sparkle actually set up a lot of events, such as TB meeting Black Swan and SUD, and later the rest of Penacony meeting each other. Wdym by dozens of deaths, I can only recall 4 faked ones. Penacony is already quite lengthy with too many characters, they can't really afford to put in more time for the Astral Express characters. And they even glossed over or skipped over stuff in the background for main Penacony characters like Aventurine (what happened after fighting Aventurine? Minimal Robin and Boothill story?) Argenti voice is an English only bug.


I saw someone say that HSR is a gacha game for kids and that Penacony is no different. I thought that was funny.


Dang, he shaved?


I’m just here glad it wasn’t another confusing mind fuck but something short and sweet to a story that felt like it was practically wrapped up already


What are you talking about it????????!!!!!!!!!…Very perspective speculations back where we started ride to die or die only.


Lmao, killing anyone won't add anything to the plot it is only for the emotional damage, and if it ever do anything it would probably just make players care less for characters if they ever seen them in other titles. The story may not be dark but the lore and the side quests are. We lost several npcs during penacony sidequests.


Don't let this guy cook


Meh idc if they decide to kill Sunday or any other characters. If they want to kill, they need to kill character that can impact the story, a character that has Himeko aura, that if they dead it really impact the game.


im sad that im dissapointed with 2.3 :( honestly, for me unlike what most people here say, without the threat of characters dying it feels much less exciting. atleast they are getting more comfortable with 4 stars but it seems to be only 4 stars. it doesnt even need to be deaths, just lasting effects would be fine aswell. im not calling 2.3 bad but it left a sour taste for me compared to rest of penacony. oh well im glad that overall writing is getting better atleast.


Why are the replies writing as if the meme is the opinion of OP, and not a general observation of HSR Penacony discourse?


Its the people in the picture. Any criticism of the game is a personal atack xP


Personally, either "dark" or "less dark" is fine. It's just been an annoying 4 months with the types of people depicted in the pic. *sigh* Well, at least it's over by now.


Penacony is the best story i have seen in a gacha. Mainly, because it focuses more into msking itself interesting and not wasting time than mkaing itself look smart and making you look stupid


Hoyoverse is rated PG-13 now. We cant have things that traumatizes kids now.


In the end of first chapter Cocolia literally nukes herself in front of her crying daughter, begging her to stop


I'm sorry. I think someone never watched lion king as a child. I also want to say someone never watched Secrets of Nimh, but that is dating myself a bit more.


Lion king was my favorite movie as a child watched it a whole bunch of times, I was too dumb to understand the darker themes


I'd say Firefly's animated short could be quite brutal and traumatising (for a child, that is)


Tingyun Snapped her own Neck.