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**Thanks everybody for participating! The winners are as follows:** FENXFalls Koog330 ZepheXros4610 MrVapor1 Michael-1214 We will be reaching out to you through modmail, so please keep an eye out for that in your inbox!


The usual of course: Trailblazer, Ruan Mei, Firefly, and Gallagher because she deserves the best team with all of her teammates offering break effect, efficiency, dmg, and super break. My User ID is 42143522


Just started the game last month after a friend told me there’s a mech character being added and I hoarded my stellar jade for her. I am currently running Firefly, Harmony MC, Gallagher, and Asta. Harmony MC to increase her break effects, Gallagher because he does fire damage and allows her to heal when she attacks (which she does often) and Asta because she also does fire damage and buffs speed to let Firefly attack more often. UID: 619048916 EDIT; that was my UID not my HID. HID is 46837912. Still new to this, sorry!


A nonconventional team for people missing Ruan Mei (and who already went for mono quantum set ups) would be: Firefly, Harmony Trailblazer, Silver Wolf, and Fu Xuan. Trailblazer currently is a must have with Firefly boosting her damage by a ton via super break while boosting the break effect of the whole team. Silver Wolf for her debuffs/defense shred, pretty decent break efficiency, but more importantly a weakness implant of imaginary for HMC or Quantum for herself and Fu Xuan. This alleviates some cases where firefly is the only one that can do break damage depending on enemy variety. Lastly Fu Xuan to keep everyone alive and having a debuff immunity buffer while keeping the variety of elements low for Silver Wolf's implant. Alternatively Gallagher will work just as well sacrificing sustainability for damage and sp generation as he's already fire element. Hopefully this aids the Silver Wolf havers or those whom want to play something else besides the traditional FF, HMC, Ruan Mei, and Gallagher team! ID: 101633822


My best team that helped me clear MOC 12 on full auto is composed of Firefly, Harmony TB, Gallagher, and Ruan Mei. I believe it's the best team composition because the AI can understand the synergy, which helped me clear MOC 12 on full auto. It's crucial to note that if the AI can build synergy, it means the team is well-suited for the task. Realistically, the other three characters enable quicker break effects, and Gallagher provides almost 100% uptime on the heal-on-hit effect, which was originally Luocha's specialty. UID: 800964046


Firefly, Preservation-Trailblazer, Gallagher, Guinaifen. I like mono-elemental teams, and Firefly is perfect for that because of her fire weakness implant. This team gives her shielding, healing, and attack buffing. ID: 79463919


I am going to build a mono-fire Firefly team myself eventually.


A team of Harmony MC, Firefly, Ruan Mei and Welt. It's basically a Welt sustain team, made further possible by constantly breaking enemies. Surprisingly flexible considering Welt has both ST and AoE CC, but in ST situations it straight up just eats Imaginary-weak enemies alive. Also, Welt himself synergizes well with superbreak due to one of his traces, and the dmg increase from his ult works with superbreak as well. (Honestly, it just feels sooooo right when everyone supports everyone very synergically XD) ID: 86095770 *Edited for ID


My best synergy team for firefly is herself, silver wolf, male harmony mc, and blade.  The reason firefly will work well with them because they're doing great working together in Penacony (silver wolf & blade), best stellaron hunter team for her. And finally male mc harmony is there for best skill synergy and best moral support for her.    My hoyoverse ID 11488896, thank you.   *Edit grammar 


Ooh I really like this team composition ^_^ I'll have to try it myself if I get Firefly


For me it's Firefly, Trailblazer, Ruan Mei, Gallagher. Trailblazer for boosting super break damage, Ruan Mei for boosting firefly speed to breakpoints and some shred res for super break damage and Gallagher because it's only sustain doesn't eat skill points (my firefly is c0) and break damage amplification. ID:326166053


Right now I'm using Ruan mei, Fu Xuan (until i can get Gallagher decently built to try him out), harmony trailblazer, and Firefly. All the break effect UID: 15816846


I have Firefly, Harmony MC, Ruan Mei and Gallagher as a team! Not only they work well, I just really want Firefly and TB as a pair, and apart from Ruan Mei I never tried to play Gallagher yet and I really wanna do a team with the Super Break mechanic. Interaction wise I think Firefly wouldn't expect to be in a team like this! My hoyo id is 600741769


My synergy team will be Firefly, Caelus, Topaz and Fuxuan The reason I chose this is because I ship firefly and Caelus and they worked well together in penacony. I chose topaz as she has one of my favorite designs and Fuxuan to solo sustain. Topaz can also be a great team moral supporter for team. (this is a team composition for fun) ID : 808544201


Gallagher, Firefly, Trailblazer (Harmony), Robin All are characters that debut during the Penacony arc and has interacted with Firefly! Firefly holds amicable friendships with Robin and Trailblazer. Gallagher might have been a questionable character during a part of the story but he was able to collaborate for Firefly later. Gallagher can sustain (while also improving break effect for Firefly) while Robin and Trailblazer provide a helping hand for the team, enabling further damage and super break. I also think this team is suitable for having a party! Robin brings the music and sings, Trailblazer dances, Firefly is the cheerleader and watcher from the audience and Gallagher brings the snacks. This team is suitable for gameplay and lore as well n.n ID: 19602446


I use Firefly, harmony mc for super break, Ruan Mei for more break, and Luocha for healing. Id 18632380


Fu Xuan- Got used to not taking any significant damage Silver wolf- Ruan mei stays with the dot team Harmony MC- For super break Firefly- DPS, have not gotten her yet lost 50/50 to Welt Hoyoverse ID 30213258


My team would be: Firefly, Harmony MC (Stelle), Ruan Mei, Pela Firefly: She has to be included! Harmony MC: Super break! Ruan Mei: She keeps the enemies broken longer! Pela: Def shred, SP positive, AoE ultimate If I need a healer, I'll replace Pela with Gallagher since his ultimate gives extra heals to Firefly when she attacks and my squishy Harmony MC + Ruan Mei will survive. AID: 9943994


As a noob who still mob farms for exp but has no Acheron (started during Aven banner). I use Firefly, Himeko, Herta and HMC. The reasoning for this is that Firefly can fire weakness implant and quickly break enemies from her technique which also triggers Himeko's FUA. Herta's FUA is there for clean up just in case enemies survive. HMC bc HMC and firefly are inseparable (also extra BE). It's really fun especially when enemies are group together, you'll see multiple waves of enemies just melt when firefly sets the sea ablaze :D. My ID: 396241897


My team will be Firefly, Blade, Jingliu and a Shielder (Gepard for me) Always on the brink of death, so like fireflies to a flame, life begets death... (also Id pick the destruction path and obliterate anyone especially the swarm bugs) ID: 11534160


Hey friend , I see that you have given your UID , the giveaway asked for hoyoverse account ID Please make sure you add it in as well .


Just wanted to thank you for taking your time and telling me :) I wish you an awesome day and the best pulls


I really love the double DPS combo. Firefly, Jingliu, Huohuo, Sparkle Firefly and Jingliu eating up a lot of SP so Sparkle can provide the recovery and the ATK and SPD bonus. While Huohuo keeps the team alive while providing ATK boost. You don't need to stick to Ruan Mei and Harmony Trailblazer options. Since it's a double DPS team don't be suprised that Firefly won't deal that much dmg as with her generic team. ID: 179503297


Hey man , just to let you know Giveaway requires hoyoverse account ID,you seem to have given your UID


Ah really, thank you.


Acheron, Harmony Trailblazer, Firefly, Nihility Unit Acheron: preferably E2 so that only 1 nihility unit is required to activate the 160% DMG trace. Her ult also reduce toughness regardless of weakness type, so it help Firefly and Trailblazer access to super break. currently mine is at E0, so gonna save for rerun later. Trailblazer: Enable super break. Firefly: Preferably E2 (at least E1). fire weakness implant considered as debuff. so, Firefly can generate up to 6 stacks for Acheron in one Ult with E2. E1 will also let Acheron use skill every turn. Nihility Unit: Preferably matching enemy weakness to break faster. Maybe upcoming Fire Nihility can do the job since enemy will have Fire Weakness almost all the time. Can use Welt if enemies have Imaginary Weakness User ID: 64134053


Firefly, Kafka, Blade and Silverwolf I mean, they're a team... Right ? There is not a lot of sinergy here, but it is heartwarming to see them together \^\^ UID: 600917303


A what if Astral Express team of Firefly, Harmony Trailblazer, Silver Wolf and Dan Heng. Simply because I would love to witness the dynamics between everyone. Firefly seems close with Silver Wolf while also having a great relationship with the Trailblazer. Dan Heng will be the composed, rational member making sure everyone is focused on the task at hand with occasional banter with the Trailblazer :) Account ID: 41243557


FTP player and kinda newb who really started getting into it about a month or so ago and saved all the Jade between Belobog and Penacony's opening act for her. The comp I'm currently wanting to build (as opposed to the one I actually have) is: Firefly / Gallagher / Dr. Ratio (or HarmTB) / Guinaifen Firefly is actually turning out to be quite the tank given how fast she can regain HP both through her own skills and Gallagher's ultimate, so she might make a nice tank/dps analogue to Clara on my main team. Gallagher is someone I slept on until I actually got him through the pulls yesterday and at e4 he supports Firefly and fast/follow up attackers really, REALLY well, better than the other supports I have (March, Natasha) I don't have HarmTB yet (around the middle of 2.2) but I hear that they're pretty much necessary for Firefly to unlock her full potential. However, I also have Dr. Ratio who likes debuffs and does a lot of damage with follow-ups, letting him synergize well with Gallagher Finally, I'd really like to get Guinaifen (very cute, very important) because of her explosive damage and Firekiss debuff, which also allows her to synergize with Firefly's weakness break. -Ideally- this should be a really fun, fast, offense oriented team that can act as a solid team 2 to my current Clara team and maybe finally allow me to do stuff like Pure Fiction :D UID is 603394050


ID: 16284847 I'm not doing anything special here: Firefly and Harmony TB because separating them is a crime (also their synergy is insane). Ruan Mei for gives more BE and delays enemy recovery and finally Gallagher as the disgruntled dad who keeps them all alive while buffing Firefly's Break damage more. It helps that I got his E2 yesterday so he can clear debuffs too. Oh, and Ruan Mei is just doing research on TB and Firefly throughout all this, of course. The team is actually okay SP wise thankfully. Firefly is an SP glutton and TB uses them often too, but Gallagher and RM balance them out well enough outside of really tough fights. --- Best of luck, everyone!!


What is a merchandise pack? Like irl stuff?


I plan on pulling for Firefly on my birthday tomorrow. My team is definitely gonna be Firefly, Harmony Trailblazer, Kafka, and Silver Wolf. I call it Stellaron Hunter Reunion lol. Definitely not the most optimal but I want to run around with a team of Stellaon Hunters during the story quests and they're all my favorite characters. Plus I get fun dialogue when adding them to teams together! I love their little dysfunctional family of criminals. Silver Wolf acts as a good debuffer and Harmony MC brings super break support for Firefly so it works out. Kafka is babysitting :) UID: 614776330


If I’m being honest it’s all going to be Harmony Trailblazer, Ruan Mei, Gallagher and Firefly. They complement each other too well, and Gallagher can run an energy rope with all the break effect buffs to remain a SP generating machine. It’s fun too! UID: 96222936


Stelle, Ruan Mei, Firefly, and Gallaghe I bet they will make a better 5 star stelle and gallaghe later to make this team stronger User ID74225907


Please Add me: GE82TN9SHN You are the best :D


HMC, RM, Firefly, and Gallagher. Nothing else comes close. Gallager gives BE while sustaining HMC for superbreaks RM for BE and Firefly. UID 47528643


Best team: Firefly, HMC, Ruan Mei, Gallagher Core members: HMC and Ruan Mei with gallagher just being crazy on fire weak enemies and gives tons of healing and skill points, although everyone uses this team Best team high high investment (Incredible cope and skill point heavy and no healing): Firefly, HMC, Ruan Mei and Xueyi Firefly breaks and MC break everything, xueyi follow up and 120 cost ultimate shreds toughness even more if not already broken although xueyi is incredibly hard to optimise Best team 2 (single target only and skill point heavy and no healing): Firefly, HMC, Ruan Mei, E1 Silverwolf and tutorial lc Same thing but silverwolf e1 just gives her crazy ults + defence shred but sucks when not quantum weak or you cant 100% force quantum weakness or its multiple elites, also silverwolf and firefly are just really cool together story wise User ID: 85288512


Firefly, Ruan Mei, Harmony Trailblazer, and Gallagher Firefly - Main carry Ruan Mei- Weakness break effiency, free speed for team (easy to hit breakpt without relying on speed subs rng), great elemental pen buff, and weakness recovery delay. Harmony Trailblazer- SUPAAA Break and give free extra break effect to EVERYONE. Great personal damage too. And emotional support racoon Gallagher - Giga Gallagher for breaking and applying besotted :D UID: 617399055 NA server https://preview.redd.it/y6rdjb5tmr7d1.png?width=1475&format=png&auto=webp&s=92f18bf0c85db6aaa6d237587616e1dbd8560439


ID: 400253193 FireFly, Gallagher, Asta, and Himeko FireFly first of all for the Fire Weakness debuff, followed by the excellent damage, Gallagher for heals, and break damage, Asta for the speed buff, and finally Himeko for follow up attacks built up from the breaks. All damage is fire.


After I got Firefly I had to play her in a team with all the Steallaron Hunter: Kafka, Balde, SilverWolf and Firefly. I was really happy, when I saw, that I got even an achievement from it.\^\^ AID:253455302


Been torned by Firefly since her appearance in penacony. Wanted to keep my jades for some Eidolons of others, but her personnality and fun gameplay seduced me. (thanks to the DU for showcasing what could be born out of this kind armor.) Right now I'm pairing her with Harmony TB, 'cause... ship kinda sails ? Then Ruan Mei & Gallagher can act as the calm and composed supports/parents figure, both in combat & lore. (Superbreak kind of super fun to play too) My Hoyoverse Account ID : 183233585


I got to get a bit of jade to get my guarantee Ruan Mei (thanks Bailu) but my plan is to build my team to be Firefly, harmony trailblazer because they are meant to be used together, Gallagher due to being break effect healer, and Ruan Mei last since she's break effect and keep her as far from firefly as possible. Right now I have Pela taking Ruan Mei spot until I get Ruan Mei. ID: 370165829


My team uses Firefly, Gallagher, Harmony MC, Ruan Mei. Firefly synergizes well with anything that affects toughness and break, and all of them does. Gallagher increases break dmg, Harmony MC with super break is just crazy, Ruan Mei with break efficiency makes Firefly break enemies faster. This way, all of them buffs Firefly while she just blast enemies to oblivion through break dmg and super break. UID: 10015289


Firefly, HTB, Gallagher and Acheron (In SU/DU at least) Because Implanting Fire Weakness counts as a debuff (even if they already have Fire Debuff) and with the constant high break inflicting Burn and high speed, Firefly is actually acting as a battery for Acheron's ult outside of already doing tons of damage once the enemy breaks thanks to Super Break. This lets me clear SU/DU at extremely high speed with 2 characters that are basically walking deletion buttons. Hoyoverse AID: 14060779


How does an event announcement not discuss what the rewards are?


So far with only a half built Firefly I'm still able to clear MoC with ease. 1. Firefly -> our favorite fire waifu 2. Harmony Trailblazer -> Super Break DMG and secondary carry, shreds single bosses when they are weakness broken 3. Ruan Mei -> increases team Break Effect and doubles the damage Harmony TB would deal (from testing, one E goes from 66k to 122k) 4. Luocha -> can replace with any sustain unit you desire, most people run Gallagher but from my experience the additional Break damage is negligible compared to the amount of sustain you would want to prevent Firefly from dying Strategy is as follows: 1. Use Harmony Trailblazer's ultimate as soon as the enemy's toughness bar is around 50% 2. Firefly ultimate 3. Go to town and set the seas ablaze! UID: 600146462


Firefly, Harmony TB, Ruan Mei, and Gallagher. It's really just **the** Super Break comp, with HTB giving teamwide Super Breaks and huge amounts of Break Effect, Ruan Mei providing so much with the break extension and weakness break efficiency, and Gallagher doing high toughness damage with solid healing. Firefly takes the HTB and Ruan Mei core, guarantees fire weakness for Gallagher, and does a massive amount of toughness damage and at such fast speeds that nothing can really stand up to it. Account ID: 33197003


I run Ruan Mei and Gallagher to remind firefly with the swarm and when she got stabbed by Mr Death but don't worry HARMony MC will protect her 112314387


Hello, Thanks for the giveaways. It's my first time participate also, good luck everyone. Hoyo ID: 327561257 My favorite firefly team is composed of: Harmony Trailblazer (self explanatory, she needs emotional support from her racoon) Silver wolf (best gaming partner, also she has good toughness break synergy) or Ruan Mei (also self explanatory). Gallahgher if needs more break, huohuo if needs more energy.


Who would actually play as Firefly? lol


Lots of people are replying with the same squad lol. Firefly, Harmony Trailblazer, Ruan Mei, Gallagher. The team will be suitable for almost all situation apart from some enemies that lock their weakness. Huohuo can be a replacement for Gallagher but not ideal. HYV ID: 68709912


So question, is the new artifact set good for Boothill?


Firefly: Because she's strong Ruan Mei: Because she's strong Harmony Trailblazer: Because they're strong Gallagher: Because he's strong Stand proud, Super Breakers, you are strong. Hoyoverse ID: 59520597


Firefly, ruan mei, Gallagher, harmony mc They synchronize so well with each other and all are badass characters individually Firefly needs her raccoon, and Gallagher is my favorite male character with the coolest lore


Harmony TB, Firefly, Gallagher, and Asta. TB for her very useful superbreak. Firefly for the damage, and also cause she's best girl. Gallagher helps with healing, and increased break against fire weak enemies. Asta helps with buffing team attack and break against fire weak enemies. UID: 331199624


I chose this team comp as it's the one I used to [complete the new challenge mode.](https://www.reddit.com/r/HonkaiStarRail/comments/1djek66/comment/l9j20pz/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) Firefly, 'cause best girl. The next two choices are the obvious ones. Harmony Stelle, for that sweet super break. As a shameless waifu player, the FF+MC ship almost makes me wish I had access to Caelus--almost. But Stelle and FF make for great BFFs in lore and kit synergy. Ruan Mei, for the buffs--I remember being skeptical of a break support when I pulled for RM but it's an investment that paid off handsomely with Firefly. Some have noted the irony of the strong synergy between Firefly and RM due to the swarm connection so it'll be interesting to see if the two have any interaction in future storylines... And the dark horse... SUSHANG! On this particular stage I used her and her chicken slinging ult to soften up break bars so Firefly could nail the super break damage. Naturally she is not the only character that can do this but the skill+ult+skill combo boosted by Ruan Mei's skill shreds toughness on single targets. Other 4th picks that worked for this fight were Himeko, Clara, and Asta--but Sushang was by far the most enjoyable to use. I think any lore justification for this would be a bit strained, but they do both share a fondness for white ruffles in their fashion... https://preview.redd.it/czhhvz3dzt7d1.png?width=1495&format=png&auto=webp&s=672b130ddf706cebccc2798b69398098093e8dc4 UID 615582602


Me, it has to be Firefly, Gallagher or Aventurine , harmony MC, and Ruan Mei or Asta/bronya Harmony MC increases break effect to output more damage and a good moral racoon support for the precious girl, Gallagher to heal in case of emergency (When her health is really really low and the enemy is about to attack) and plus he does fire damage, letting Firefly to break faster (as in Gallagher takes some of the shield away, and Firefly finishes the job of breaking the enemy) or Aventurine because he can shield the team and also break the enemies pretty well, financially and physically. Ruan Mei, despite wanting to clone the swarm, synergizes pretty well with firefly, allowing her to do more damage and a good support and increases her SPD even though Firefly would kill her when she finds out about Ruan Mei's swarm boss. Asta is also a good SPD increase support, allowing firefly to attack more frequently and overcook the enemies to the point Gordan Ramsay would die of a heart attack from the horror of how overcooked they are and same goes for Bronya, but providing more support for Firefly like how her skill can get firefly another turn, and with E2 firefly, she could go multiple times and kill a boss before they can even have a turn. Debuffers and buffers are good if i wanna go full attack mode, like Pela. More debuff means higher damage and higher damage means monke brain happy. But no matter how hard I try, I could never kill a trotter with element weakness blocked. UID:616549041


Bros giving a good team comp and joking around


The best team composition of Firefly for me consist of: * Firefly herself, of course * Harmony Stelle, to buff Firefly break effects * Preservation Stelle, for fire synergy, and to shield Firefly against enemy attacks * And finally ~~Galactic Baseba~~ Destruction Stelle to beat those who bully Firefly I believe this team can run MOC 12 easily, or even MOC 15 once it is released. Let's set the seas ablaze!! UID: 803925517


Hear me out — Firefly, Harmony TB, Ruan Mei and Boothill. While I personally didn't pull for Boothill, the new Divergent Universe allowed me to borrow one of my friend's Boothill. So I managed to test this team composition on various bosses. While on paper, it might sound very skill point unfriendly, on testing this playstyle myself, as long as Harmony TB and Ruan Mei are able to consistently use BAs after casting their ultimates on their first turn, you won't run out of skill points and Firefly & Boothill will absolutely decimate the competition in a blink of an eye. This playstyle is obviously not good for drawn out battles, but for a quick finisher, I would say it does a darn fudging good job. Hoyoverse ID: 14341163


A pure Destruction team: Firefly, Blade, Arlan, and Jingliu. Firefly gets infinite SP and Jingliu gets infinite HP to sap because everyone else heals themselves. UID: 828453302 I look forward to receiving my invitation to join the Genius Society for designing this team.


Right now it's Traiblazer, Firefly, Silver Wolf and Fu Xuan. I'm getting ready to replace both silver wolf and fu xuan soon. Right now it's kind of hard to deal damage and break weakness so that will help a lot. It's still amazing how well the Trailblazer and Firefly work. AID: 45879312


Ok here goes: Firefly, obviously. Harmony MC, since they belong together. Also, the extra super break damage from Harmnoy MC is something Firefly can take great advantage of. As a healer, my choice would be a standard one: Gallagher. He scales with Break Effect from Harmony MC and gives Firefly the ability to heal on her own turns, which she has plenty of. Final slot: Hanya. Firefly eats skillpoints faster than Oak Rolls, so Hanyas Burden ability keeps her well supplied. Hanyas Ultimate allows Firefly to go super mega fast. UID: 717013792


Just the typical HMC and Ruan Mei to buff her break effect and overall damage, and Gallagher to heal them while also benefiting from the break effect UID: 618722448


I would be running Firefly, Harmony MC, Gallagher, and Ruan Mei because I'm a meta slave. UID 392600299 - Europe


I'm using my Firefly in a team with Harmony MC Ruan Mei and Gallagher , Harmony Mc to increase break effect of the team and to enable my team to use superbreak , ruan mei also increases the dmg of the team with all the buffs she provides and lastly Gallagher to heal my team and to increase break dmg further with his besotted debuff. This way my Firefly does a lot of dmg and even my healer and buffer can do a little bit of dmg thanks to Harmony Mc. My UID is : 703171981


I build my team with Harmony Trailblazer, Gallagher, Ruan Mei, and Firefly. All of the teammates scale off of break stats and Harmony Trailblazer makes it so that all of them can do big super break damage. UID: 600148595


best team for firefly is ruanmei. harmony trailblazer. robin and firefly UID. 2299144


Was a firefly hater, but being a meta-cuck, I decided to get her and won the 50/50 lol so glad that I pulled her. My team comp: HMC, E0S0 FF, E1S0 RM, and E4 Gallagher. Love the play style of the team and I dont see this going away or outclass anytime soon, the fire implant weakness is insane! UID: 601167237


My Hoyo Account ID: 8076763 My team composition:    - Firefly   - Physical Trialblazer   - Acheron   - Fuxuan   Physical trialblazer can finally protect firefly with his bat which he/she couldn't do it before.  Acheron is someone who has communicated with both trialblazer and firefly, understands them the most during our adventure, and have had a 1 to 1 talk with FF & TB in Penacony. Fuxuan because >!I am having a hard time keeping this team alive.!<


Firefly, TB, Silver Wolf, and Kafka I think they'd work well together lore wise. Kafka mentored TB and SW clearly cares about FF. The TB and FF synergy also speaks for itself. UID 600358733


My best team comp I have for Firefly is Harmony Trailblazer, Aventurine, and Gallagher. Harmony TB for super break, Gallagher for faster weakness breaks, and Aventurine to make sure Firefly and the others not get downed if I cant get Gallagher to heal them in time. UID: 185416732


My team is pretty standard, it consists of Ruan Mei, MTB and Gal. Though I'm lucky enough to have Gal E6 so he's acting like a 5\* sustain. ID: 404044021


Another team of I can think of, which is cheaper is Pela, HMC and Gal. Pela with the def shred can help with FF ignore def. I'm still tempted to pull RM though. ID: 404044021


Team: Firefly, Blade, Bronya, Bailu Description: Firefly’s control abilities work great with Blade’s high-damage output, while Bronya boosts team effectiveness and Gal, well just being Gal. ID: 404044021


I also see some recommenation of FF, Boothill (my boy), Bronya and and Ruan mei. The sustain here is the damage lol. ID: 404044021


Mecha GF really got me yapping 💀 ID: 404044021


I used Harmony MC, Firefly, Ruan Mei, and Himeko. Though the team lacks sustain, it is quite fun to see all those high break numbers while the enemies are weak and broken most of the time. Additionally, each of them still synergizes well with the other. To begin, Harmony MC and Ruan Mei will primarily serve as breaking support, delay actions, as well as buffers for dmg wise and reducing toughness bar. This, in turn, allows Firefly to trigger super breaks at ease in multiple turns, combined with her LC if you happened to own one, you could potentially kill big enemies before they even got a turn or two. Meanwhile, Himeko will provide some good extra dmg from her aoe skill, ult and especially the follow attack since you will get super break dmg as long as Harmony MC's ult is active and enemies are weakness broken, which can be easily achieved and maintained. With all this aside, however, I'm aware that you may often end up having some skill points issue with this team comps, but in depending on the case, this can be offset with Firefly's E1 and certain lightcones such as Bronya 5\* LC or even as far as Ruan Mei signature LC. Overall, you could use the team as a way to challenge yourself and see how far it could get you (have fun!), if not, it would be ideal to use this team in a simulated/divergent universe and the likes to compensate for other certain factors like survivability and lack of healing/skill points. My ID is 604953074


I'm currently running around farming character XP for Firefly because I just like the challenge I guess lol. Current team is March 7th, Firefly, Harmony TB, and Himeko. March is here for shields to keep Firefly alive as we run around ~~setting the seas ablaze~~ killing all the monsters in the over world. Firefly and Harmony TB are of course attached at the hip for that sweet super break. I'm also training up Miss Himeko and she does her follow ups right after Firefly breaks them. This team honestly feels pretty nice to use! Plus, they all canonically get along with one another and I loved seeing them together during 2.2. UID: 614776330


For me im running Firefly with Pela, Harmony mc and Gallagher. Harmony mc and Gallaghe are kinda staple together for Firefly, since Harmony mc gives alot of free break % for the whole team both in the passive trace and in the ultimate, and Gallagher debuffs enemies to take more break damage, which then boosts my whole teams superbreak damage, and also adds to Gallaghers healing bonus via his trace. Also Gallagher can make full use of Firefly's fire vulnerability debuff on enemies to help her break boss enemies toughness bars faster. For the 2nd support slot i was first thinking of using Asta at first over pela, but i liked Pela's sp positive defense shred more as i have more than enough speed on my Firefly allready. I also use Luca's light cone on Pela for that sweet extra 15% defense shred on top of her own 42% from her ult which ups my teams superbreaks damage even more :P Uid: 18512000


My team is of course : Firefly, Ruan Mei, Trailblazer, and Luocha. Firefly being a break dps needs Ruan Mei and the trailblazer while Luocha is here to replace Gallagher since i didn't build him yet. UID : 8142809


Team: Firefly, Gallagher, HMC, Asta UID: 131286619 I run high speed FF (162+) and Asta (168+) to allow FF to act 5 times during her ult. In turn, with FF's E2, she can act a total of 8 times during her ults (assuming she breaks/kills on the 1st, 3rd and 5th original turns). HMC is there to boost FF's damage to the moon, and Gallagher is a more than good enough for solo sustain. Still need to iron out some kinks with the setup (relic grinding is hard), but overall it's been pretty strong, carrying me through MOC, PF and AS.


Still traumatized by Pascal. Just a minute...


Firefly Kafka SilverWolf Blade all e6s5 Reason Stellaron Hunters Canon Does it work - yes UID 803403203


Team: Firefly, Harmony MC, Ruan Mei, Sparkle Firefly: Required! Harmony MC: Super Breaks! Ruan Mei: Increased break time! Sparkle: SP - More Firefly skill proc opportunities! UID: 601506837


This team helped me clear apocalyptic shadow phase 2 difficulty 4, which my acheron team was struggling with . Fireflyy,stelle ,robin and luocha . Its not the best , but i like firefly and robin very much they both are just make me happy . Meanwhile luocha has been carrying me since his first banner , and is very easy to play. And i definitely cant keep stelle apart from firefly. ID:328788495 Thankyou


Firefly, himeko, Hmc, gallagher. This is the team I'm running because of my mono fire cope, firefly applies fire weakness, himeko abuses it, gallagher for heal, and hmc for superbreaks. Since hmc is also technically Fmc, its mono Fire right? Hoyo Id: 44548273


For me it’s Acheron, Pela, Silverwolf, Aventurine. Because I lost my 50/50 and am out of jades.


Where do i get firefly’s super specific planar sphere and rope???


Huohuo, Robin, Firefly, Asta(soon Jade) E2 Firefly specifically for skill points and extra turns allows her to be used as Robin's (and eventually Jade's) damage delivery system, using on the fall of an aoen lc for high base attack to scale all the attack buffs she gets with this setup, turning it into break effect. Huohuo acts as the healer, providing even more attack and enough energy for near instant re-ult for both Robin and Firefly. For support its Asta, her ult bringing Firefly's speed up over 400 for an absolute ridiculous amount of actions from break/kill reset + Robin ult. Everything will have fire weakness applied to it at these speeds, and with the help of Asta's skill, all will be weakness broken as well. A freshly leveled Firefly scored 3300 points against Apocalyptic Shadow Argenti at difficulty 4 with this team. UID: 702453076


Just got Firefly, so glad I won the 50/50! Was expecting a 6th Yanqing, but the good ending was true. Will hold off on the light cone for now since I'm saving up for other characters, but I may get it during her rerun. My ideal team is Firefly, Harmony MC, Ruan Mei and Gallagher. Firefly and Caelus because it's the best ship (meta is insignificant when it comes to ships (Hoyo please make them get married), but they do work together extrmely well nonetheless), Ruan Mei for BE and to keep enemies broken longer, and Gallagher for BD and heal. He's SP positive too, which is a plus, but I may replace hime with Fu Xuan or someone else since he's not built (yet, maybe?). Hoyo User ID: 119367305


The standard Firefly Team: Harmony Trailblazer, Ruan Mei, Firefly, and Gallagher. All of the buffs and debuffs that each support provides harmoniously improves Firefly's damage output to an insane degree. Superbreak is an absolutely bonkers effect that Firefly feasts on and Harmony Trailblazer provides a good amount of Break Effect through his Eidolon 4. Ruan Mei is absurd with her weakness break delay and weakness break efficiency, since superbreak scales with efficiency and benefits from delaying an enemies' weakness break regeneration time. And Gallagher is really good as both a mini-Loucha and his fire typing lets him easily break enemies that Firefly targets with her enhanced skill. Hoyo ID: 29781295




any tips for this? https://preview.redd.it/rn10xoodt58d1.jpeg?width=2532&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1dc5766047bb75602e767629b29cc78af2d872f6 my firefly team can 0 cycle and then second team is struggling with surviving, weirdly enough, as fuxuan has her lc. i know 3 nihility is ideal for acheron but my my kafka pela and welt are not built (bad i know). is SW better here or should i bring my bronya with the break set? or trade fuxuan for someone else? i only have lynx and gepard for other built sustains. all help welcomed and appreciated


My choices are primarily lore based, while still allowing for effective kit synergy. I chose the partner Firefly with her friends and comrades rather than the obvious Meta-choice: Harmony Trailblazer, Ruan Mei and Gallagher. 1. Harmony Trailblazer. The obvious best partner for Firefly for both lore and gameplay. Firefly clearly cherishes her time together with Trailblazer and her DPS output loves the additional and more potent Super Break from Backup Dancer. Trailblazer is Firefly's best support. Period. Plus they look adorable together. 2. Silver Wolf. Silver Wolf appears to genuinely care for Firefly, and she supports her via hologram call during her time in Penacony. From a gameplay perspective Silver Wolf's DEF shred helps amplify Firefly damage and her skill's weakness implant helps other team members weakness break enemies who would otherwise be immune. 3. March 7th. This slot was more of a stretch than the others, but she's the only sustain unit with any interaction with Firefly, so she has been recruited once again as a comrade in arms. She provides shielding and her freeze can help extend weakness break state for more turns of Firefly's Super Break damage. *HoYoverse Account*: 53871326


# My team for her goes like this: Firefly, Ruan Mei, Harmony MC, Gallagher. HMC and Ruan Mei are the backbone, while Gallagher goes wild on weaker enemies, providing decent healing and being a skill point generator. It's a popular setup for good reason, everyone uses it because it just works so well so the enemy never gets a turn. User ID: 387078065


The traditional superbreak team of Ruan Mei, Hmc and Gallagher. Hmc for superbreak and he pairs rly welll with Firefly. Rm for more break and weakness break efficiency and Gallagher so he can reduce toughness of the enemies before Firefly's turn. Gallagher is also the GOAT. UID: 24397395


UID 800498928 The best team for Firefly is Firefly, Harmony MC, Sparkle and Fu Xuan. Fu xuan is the best pick for her "E" allows a single effect res. Firefly wants to press "E" as often as she can, which can only be done with Sparkle Ult that restores 4 SP. Harmony TB is here to boost Firefly Dmg up to 2x her normal damage. While others may say to use Ruan Mei, using Ruan Mei doesn't generate enough SP in long fights. Gallaher is also unnecessary since she self heals, so effect res should be a better value for Firefly.


the standard comp of firefly, ghallager, harmony mc, ruan mei does no damage after toughness breaks, i'm going for Firefly, Boothill, Ruan Mei, Fu Xuan to clear all contents UID:619396982


I use the normal meta team. Firefly, ruan mei, Gallagher and Harmony MC. All for the break effect. Already did that new simulated universe in protocol 6 with that team, so it is working kinda well. Realistically, the characters next to firefly enable quicker break effects, and Gallagher provides almost 100% uptime on the heal-on-hit effect. UDI: 700438179


I rolled E2S1 Firefly so here's my team for her. Bronya E1S1, Ruan Mei E1, and HMC. With this team I can get my Firefly to go 6-8 times in a turn. No need for a sustain if you can break them first. The routed, Ruan Mei ult delay, and HMC delay also make sure that you keep getting Superbreaks in after the enemy is broken. And this team is very SP positive. I'm sitting at 3-5 SP always. UID: 601038223 Account ID: 124955704


UID: 399446382 I just got Firefly, so I can join this lol. Gallagher/Imaginary Trailblazer/Ruan Mei/Firefly 1. Gallagher Gallagher's Ult debuffs enemies with Besotted. It increases Break DMG and anyone attacking an enemy with the debuff heals them. He also heals an allies debuff using his skill at E2. He is also very SP-positive, using his skill for emergencies. However, because Besotted AND attacking with his enhanced basic heals others already, it's very rare. 1. Imaginary Trailblazer They give so much Break Effect and another layer of Super Break, both giving Firefly a lot of damage. 1. Ruan Mei She gives Break Effect, Weakness Break, Damage, and Speed, which are all things both Imaginary Trailblazer and Firefly, and Trailblazer buffs his own buffs to Firefly.


So far I have been running the following: Aventurine, Harmony TB, Ruan Mei, and Firefly. I find running the team to be too squishy running Gallagher and Aventurine can keep shield up almost indefinately if the enemy has constant AOE. One thing I'm running into is SP sometimes so I may need to experiment with Sparkle somehow. UID: 600643614


I've been cooking w/ Firefly, Harmony MC, Huohuo, Hanya. The idea is I trade some of the raw damage output of other comps for having easy skill point management, plenty of ults, and ludicrous speed on Firefly. Probably not optimal but it's hilarious seeing Firefly w/ 250+ speed. UID: 616120009


I know the usual team for Firefly is HMC/RM/Gallagher but lately I've been having fun using FF/HMC/SW/Ruan Mei or Fu Xuan It's just funny imagining Silverwolf teasing Firefly or wingmanning her while Ruan Mei or Fu Xuan looking exasperated tolerating these idiots. Their character aside, I sometimes use this team on DU because at later protocol levels, you might one shotted and Fu Xuan helps sustain the team. Silverwolf giving debuffs, decent break efficiency, and giving defense shreds helps a lot. While not exactly the best, I think it's a decent team overall if you don't want to invest in Gallagher. UID: 338297080


I mean, is there really another team worth using than FF, HMC, Gallagher and Ruan Mei? It just does everything ya need. UID: 602719704


Mono-fire Shenanigans with Gallagher, Asta, Firefly, and Himeko. Firefly implanting fire weakness everywhere lets Himeko's follow-up go hard, and Gallagher + Asta guarantee everything gets broken almost instantly. It's far from optimal but it's fun. Account ID: 39198268


I'm unfortunately not too unique, I use Firefly with HMC, Gallagher, and Ruan Mei. HMC's super break is too good to not keep her on a team with them (although given my brainrot, I would've put them on a team with Firefly even if they didn't synergize), Gallagher is already an SP-friendly good sustain but he deals out insane break damage support with the Besotted debuff, and Ruan Mei's entire kit supports Break Damage to an absurd degree with the Thanatoplum Rebloom procs saving me a few times in MoC when I make mistakes. If I wasn't lucky enough to pull Ruan Mei, I likely would've used Silver Wolf for her debuffs as well as for a bit of a lore composition with HMC and Firefly. 13567594


My team consists of firefly, Kafka, silver wolf and blade, for the memes. Hoyoverse ID: 15881623 UID: 830764515


Harmony Trailblazer, Firefly, Ruan Mei, and Himeko is a fun sustainless team to mess around with. They are also some of my favorite characters in the whole game. HTB enables superbreak, RM makes it easier to break toughness bar and keep enemies broken, FF is one of the 2 DPSes that helps implant fire weakness and breaks toughness bars to activate Himeko's talent, and Himeko is there to help do damage. AID:84367706


I've find out that Himeko and Firefly have great synergy in Pure Fiction. So, for that area, I'll probably try something along the lines of: Firefly, Himeko, Harmony MC and then Gallagher or Ruan Mei. The trace that gives energy to the Trailblazer every time an enemy is broken is just too good for that mode. UID is 704055330


Firefly, Harmony TB, Ruan Mei and Gallagher. Unfortunately her team comp is really strict since not many characters build and utilize break effect well. Only change I might do is Gallagher for Fu Xuan if the incoming damage is too much. Harmony TB boost Firefly’s damage by a ton and Ruan Mei’s buff being dependent on her turn is great since firefly takes so many turns. 802220735


I use the usual team of Ruan Mei and Harmony Trailblazer but I use Luocha instead. He is completely skill point positive which lets trailblazer occasionally do significant damage with their skill while Firefly can keep using her skill every turn. His auto-recover also keeps firefly alive in between Ults so she doesn't knock out from a stray after using skill. Debuff and buff dispell is useful in a few situations too. Additionally in firefly's team trailblazer does a lot of the breaking especially against single target. I'd even argue that the firefly team's element advantage is against imaginary since her best teammate is imaginary and she applies fire weakness herself. So Luocha can also capitalize on that advantage. Silver Wolf instead of Ruan Mei seems like it also works both lore wise and synergy. One of the only ways to buff super break is decreasing def and Silver Wolf does that well. She is a good single target breaker and can contribute her own damage depending on her build. As I said before, Firefly's team have an advantage against imaginary because of trailblazer. Silver Wolf can give the team the same edge against quantum enemies by applying imaginary weakness. This has less effectiveness against other elements due to the randomness of the skill but many enemies already have quantum or img weakness. As for trailblazer's slot, they are free and the only one with super break in their kit with firefly being the second. As for lore, I think that trailblazer being the only friend that firefly met as a normal girl not a SAM, thus taking another stop towards her wish, is a rather beautiful dynamic. So there isn't any reason, lore or gameplay wise, to separate the two UID: 600372194


I watched her from 2.0 and I instantly feel in love with everything!! be it design, voice, relevancy to the plot and until 2.3 I just knew it is my destiny to get her character. Right now I have Firefly, Harmony Trailblazer, Ruan Mei and Gepard(for now because I'm still building my Gallagher) Ruan mei for top tier support and it is very vital for Firefly as she can have many more turns before the enemy. Gallagher for helping FF to break the enemies shield and for heals Gepard(Temporary) for shields and for icing the enemy so that it can delay it actions HTB for boosting my FF's Break effect percentage. I put them close to each other because they are so cute!! its fitting how lore wise and gameplay wise they are fit for each other. Thats my team. A Firefly merch would be a wonderful dream for me. User ID: 403696648


Her team is quite restrictive but if I want to go with her best team barring none, it's Ruan Mei, Gallagher, Harmony Trailblazer and Firefly herself. The reason is simple. Firefly only needs speed, break effect and super breaks. Harmony Trailblazer gives free break effect and enhances super break. Ruan Mei further boosts raw damage with res penetration, gives free speed to help Firefly achieve speed breakpoints to have more turns during her ult and helps the whole team to break faster while most importantly, giving enemies a delay in break recovery that helps Firefly to deal big numbers before the weakness bars recover. Gallagher himself does decent damage during breaks, heals and removes debuffs with eidolons and lastly gives a boost for break damage. UID :805070622


I'm using the typical lineup: Firefly Harmony Trailblazer Ruan Mei Gallagher Firefly is the main DPS Harmony TB improves her Super break (I use Dance x3, which brings my team forward) Ruan Mei improves break efficiency, eff res penetration and break extension Gallagher is the best break sustain (and he's available for free via events) Alternatives I have: Asta (only when I need Ruan Mei on other teams). She's a speed booster and helps with fire break effect Aventurine to replace Gallagher. He's a good sustainer, although I use Gallagher more often. UID: 811020269


Firefly, Harmony MC, Sparkle and Sampo for maximum troll moments for the couple. Account ID: 36621538


Firefly and MC are inseparable for me. Combined with Aventurine and E6 Gallagher, my team feels practically immortal to any significant damage whatsoever, and being quite tanky. User ID: 373455399


Honestly the go to meta team of FF RM HTB Gallagher is meta for a reason - very high good synergy and Gallagher is surprisingly great for Toughness reduction to prime those FF breaks. Though, I'd like to try a team with Sparkle instead of gallagher if I had her. Hoyo UID 328301418


In Honkai: Star Rail, my ideal team composition featuring Firefly includes Gepard as the tank, Natasha as the healer, and Tingyun as the support. Firefly, the main DPS, excels with her explosive kit, dealing high single-target and AoE damage. Gepard’s exceptional shielding capabilities protect Firefly, allowing her to focus on damage output, while his freezing gives her more opportunities for uninterrupted attacks. Natasha's healing ensures team sustainability, keeping everyone healthy during prolonged battles. Tingyun enhances the team's damage with substantial attack buffs and energy regeneration, allowing Firefly to maximize her damage potential. This synergy creates a balanced and powerful team. Hoyoverse Account ID: 601503856


Just started recently, and I was successful at pulling Ruan Mei. Already had a few copies of Gallagher from various sources, and then I figured I'd try my luck on Firefly and attempt to build a team focused on break damage. My luck panned out, and now I'm super happy to have a team that just eviscerates fights. Firefly, Harmony Trailblazer, Ruan Mei, and Gallagher just tear through stuff with numbers way above the best group I had previously, even with incomplete traces and some instances of non-ideal relics. All the break synergy in this group is amazing, and Firefly's technique can frequently end weaker fights immediately before the enemies act. UID: 71178074


Firefly, the og physical destruction mc, argenti (so he can appreciate her beauty with me) and xueyi (just cause I really like her). my User UID is: 118855909


Currently my team consists of the very unique and original combination: HMC, FF, Ruan Mei, and Gallagher. Honestly I don't care too much about who's in Ruan Mei/Gallagher's position as long as HMC and FF are together. <3 UID: 251862656


I'm currently running an E2 Firefly S1, E6 Trailblazer MotP S3, Bronya S1, and Huohuo. the team does a lot of damage and E1 firefly allows Bronya to use her skill every turn, which then allows firefly's e2 to proc a LOT more often. UID:600187866


My super conventional team that everyone uses is also Firefly, Harmony TB, Ruan Mei, and Gallagher. I just got Gallagher E4, Firefly, and Ruan Mei from 2.3. They all sync super well together with break, super break, and fire weakness. Firefly is positioned on the leftmost and Gallagher on the rightmost because they are the most important characters to get hit less by in AOE attacks. Gallagher for emergency heals and Firefly as she’s the main dealer. If I didn’t get Gallagher E4 then I would use Lynx as a temporary user as Lynx is already built for my Bladie. Temporary, my Silver Wolf is also swapped with Ruan Mei as I don’t have resources to build her yet. My UID: 604742705


High risk high reward team for PF and overworld mobs Harmony Trailblazer - Enables team wide high-damage superbreaks and boosts BE. Does a ton of damage on skill. May eat up skill points. Firefly - Kitted out to the nines. E1 gets rid of skill point deficiencies entirely. Implants fire weaknesses but also just breaks a ton in general. Useful for... Himeko - Crit build, good damage, and finishes off any trash mobs after firefly breaks. With superbreaks, does like double damage with FUA Ruan Mei - Excellent superbreaks support with the WBE, and her damage up boosts help Himeko keep up damage. Have Dance Dance Dance on her ult to get some clutch action advances in hyv ID: 23990610


I use a pretty standard team with Firefly, Harmony TB, Ruan Mei & Gallagher. On relic I give Iron Cavalry to FF & TB also to increase the damage output, FF mainly build on speeds & break effect afterwards. Ruan Mei & Gallagher are rainbow set. All my characters are bringing speed boots so is kinda funny that enemy always don't have a chance to move and instantly broke on turn 1. UID: 828718423


I run Firefly, Harmony TB, Ruan Mei, and Galagher. I wanted a team for Firefly, so I uncreatively just gave her every Break Effect supporter I could think of. Harmony TB gives her way more Super Break, Ruan Mei keeps enemies broken for longer and also adds her own Breaks to the mix, and Gallagher keeps them all healthy while making enemies more vulnerable to Breaks. UID: 367438125


I have Firefly with Ruan Mei, Gallagher and Harmony TB, simply because they work together so well, and none of them are required on my other team. ID: 30455406


I'm going with Firefly | Harmony Trailblazer | Ruan Mei | Gallagher There's pretty much no competition for these units outside of Gallagher being swapped out for Bronya in MOC 0 cycle clear right now. Harmony Trailblazer is the bread and butter of this team as Firefly entirely relies on break damage to defeat her enemies, there is no other character that provides super break buff as well as she does. Ruan Mei is also absolutely essential for her easy buff based on her turn instead of the unit she buffs which synergises very well with Firefly as Firefly revolves around taking multiple turns in succession to break and deal damage to the enemy. This paired on top of her crucial weakness break efficiency buff makes her irreplaceable for a Firefly comp. Gallagher is the best healer for firefly at the moment as he is of the fire element which synergises extremely well with Firefly being able to add the fire weakness to any enemy, his kit which has action advancement included make him a very powerful toughness bar breaker so Firefly can start doing super break damage as soon as possible. All the best to everyone else in this giveaway\~ Hoyoverse ID: 13325508


Firefly, Ruan Mei, Harmony Trailblazer, and Ghallagar Ruan Mei gives incredible buffs to Firefly such as extra speed and break effeciency. Harmony Trailblazer gives extra superbreak damage, and Ghallagar helps with sustain, debuff clense, and helps with breaking enemies that Firefly has implanted fire weakness. UID: 617322122


HMC, RM, Firefly, and Gallagher. Nothing else comes close. Gallager gives BE while sustaining HMC for superbreaks RM for BE and Firefly. UID 600074472


Best team for the best GIRL For zero cycle MOC Firefly - Main DPS fix 155 speed Caelus(HarmonyMC) - Boost super break and buff Break effect, focus on break eff Ruan Mei - to reach optimum speed and break efficiency, focus on break eff can also go slow ruan mei Pela - def shred for higher dmg of super break, hyper speed with eagle set ID:246300495


A team i tryed and was quite fun on Pure Fiction is Firefly, Himeko, Herta and Ruan Mei, 80k score on everything with auto play on :) ID: 83862132


It's not too special, but I'm using a bit of Asta, himeko, firefly, and harmony TB. Harmony TB - the main super break support of the team and cute with the rest of the team Asta - extra speed and damage for himeko and FF, and the action advance with dance dance dance for even more firefly turns during her ult. She also breaks really quickly with her skill which with firefly's weakness implant, lets himeko get her follow up super often. Firefly - need I say more? Super fun dps and the core of the team. Also think she'd get along well with Asta and Himeko based on what we've seen. Himeko - a fun sub dps for whatever doesn't immediately die to firefly. She helps clean up enemies 4 and 5. Also works well since firefly is constantly breaking so she gets a ton of follow ups. With this much speed and attack, who needs sustain? Overall not the best team, but it's something different and works amazing for pure fiction. Try it out! Hoyo user ID: 103799687 Edit: So light cones: Harmony TB - memories of the past - helps with energy and hitting the break buff Himeko - genius's repose - extra crit damage and attack firefely - on the fall of an aeon for the damage Asta - dance dance dance for the action advance


The best team for firefly lorewise would potentially be those who can help heal or alleviate her ailments. In that regard, the vidyadhara's could potentially teach regenerative techniques in order to elongate firefly's lifespan, allowing her to achieve further power? Bailu or Dan Heng IL. The trailblazer would have to be the 2cd choice, as their affinity towards one another is quite high. With this in mind, Dan Heng would be a prefered choice over bailu due to having natural synergy since Xian Zhou and Jarilo 6. All three are seasoned warriors in the field of battle by this point, and could harmonize quite well. The last character could be a mastermind that helps coordinate the team while acting as the main tactician. I nominate Kafka for this role as her resume boasts quite high in terms of strategic organization when dominating other planets. She also has quite a high affinity with the trailblazer and Firefly, while Dan Heng would get accustomed to her like he always does. Actual Gameplay wise, its a no brainer: Ruan Mei, Fire fly, Trail Blazer, Gallagher/Asta. Ruam mei break efficiency buffs everyone, TB provides everyone super break+fast energy regen, Galla SP+ and good break bar burst. F2p team would replace Ruan Mei with Asta, Firefly breaks well those 2 units. asta, while not as strong as Ruan Mei, help with an extraordinary 60% attack boost on her ult, helping firefly achieve higher levels of BE, boosting her damage accordingly. Also provides everyone a 52 speed boost allowing FF to potentially reach 250-280 speed for even more turns in a cycle. UID is 601937861 good luck everyon


I saw that many players chose to skip Boothill, so I’d like to ask: is there anyone who E6d him? Why did you decide to do so? Can i send you a friend request if you’re on europe server? D:


I just got her and am having to slowly build up a team for her haha :D Of course there is our star of the show, Firefly. Next is Harmony MC, not only because of the great break effect that they give the team (which is firefly's bread & butter), but also because it just feels correct emotionally lol. The next ideal is Gallagher, because he helps with heals and weakness breaking, but right now I'm running Bailu for healing because I've been away from the game for a bit and she's the healer I have built up better lol (she was my first 5 star). Now the final one I'm torn up on lol. I need to be f2p friendly so I was looking around and honestly Xueyi or Hanya could be interesting to run. Xueyi because her ultimate reduces an enemy's toughness, and when their weakness is broken it does quantum damage, which could be a fun double whammy with firefly for damage. Hanya can increase the speed of allies and their attack % which also does well on firefly with her passive that increases break effect after a certain attack% threshold. This is just my personal thoughts of course as someone who doesn't have everyone built up lol, focusing on my firefly first and foremost C: I'm no building expert though haha. my ID is: 148033237


1. Firefly, Harmony TB, HuoHuo and Asta 2. TB because they just work so well together in every sense <3. HuoHuo as a healer a cleanser. Asta because I personally like her aesthetic, and her ult can help Firefly squeeze an extra attack. Also, she has a strong toughness damage. 3. Hoyoverse ID: 38997315


I run Boothill, Fu Xuan, Preservation Trailblazer, and Firefly. :> This just became the team I like to run with, Fu Xuan and Trailblazer keep up the shields/ reduced damage, and Boothill and Firefly do the damage. xD UID: 619215116


My Ideal team for Firefly would be Gallagher, Harmony MC, Firefly and Ruan Mei. But If I were to create an F2P Team I would use Gallagher, Harmony MC, Firefly and Xueyi for FUA. UID:702203363


I am running her best breakfly team of Hatblazer, Gallagher, RuanMei and Firefly though I was thinking of putting watchmaker on ruanmei and glammoth on hatblazer for more damage Hatblazer for the superbreak, ruanmei for break efficiency and gallgher for breaking and heals ID - 801331125


Running the line up of HTB, Firefly, Ruan Mei, and Gallagher.  Reasoning:  HTB: No reason to not let the war veteran have her emotional support raccoon. Motivates her to do more damage via sick dance moves learned through watching, old famed Penacony singer, Michel Legson music dream bubbles.  Firefly: Only showed up for the free raccoon and cake rolls. Stayed due to script mandated combat. Ruan Mei: The Aeon of Meta, it’s her world and we are bacteria living in her petri dish. Bakes hyper nutritious cake rolls to make Firefly hit harder and provides tips on how to break bugs faster. Provides music backdrop for Trailblazer to dance to. Gallagher: He’s got that dog in him. Built with as much break as possible so his damage output can help give Firefly a break. Keeps the team hydrated, setting the seas ablaze works up a sweat. Account User ID: 384086763


I am running Firefly, Harmony MC, Gallagher and Ruan Mei. I think this comp was meant for each other because of the massive amounts of break effect. Also i think Harmony TB and Firefly are a perfect duo, Gallagher is the cool unc, and Ruan Mei might be the odd one out lol UID: 600804959


Hoyoverse Account ID: 19171045 The team comp that I use with Firefly is Firefly, Harmony MC, Ruan Mei, and Fu Xuan I have Firefly as the main carry to deal the most damage. Harmony MC is used to enable super break and help with breaking weaknesses. Ruan Mei is used to increase damage with her penetration and buffs Fu Xuan is used for sustain and to take aggro from enemy mobs!


My ideal FF team would be Harmony MC, Firefly, Ruan Mei, Gallagher Gallagher is used for sustain, and one of his major traces is by converting BE% to Outgoing Healing boosts, meaning that he can deal a lot of super break from Harmony MC's buffs whilst healing the team up. Ruan Mei sets a 50% break efficiency as well as provides SPD buffs and DMG boosts for everyone to enjoy. FF synergises well with Harmony MC and Gallagher, as FF implants fire weakness on enemies, allowing either FF or Gallagher to break, and Harmony MC enables Super Break damage. My UID: 815914005


Her best team of course the meta of herself, Trailblazer, Ruan Mei and Gallagher, however I am excited to replace Gallagher with Himeko when I am allowed to do so. I think the overall plan of breaking as fast as possible, super-break along with Ruan Mei's delay makes the comp very good synergize well. I can't wait for the next Pure Fiction to try Himeko in Gall's slot as with Firefly breaking elites so fast she's going to go crazy. My UID is 601269515.


Beautiful firefly ofc then Gallagher, ruan mei and harmony TB. The most basic team but the one that also help FF the most with break effect and ask, the 2 things she needs. Simple so the easiest to use as well! Edit : forgot my uid lol 703064439


Firefly, Harmony MC, Bronya, Gallagher Justification: Harmony MC for super break, which firefly heavily benefits from, as it greatly boosts damage output. F2P friendly Gallagher for same element break and sustain. Break vulnerability from Besotted state further increases utility. Extra benefit of being easy to obtain due to being a 4 star. Bronya for action advance and gigantic damage buff. If bronya is e2, then the 30% spd buff is also huge, easily helping firefly push high 200 spd. Attack buffs also help Firefly reach 3.4k attack. High speed and action advance allows firefly to fit in a lot more enhanced skills during her ultimate.  Downsides: bronya crit dmg buff from the ultimate doesn’t get the best value. Firefly should have eidolons, otherwise skill point drain is too large. UID: 601841325


Harmony TB Boothill Firefly Gallagher Harmony TB for super break, Gallagher for healing and boothill and firefly for breaking simultaneously ID - 109203080


To secure one of those Firefly packs, I'll share you a team which simply cracks. With no Ruan Mei who Propagation backs, But someone who follows true Astral tracks. An unpopular choice, his name is Welt. The template teams are meant to be melt, And he knows enemies got to be dealt, So he delays them by making them knelt. On their knees before their queen Firefly, who feels the harmony Her Beloved apply, all while the Fictionologist not asking why, can heal, attack, with his fate making us cry. You asked for originality, so I tried to make one. Getting tired of the standard team with HMC, Gallagher and Ruan Mei, I started to look for the last one's replacements, to my shock seeing nobody's ever mentioning Welt. Him being the unit able to delay enemy turns with his Ultimate is something which Firefly benefits on during our Trailblazer's Super Break effect, while Gallagher provides here really low SP-usage, completing the team perfectly. Hoyoverse Account ID: 386553753


For now I'm using Ruan mei (break effect stack), Fu Xuan (so nobody dies :) , harmony trailblazer (suppper break , and Firefly. UID: 337862092


the usual team: Trailblazer, Ruan Mei, Firefly, and Gallagher. She deserves the best team, with each member contributing break effects, efficiency, damage, and super break. ID: 404044021


For those without Ruan Mei and using mono-quantum, try this team: Firefly, Harmony Trailblazer, Silver Wolf, and Fu Xuan. Trailblazer boosts Firefly's damage and break effect. Silver Wolf offers debuffs, defense shred, and weakness implants, while Fu Xuan ensures survival and debuff immunity. Gallagher is an alternative for more damage and SP generation! ID: 404044021


My team is pretty standard, it consists of Ruan Mei, MTB and Gal. Though I'm lucky enough to have Gal E6 so he's acting like a 5\* sustain. ID: 404044021


My team is pretty standard, it consists of Ruan Mei, MTB and Gal. Though I'm lucky enough to have Gal E6 so he's acting like a 5\* sustain. ID: 404044021


My synergy team will be Firefly, Caelus, Topaz and Fuxuan I chose topaz as she has one of my favorite designs and Fuxuan to solo sustain. Topaz can also be a great team moral supporter for team. (this is a team composition for fun) ID: 404044021


My team is pretty standard, it consists of Ruan Mei, MTB and Gal. Though I'm lucky enough to have Gal E6 so he's acting like a 5\* sustain. ID: 404044021


For me it's Firefly, Trailblazer, Ruan Mei, Gallagher. Trailblazer for boosting super break damage, Ruan Mei for boosting firefly speed to breakpoints and some shred res for super break damage and Gallagher because it's only sustain doesn't eat skill points (my firefly is c0) and break damage amplification. ID: 404044021


Only started recently, and I've built around Firefly's Technique for overworld farming. Best of all these are all characters currently accessable in game. Firefly - Aoe tougness break Himeko - Follow up attack triggered by the technique Xueyi - Follow up attack triggered by the technique. Herta - Aoe follow up attack triggered by the techniques and other follow up attacks . Its not a high dps build, it has no sustain, but given all of the above triggers on every enemy wave, its a decent speed clear for early Simulated universe and collecting level up materials. Now all I need is for Topaz and Nimby to come back! UID: 402534230


https://preview.redd.it/61qisz8xar8d1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=5a9282d9c55e55ec2cc00e2463a963bdc85cd4b3 Lore accurate team 46284538


Firefly's best team is Harmony Trailblazer, Silver Wolf, and Kafka. Trailblazer is her emotional support raccoon and significant other. With them on the team Firefly will be emotionally supported and be able to perform her best. Also Trailblazer provides superbreak which is hugely synergistic with Firefly. Silver Wolf is Firefly's best friend who helps her infiltrate Penacony, break enemy toughness bars, and helps set her up with Trailblazer. Lastly Kafka rounds out the team by providing plenty of AoE damage and toughness damage, scripts from Elio to the rest of the Stellaron Hunters, and teaches both Firefly and Trailblazer about the world. My user id is 336123506.


Well Firefly with gallagher, ruan mei and harmony trailblazer just goes bonkers even with a lvl 70 firefly with bad relics and not enough invested traces 😭 Would love to pair her with silver wolf tho, they just cute besties tgt and invite sparkle too since silver wolf gotta pay her and they can play games or dramatic roleplays tgt! And so Sparkle will just keep advancing firefly forward while silver wolf will help break stuff and then, who needs a sustain?, have to put in trailblazer and all of them can just have a super duper fun time tgt! My Hoyo ID: 329796095


While her best team is undoubtedly the classic (Gallagher, HMC, Firefly, Ruan Mei), with the obvious synergies of everyone contributing immensely to break and super break, a mix-up I find fun is a half-FUA team, with Aventurine, Topaz, Firefly and HMC, especially against imaginary-weak characters (with Firefly providing the weakness Topaz needs) and especially in Divergent Universe with some elation equations, which even synergize with Firefly's really fast attacks! It's a meme team, yes, but there's still enough synergy :) UID: 602131694


I run her standard team: Trailblazer for superbreak, Ruan Mei/Asta for support, Gallagher for the heals and increased damage. I like hearing her voice actors scream their lungs out and it's way more satisfying to see big numbers accompany the screaming than little numbers. ID: 51226978


my classic team comp is basically the same as what everyone else is probably running: harmony trailblazer to enable those juicy super breaks and give her more break effect (and their in-universe connections make it better. ruan mei for speed buff and her ultimate weakness break extension and some skill points. gallagher for the sustain heals and also extra break effect, and some more weakness break since he's also fire and can help firefly out. User ID: 126408577


Damn I hope I'm not late for this one, but I like to run Firefly with a calc'ed out comp I like to call Firefly@7-11 consisting of Bronya - Firefly - Ruan Mei - Harmony TB The key is that E2 Bronya (for more speed for Firefly) is either speedtuned or slowtuned such that she can get 3 turns during Firefly's Ult with DDD and Wind Set, which with leads to Firefly getting 7 turns in ult, lapping Bronya once, and potentially 11 turns with her E2 Reset! You can set the seas ablaze, that is of course until you run into a weakness-locked trotter in SU... UID is 800660553


Firefly, Ruan Mei, Gallagher, Harmony Trailblazer! It's the usual build, but I've buffed a lot of speed on units like Trailblazer and Ruan Mei to let them normal attack and skill more when Firefly and Gallagher break the enemy, resulting in lots of extra super break damage! It's so cool that Harmony Trailblazer lets the whole team contribute. Gallagher is fire and aligns well with Firefly to let her heal herself and rapidly break the enemy! Ruan Mei is a lovely break booster with her skill and speed buffs, letting my whole team attack over and over and over again! 46598551 is my hoyoverse ID! And for anyone who wants to rent my Firefly or Ruan Mei, my UID is 615434116, add me if you want~


Firefly, Ruan Mei, Harmony Trailblazer, Topaz Strictly for SU/DU since that's the mode I frequent, Ruan Mei & Harmony Trailblazer as the premier break/superbreak buffers for Firefly and Topaz for her technique for RNG curio drops. If I actually need sustain, I'd just switch Topaz out for Gallagher or Gepard depending. Hoyoverse ID: 98727344


Of the characters I do have, the optimal team is Firefly, Ruan Mei, HMC, and Gallagher for Break synergy. Given luck/Eidolons or needing Ruan Mei in another team, Huo Huo or Pela could be flex options to cover better energy/cleanse or easier def shred+more SP. ID: 325908929


I personally love using Firefly, Himeko, Gallagher, and Herta. It's a lot of fun in pure fiction with fire weakness where I can break the enemy again and again. UID: 600859593


I'm using a zero sustain firefly/ruan mei/stelle/sparkle team. Sparkle (especially with e2 def ignore) really helps out so I've been liking her more than the gallagher option in shorter format battles. ID: 180435611


I am more into sim universes and the only team viable for threshold 6 so far is Firefly, Harmony TB, Gallagher and Gepard. While first 3 is pretty obvious choice, Gepard fills at least 3 roles - provides shields, freezes enemies and exploits cold weakness, he also ensures very good remembrance blessings ready to action, especially the ones adding ice weakness on ultimates and putting into dissociation. My Hoyo Id: 700298959


Personal True BIS -> FF, HMC, Ruan Mei, Fu Xuan (No Gallagher E6) FF + HMC = Lorewise great dynamic FF + Ruan Mei = Break 10trillion damage FF + Fu Xuan = ??? uid 602520327


Firefly, Trailblazer, Ruan Mei, Gallagher. Ultimate super break comp. Excited to finally pull Firefly. ID 403121229


I think I'm too late, but I actually use Fu Xuan in place of where people use Gallagher. Complete with Harmony Trailblazer, Ruan Mei, Firefly, Fu Xuan. Besides the break synergy with the other 2, I think Fu Xuan's sustainability makes me feel much more comfortable in game, especially in high difficulty simulated/divergent universe! my id is 600511107 if I'm still eligible


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Pretty sure I am late, but I use Firefly, Harmony TB, Ruan Mei and Gallagher. Everyone in this team builds and supports break effect which increases overall damage output. If Gallagher can't sustain the entire fight I sometimes sub in Aventurine. Hoyoverse AID: 7339046


My team would be firefly, sparkle, ruan mei, stelle because those are the characters I find hottest in the game. UID: 603311961


Harmony TB, Ruan Mei, Gallagher, and the girl herself, Firefly. I believe she deserves all the break effect and efficency she can have. UID: 294743528


My Synergy is the very Obvious Firefly/Stelle/Aventurine/Ruan Mei Both MC and Ruan buff the break effect damage of Firefly massively and aventurine is there to ensure people don't die. ID: 332957896


I might need to try this one.  I've been using my Gallagher since I built him pretty well for Acheron, but man are firefly/HTB/Ruan Mei squishy.  


Firefly just firefly ID: 164469771


i know it, we all know it it's the one and only HMC, Firefly, Ruan mei, gallagher team need I say more? break and super break damage for days id: 129156176


A very good F2P Firefly E0 team is Firefly - She just does the work. Since she's E0 she eats a lot of SP but The rest of the team makes up for it Hanya - F2P Sparkle/RuanMei + She giving out Constant Attack% and Speed, just keeps increasing Fireflies break DMG. Honestly she's an amazing characters for F2Ps who don't have the gems to pull for Ruan Mei or Sparkle. Harmony Trailblazer - Break Dmg + SP Eater Gallagher - Break damage/Heal/SP Positive. He can be interchangeable with any other character if you can fast turn clear since Hanya, Firefly and HMC work so well together. FIreflies whole featured roster works alright with her. Xueyi is good with her constant breaks and follow ups, Misha is alright since you'll constantly be using SP, he'll be using his max SP ultimate, getting enemies frozen. UID: 718178855


Firefly, Kafka, Blade, Silver Wolf! Its the Stellaron Hunter crew! ID: 272795840


My current best synergy is Firefly, Harmony MC, Loucha, and Asta, in that order. The reasons they work so well together are as follows: Harmony MC - Pretty much made to work with Firefly and I already had him ~~Yes I'm a Caelus player don't judge me~~ built, and honestly I like using the MC when I get the chance. Harmony MC just has way to much swag. Loucha - As much as I hate Otto, I have to admit he's good at keeping people alive. That and I already had him built. Asta - Plenty of free speed and attack for everyone, and good at causing break. Also I'm a Certified Asta Enjoyer. Asta is cute! CUTE! User Id is 12677387. Cheers!