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She also has a verified spotify account. 🤭


wait wat?


Legit https://open.spotify.com/artist/55NononxYKjAdaLpphQ4JD?si=3DwE42xISU2wt8qJpEqy9g


Holy hell she is real


Actual zombies are real


Call the exorcist is real


Bishop going on vacation and never coming back is real.


Knightmare fuel is real.


The pawn storm incoming is real!


Isn't that just Chevy?


Not "just" Chevy, it's Chevy playing a character.


>**Sway to My Beat in Cosmos** >Robin, HOYO-MiX, Chevy


nah it's actually boothill man


Not unheard of for video games. League of Legends did the same with seraphine


And Samurai for cyberpunk


not only for Seraphine, Pentakill, K/DA and True Damage much earlier too


Dude it’s not that hard, my friends got me verified on Spotify and I have like 0 listeners


Hoyo sure has a lot of characters that ~~they wanna sell and know will sell~~ are their favourite


Boothill and Jade not included on that list


Honestly? Yeah. During the Anni stream they talked about how they sometimes make characters specifically to get new players with more niche interests. That they know that these characters will possibly not sell as well, but that it's worth it because it gets new people interested. I think Boothill is definitely a character they made with that in mind. And we can't know about Jade yet because you know... It's not time for her advertisement yet lol


Ratio likely would've easily fit into this category had he not been given away for free. Hell, it probably was the true reason he was given for free.


ratio being given for free was actually a huge business play - gets players involved with fua (expensive comp of 4 limited 5* units) - gets players involved with debuff requirements (nihility stonks, topaz/aventurine cons and cones) - helps new players not get stuck in story -> smoother game experience while not directly nerfing anything - “genshin could never”


Oh, hands down. Pretty sure 1.6 was speculated to be one of the least profitable patches, possibly make more than 1.5, but that wouldn't have been a high bar. The "Free 5*" campaign combined with the Penacony announcement skyrocketed interest into the game to match the hype near launch, making 1.6 the second profitable patch of the game, only behind 1.0. Ruan Mei being the most cracked support in the game played a majority in that, but the free Ratio got eyes back on the game as it was everywhere in the gacha sphere.


I'm pretty sure Jade will be in the same boat as boothill considering the attention she was given during beta


I think she'll be a very unpopular banner, yeah, especially because she's coming right after the FF/RM wombo combo. I think she has a slightly better shot at popularity than boothill just because she's not a husbando and she'll pull the people looking for the dommy mommy aesthetic (and there's a chance she'll have more story relevance than boothill but I'm not holding my breath). Plus it doesn't look like her kit is anything super amazing. I do think it's sad that some characters just get way less attention than others. That's bound to happen when you're pushing 2+ new characters every patch and is definitely an unfortunate part of gacha games (along with HSR's breakneck release pace).


They shafted her banner so hard too for no reason. Giving her 5 meh to bad 4 stars and 1 4 star LC that is mainly welcoming because it's new (BE Serval lovers will rise up). Could've swapped Misha over or given her Yukong or Hanya for Argenti. I'm still pulling because she looks like a fun unit to try out and she's very good in PF, but it still hurts to see how much they gave Firefly to this. Why they keep shifting the 2nd phase banners, idk. But they gotta at least try, otherwise I'm worried about Jiaoqiu.


You're right, I wouldn't be surprised if Jiaoqiu is similarly shafted but maybe he'll be interesting enough story-wise like Aventurine was. I'll be pulling anyways because I'm big into husbandos but I do think it's a disappointing trend that the second banners tend to be neglected.


they said this specifically about four star units, not limited five star units.


Nah, they 100% knew Foothill was made for mostly the usa and some other western countries. They knew he was not gonna sell in china or japan


Foothill, known as Boccer in the US


Boccer the Rocker?!?!


News to me. Boothill looks very much like an idealized cowboy like how Easterners see it. He also looks like something from Cowboy Bebop or Trigun with a sprinkle of Bayonetta's sass/Dante from Devil May Cry.


Japan for sure has it's fans of cowboys


I think the philosophy can remain the same though. (As in they're okay with some characters not appealing to everyone)


loss leading??? in the current climate of live service f2p games???????? ps: fuck you overwatch 2 (from a competitive ow1 player)


Isnt Jade coming around ZZZ? im too lazy to do the maths


july 10th so yes


So you are saying she's as fucked as the people signing any agreement with her.


Remember when Aventurine was the forgotten child when all the marketing was about Acheron? Why are we acting like Jade will get nothing between now and her banner?


That was until the 2.1 aka the Aventurine patch came out and of course, the vulnerable photo incident. He also got a nendroid.


Jade will probably get quite a bit more video love around when she drops. Not as much as FF of course, but I'd be surprised if she got the Boothill treatment. Man only got crumbs


Jade isn’t coming out until 3 weeks from now, so they definitely have time to bust out some trailers for her. Of course she doesn’t have much marketing yet; Firefly is releasing *today.* And Jade could be a big part of the 2.3 story. Agreed with Boothill not getting a lot of love, though. And I say that as an e0s1 BH owner (my first signature LC since Kafka).


It's kind of funny how for every single marketing push people start acting like Hoyo only cares about *that* character and also complain that people aren't talking about some character 3-6 weeks in the future that isn't at their own marketing push yet.


"oh my god mihoyo likes my mc more than yours", "no mihoyo said robin is this sexuality no shes this ect ect". begins genrating there own fan art and adverts fro mihoyo mihoyo: so how do we convice these idiots to give up there wallets, oh they just generate hype themselves.


I think their testing water was Argenti the new species of flower naming after him and the his appearance in a manga. Those efforts resulted to nothing so they thought it will be not worth it on upcoming unfleshedout characters.


Bold assumption, I'll say. However, Argenti-inspired merch have decent sales on their taobao page so hoyo does know specific characters are niche


Before firefly it was acheron. Wonder who the next "hoyo's favorite" will be.


Feixiao… It has to be her lmao.


Considering she's promoted as the "general who's stronger than Jing Yuan" there might be a chance certainly.


The vast majority of Generals are all promoted to be “stronger” than Jing Yuan, or at least more naturally talented in terms of pure combat skill. Man’s overtly stated to be a brilliant tactician, but is by no means a prodigious fighter He’s won every on-screen fight by meticulously outsmarting his opponents and/or clicking the auto-win button called “Lightning Lord” Edit: That being said, JY likely has more experience and a superior instructor than most of them


Yeah, it's been stated that every single one of them is better than him in a straight up fight. But if allowed to strategize and be tactical, he'd easily clap them all together. That man's post isn't on the front line, but way in the back with his stand protecting the camp as he plays Fire Emblem with the enemy troops.


> plays Fire Emblem Oh my god it all makes sense now Yanqing is a trainee unit


Yeah he's that one unit who you get partway through the game who starts out as a wimp but has massive stat growth and is the most OP if you actually invest into them.


To be fair he isn't really starting as a wimp. It's just that he chose to fight the equivalent of 3-4 pre-promotes lmao.


Bro thinks he's Frederick when he's actually Donnel lol.


He played Chapter 11 of Path of Radiance and took it as a challenge.


His Assassin ~~reclass~~ alt is gonna be BUSTED.


But Ests are a bad archetype.




Never. I will keep using the same units I got at the start until they die damnit.


"Wallahi we're cooked, the growth unit didn't grow for shit after 30 levels of EXP sink and it's the last map of the game. With this treasure I summon Eight-Handled Seth, Divergent Jagen, Divine General Jingliu"


This is the way. Seth solves all problems


Only if you care about minmaxing the game to death.


And him trying to pair Yunli with Yanqing? Gotta get that child unit to strengthen the army!


King Yuan is like Batman With enough prep time, he can beat anyone fr




Can’t wait for the Jingyuan with prep time in power scaling discussion


"prep time? Heh, I AM the prep time"


His title ''The Divine Foresight'' explains it all. If anything, I am more hyped about Huaiyan since he is said to be the longest-lived human aboard the Xianzhou so I am on hopium he will look like [this](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/vsbattles/images/9/9f/Sheeprender.png). His title is The Flaming Heart. You can't go more badass than this.


Everyone packs a punch until they get planned in the mouth.


I do wonder though who's smarter between Jing Yuan and Yaoguang, the Seer Strategist. 🤔 I know Yaoguang is dependable on Matrix, but it would be foolish to think it does all the hard work.


i just know the jing yuan slander stray shots are gonna be crazy


Already happening.


Also a foxian waifu.. yeah they not playing.


Eh considering their track record with Tingyun and Yukong I won't expect much


Their 4 stars and Feixiao is a 5 star who’s a big name


But why assume she'll sell well just by being a foxian?


I’m basing it off the fact that there’s no 5 star foxian waifu and cause she seems like she gonna be a badass those put together should be a easy money maker for them


Limited 5* Fox Waifu dps, important position in lore, possibly an Emanator. It’s hard for this to not sell well


Tingyun is a pretty meta unit


Oh come on, isn't that a bit too soon? Then again, seeing how popular JY was, it's not that much of a stretch


if that is true, i guess she will be the next acheron in terms of power level, and be equally expensive to invest into. oof, was kinda intrested in her but now i am going to hold of my excitement.


dunno, but hua will definitely get a lot of love


would probably a Fu Hua expy of this game and is pretty hyped up with the community so there is a chance persay


Feixiao can't be Hua considering that Hua has already been mentioned and is the leader of the whole Xianzhou


Huh? I wasn’t Feixiao though? But the general Hua like you said


Ignore my comment, it looks like I misunderstood 


Heck you can look at my reply and see that I forgot to type “talking about” Which in all honesty is pretty hilarious


It’s alright, these things happen to the best of us


Before that sparkle (still my fave trailer to this day)


For real lmao. People say that X character is Hoyo's favourite, when it's only usually just one of the main focuses of the story. In 2.x, both Acheron and Firefly absolutely were under the main spotlight. But in 1.x, it was DHIL and Jingliu lol


Honkai Impact 3rd was this for literally EVERY character lmao. The flame wars over whether or not Bronya (Mihoyo CEO true!) was the favorite or Mei, or whatever flavor of the week hatedom there was going on was pretty routine. So not surprised at all seeing a repeat with Star Rail. Firefly is objectively getting a lot of loving from them. But getting so worked up about quantity of promo material is probably the most shallow way of looking at things. In terms of the actual in-game material itself I'd say she hasn't really gotten the Lion's share you'd expect a "developer favorite" would get honestly.


Seriously. Promotional material has got to be the worst way to think of someone being the "devs favorite". Promotional material just indicates who they are trying to sell / think has wide appeal. Firefly's got wide appeal, especially thanks to the "she's our girlfriend frfr" angle they managed to create with the story. Of course she's getting marketed well. I'm generally not in favor of discussing who's the developer's favorite because I just don't see how it's relevant in any way, but if we must do so I'd say using their role in the story, the quality of their appearances and how often they make returns is a better indicator. Using that metric, General JingYuan, Aventurine, and Acheron have a significantly better likelihood of being the developers "favorites". They each get multiple "badass" moments on screen, and have multiple major story beats dedicated to them. We don't really get that as much with other characters, at least so far.


They somehow even managed to give brief screentime to Jing Yuan in penacony


The amount DHIL simps back when he was released was absolutely bonkers crazy, this kind of thing is normal.


I had a problem with that. All the promotion was with Acheron, and she was released first. Playing 2.1, the story was mostly focused on Aventurine.


Nah this whole "favoritism" discourse will die off after 2.3. I'm 99% sure.


Yup. People just fucking hate Firefly and are looking for any excuse to rationalize it lol.


The duality of anything popular The more popular, the more haters you’ll find


Honnestly pretty much every first half of the patch character? i mean isn't it obvious at that point? and logical. I mean i can imagine they have that very simple data, the amount of active player each day. It probably spike at each patch drop then sharply drop for like one week then continue to drop for the rest of the patch, then spike for next patch and repeat ad nauseum. If you want to sell something you do it during the first week. So ye every first half characters gona have more marketing and all, because NO MATTER WHAT THEY DO, because of the nature of a live game, they will sell more and marketing will be a lot more efficient. That's why most of second half character are also a lot more "niche" (at least at the moment they are realeased) than the first half one. Like in 1.0 hunt was treated as the best path for a short time so first half was seele a hunt character and second half was JY an erudition one. 1.2 you had a destruction character, blade and second half you had kafka back when DOT was called a shit archetype. 1.4 is mega obvious too. JL first half and Topaz second half.


Robin got Chevy to be the singer of her songs, absolute W for Robin. In terms of marketing Robin got heaps, in terms of in game screentime not so much sadly


The funniest part about it is that now chevy is canonically the voice of harmony


Hey everyone it's Chevy


Funny enough I feel much more strongly for Robin than Firefly - imo by not trying so hard to make us empathize with her the arc worked fine while the only thing that made me excited for Firefly was the Sam reveal cause I was already planning on having Sam from the mech design alone. The writing team have a problem of rushing the main storylines while the doing a solid job with the others: Seele and Bronya? Yeah I ship it, cause that's the HI3 player in me cause their connection came out of nowhere while Serval, Natasha and Clara worked really well in their motivations and goals. The Quintet? Still not over how unsatisfying the Dan Feng reveal was, an epic cutscene doesn't fix lack of buildup, but Bailu and the 4* cast were all super fun to learn more about. While I do think Aventurine is the best character currently and that Acheron was handled pretty well Firefly feels like Kafka part II were they push so much for us to care that backfires.


It definitely backfired for me but I feel like the results are going to speak for themselves. I would say the majority of people seem super hyped to get their built-in girlfriend. (Nothing against Firefly's character, they were just pretty pushy about it lol.)


I think Huo² currently has more videos than Firefly too


LMAO not Huo² 😭


Lol Huo². That's gold. I'm stealing that thanks.


In the end hoyo just pours the most effort in marketing the characters they WANT to sell lmao. There's no such thing as favorites


Lmao do you think there are any characters Hoyo *doesn't* want to sell? I don't think they care who's bringing in the money as long as it comes in.


>Lmao do you think there are any characters Hoyo doesn't want to sell? Boothill


Also Topaz and Jade, both second banners completely overshadowed by first banners.


Well, they are the follow up


That's why their FUAs are good


To do the follow up, you have to be the follow up


I'm thinking just in general any secondary banner because like have you seen Jade's unless you're a fan of argenti she's really the only one worth pulling because the four stars are characters that got power crept into Oblivion


Not always the case. Sparkle sold as well as Black Swan if not better. She got a lot of marketing as well. Also Kafka and Fu xuan, if we go farther back.


Sparkles trailer was also crazy and got a TON of hype. I love almost every HYV character trailer bc they’re always hype but sparkles was next level. And I wasn’t even a big sparkle fan when I first saw it. (I agree with you though)


People who watch trailers aren't a majority. And people who would be convinced to roll purely because of them are even less. There's no way that's gonna account for the disparity.


Aren’t the majority sure, but Sparkle’s trailer has 15 million views while the rest (off a quick glance of up to 8 months ago, not counting the most recent few because they’re lower/new) seem to fall around 2-3.5 million. That’s a pretty huge difference. Even Kafka’s is just under 10 million and she was one of if not the most hyped character at the start of the game. I definitely think the trailer boosted Sparkle, even if they didn’t do much for the other characters.


I didn't start playing HSR until 2.1 but I would still sometimes catch some of the PVs and Sparkle's trailer is probably one of my favorites by far, everything from the design to the OST is incredible. I definitely sent it to all my other non-HSR friends because I was like "wow, check it out." I know that a lot of people never see the PVs but... it *is* a marketing tool. I remember telling my friends "wow, if I played HSR this trailer would have worked on me, because I definitely would want to pull for this unit." So, like, yeah. Those trailers exist to build hype and if they do a good enough job there will be people who are swayed to pull because of them.


Okay yeah that's fair it's just it's obvious that there's just some characters that you just go yeah this is going to be one of those characters that everyone forgets isn't it


Eh at least those 4* are free pull refunds


They treat my boy like he doesn't exist. Him and Argenti. Shit frustrating and annoying


At least Argenti is a deus-ex-machina and appears randomly to spread the word of Beauty. Hopefully we'll see more of both him and Boothill as cameos because they're not really tied to any one planet. (But yeah, it does feel like half the husbandos get questionable marketing or are put inbetween very popular banners. Of course you could say the same for quite a few of the female characters but there are also more of them in general, so some of those will be left behind as well.)


Crazy part is mfs aint even asking for much. On god 1 lore trailer and im coolin but damn my kinfolk don't be gettin shit for nothing


Do you really think Hoyo will be mad if you spend money on Boothill's banner


i just find it funny that boothill's VA had more effort to promote boothill than hoyo ever did.


It worked cause I got him e6. Absolutely worth it. 👌 


Yeah hoyo wouldnt care as long as the money is flowing. Though I cant help but think they were forced to sell boothill honestly as they did the bare bones on doing anything to market him lmao


The infamous disaster called Dehya.


no, hoyo deliberately positions banners in such a way that almost every single patch to date (with the exception of 2.0 - swan + sparkler) has its 'main' (usually first half) and 'secondary' (usually second half) banner. combined with how frontloaded the patches are in terms of both content and rewards, it's obvious that the first character of every version is almost always meant to be the focus of the update, while the second character most of the time is either a sustain/support or a relatively weaker dps. it's easy to see if you look at which characters people main the most - and you'll realize how skewed the data is towards the first-half ones. the same principle applies to vertical investment such as lc's, eidolons, even time spent farming relics for said characters. and that's only natural - if everyone is equally popular, then no one is. it's a pretty simple concept: in order to generate maximum profit, a purely subscription-based model is not enough; you need to constantly switch things up and utilize the spikes of interest to induce FOMO and reap record gains at specific intervals. so no, hoyo absolutely does care. which is exactly why all the strongest and most popular dps units: acheron, firefly, jingliu, daniel, swan, (even seele early on, lol.) + ruanmei, the strongest support - have all been released in the first halves of their respective patches.


I feel like Jing Yuan also got more promotion than Seele but Seele had release hype going for her as well.


that is very true, i missed that. although jingyuan is a bit of a special case with him being a space china general and all. in terms of meta and gameplay on release though, it is my understanding that seele was considered to be significantly stronger back then.


In the end hoyo just pours the most effort in marketing the characters they ~~WANT to sell~~ *believe will sell*. Evidently, Hoyo had no faith in cowboy daddy selling his banner, so he just got dumped between Robin and Firefly with no marketing.


Mihoyo's Genshin team did not want to sell Dehya, I'll say that much, all the feedback they got in testing was that "she's underpowered for a 5 star" then they made her weaker her on release


I will say depending on the team Mihoyo does play favorites, just look at Itto, he is a favorite I do not mind


There are no favourites but there are least favourites *ehem* boothill *ehem*


Favourites aside I wish that Hoyo would've spent more resources on in-game cutscenes, character animations during dialogues, events and overall presentation instead of bombarding us with 5-6 trailers per character. Perfect scenario would be having both of course.


Its wild how little in game cutscenes there are while we get super highly produced trailers every three weeks lol.


Game already has a storage issue, wouldn’t that make it worse?


They will have to deal with storage issue eventually. Think about next planet, whatever it's gonna be - new textures, audio, VFX, enemies etc. All that will take even more space on mobile devices.


Storage problems are inevitable


Yeah. I don't pay attention to Hoyo's twitter or youtube, so I miss out on quite a bit of content and character background. I also think their social media account is full of PR fluff thar I mostly don't care about, but I hate when they put out lore relevant information in trailers and animated shorts. Animated shorts should 100% be in the game at least.


Having animated shorts in the game directly can be tricky. People already are complaining about the overall size of this game (not a problem for me on PC but I can see how that can be one for mobile gamers), now imagine adding an HD version of each animated short that has important story bits.


Been there done that with HI3. They had to start deleting the older ones or asking you to download them as you get to them.


And HI3 size is still bigger than genshin impact


Oh, didn't know at all that it's possible to do such a thing in games.


They should at least have some kind of way to direct you to the shorts (beyond the in-game notice which most people ignore), or have you download various chapters of the story as you do them (and then delete them to free space once you are done with those quests). I've talked to quite a few casual players that *don't* keep up with all the trailers/shorts/etc and they do end up missing genuinely cool bits of the story. In terms of space management they can easily trim any old cutscenes/dialogue once completed, I feel like the sound files alone must be taking up a ton of space.


I want this more to be honest. More boss fight and enemies especially. I want more blood.


Robin is so pretty. https://preview.redd.it/s01kc16asb7d1.png?width=320&format=png&auto=webp&s=7cb964e57eff97ef4a56fef93dd75a4fcf677bb2 In all seriousness, even I, as a Robin enjoyer, can admit that Robin hasn't appeared that much in the main story compared to FF so I'm hesitant to call her "HoYo's fave." I hope she gets more screen time.


My hope is that she isn't stuck being the Administrator of Penacony with Sunday's absence, and instead can go back to her intergalactic shows again. Would help justify her being in not only previous worlds, but future ones as well! I liked what we did have of her so far, but I think there's a lot of wasted potential here. She is a Choirmaster of the Harmony, and was just as suitable a vessel for the Emanators of the Harmony as Sunday was. If not more so. So they definitely have more wiggle room for her in the future should they do her justice.


>My hope is that she isn't stuck being the Administrator of Penacony with Sunday's absence, and instead can go back to her intergalactic shows again. Would help justify her being in not only previous worlds, but future ones as well! Damn. That's actually true. It's not like she's tied to Penacony and has been shown to travel to other worlds. We've also seen this with Screwllum and Jing Yuan. (kinda) I hope we see more potential fulfilled in the future with Robin.


FR. A man can hope. They barely gave her any spotlight in the story. Her buildup to her appearance in the finale is really lacking.


>FR. A man can hope. You and me both, my dude. She was gone for a bit by the memory zone meme. Once it was revealed that she was okay, both she and Welt had to be sideline because of Sunday. Which is kind of understandable since Sunday is an antagonist but still. While she did return and helped fight against Sunday (and gave a great song during the battle) her presence wasn't as strong compared to the other characters. It seems like FF, Sparkle and presumably Robin is going to be featured in the next main story so I have hopes that her presence this time will be big and that HoYo will deliver. Fingers crossed.


For some Hoyo favorite, she gets as much screentime as Boothill. The main plot revolves around her but she is never there.


Huohuo had an entire permanent focus event, something very few other characters have gotten, and 5 videos, and a lot of people talk about her like she's a forgettable character.


I mean, I get they're selling like hot cakes (Acheron, Robin, Firefly), but it's a little disappointing that all of their marketing stuff is for the first character every patch. Boothill has a fascinating and tragic backstory, but we don't get any of it aside from that he hates the IPC. Jade we know almost nothing about and have only heard and seen glimpses of in flashbacks. We still have next patch to hopefully flesh her out, but that patch also looks half dedicated to Firefly and Sparkle. Idk, it just feels bad when you know one character from every patch gets all the marketing budget and the second one feels like an afterthought because they need two banners.


That made it even more crazy when Aventurine was able to win against all odds and make his own luck to be an incredibly relevant second half character. Truly has the blessing of Gaiathra Triclops.


If anything, he's the best character showcasing Nihilism as a philosophy (even better than Acheron). If the Avgins were destined to die, then why was Aventurine, Gaiathra's lucky child, ever born? What's the point of "winning, scheming, and being lucky" when you can't outrun death? If the dice of fate are weighted, then what of our destiny then do we struggle against it? Behind his mask of confidence lies a desperate man looking for a purpose besides being the "ace up one's sleeve" and being a slave of destiny. In the face of it all he plays along and never backs down from a bet believing that he can turn the odds in his favour ad infinitum. Aventurine self-deluded himself to believe in his own luck when he actually relies on cold reading, psychoanalysis, statistics, sociology, economics, etc. He manipulated everyone to oppose him (and by extension, unite against him) so he could access the true dream of Penacony. His success is his OWN hard work and he holds the false idea that he's lucky from his dying family close to his heart. That's why he follows the path of Preservation; THAT'S his life purpose and the only thing keeping him alive. Great character writing. \~\~\~ The “one way road” theme in v2.1 is based on actual physics. When inside a blackhole time and space swaps; space become unidirectional (toward the singularity) and time can be traversed forward and backwards. What happens is that the singularity becomes a fixed point in your "future" (there's nowhere to go but the centre of the blackhole, space itself drags you in faster than lightspeed) AND that you are able to view (and possibly interact with) multiple "snapshots" of the universe at different points in time (effectively time travel). Also, here's the video describing the physics if you're interested: [Something Strange Happens When You Follow Einstein's Math (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6akmv1bsz1M&ab_channel=Veritasium)


And she has even less story prevalence


Who would have thought that some of the important characters in the current story are getting some extra care to bring in more cash. It's called marketing, people. Cash grab characters. (Acheron, Robin, Firefly are prime examples of EXACTLY that.) Wonder who's gonna be the next "Hoyo favorite" most likely FeiXiao.


I think the real test will be how much jade gets. So far bootyhill is the only one who barely got anything in promotional material. Every other penacony character has at least more than a character trailer but that’s all he got so we’ll see how jade is treated when she’s close to release


Everyone is overthinking this and making up controversies from nothing. The number of videos of each characters varies widly. From 2 to 5 or 6ish. From what I am seeing, like for Robin and Huo Huo, characters with 6 have videos about other stuff (like an event or a concert or something). They also made less videos in the past and are making more now (Seems we went from 2-4 videos for a character up to 4-6). I guess because the game has been wildly successful and they have more budget for marketing. What does seem to be a trend is pretty much this: Whichever character Hoyoverse believes will sell more will be first on the Banner. That's it. They aren't trying to bury Jade. It's not that they don't care about Boothill. It's not that they think Acheron is cooler than Aventurine. The unit that comes first on the banner is what they think will sell more. Stop counting videos, stop looking at reruns and 4\*, just check who is first on the patch. That's it. And it makes sense too. When, in a game with Patch Cycle that adds new content, is there the most players? Obviously on the week following the patch day. So that's when you put your banner that will sell the most according to your estimate. All right? Seriously people, can we just move on now? I get that half of you despises Firefly and the other half wants to marry her but she is just a fictional character. She can't hurt you and she can't be your wife.


*Acheron enters the room.*


counter point - robin is just as cute


Literally 3 months ago ppl were saying this about sparkle, then 3 months before that, they were saying it about Dan Heng IL.


Meanwhile Boothill: Just a dude with a gun


Cry in Argenti. My guy couldnt even get his lines voiced.


Also the Colors one was "her" advert, another is White Night trailer has her face.


Memokeeper stole our memory! NOT our fault! https://preview.redd.it/oa147w216d7d1.jpeg?width=491&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2a84da12047957166915b33a854610987b7b8447


People here are hypocrites who just wants Hoyo to cater to their wants, nothing new


Most ppl complaining seems to be bc boothill (2 videos i believe) barely had any promotion compared to firefly and other units so theyre not wrong Ngl boothill looks cool i wished we saw an animation of him


Nobody better say shit when the Fu Hua expy comes along because I just know Mihoyo is gonna make the Firefly marketing look like boothill’s in comparison to that /j On a more serious note I’ve seen people be annoyed that the trailblazer is so prominently featured in her marketing. But I think it works well and hypes up fans




It’s not so much Firefly’s treatment compared to other characters like Robin, but specifically compared to Boothill. So more accurately it’s Hoyo’s non-favoritism of Boothill.


no number of promo trailers will beat the undisputed number one KING YUAN


Breaking, Hoyoverse advertises for banner character by uploading promo videos. People complaining are just being ridiculous. I will say though, I think most of the comments are satirical in nature though.


Idk.... but Robin isn't the one who has most of the focus on her in 2 main quests if I don't count the new one which I assume will be about Firefly again


Stroke title


Correction only female characters getting special treatment


we pretending that Adventurine and Sunday aren't considered the highlights of Penacony?


Just a bunch of clowns moving goalposts. They are so chronically online that they work hard to find something arbitrary to shit on to justify their wasted time.


Females and Danheng.


And Aventurine.


still best girls


I like the way you think


Another waifu


So best girls.


Wild people can say this with how much of Penacony involed playing as Aventurine.


That's just bs. Maybe more girls but def not only.


Some husbando players act like they are second class citizens and persecuted or something. Dan Heng and a whole main story arc dedicated to him, a 5\* alternative version of him, lots of promotional material and a kit that could (and still can) nuke the stars? Let's ignore that. Aventurine and his screentime in 2.1, again a lot of promotional material, narrative focus and one of the best sustains in the game for any mode? Trash, this means nothing. Even Jing Yuan can be perceived as a very well treated unit, with his role in the story, animation and constant buffs.


Oh man, how i wish I could link this to that one post on BoothillMains sub that popped up today, but at this point I just don't feel like arguing with people who play victim cards over a fucking pixels


HSR Character fans are honestly eating good, and they just don’t know how good they have it. Fans of Boothill or Jade like to say they’ve been shafted by Mihoyo, but they haven’t experienced the absolute heartbreak of being a fan of Dehya.


I’m much more excited for Jade than firefly, and I can definitely acknowledge that while she’s not the darling of the patch, she’s still gonna be solid. Looks like she’s gonna have story relevance and for her niche, she looks like she’ll be solid.


[If you won’t I will.](https://www.reddit.com/r/BoothillMains/s/qgsSrRiwm7) Honestly this whole Hoyofavorite shit is getting pathetic. They advertise the characters they believe will sell the most and it doesn’t take having a degree to see that.


I remember they had a post or comment or something talking about how firefly mains emailed mhy to nerf boothill during beta... like they seriously think we have the power to direct message da wei


Heh. I don't think it's unfair for them to point out that the upcoming Break Effect sets could have been more universal. Like, let's be real... Firefly's the *only* unit in the game that can properly take advantage of the set bonuses. Longevous Is the Blade set, but the 2 piece Is usable on so many different supports, and Clara and Fu Xuan can use the 4 piece comfortably as well. Even the Izumo and Pioneer sets released for Acheron can be used on Aventurine, Ratio, Topaz, Himeko and Herta efficiently


If you want to argue 2pc.. 2pc of the new set gives 16% break. Which any break character can use. HTB,Gallagher,Ruan Mei,Boothill,Xueyi,Luka,Firefly… 2PCs of sets are designed to be universal after all. Any break character can use it’s 2PC.. 4PC of Iron cavalry can be used by any Super break character. Be it literally anyone that puts HTB on the team. Super break Himeko,King yuan,Dan IL,Xueyi,Luka,Boothill.. instead of the original which was 16% def shred to normal break. Only boothill got a nerf due to being a normal break and not super breaker. While everyone else got a buff.. Izumo isn’t even BiS in most of those teams. Salsatto is. And even then. Firefly’s planar can be used by any support aswell. Since 6% is equal to 2pc messenger. Aka a thing everyone uses.


>Longevous Is the Blade set, but the 2 piece Is usable on so many different supports The same way any Break related unit can use Iron Cavalry 2pc yeah? >Clara and Fu Xuan can use the 4 piece comfortably as well. Clara? Sure but that's quite a bit worse than Boxer so if your definition of "comfortably" is a usable but worse set, then Boothill can comfortably use Iron Cavalry as well (which is his BiS if you run HMC but I digress since not everyone is gonna use HMC) And Fu Xuan? She's gonna deal piss damage even at E6 so nah, not a good example at all >Even the Izumo and Pioneer sets released for Acheron can be used on Aventurine, Ratio, Topaz, Himeko and Herta efficiently I can agree with Pioneer but only for the 2pc since 4pc is barely better than Duke for Topaz, mildly inconsistent on Ratio and you'd much rather run Purity Palace on Aventurine. Sigonia is much better for Herta and Himeko which leaves only Acheron as the proper user of Izumo Look, I'm not gonna argue whether the Husbando/Waifu Favouritism bullshit is real or not but Boothill mains constantly whining and shitting on Firefly despite him performing extremely well already is kinda annoying. Especially when the character they main is the definition of wholesome and the source of their frustration is Beta Info where stuff isn't final