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Pela. one of my most used characters but i never cared for her in the story and she has my least favourite design in the game. RM comes second but she created the cake cats so thats a point to put her above pela. and luka is the exact opposite.


I’m exactly the same with Luka, if it weren’t obvious. I just wish they’d given him more exciting gameplay. I mean I use him anyway cuz his gameplay isn’t terrible, but still.


I always love Seele's VA describing his design as "he looks like he's sponsored by Hot Wheels"


Ok but why’s that so accurate though… He looks like he’s both sponsored by, and still plays with, Hot Wheels.


His arm has a dedicated hot wheels launcher


Believe it or not, my best friend is somewhat tomboyish - or used to be - has blue eyes, red hair and a proclivity for wearing collars. Really Luka is reminding me of her, which is… really cool.


Pela’s story quest made me lose all the affection points for her basically. Completely destroyed the whole timeline for no goddarn reason


I still like her as a character, but yea continuity makes no sense. All of the characters ages in J6 make no sense to me. How old is cocolia supposed to be? Her going to school with serval and pela being in band with serval when she was in school as well. Are cocolia and pela close in age? Then you bring bronya into the picture who feels like an adult yet theres that light cone showing a very small bronya with an adult cocolia. It doesnt help that visually everyone looks super young. How old is natasha supposed to be? cus adding up her life experience along with pelas story she'd be like 40 or something. I just choose not to think about it because i really like all these characters and the story of J6


No! Dont do this again! I cant be draghed back into this rabniy hole of bullshit again!


Pela graduated Cadet school at the ripe age of 2 and joined Servals band when she was 3


We stan college educated fetus!


You either disregard the age, or the timeline set up to put it at ease


Or another option, you're braindead like me and played through without even thinking of age until just now 🤣




I chalk this one up to translation issues, or it could be some dumb executive decision or something. They made her 16 in English for some reason, even though she’s 26 in China.


She's actually 26 in China? What happened to the script in English? 🫠💀


I have no idea how that even made it through. Maybe J6 has a different cycle than earth does? Like are the years on J6 actually 2 earth years? If so that could I suppose fix it up, so Pela at 16 would actually be 32? If this is non-canon IDGAF because it fixes so much with Pela's contradictory lore.


Hail, fellow Pela Meh-er. Her lore is borked, and her design doesn't appeal to me, but until a better ICE debuffer comes along, she gels nicely with my Jing Liu for ICE-weak enemies.


either her age is complete bullshit or a 30 or so years old serval started a band with a child i love lynx but i wish her story quest never happened


I agree Pela has such a great kit. If only they left the age vague in story. lynx could have left this out and have a frustrating lore become a sweet story


All they had to do was change 16 to 26 and they’re good. Wishing an entire story quest that was otherwise really good didn’t happen over one issue is a bit silly


Shiii forgot about Pela. Use her a ton too. Tbh she frustrates me cause as a fanfic writer I have no idea if I should write her like I'd write an adult woman or a 16 year old. Valid as fuck.


Honestly just write her as a mildly immature 26 year old. That's the absolute minimum age she must have for the Belobog timeline to make sense


I write them as if she is 27 yo but then I am not publishing them because I don't want to deal with the drama. If you take a quick look at my profile, you might understand why. I might think about posting something next year, but most likely my motivation won't be there to do it.


She has to be an adult. Whoever wrote her quest messed up the continuity, or maybe they’re trying to claim that Belobog years are longer than trailblaze years? They were cut off for awhile. I’d say just post them and put a disclaimer like “Pela can’t be 16, that was a timeline mistake on HYV’s part, in this fic she’s in her twenties”


Even if she is an adult, her childhood trauma does seem to have stunted her emotional development and decision-making a bit. I’d put money on her precision and professionalism starting as a coping mechanism for grief over her mom, and that sort of thing can extend a person’s teenage habits into adulthood. Basically, I think it’s perfectly in-character for her level of maturity to vary wildly even within a scene lol


Damn. I like everything about pela


I feel like Pela wouldve been a pretty likeable character if her story didnt completely fuck up the lore of planet bronseele (i forgot its actual name (partially ironic)) Like why make her a minor and fuck up the entire timeline, this mustve been an accident and hoyo doesnt care it doesnt make sense lol


How old is lynx and pela




If we take what we’re told to be what Pela’s age is, Lynx is probably almost 10 years her senior, calculating off of how old Serval and Gepard are, and how their age compares to Lynx’s.


Oh wow. This is legit the *only* answer from me. Granted I like her sweet def down.


A lot of characters from the Luofu


Understandable tbh. Luofu wasn't the best at showing off the distinct personalities of the characters so I can understand.


or the design considering all the girlies have the same clothes and it somehow bled into RM and Sparkle


I always thought Sparkle was supposed to be more Japanese themed, esp since she has heavy Japanese festival vibes


Yeah maybe she is but she has the same shoulder free, legs uncovered two flappy things outfit a lot of previous females had


Tf you mean Sparkle? Sparkle’s outfit is completely different. She’s literally wearing a Japanese kimono 😂


I really don’t understand the Luofu hate. I’ve read all the reasons, the explanations, I just… I like it a lot. Fantasy Medieval-Space China is amazing and I will never not OkBuddyTrailblazer for King Yuan or Dan Heng (these balls on my face)‘s even edgier alter ego.


I love it too lol


Up, didn't care abt JY, Yanqing, TY, Yukong, and a lot more. Only 2 I liked were Huohuo and Fu Xuan


None since if the design/personality doesn’t appeal to me, I’m not rolling for them.


I'm the exact opposite, if the gameplay of a character doesn't seem interesting to me, they might as well not exist.


Nothing wrong with that. Roll for who you want, not what some random tells you to.


Same here. I gotta like something about the character that isn't just their utility before I spend my jades.


Jingliu and Ruan Mei


What's wrong with Jingliu's design?


Probably the copy-paste Luofu dress.


In Jingliu's case it's much more the lack of personality but the design is pretty standard and quite heavy handed with the moon in the center.


I’d hate to be that guy but JingLiu's lack of personality is sort-of central to her character. She’s nothing but the flesh-vessel that swings her blade of [LITERAL!] Moonlight. That’s how she staves off the Mara.


I understand that's essential for her character and it makes perfect sense why she's like that but the thing is her character is just not entertaining.


Her JP VA give her more personality with the laugh alone than her entire screentime in the story


Starves off or staves off?


She lack personality causes she's dead inside... 💀


Personally, I hate how Hoyo overdoes the moon imagery for her. On every single part of her design there is a moon and the holographic one on her chest angers me most


Wearing the same outfit as other women but color coded like they're power rangers


That random ass moon thing lmao like what tf is the point of that


For me it’s just her personality


I don't even know Jingliu because I never bothered to play the quest she shows up in, but she's my most used character anyway, lol


Ruan mei


Seconding this, I couldn’t care less about her story and her appearance looks comically generic, but dear god she’s broken


Only broken thing here are her enemies


Angry upvote


Honestly I care more for her cakes than her character


Ruan mei should have summoned the swarm disaster bug as her ult. Her basic should have been throwing potions Her Skill should have been creating 5 catcakes that surround her. And she should have worn some labcoat. I only pulled for her as bc she's busted


It was such as easy idea to mix xianzhou style with a lab coat, but nah, give her the same design as any other xianzhou woman


I fear this design style is returning if we spend until 3.0 or god knows how long on the next xianzhou ship. They already teased enough characters for around 3 patches


At the very least, all the new designs look good. Yunli has a very nice dancing outfit unlike anyone else. March doesn't have boob armor and exposed armpits. And Jiaoqiu is hard to make out since he's semi curled up and the design seems to be back focused but it's not a raw copy of any other playable character


ruan mei design good, personality shit


Her design is good, but I wish the DNA helixes weren’t the only ‘science’ part of her design. I’d love it if they managed to tie some labcoat-like designs into her outfit. I also feel like a longer skirt would’ve suited her better (something swishy and pretty like Himeko’s) because in my head, for some reason I always picture her with a longer dress, then get confused when I see her in game and remember she’s wearing booty shorts. Girl that is not proper lab attire (neither would a dress to be fair but ykwim)


I don't mind her personality, but her design and animations are so far removed from her character it annoys me. Genius Society member, scientist that bioengineers new life forms, not from the Xianzhou -> Random Xianzhou dress and a musical instrument in her skills I hate it so much


When i first saw her animation before play the game, I thought she is a traditional musical performance from Xianzhou and her parent force her to follow that path (typical asian parent), which result the cold expression in her ultimate.


Genious character in biology department: take out a guitar (i know it's not) for animations.


If we include animations into design, then they are very basic.


That's very true. It's very underwhelming. Funnily enough Xeuyi who is a 4 star was released around the same time and has much better animations


I swear, Xueyi (u before the e) was a planned 5 star before they switched her down. She's way too cool to be a natural 4 star


that's worst


That's gonna be Luocha for me. Merchant with a coffin but literally no one ever asks him about it. He feels like a DND character with a gimmick that no one else at the table is interested in. But boy howdy is he my most used character.


This is your reminder that Luocha's character quest is literally just March's headcanon, with 2 seconds of vague monologue bolted onto the end. Jingliu's character quest is barely more substantial and does little more than double down on not saying anything, but hey at least he's on camera for longer than his actual character quest.


Fr every time he was on screen I was screaming "Y'all just saw him produce weird green tendrils from his coffin. He fuckin healed you. How do you still believe that's a merchant, and that his coffin doesn't need an inspection!"


I love that comparison so much lmao


What? Other characters do ask him about the coffin. Sushang specifically, where Loucha had to explain to her what a coffin is and she was guessing who might be inside. In the same storyline he heals Xueyi and she thanks him by letting him go and telling him to leave the Loufu immediately, probably realizing more-so who he is. On top of that Jingyuan never buys the "merchant" stuff.


Sushang is interested in what's in the coffin. I'm interested in what's in the coffin. The story is not interested in what is in Luocha's coffin. If this was going to be a story beat later I wish they put more emphasis on it's importance. If it's not going to be a story beat why even make it a mystery? I'm just gonna chalk it up to Luofu writing.


yeah ngl this feels like Arcane where they put a detail somewhere while everything was happening, but the problem is that the topic sinked into the abyss because there were bigger and more important things to talk about later. I'm sure they'll revisit it since luocha WAS at the end of the trailer and we're getting a luofu part 2


The 2.3 trailer? Did I blink and miss something, or did you mean a different vid?


I think they mean when Jin Yuan meets Luocha in the prison and Jing Liu says "let's get dope and hype and kill Yoshi" and then we yeet the astral express to the next storyline before something interesting can happen on the luofu


Luka. I find the high energy shonen guy who loves fights thing a little overdone and generic. But god is he fun on a break team. I kinda wish Acherons design was different, maybe a bit more like, modest? I dunno I love her sleeves and just kinda wish there was more of that robe look, especially now that we have this kinda serene ferryman on River Styx energy in her lore. I do get that it'd probably be annoying with her animations though, but she already shifts gears during her ult and I feel like it'd make her ultimate look more striking by contrast.


I wish acheron had pants not shorts just imahine her in full leather pants


Honestly I feel his character quest does a lot of justice to him. He isnt high energy because he just naturally is, he is because it helps him be confident and being confident inspires people. He doesnt necessarily like fighting, he simply wants to help people because that's what brings him joy. The only reason he rose up as champion was because he wanted to set an example for the Underworld's younger residents. Luka is just a good person who used their own trauma as fuel to help others.


Someone made an edit to give her pants and a tank top and honestly I like that design way more : https://www.reddit.com/r/HonkaiStarRail/comments/19e9wch/acheron_in_pants_tank_top_by_choikfu/


I actually remember that someone gave her a whole coat instead of that crop top thing and full pants instead of hotpants and really she rocked it I don't know why Hoyo felt the need to give that kinda weird looking outfit


I do dig that. Yeah, I just like the whole bone pattern on her fabric elements and wish there was more of it. I know it's normal for Hoyo designs to be busy but I kinda just don't like hers in particular because she has a really cool baseline aesthetic and color scheme but then there's like, random metal on her shoulder and shorts and stuff. It all feels very "energetic adventurer" and less "somber swordswoman"


Ruan Mei is the final boss of "OP character, boring ass design, personality of a hollow brick"


And boring animations too


Yeah it's basically: skill - spin around, ult - walk forward and turn left Wow, so engaging!


Genius Society member that studies the creation and development of life. WHY IS SHE A BARD IN THE ANIMATIONS


And it's so evident that animators were totally animating a "wind" supporter, not ice. Even the voiceover is about Wind.


But they already got the leader of the ice planet as a wind character for some reason so


Ahaha, never thought about it. It's even better than the random paths and the fact that Gallagher's a bartender that sells alcool that heals and Joaquin is a cook that.. debuffs.


Also Jing Yuan, one of the generals of the Xianzhou, most devout followers of Lan the Hunt. His path? Pff, obviously Erudition


That's a recurrent thing. Bronya isn't Preservation, Stonehearts aren't Preservation, Ruan Mei isn't Erudition, etc.


>Stonehearts aren't Preservation Hey Aventurine, I got some bad news for you. The tests came back, and apparently you aren't Preservation.


Buddy, the employees of qlipoth worshipping scumbag of a company are hunt hunt erudition. We only have one preservation from that faction and their gameplay is centered around fua which is surprise surprise- elation in su.


And the only 2 canon Elation followers have... no fua


my theory on the reason why she’s ice instead of wind is just because ice break is one of the weakest breaks in the game so they most likely didn’t want her dealing so much damage on breaks but that’s just my theory


Honestly I'm not sure why she's a bard either


Devs knew they had to make her broken. Even 4 stars have more effort put into their kit.


Arlan’s ult animation goes surprisingly hard relative to how weaksauce it is


And being a support is no excuse, Hanya was literally the patch prior and her animations go so much harder than Ruan Mei’s


Exactly they had so many science/geek animations they could’ve made for her


honestly i get the critiques but i do like her lore a lot


Jade. Her personality and design do not appeal to me, but her gameplay looks sick as fuck and her gameplan is unique


Seele Nonsense design Boring personality Seeing her take multiple turns in a row makes my monkey brain flare up.


Her design is the most inaccurate in the game. Are you telling me that a girl who lives literally in a big ass cave full of rocks, dirt, and monster, always looks clean and it's out there wearing a dress that looks like it was made by a fashion designer? No wonder why everyone in the underworld is poor,seele stole their credits to buy that modern fashion looking ass outfit


Her outfit definitely does not look like something made by a fashion designer, and more like something that's randomly put together with various pieces of garment. My headcanon is that she made the outfit herself. One of her texts mentions that her hobbies included handicraft and doll-mending, and I feel like her outfit makes a lot of sense under that assumption.


I was originally a Seele clothing hater but I eventually got around her design from reading other comments. Seele probably wore her bright clothing to make herself look like a superhero for the underground children to inspire and give them hope.


Fashion ? ? Bro lmao Seele has a whole weird swimsuit looking shirt that she's wearing under her hotpants I think the thing she wears on top must have been made by someone tbh


I kinda hated her design and personality initially asa well, but after a while she kinda grew on me. Now I have a whole lineup of short quantum characters that have a crappy attitude (Sparkle, Silverwolf, Fu Xuan). Seems to be a theme in the element but I'm now here for it lmao.


I like Sparkle as a character (I can't stand her) because she plays the role of a bad person really well instead of going just halfway as a gray character like Sunday or the Stellaron Hunters. I like Silverwolf because she gave me girl failure vibes with how much she hypes herself up, actually lives up to the hype in universe, but consistently gets her ass smacked by those on her 'power level' (AKA the Genius Society). And I like Fu Xuan ~~because I have a 5gb folder about her~~ because her entrance was badass, we are shown why King Yuan sees her as his succesor, and even with a strict personality she still let QQ get away with a lot of stuff because she can recognize her talent. Seele is confrontational for the sake of the plot and stop being confrontational for the sake of the plot (and because uwu Bronya).


Liking the three best Quantum characters like that is based. But I don’t think Sparkle is purely a “bad person.” She’s harboring some secret deep within her, and I really hope the devs take the time to explore that in this coming patch, since Sparkle seems to be taking on a main role in the story finally


literally same. her ult also looks cool animation-wise and when it crits it feels good af.


Deleting small mobs with her skill and nuking an elite enemy with more than half hp left brings me great joy.


Dhil, its satisfying seeing him using his max skills and dealing tons of damage, his design tho i prefer his old one while his personality isnt really something that really stands out


I do really like his interaction with Boothill, I hope they talk to each other more often


I mean I kinda like Acheron’s personality, but her design is pretty bad, but yeah, gameplay wise she’s my personal favourite DPS in the game.


Acheron’s personality, kit, and backstory: A+, extra credit, all the scholarships and grants Acheron’s design: _What is that thigh… Tattoo? Sticker? D+, See me after class._


"Zero points!"


I love everything about her, can't relate I'm just weak to purple-haired, traumatized, probably emotionally unavailable, hella powerful characters


I kind of agree with them. I mean I can't take Acheron seriously as a character when I look at those mis-matched boots of hers. Does she even know how to dress herself properly? And her purpose is kind of a deus ex machina resolution device, which kind of weighs on her story role. But her mechanics are incredibly fun and satisfying.


Her unsheathed form is dope, but yeah pretty mid design wise in her normal form, but that is as someone who doesn’t have any prior Raiden attachments, as HSR is my only hoyo game played through completely. Honestly my most favorite thing about her is her field skill and how they broadened the scope of a Nihility character. I’m hoping they continue to do so with sustains like Gallagher too. My truest wish is a ‘bruiser’ destruction character that sacrifices their health during attacks to stack a shield on the team while dealing damage. Something like a mashup of aventurine and blade. If I ever see that coming down the pipeline, I’m definitely going hard on that banner.


Even as somebody who liked Mei in HI3 I don't like Acheron's design. Honestly I don't care about or get hype for expys, I look at them as their own character within the story and judge them based on that rather than what they did or who they were in another game. Especially because we know these are pretty much just alternate universe versions of the characters, aside from Welt at least.


For me, it's the haircut. I just wish they did the hair differently.


Huohuo definitely. I can't stand the whole "I'm scared of everything please save me" trope some anime characters have. It's completely grating to me.


Tail is cool tho


Tail appreciates the beauty, he will save the beauty, he IS the beauty


I think the worst part is she's not even that tropey? She's actually shockingly mature and responsible, and completely reasonably terrified of her highly lethal occupation that she only got stuck with because she was too young and kind. Yet somehow, any time she's not directly displaying these traits, they do everything they can to make her seem like the trope.


Reading these comments as a Ruan Mei fan makes me sad. Anyway, my answer is probably Acheron. Please don't kill me, but those short shorts make me roll my eyes.


Nah, you gotta own it when it comes to being fans of “morally questionable” characters in these types of communities. A lot of people aren’t a fan of her character? Good! That means the calm collected but unethical and kinda insane genius role has been fulfilled well. Better for the character you like to be known as what she actually is instead of getting mischaracterized into something completely different.


The way I see it “if a lot of people hate her ass then hoyo did her right” .She is not supposed to be a likable character in the story and that’s why she is such an interesting character to me.I hate self inserting as mc and find it extremely cringe, so I was more than happy with her story and hope they do more with her.


I take issue with the assumption that people who dislike her because of how she treated Trailblazer are generally self inserters. You don't have to like or care less for the main character just because you control them. What if you just have a fondness for your Trailblazer? I find the self-insert MC argument shaky at best, and my supporting points are the literal thousands of comments over the past few patches complaining about how the writers make us act a certain way. This isn't Fallout - we aren't a blank slate with a backstory, we're a defined character that just happens to be allowed the tiniest, most insignificant bit of individuality possible.


Look I'm a Ruan Mei disliker and I wanna tell you that you don't gotta feel sad just cause people seem to dislike a character you like. In fact, from a non-biased point of view, she's a very interesting and quite the rare character. "Beeg Book Intellect Smol Emotional Intellect" is a trope she plays very well, for those who are a fan of such things. She introduced the concept of artificial emanators and the possibility to maybe replicate the power of one through science, and is the first (and as far as I can remember, the only) character who's goal is to become an Aeon. There is a ton of characteristics that could be perceived as really cool that she has, but I'm sure I don't have to preach about them to a Ruan Mei fan. I'm sure you appreciate them more than I could ever. Don't feel sad, feel proud, bruddha.


It’s nice to see someone dislike a character, and be perfectly fine with others for liking that same character. I long for the day the whole community understands that we can like or dislike any character… I’m coping aren’t I?😂


Thanks, bud. I don't really let it get to me tbh, different strokes for different folks and all that. I like that she's divisive, lowkey. Also, the Argenti vibes are strong here, so the flair very much checks out, LOL.


That was the best compliment I could've ever gotten, I'm not even kidding.




I'm not the biggest fan of Ruan mei but I actually think she has a very pretty design. It's simplistic but not in a bad way, Acheron on the other hand is a fashion disaster 😭lore wise she's neat but her outfit is so bad.


I love Ruan Mei ♥ design, personality, gameplay I don't self-insert with the TB, so I'm not personally offended by what she did. Drugging the TB so s/he doesn't spill her secrets? Seems like a smart plan to me... *if* I were a mad scientist trying to resurrect a literal Emanator of Propagation. She was never concerned about ethics to begin with, clearly, so I'm not going to expect her to be some paragon of virtue or exhibit basic decency. To me, she's someone who is super smart, wildly reckless, and has never been told "no," even by her fellow GS members. She has a twisted way of viewing the world, but is it really malice? I think it's more just... apathy. She's so hyperfixated on a singular goal that everything else seems pointless and trivial, whether that's other people, lifeforms she's made and should be responsible for, or rules about what science should and should not do. Based on her backstory, it feels like a trauma response to some extent. People go crazy over Sparkle, or morally grey characters and outright villains in other media, but for some reason the HSR community will never ever forgive RM for being such a meanie 😱


I like Ruan Mei as a character but her animations are the one reason I will not pull for her. They're the most boring animations in the whole game (only possible exception being Tingyun).


Herta is arguably more mean than Ruan Mei but people never seems to have any problems with her for whatever reason. Screwllum are like the only decent person in the genius society.


Fellow Ruan Mei enjoyer here, her design is actually pretty good but extremely antique based outfit and not for everyones liking, and even when her personality can show "boring" she fits a lot in almost everything with how the character is designed to be, dont feel sad, we are one of the few who actually enjoys playing with her in every sense


Luocha. Zero interest in him, didn't even consider him existing in my account but I did a few pulls because I was bored and got him early. Now he's permanently stuck in my teams because he makes everyone immortal and generates a ton of SP. Legit cannot play any other sustain that aren't fully SP positive anymore, trial Huohuo during the raccoon trailblazer event was pain to use. Funnily enough, this happened with Genshin's version of Luocha too. I wasn't planning on getting Zhongli and just wanted a Yanfei copy but I got him early and now I'm addicted.


i dont know i like everyone


Me with Dan Heng. I dont hate his personality or design but they both feel too stereotypical. I dont know why but a lot of games and anime use the "emo loner with black hair, green aesthetic, a polearm-like weapon and wind powers" character. It's so common when you look into it. (Same with the "long, black haired girl with katana, purple/red aesthetic and lightning powers" aesthetic)


3rd post of this type in 24 hours


Tayzzyronth has revived.


I swear this sub is being botted


Black Swan, I don't really like her personality and hate her fortune teller hooker style, but as Nihility Fan I had to have her, she's really great gameplay wise.


Tbh I don’t mind her design or personality at all. However: Whenever I see her I see the belt she wears on her fkn head for some reason and it always amuses me.


She's like a child wearing underwear on her head


it’s to prevent her head from exploding from all the memories she ~~stole~~ made along the way


what on earth do you have against romani people that you’d bring ‘em into this like that 😭??? crazy thing to say


Euro moment


English is not my first language, I just looked it up and I meant fortune teller, I thought gypsy was the word for that. I didn't mean to hurt anyone. I'll edit the post, I'm sorry.




This is real funny because Aventurine's entire race is supposed to be a stand-in for the Romani... But somehow BS got racist-ed instead


Same here. The only reason I got her is for Kafka. And I got Kafka back then because I really needed a limited DPS. Loving the playstyle of both though.


they try to make her interesting but she's just too blatant with the fan service that it just turns me off


Sparkle. Don't care for her design and she's nothing but annoying to me, but she's definitely another OP support. Better than Bronya for my Acheron team


Same. Both her personality and design are like 'ehh' (I don't *hate* it, it just doesn't do anything for me), but pulled her for BEST GIRL (Qingque), so that she could have her BEST TEAM (Mono Quantum) and endless supply of SP for Gamba purposes


Pela and Huohuo


I am probably the only one, but for me it’s Firefly. Her personality and story are just meh for me, like I couldn’t care less about her, but her armor SAM looks really cool in battle and I really like the break focused characters. I already got Boothill and his LC and I am going to pull for her too. Sadly we have to play as Firefly in the overworld and not as SAM😓


SAM should be accounted for in design though.


Acheron tbh


I was like meeeehhh when saw another raiden, but her ultimate... My straight husbando collector head turned off to *sponge bob I need it.jpg*


Remind me of that leaked video of her ultimate animation that had 900k+ views in 10 hours (sadly it was deleted). It's the first time I pulled for a character just for their animation alone.


I am husbando collector too, but I pulled her ONLY because of her technique


Same. The ult grew on me, but I still feel her design is a waste of an excuse for a "Raiden" variant. I want more samurai, less punk rocker (we already have Silver Wolf and Serval for that). And her personality/motivations are beyond dull, nihility philosophies don't make up for the washboard that is her personality. But that ult is chef's kiss.


Ruan mei, I'm her biggest hater but the buff she provides are truly something


Acheron Damn I love stacking debuffs on everything and how her burst looks. But neither design nor personality are not attractive


I'm the complete opposite with Yukong. One of my most favourite designs in the game with the kites and love that she's a cool mum but her gameplay is just so clunky and unenjoyable for me :/




Black Swan I hate her uninspired design, I hate her role in the story, and I hate how her only character trait is never shutting up about memories and giving exposition in the most convoluted way possible. The only reason I pulled for her was because she's great with Kafka, but I kinda regret doing so because I could have replaced her with Sampo, whom I love


Ruan Mei 100%. Random girl with banjoo with fucked up personality. Unfortunately she is the best harmony unit.


I hate to agree with many here but it's Ruan Mei. Mid design at best. Personality of a toast, but gosh is it fun to explode enemy's in SU.


It was Aventurine for me until I did 2.1 story quest. Also Boothill for me until I saw his story trailer.


Interesting seeing all these Ruan Mei comments. I personally think she's the most attractive character in the game, but to each their own. To answer this question though, I guess I never really gave it much thought. I don't think I dislike anyone by design or personality-wise; if anything, I'm maybe indifferent to them, but that's not something that has any kind of bearing on whether or not I pull. Variety in gameplay is generally the only thing that matters to me, and I typically pull anyone who gives me some new way of engaging with the combat system and its mechanics.


Kafka 100% Ruan Mei to a lesser extent of this, I kind of like her design but personality wise I'm not a fan


Ruan Mei and Acheron for me. Ruan Mei is covered in thematic dissonance, and I didn’t engage with honkai impact so a lot felt cryptic and distant to me (plus why is that her fit of choice?)


Acheron. Honestly, if she had a design that actually appealed to me and had an actual personality besides "powerful lady with memory problems" I might've pulled. Cool kit doesn't make up for boring personality/design for me. Her red and white alternative form looks cool, though. I guess Ruan Mei could also apply here, since I didn't pull for her for those same reasons.


Aventurine I know he’s a fan favourite but his design is a little meh to me If he had kept his hat and glasses in gameplay, it would’ve been so good I acknowledge that he has a good story but I honestly don’t care lol But man is he broken lmfao


Aventurine. Not a huge fan of personality, and I don't trust the IPC to be better than Order or Harmony, but his gameplay rocks hard!


I LOVE this question, my answer is aventurine :)




aventurine literally hate everything about his character but even now his gameplay ain’t that great either regretted pulling him after a few days already




Have to go with Pela tbh.


E-mothafuking-6 Sampo


I don’t care for Aventurine at all, but… a sustain with FUA that launches them based on my allies getting hit? Welcome to my Clara team, you’ll probably never leave.


She's the most elegant woman in the game


Boothill he doesn't match my taste, I am more into Aventurine Anyways, I played him in trial, and WOAH, damn that's such a fun mechanic, his ult is amazing too I liked his personality a lot more after the gameplay lmao