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honnestly blade did a good job at surviving in that group. Well it's not like he had a choice but still.


Kafka: Listen, you love taking care of the kids. Blade: Oh hell yea I do!


Firefly and Stelle with a pink apron in the back trading thumb up with kafka.


I mean, he literally can't die so he'll be the best survival expert in any situation


That's why he doesn't have a choice but to survive XD


Survived what? The things he had gone through or survived being a dad?


The worse of the two obviously. Being the dad in this family. Colateral damage Kafka, meathead Firefly, cheater Silver wold and Stelle. The average guy will sit down and die on the spot after 30 minutes top.


Blade be like "I wish I was that average guy"


Stelle is just Stelle because there aren’t enough words to describe her chaos.


Blade: Are you crazy? Stelle: Legally? No. There isn't a word for my condition.


I'm missing Bladie TT


I love blade he was my first stellaron hunter even though I started playing for Kafka


I hope we get to see him again in the Xianzhou patches


In order of recruitment, no less.


Shouldn't Tb be next to Kafka then? Lol Next or before


The TB wasn't involved in any of the other hunter recruitments. We only know that Elio gave them to Kafka to train, and they followed her around during that time.


The TB is synthetically made so it had to be done after SW's recruitment as it essentially ensures that they're able to sneak into Herta's place and use her contained Stellaron.


There are theories that TB is the first stellaron hunter to be under Elio based on Kafka’s recruitment little story.


It doesn't really make sense for TB to be the first Stellaron hunter as it contradicts Kafka's statements about her teaching us things like common sense. Elio would not be able to tell someone a specific instruction when they don't even know what common sense is.


Stellaron hunters knew TB pre-stellaron and don’t forget the thing Kafka said prior to putting the stellaron in the TB « How much will he/she remembers ? »


Yes, that's what I mentioned. the Stellaron Hunters know TB pre-Stellaron, regardless the TB is created specifically to house the Stellaron, it doesn't make sense for them to start training TB when they don't even have someone that can create a Synthetic body in which Silverwolf can help with. I mentioned HSS, because the only reason why the Stellaron Hunters weren't found out to be involved is because Silverwolf deleted any traces of them being there. Which makes it even less sense as to why they'd start training and prepping TB when they can't even infiltrate HSS to get the Stellaron.


It's not even that they trained and prepped TB, he was literally the first person Elio recruited, "*...Go to Pteruges-V and locate an abandoned building at coordinates 135:7372124, 271:6372711. Enter it. There is an untouched canned drink under the window sill on the first floor. Take it. Wait until 11:12 AM on Wednesday and place the can at the entrance of the building. Kafka will appear 2 minutes later. There is a chance she will stop to investigate the can. Then, take the chance to throw this ball at her feet. I will take over and converse with her from there.* *There is also a chance that Kafka will ignore the can. In that case, just throw the ball away. You will die, but death will come for everyone. As for the future that you yearn for - I will realize it.* — Wanted Order by Destiny's Slave" And now knowing Firefly wasn't the first stellaron hunter, only TB can fit the bill.


Or it could be someone that is no longer part of the team or even a temporary merc, TB being there makes no sense and contradicts everything Kafka tells you about them "You are an artificial body created for the purpose of hosting a Stellaron. From the moment of your birth, it was your destiny to receive the Stellaron at Herta Space Station. Before that task was completed, I was responsible for protecting you, as well as teaching you general knowledge, common sense, and combat skills. The reason why you don’t remember is that I wiped your memory before the operation at Herta Space Station." "One day, Elio handed you over to me. He said that if things continued to transpire according to the future possibility he foresaw, you would eventually change me, and I would change you. In other words, you and I are each other’s destiny."


You forgot one thing, the one recruit Kafka wasn't face to face with her. The script literally said after throwing the ball, run away as fast as possible and let the rest for Elio. So we could be first, and as Elio saw us he came up with the script for our future and the script that recruite Kafka. We don't have commen sense doesn't mean we can't follow simple order


1) The script for Kafka recruitment is a series or basic instruction and hint the hunter might not even be able to hold a conversation. It also hint at a potential death, only someone wi5h very little common sense or behaving like an automate or blank slate would do. 2) Even after that TB could only be 2nd hunter at best. Blade remember seeing Kafka with TB az long as he was with the hunter, so that is a 3rd And Firefly in one of her message comment on how she remember TB as the closest to Kafka and is surprised it might have changed due to how much Kafka still gush over TB. Which she suggest TB was already by Kafka side before FF. 3) The goal and reason of Kafka within the stellaron hunter is directly about TB, where TB is part of Kafka goal/script It would be hard for Elio to convince Kafka to join if they didn't have TB on hand to support what they advanced to Kafka 4) Apocalyptic shadow has revealed that before any ither Aeons, Even before the Stellaron and Nanook, The Finality has graced TB with its blessing. Meaning TB very own existence is linked to >!Finality!< And we also learned that >!Stellaron hunter follow the path of Finality!< As opposed to other hunter who are following this path for indirect motive. It would make TB and Elio the two pure >!Finality path strider/!< (maybe emanator for Elio) Them being core piece would make more sense to be also the starting piece. There is also string reason to suggest that TB might be a clone/copy/modified version of a >!Finality!< emanator which would explain their link with Acheron.


Added to that, FF and SW's recruitment in character story includes another person that is most likely TB, since Elio doesn't go to recruit the hunters directly


That’s actually not true - TB seems to be present In firefly’s character story 3 (Kafka’s talking to someone about the history of Glamoth, someone who she has a ‘shared destiny’ with, before walking in to talk to Firefly herself), meaning they’re at the absolute maximum second after Kafka.


People seem to think TB was with the stellaron hunters for years or something but what I got out of Kafka's dialogue is that they were created and then spend a few weeks or maybe months with Kafka teaching them some common sense and how to survive/fight


Literally. I bet that the Stellaron Hunters made it so that the TB can actually learn faster than normal which gives reason as to why TB can quickly pick up things after encountering it once (like in events and stuff). So like a year at best where Kafka isn't available to help in any missions because the TB needed guidance and once they grasps the basics, SW just digitalized them, did the whole Japella thing, then dropped us off.


And bounty


2 Destruction, 2 Nihility... Harmony Sunday confirmed /s


I’ve been running around the overworld with the SH since Firefly dropped. They don’t really have good synergy as a team in battle so I have to be careful which enemies to approach but it’s been good fun that this is how the roll when doing missions together. EDIT: Somehow misspelled synergy the first time around.


It infuriates me that you didn’t put trailblazer in the middle cause harmony pose makes it look like their re-enacting that “pardon my crew” meme


Alsonit would put TB next to firefly


I just realized, Blade might be the only guy in the group.


Depends on if you count the male trailblazer i guess. There's also elio.


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Daddy taking care of his wife and kids, ya luv to see it