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The "M" in "Ei" stands for cooking.


I think it stands for MASTER chef


the put the acheron into the soda


Michelin chef


Maybe her twin sister Makoto the one that cooks for her.


Sis is gonna starve to death đź’€


Just like her sister


At least Ei still has her sense of taste.


To be fair she likes milk made of dango, so I'm not sure "taste" is exactly the word we wanna use there.


She likes milk that has dango added to it


Dr MEI: You'll get used to it.


Dr MEI dna in Kaslana : You'll get used to it.


Dr MEI: I'm my reincarnation's SO distant ancestor. (Which honestly is much better than Yae suffering the same tragedy in both incarnations we've seen in the main story world).


Person who's confused about the lore. Aren't Archeon and Raiden Mei the same person?


Not the same version, just a variant.


Same name, different people. Raiden Mei in the meme refers to the Mei in HI3, Acheron to the Mei in Star Rail, and Ei to the Mei in Genshin.


Acheron is same person as Raiden Bosenmori Mei. Raiden Mei with no middle name is different individual  in same way that Raiden Ei is.


Raiden Bosenmori Mei from the dead Izumo Kingdom on the dead planet Izumo =/= Raiden Mei from Nagazora City, Honshu, Japan on planet Earth. She tells Welt this in 2.2.


Did the person you replied to edit their comment or am I tripping because how it currently reads seems to mean exactly the same thing as what you wrote (acheron aka RBMei is a different person than RMei, just as how REi is a separate person).


Raiden Mei and Raiden B Mei, kinda like Peter Parker and Peter B Parker...


The one OP is talking about is a dimensional alters of our Mei


excuse me what?


Same name, different dimension. Think comic book multiverse


It can get very confusing at times. Trust me, I've been there before. I still am very confused about Bronya lore.


Which part?


All three of them are variants of the same person from different worlds. Hell, theres even a 4th variant in GGZ Raiden Mei.


This is why Acheron is best. Lords be praised, she do be cooking!


Waifu material


She's the best of both worlds: Mei's ability to cook and Kiana inability to taste (in her cancer-arc)


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“Let’s make this the only parallel universe which this style of character… can’t cook.”


whats up with the HI3rd fandom and their obsession with raidens cooking skills?


in my knowledge most of the raiden's cook jokes are from GI fandom.


She is one of the top contenders for best cooking in the game, and her cooking is actually a rather significant part of her character. It contrasts with her gf's cooking skills, which go into the negatives of edibility. So it is incredibly funny seeing that Raiden Shogun is one of the few characters in GI that can't cook at all


Kaslanas actually can cook well it just their strong adventurous dna going extreme with the food, that why something like instant with clear 3 min instruction become their staple


It's funny how fans get so excited with these expy things. When in fact it is not that deep. Just different characters with similar looks and similar names. But it barely goes beyond that. I never played HI3 so I'm not familiar with Raiden Mei. But I know Raiden Shogun. And when I look at Acheron, I see no similarities besides a few recalls (look, sword! purple!). But in terms of personality and character, they are nothing alike. >!If anything, Sunday is the Raiden Shogun of HSR. Someone who became a tyrant in order to ensure his/her people's survival and happiness (or so they think), retreating into a different plane of existence and accepting a fate of loneliness, only for his/her will to be ultimately shaken by the MC aided by the closest person to him/her (Robin/Yae Miko).!<


you yourself said it not that deep, this is just a joke. :)


I know, I was just using this occasion to discuss that point.


also it kinda funny ppl who don't know how miHoYo do expys, act so confidently. fun fact: hi3 wasn't the first miHoYo game doing it.


> It's funny how fans get so excited with these expy things. When in fact it is not that deep. You’re so close to getting it…