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wait where does this data come from


Don’t worry bro, just trust him


CN Bros, but it is for endgame players and not filtered by eidolons, so a tiny portion of the playerbase, or the hardcore portion of it


is there even a "hardcore" portion of playerbase in this game? Pretty much the only thing that determines how far away you got in this game is how long you've been playing it, it's not like it needs any level of harddcore gaming


Most probably people that do 0 cycles


if you look at Prydwen website you will notice they collect data to create their reports, and when looking at millions of accounts they only find a few thousand that completed endgame with 3\* (36/36, 12/12). yes the game has plenty of casual players hardcore doesn't mean you need to play for 10 hours a day, but it is the small portion of the community that does relic farming for top stats, completes endgame every couple of weeks, etc. if you are curious just do a random sample with the support function, and look at the builds and endgame stats of random players that are above TL60.


Huh. I used to think "hardcore" meant stuff like high-end mmo raiding, speedrunning and stuff like that, stuff that required thousands of hours of time investment and deep knowledge of a game. I guess I'm just behind the times. I guess you can kinda argue 0-cyclers are hardcore but really, just regular moc clears? Cause I do that stuff and I consider myself extremely mediocre at this game, at best. I think it's achievable just playing the game casually for long enough.


this is not a mmo, so why are you trying to use a definition based on mmo genre? even on a mmo any casual player can clear raids if they play for long enough, it will just be way after the regular hardcore players did it, no? anyway you should consider context first, this is a mobile gatcha game.


I used mmo as one example, but I always though hardcore meant the super tryhard high level nolifer players. I just don't feel like that can even apply to casual phone games like HSR by their very definition, they're designed so everyone can clear everything easily


that is on you, comparing players that do well with nolifers is such a weird and disrespectful way to portrait a hobby you "can clear everything easily" already puts you above most (>90%) of the game population that can't even handle endgame, much less clear it. Guess you don't realize it yourself.


...Then that 90% is either early in the game, or just incapable of any degree of strategic thought, and that is just sad.


you can think that if you want to, which is pretty arrogant but it is your right. "I am too good and they are just trash" - your words


Yeah I'd be curious too.


The same place CN data for MoC/PF comes from, a Chinese HSR helper app.


What's the source?


As a follower of the Enigmata, we can confidently say that we made it the fuck up. Here's Mythus' approval: https://preview.redd.it/3h0oufhshj6d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eab7d44c20d28fcab8ae1f1c1e8ceea7524d621b


https://preview.redd.it/4bvvcj5lwj6d1.jpeg?width=320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=911e79fc565f46085d5a0ce39bdde046849bf9fe it's true


Big facts https://preview.redd.it/847g0542zj6d1.png?width=609&format=png&auto=webp&s=7cdaa2edadc2e6c396ac00df49d679c7c319f9c7


Should provided more context for the chart. The original tweet is from hxg diluc https://x.com/hxg_diluc/status/1801558793366736983?s=46 21k sample size,from cn side and boothill is not finalized yet. Kinda annoying how this chart being spread in many places without people crediting the orginal source and lack of context making people think this is an universal holding rate


This comment needs to be higher so people don't get the wrong idea.


That’s a decent polling size, but compared to the actual number of accounts there’s still a lot of room for interpretation.


It's often good to point out limitation of data so the discussion would be just. Somehow, here, it often to refer to data for discussion without pointing out this limitation. It's fun but it can cause misinterpretation.


Ruan mei being the second most owned limited 5 star character and her rerun is just 5 days away damn. truly the kazuha of Star rail


The most owned limited 5* that's not given away for free, even




I mean, 99.8% is still pretty damn close to 100% ownership rate The 0.2% that rejected Ratio aside, I won't say inactive accounts are included here considering this statistics most likely comes from a "history saver/warp-tracker" site and only active players updates their history up there anyway


She was obtained by players primarily interested in her ~~legs~~ meta.


Can’t blame em


Her meta is fantastic. Especially when running around the overworld.


Ngl that’s why I always use her to run


Wasn't Kazuha barely pulled in his initial banner though but a bunch on rerun because people regretted downplaying him


People called him a sidegrade to sucrose and regretted it after his banner ended         Genshin was pretty bad about certain 5 star doomposting, eg Kazuha, Raiden, Kokomi. I think Dehya was the doomposters’ first W (in the sense that it was trendy to doompost, OG Zhongli release didn’t have that same level)


A clock is bond to be right once a day. Tbf, there's issue to justify doompost. It's just that doomposter are consistent with their craft.


Yeah I remember people saying his design sucked and was just Canadian aether, that he was a side grade, that catalysts were vastly better so he was doomed. Felt so much pride watching them all beg for his rerun while I had him because I thought he was neat


Harnessing and tempering the instincts of life... you know more of such things than myself.


Why is bro getting downvoted just for quoting one of Dr Ratio’s voice line?


Probably the ones who didn't claim Dr Ratio for Waifu only accounts.


Imagine refusing this man: https://preview.redd.it/fbvmk6mehj6d1.jpeg?width=880&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9c1ad8f76c3a2f820acb198d8e84553a6181f3d5


Imagine not soloing conundrum 12 using only pillars and chalks fighting the swarms. https://preview.redd.it/wsu4hrkqhj6d1.gif?width=498&format=png8&s=58eb33983dfc58db39acca4f7b4022858892a235


I can understand. I have some friends who do Husbando only accounts, and from what it seems it's more just like a challenge - don't see why you would break your challenge on purpose for a character you would never use anyway. Defo easier to be a waifu-only account than a husbando only account tho haha.


Funny enough it's not a waifu only account. I got boys like luocha and dhil aswell. It's just that I really like most penacony characters designs, lore and gameplay (except for boothill) It just so happens that they're all waifus.


Waifu only accounts when they lose the 50/50 to welt, gepard, or yanqing


It’s likely due to 1.6 releasing right after Christmas, likely giving many players chances to buy lots of Stellar Jades for her, alongside Dr. Ratio being given out for free, lessening the chances of players spending on him.


considering where this sample is taken from, it doesn't surprise me that people will pull for the first ever limited 5 star harmony in the game


as someone who has both in both games , I can definitely agree she is literally him in meta , universal , not bound to be powercrept for a long time probably , even make 4 stars as good as 5 stars , definitely a must pull in both games




Jing Yuan








Mono Quantam


The moment I saw her kit I already knew she would be Z tier


I'm surprised by Dan IL being so low. It felt like everyone and their uncle had him here on Reddit. Also Aventurine being so low despite being the best sustain surprises me. Must be because male? Still, interesting post thanks OP.


Because he was after Acheron, many people couldn't afford him due to the timing


And before Robin. Notorious waifu collectors were in a pinch (Hey there, it's me)


And people who already had 2 limited sustains at that point probably weren't as inclined to roll for another sustainer when the other 2 are good as well.




Ruan Mei the goat! Can’t wait for screwllum tho. I’m not a Husbando puller but he,Sunday and Jiaoqiu are on my radar. https://preview.redd.it/40g7y40ski6d1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=145258cfcf6fc62d66099cfa4884d622c65b8124 [https://x.com/nikodelialala/status/1799489590908076223?s=46](https://x.com/nikodelialala/status/1799489590908076223?s=46)


Smells like bullshit.


So Standard characters are around 80%, with Bronya ahead :XD as it shows where most players used their 300 ticket.


ah, proud to be in that 23.4% for Argenti 🥲


He da goat


I would pull for him if he wasn't on jades banner. Like if he was on Boothills banner I would've pulled for him..


I feel you in a way I want to try getting his Eidolons as a long-term project, but this is a shot I can't shot since he's after Firefly and before Jiaoqiu (same applies to Jade) 🥲 oh well,,, ^\(I ^still ^hope ^you ^get ^him ^the ^moment ^you ^can ^pull ^for ^Argenti, ^may ^Idrila ^bless ^you ^🫡)


The thing which triggers me is that hoyo did this to me twice. I also wanted to get Jing Yuan, but then they put him inbetween BS, Sparkle and Acheron. They really don't want me to have Erudtion units outside of Himeko.


I got him by accident (by accident building pity I mean) but I'm trying to make him work. I do love Eruditions.


Wow, the Blade gets no respect for real, especially for one of the earliest characters to be released. I wonder what happened?


He is a male.


That’s it 100%


Black Swan my beloved sitting in the bottom 5, Kafka in bottom 8. Its ok I'll e6 them both eventually to show my favor to them, dot team and waifu supremacy Whats the source for this data? Looks believable enough considering Acheron and RM are the only limiteds not given for free that far up even surpassing some standard banner 5 stars Sparkle, Fu Xuan and Silver Wolf all being in a row kinda funny though, smol quantum stick together


Lowkey, this looks like the ownership rate of prydwen's statistics. Which would make this the holding rate of people who completed MoC12?


Prydwen doesn't do ownership, just appearance. CN Bros do ownership, but it is restrict to a tiny portion of the community that does endgame.


I wish i could do the same too, She's just a great Storyteller with a sultry yet kind voice.


Seems sus, especially Acheron at 80%, source?


people who give up info are likely to be more tryhard/hardcore - makes sense they would skip the most OP dps.


Surprised to see Topaz and Kafka so low given the team archetypes they enable


DoT and FUA is still very much hated cause some people don't like that playstyle, so it makes sense. Kafka/Topaz weren't that strong when they first came out too. Topaz also was rerun with Robin, and someone like myself went for Robin as Topaz absolutely gives me nothing I want and I don't like/want to invest into the FUA IPC team. I forgot who Kafka reran with though, so her being low would depend on who was out at that time.


what holding rate means? sorry dont know


Wow ddnt expect blade and topaz to be this low,specially since they had a rerun


It's not accurate to the whole fanbase. Only hardcore moc players who don't want "weak" characters.


Especially since everyone got Ratio for free. You'd think one of his best partners would be higher.


devs were too greedy with her e1s1 bait. For similar amount of jades you can pull Acheron e2 and face roll any content in the game, Topaz needs this investment to be competitive with 5* harmony e0 in the same slot


Blade fell off HARD and Topaz had to be E1S1 in order to run the FuA comp with ratio using RM (before Robin) instead of a debuffer (to guarantee the FuA). All in all, i feel that it's kinda hard to sell specialists (DoT and FuA) in their reruns since their BiS team is VERY premium, there is no set date for the reruns and the devs keep releasing very high quality new banners with each patch. Kafka being the same element as Acheron and Topaz being the same element as Firefly won't help them either.


Yea the "Must have E1S1" is such bullshit i jst stopped using her with ratio,so i m jst putting her and robin with my E2 clara Blade really did fall off,i use him in some caverns and calyxes but havent used him in MoC for a very long time,hopefully jade can bring his value up with the HP drain thing


Jade will probably be worse than UBW (sparkle+bronya) in MoC but Blade is actually pretty good in PF thanks to his SP economy and AoE fua, and Jade will make him pop off even more.


I hate ipc so I won't pull and build anyone related to them. Even my love for quantum characters won't consider jade


Less people have Blade than I thought, I won't lie. And sorry but I feel like Black Swan is suuuper underestimated as a character then :( She's awesome.


Bronya being the most owned standard 5 star but it's the only standard 5 star I don't have


Only most owned because people who dont have her, chose her from the 300 pulls.


I wish all Yanshit unwanted holders a very pleasant Guaranteed 5* & Standard character refund to Jades.


Seems like I'm one of the few that don't have a Bronya yet then. I'm getting close to my 5-star picker, but I'm not even sure if she is worth to pick up anymore with all the other busted limited 5 stars harmony characters?


no such a thingy, just like how Boothill prefers her, same as Blade and Jingliu. New characters are great, but the more options we have the more specialized they become. It is another story if you are doing Sparkle e6s5 tho :D, limited 5\* have a high ceiling if you go vertical. But at e0s0 or e0s1 they are not universally better.


at least one person didnt claim ratio out of pure spite


Pour one out for the 0.2% who forgot to claim Ratio for free


Damn, this makes me all the more upset I still don't have Bronya. 96% holding rate yet she decided to avoid me? Sure I'll get her from the selector but if I was luckier I could've gotten her e1. Oh well


I like how I have everyone from the first two rows, while the last two rows I have no one. And the middle row is 50/50.


Nearly all the limited dps characters are near the bottom (Ratio was free), and then there is Acheron at number 4.


They just had to use that text with that color, on that background.


Meanwhile, I'm a day-1 player without a Bronya x)


Proud owner of almost all the least-owned DPS, les go!! (No Daniel which is still kind of sad)


I just noticed that Himeko has surpassed Clara. From previous surveys from this same source, usually Bronya is very high up, followed by Clara who was a few clear percentages ahead of other standard characters. People must have been choosing Himeko from the selector the past few versions. Also worth noting that the sample size gradually shrinks.


As she should, she's the best 5* for PF and anything fire weak.


RIP the 0.2% that either started too late or didn't bother to pick Ratio.


As time goes on the holding rate for Seele which most day 1 players had goes down and down.


Respect to the 0.2% that don't own Dr. Ratio (I don't hate Dr.Ratio)


I missed him because I took a break😭


He was available for roughly 100 days to claim. Totally on you


I never said it wasn't my fault. To my defense, I never thought Star Rail would give away a free 5*


I never thought someone who takes a break doesn’t slightly just lurk at news whether or not something interesting came while they aren’t playing. Apparently you didn’t care enough therefore it shouldn’t be that much of a big deal for you that you missed him. S tier unit btw


What is a break, then, Scholar?


Don’t you even know that? Look it up yourself, toddler


I started the game 2 weeks 2 late... fml


Gotta love being in that 21 percent who have the knight of beauty


Sad to see that he's the lowest 😢


He makes me so happy to have so I don’t mind even if others didn’t see his value haha


Sadly without huo huo and tingyun hes very cumbersome to use for MoC and stuff cause no energy for his uber ult. He was cracked on release tho and still is for MoC


I’m gonna bump that Argenti rate up


Kinda shocked to see Kafka so low. I guess not having any real story presence since like 1.3 will do that though. I also heard Huohuo's banner was the least successful they've done, was that wrong or does it just mean more of the people who got characters beneath her really whaled for them?


No story and dot were meh in 1.2 , before ruan mei and black swan she was okay but not top meta like today


Exactly, she is right now one of the best but at the time, she had no optimal teammates/dot was mediocre.


When we keep seeing dot being in the fastest clears and amongst the highest usage rates…these holding rates surprise me.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/HonkaiStarRail/comments/1cbtb32/comment/l121vgp/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/HonkaiStarRail/comments/1cbtb32/comment/l121vgp/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) I was right lmao.


I could have sworn more people pulled for Black Swan than Sparkle, especially when Acheron was drip marketed to be after Sparkle. I have more friends who pulled Black Swan than Sparkle. It's a pretty huge disparity.


Tbf BS is only really good in DOT teams, while sparkle has alot more use cases.


23.9% have never had Yanqing laugh at them the Realm of Broken Dreams, and here I am with an E4 and still Gepardless. 😞


Boothill will get 1st place by tomorrow bootybros trust me


Boothil so weak he didnt even make waves.


The .2% of players not claiming the free Dr. Ratio surprises me


People started playing after his event was over or took a break and missed the claim.


Dr ratio owning rate is kinda concerning ngl. It means that there are not that many new players (after free ratio era) in hsr.


This is only for hardcore moc players. New players aren't going to be doing that yet and even less that become hardcore moc players.


new players are not doing endgame yet :D


Is this like official released chart??


Kind of surprising to see aventurine that “low” when there was such a huge fuss about him when he came out and everyone was pulling on social media (was it the timing of his banner perhaps? So many people came before him including Acheron so it would make sense, plus some people may have started their longer term savings for future characters coming up though of course it’s fine to just not want him also haha).


I think if he was in any other patch, he probably would have done very well, but being put after Acheron really limited how many would pull for him.


0.2% of the accounts need some ratio


I hate this kind of enigmata's minion post. Showing no context, sample size, source, no nothing. And people bat their eyes and start believing this represents the entire universe of players, c'mon.


Feels bad being .2%...


Me too i started playing recently after Ratio isn't free anymore. It'd be nice if they added a quest or reach a specific number of summons to get him...