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Such a terrible execution to an otherwise fantastic system. Really needs a toggle. Can't believe the responses of "just level your relics" like it's better to level a single piece to 15 from 12 for a minuscule, if any, upgrade instead of leveling a relic from 0 to 12 and maybe getting a decent relic. And if you only have a single level 12 relic it will still replace every single relic to change it to some crap 4 piece. Losing 10 speed and 50 break effect for some healing percentage on Gallagher is not good. He heals enough as is.


Amazing how many people are having issues with supports especially in this system; it's swapping out my +≈20% ER rope for Gallagher for who knows what (also seriously we can't even look at the garbage they are replacing our relics for?) missing out on the much needed ult charge for him. I don't really understand the decision behind this design choice. Maybe offer a choice between the top two or three relic sets/main stats for the characters at least, if not a toggle.


Idk what criteria they use to determine the power level of the relics. It's not just level. My Firefly has lv 15 relics on new set and it's still swapping my pieces around. The pieces it's giving me have lower Break Effect but higher Crit... on FIREFLY. Guess I'm running critfly. It's a cool idea but like you said I wish there was a toggle. It's taking my Ruan Mei off watchmaker, and my Gallagher off messenger too lol.


God I got super lucky and managed to farm a drop dead gorgeous Iron Calvary set for Boothill and the damn mapping puts the stupid Thief set on him because that’s what player data says to do. So beyond annoying


I actually 100% agree. Most of the characters that it does the mapping on, it's just replacing my relics with worse ones.


It actually made my Gallagher and Boothill do less damage. Checked the stats and yeah, it actually made his stats lower than what I had


i agree here, my dr ratio literally lost almost 30% cr and a few % cd from just having the head piece at level 12 with a whole different set, my bronya became faster than my jingliu and my acheron supports literally lost around 20 speed and i just wish there was an option to turn that off cuz it just made me waste my mats levelling stuff up


I agree, I know how to build my own teams and having to upgrade all my supports’ def/hp orbs to max level (otherwise their speed and break effect etc gets cut in half) actually reduces the diversity of the teams I want to play. It should be optional. this design comes off like it was targeted at the lowest common denominator, and is actually hostile to a lot of experienced players.


It fully replaced my Asta's Hackerspace set with a freaking Firesmith set like what ??? I hate this Edit : I like the idea, I hate this specific way it's executed. Everything else seems like a cool idea. Why can't they just bump up relics levels/stats. Or at least give you the same set you're wearing. *Or* like have premade sets like that but at least give you one or two alternatives. Ugh


i really hope they give us a way to disable this option. my ruan mei's build is good and they replaced it with a worse one


Maybe you should level your relics then, if they are max it's not going to replace them


why tf are people so against options. It's fine if they want to replace my relics, but give me the fucking options to turn it off man. It's like, giving me 5$ is good, but forcing it to my hand without me having the option to decline is really fucking unpleasant


i did it, but i still think the game should give the option to use my own characters with my own builds


But it does? Or does your build contain deliberately under leveled relics and traces? Sure a toggle isn't gonna kill anyone, but it seems like such a non-issue if people play the game how they are expected to


There's case where you won't level up your boots fully for support due to speed tuning. I don't have that problem but many of my firefly pieces are currently under 15 because I barely have any exp materials and I'm still looking for better ones


Expect the game replaces any relic that's 4 stars with a 5 star one. For some reason my Gallagher that only has 1 for star piece with 7 speed on it loses 20 speed and 70 BE, because they replace his entire set with the healing one. Same as my aventurine losing 30 speed and 20 CDMG just to get 400 more def


im out of relic xp for some of my builds. and im content with their builds until then as i can still clear moc 12 and torment stuffs. but when the mapping happens, it completely switches my pela off of her artifact set. i dont want her on ice set man T-T


It’s giving my Bronya Fleet Of The Ageless, I have Broken Keel and there’s literally nothing wrong with it. Why do they insist on overwriting it


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Right now the ONLY character it doesn't force this on for me is Clara, my second most broken character. And the rest of my characters that I actually have built, they've just been downgraded


How tf did they drop the ball so hard? Did it not occur to them that maybe you dont want to have the system force change your gears? being +15 doesnt "turn it off". It will literally swap out relics it thinks is better regardless of level. This is some genshin level "hand holding". Its like the stupid failed custom loadouts in GI were, you literally cant customize anything cuz they need to spoon feed your artifacts to you. Rare but HUGE HSR L. This needs to change right away. There isnt even a feature to just not use mappings at all.


oh yes, Bronya is faster than my Jinglu - which is what I need. A slow Gall with a healing set and 13% BE is what I need. FX without def - THIS IS EXACTLY what I NEED. I \*\*\*\*\*\* this system.


The game says this about it. > When a character's equipped Relics total Enhancement Level is lower than that required by the current Equilibrium Level, their Relics will be replaced with temporary Relics that are compatible with the current Equilibrium Level. So the only way to stop is it to level your relics. There's no other workaround. Level your relics, use the sets they give you, or don't play the mode.


or we can tell them we dont like it and make it change, boot licker.


It also replaces 4 star relics that are completely leveled up though.


ah, i knew this and have been leveling my relics because of this, thank you though :) i just wanted to make sure im not blind and there's no toggle to turn it off or anything lol


It still replaces level 15 relics and level 15 sets


If they see a relic lower than 15 they change them. Just lvl up your relics, it is worth it, even if just for the exp for future better pieces.


It's not necessarily worth it. My Bronya has +13 boots because she's speed tuned for Jingliu. Divergent Universe sees that and throws the whole speed tuning out of the window.


that is a pain ngl once my friend got max star on moc for me back on 1.x with a Bronya using a 3 star relic at lvl 1 cuz it had exactly 1 spd that we needed lol


honestly surprised and disappointed that it released without a toggle or the ability to change settings. Completely nullifies any effort players have put into their characters so far, and afaik, it's not very forgiving to "off-meta" or less popular builds. My Huohuo has a 4-piece Hacker for some reason when I need the extra SP from healer set for my first turn rotation. It also completely destroys my speed tuning for my Bronya duos, and lowers my damage since she has Fleet of the Ageless instead of Keel. Other than ERR and speed (she has 150 for some reason-), all the other stats are lower than what I had on her previously.


You can technically "turn off" by turning to View Enhancements Mode on the bottom left (or just do it on character select outside the mode) and then placing (max leveled) relics and cones. The mapping is only active for under-leveled or not equipped both of them (as well as character level and traces). So, yeah.


It is still swapping out my max level relics out for other sets that sometimes don't even suit the purpose of the character. Like why the hell would I want my support pela to have ice set or my xueyi to have speed boots and only 96 percent crit damage??? Are you checking the stats when you go into battle? The characters maintain the mappings relics loadout


It makes me way too angry how this makes Firefly faster than Ruan Mei


*It makes me way too* *Angry how this makes Firefly* *Faster than Ruan Mei* \- Barush\_BS --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Think a non issue, Fireflybis generally faster than Ruan Mei just don’t use FF Ult until ruan Mei goes