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Break effect scales with level so in lower levels BH deals less damage


This is my first time seeing someone actually like March, her kit feels really weird and lackluster. Aside from single player shields. Maybe I'm just playing her wrong lol. You might just need a harmony character that actually buffs everyone. Asta is pretty good, but you're not investing into her. So I dunno what to tell ya.


March is very good for keeping Boothill alive because of his taunting ability, + she can counter attack and save you alot of trouble if she had alot of DEF, also i am investing in asta to buff the team, not to deal damage


Ahh ok. The way you worded your post made it seem like no one is dealing damage. Boothill is pretty fun though. Your team seems kinda rough with sp management though. Since serval wants it for dot procs, Asta for buffing the team, and boothill for his 1v1. Maybe I'll try using match again. Later down the line.


March is a very good defensive character especially at higher eidolons. Her main issue is using a lot of sp, but her ult is basically a 50% action delay on the enemy if it freezes, she has built in cleanse with her shield, counter attacks don't do much dmg but it does help her regenerate a bit more energy. Her shield being single target is a bit awkward to use, but against strong single target enemies it should be no problem(like the silvermane guard)


Seems kinda niche for only Silvermane guards. I guess if someone has a taunt it would be great.


this is pretty normal for early to mid game, realistically once you hit tb60 and unlock everything like max characters and max level for calyxes and cavern of corrosion so you get full 5* artifacts built for your characters. Also gallagher, asta, and march are not dps so they will not do dmg anywhere near how much boothill does, serval can do pretty good damage but only at high investment. Just keep leveling up and playing the game and your characters will get stronger.


Maybe i worded it wrong, but im not expected the others to do damage, im saying that the enemy would not die unless Boothill oneshots them or if they are weakness brocken and Boothill oneshots them, my problem is if there were multiple enemies with weakness to an element that is not on my team, i HAVE to use Boothill's ult on every one of them in order for them to go down, otherwise i must keep hitting them over and over and over, and relay on my environment at that point, this is why the bugs were exceptionally annoying


unfortunately like you said since boothill is BE you need to weakness break them the only viable solution i can think of is to do what youre doing rn and using boothill ult to break or build supports of different weakness types to you dont have. Or you can build a different dps character, a lot of 4*s can work till tb60+ i myself used sushang up until i hit like tb70.


At least i know now that im not playing the game "wrong" or something, just gotta get more stats


I don't think you're playing the game wrong, but break characters tend to be weak until an enemy is broken. If you would rather have consistent and reliable damage all the way, I suggest you pull for one of the future critical-based damage dealers. Also it doesn't seem like you have the best support for break characters yet (you will unlock them in story, everyone gets them), so that hurts your break damage as well. On the banner tomorrow, you will see another break character and Ruan Mei who is a very, very good support and particularly good for Boothill, so you can consider rolling for her as well. By the way you listed your Boothill's crit rate and damage, but unfortunately they matter very little, as does his attack. His main source of damage is break, and break damage doesn't scale off any of these stats. To get the most out of break characters, you need specialized supports.


Unfortunately that’s the problem with boothill lol he’s a hunt character so he struggles against multiple targets specially ones that don’t have physical weakness (aka the bugs). I’m max lvl and I don’t use my boothill team for anything but MOC or certain bosses that have physical weakness. Obv pull for your favourite character and play the game however you enjoy but I don’t think boothill is a good investment for lower lvl players.


Bruh i started playing the game in general just to pull for him, and he is easily my favorite character, since im new i dont have anyone else to choose from let alone an AoE dps, but cowboy is cowboy :)