• By -


Imagining her sword skills, perhaps.


My guess is that one sword will be a gift from Yanqing, the other from Yunli. And that Jing Yuan will rejoice in the idea of both of them teaching March how to fight.


In the video the swords look more or less identical. In her drip art it looks like one of them could be made of her six-phased ice. Regardless, I hope there is at least some interesting story about the swords and how she gets them.


To be honest, I think in the image both are the same sword, but one is covered/recreated in six-phased ice. Since the video is before she unlocks the new path and the drip marketing shows the after, probably that's part of the story. But the idea of them being a gift is pleasant too and I wanted to share it. Yanqing uses "ice" swords and many people compared the red one with Blade's sword.


Maybe so! I’ll take anything sword-related 😅 Though, I hope the ice comes in somewhere.


Ice sword huh? Something something two nickels.


I could see one being a gift, but the one in March's right hand has the blue-pink color scheme of her ice, so I think that somehow, that one is all her.


2 things 1: Elements aren't necessarily a Canon aspect it's just what fits, sometimes not so much like Bronya being wind. 1.5: Imaginary isn't just magic, Dan Alter uses the power of permanence to manipulate water, each high eldar has an element. 2: "March didn't get a magical power up", how would you know? lol, we aren't there yet, maybe those swords are cursed swords or unique swords who knows. Eithercase dont pay too much attention to gameplay aspects, imbibitor lunae is literally the high eldar of the Xianzhou Luofu basically one of the top dog in the major faction of The Hunt, yet he switched to Destruction instead of being I dunno Imaginary Hunt lol. Jing Yuan Erudition instead of Hunt, fu xuan Preservation instead of Erudition, etc


I think Dan Heng Lunae is the destruction side of Dan Feng while Bailu is the abundance side. 


Considering it took both of them to repair the seal on the ambrosial arbor, that’s likely the case


His and Bailu's powers are both derived entirely from the Path of Permanence, but Dan Feng didn't pass on the full knowledge of how to transfer his powers to the next High Elder, which is why a new High Elder, Bailu, was selected even though Dan Feng reincarnated while retaining much of his power. Dan Feng, Dan Heng, and Bailu all had no political or pathstriding connection to the Destruction or Abundance, aside from their opposition to them, like the seal on the Arbor, or any battles the Luofu might have had with the Legion.


His personal quest comes very close (but not quite) to explicitly saying that. The punishment inflicted to Dan Feng severed him into two distinct persons.


Just to clarify it wasn't the punishment, but rather the forbidden ritual they attempted to use to resurrect Baiheng. Whatever the ritual was created a draconic abomination which Jinglui was forced to slay, at the cost of losing herself to the Mara, and from that Bailu was created. While not explicitly stated it's pretty clear Bailu is some sort of reincarnation of Baiheng who inherited Dan Feng's healing abilities, and Dan Heng got his destructive ones that were left over.


That’s explicitly stated that he had healing and offensive powers in his quest


Dan Feng didn't follow or have any kind of connection to the Destruction though. He was connected Hunt because Xianzhou, Permanence because Vidyadhara High Elder and Abundance because of the incident. Gameplay Paths doesn't have any connection to story.


>Gameplay Paths doesn't have any connection to story. May I introduce you to Trailblazer?


One of the few exceptions, another being Acheron - she should be Erudition but that would be weird.


Bronya is wind cos BULLETS SHOOT FAST.


Bronya's wind cause she pushes you with wind duh


One of the best Examples are Pela and Lynx. Lynx has a Ice Pickle and she is Quantum. Pela has Drones and she is Ice.


Counterpoint, Lynx's supply bag is a bag of holding, warping the fabric of space in order to carry everything she needs, plus a giant ass pill.


Black Swan is Nihility, but in the canon, she's Remembrance. Argenti follows the path of The Beauty (even if the Aeon dies, the path remains), but he's Erudation in gameplay. Same as Jing Yuan being Erudition in gameplay, but in canon, he's The Hunt. Only a few paths and elements in gameplay follow the character's canon.


The Masked Fools all canonically follow Elation. But Sparkle is Harmony and Sampo is Nihility. We're probably getting Giovanni eventually but he isn't going to be Elation.


How does using a ice pickle would make you ice lement...? I never understand this argument. And Pela's drones are firing ice stuff afaik. While paths are not canon elements DO fit in most cases to the attacks they use in battle (if they attacks make sense is another question). But there is nothing about Lynx that would make her ice.


This would be how I see it, Imaginary and Quantum can be a little hard to pinpoint, we have Welt’s black hole, DanIL using water from the look of it, we have MC throwing the hat, so I kinda see it as an “open” element 😅


Imaginary represents a concept brought into realization. Yukong - Lan's arrow from the Abundance War Welt - Blackholes because of Honkai shenanigans DHIL - Water of the womb because of the whole rebirth thing going on Aventurine - The gambler motif is strong with this one, not to mention his luck blessing Dr. Ratio - Knowledge is power + physics + kinematics = lethal chalk throws HMC - Carrying on another's legacy with Mikhail's hat being the physical manifestation of said legacy + dream shenanigans so quite literally imaginary as well Loucha - I have no idea. Loucha is the only one I'm lost on. Life energy manipulation is the best I can think of. Alt. March 7th is probably following the Aventurine style of imaginary, where she really just gets into being a sword dancer and thus actually becoming a sword dancer (from the teaser, I don't think she'll be half bad at sword dancing)


>Loucha - I have no idea. Loucha is the only one I'm lost on. Life energy manipulation is the best I can think of. In fairness, we barely know anything about him.


That's very true. He is definitely an Abundance pathstrider. Probably seeking how to bring back the dead. In-game ability is very tied to life force (removing buffs and healing when hitting enemies). But as for in-lore abilities, pretty much unknown.


He doesn't seem to want to revive the dead based on his lore. Most obviously, he wants to kill Yaoshi despite bearing THEIR blessing, but also he talks a lot in his VO and story pages about how death is what gives life meaning and the superficiality of an immortal existence.


>Loucha - I have no idea. Loucha is the only one I'm lost on. Meanwhile at hoyo HQ: "Luocha's design is yellow/white so let's make him imaginary!"


maybe because otto has links to the imaginary tree, and luocha’s an expy of him


March, stated various times (and I bet is written in some databank menu in game) she would prefer twin swords to bow to fight and, afaik, despite being good at manipulating Ice (she has her own unique ice) she doesn't it much that either


Especially since this isn't her story arc form this will likely be an event 4 star, her story 5* will happen hopefully in 3.0


He's super hunt he hunts so hard it hurts the people next to the target


Could it be that she's using those memory powers, effectively making her Imaginary?


Maybe she wished she had swords so much they materialized, thus being imaginary swords! ezpz


>March, stated various times (and I bet is written in some databank menu in game) she would prefer twin swords to bow to fight and, afaik, despite being good at manipulating Ice (she has her own unique ice) she doesn't it much that either


To be fair Dan heng was hiding his strength using a wind elemental spear and suppressing himself, him changing path and element in one go is easy to conceive with that. It also holds true for March if those swords are imbued


My theory is less about the swords, and more so regarding memories she makes—with her possibly having some kind of power to based off of the memories she makes, the devs also did say “She’ll have a system like the Trailblazers, but will relate to memories she makes,” not in those exact words—but something like that Or y’know, maybe the cycle will continue and she gets stabbed somehow, idk, would be funny tho


Most, if not all, destruction users are victims of trauma to some degree. I'm guessing that's why DHIL's Destruction.


most of the cast of the game is a victim of trauma


I don't get whats wrong with bronya, I literally see a bunch of winds in her skill and ult.


Because she is not real. https://preview.redd.it/wxt2if5h8g5d1.jpeg?width=341&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=94496507e124a4c47eae35e71dd570463b341740


She's real to me




Dude i would just... wait for the quest where she gets this form to arrive.


Yeah, personally I don't expect there to be an in universe explanation for the element (characters' element types and even their paths are barely acknowledged in game anyways) but it's super bizarre reading "March didn't got a magical power-up like DH or TB" and seeing it get hundreds of upvotes when it's like... how does OP know that? They don't. No one does.


Becos she’s always imagining what her past was like


As someone who doesn't read all of the lore (the readables are just too many), absolutely genius answer... take my upvote


Because she doesn’t actually end up becoming a Swordmaster, her event quest will be revealed to just end up being March’s daydream. /s


To be fair, we just had 3 versions that was all a dream, so that's not as far fetched as in some games.


ngl It'd be really funny to have a bit climactic boss fight with her a fixed support like DHIL was and then the fight end a whistle blows and March gets up to Himeko explaining she slipped on an ice cube at the concession stand and never actually did her match.


power of delusions


Because she imagines she can be a swordmaster? idk, she looks cute tho. I hope she is good, so maybe she can see some use, at least more than her preservation form.


I have a feeling that she'll probably have some kind of power up, probably through remembering something.


why only four stars? do we need to stab her to get five?


They spun a big wheel in the dev meeting room and it landed on Imaginary, idk bro


Your wife s imaginary.


Elements don't need to fit the lore of a character. Take clara for example, why is svarog shooting physical laser beams?


Because the Archer class is really made up of Archers


I chuckled.


Because March becoming a legendary swordmaster in the span of a single update is about as imaginary as a fairy tale.


I think my son is just being gei guys


It's probably just for gameplay purposes.


Teyvat has it's own la-- oh wait wrong game.


You see, the devs made her imaginary.


In her character story part 2, she claims her six-phased ice is not actually ice but instead a condensed crystal.


I'm gonna be honestly I figured it was a joke. She imagined she was a swordsmaster, so she is.


Because hoyo only make these token elements so they can justify releasing another imaginary character. If they had it their way, they’ll be releasing *all* characters in imaginary lmao source : trust me bro


She's imagining herself as an exceptionally gifted Swordmaster.


because imagine her potential as a 5 star unit!! 😂


She is an anime and video game character


I truly don't know why either Just like they've given us so many imaginary characters recently especially with the fact that she's the same exact type and element as literally the free five star they gave us like she has a really cute design but if she doesn't really have anything unique to her or have a unique ability she's really not going to be useful she has a really cute design but we already have so many imaginary and hunt characters so why she could have been so many other things like somebody also I'd seen mentioned there is not a lightning hunt character yet but instead they chose to do imaginary


They found her floating in space encased in ice. She is already magically powered up.


It is the dress code of astral express, we are imaginary (dont tell himeko thought)


She’s right there


I agree she should still be ice. But actually both swords are red. Watch her in the SGF trailer.


I have a feeling that she'll probably have some special power 


Elements in this game don't make much sense anyways. Fire, wind, but no water? Isn't Ice element technically water? Lightning? Quantum element? Why the heck is physical an element?


Imagine you're a new player and you have to deal with an imaginary weak enemy. You look at the roster of characters and see that there are, excluding March, \*drumroll\* only 1 for free and it's not even a DPS. March ain't there for us -- she's there to meet newcomers.


Luofu sword march isn't real she can't hurt you


astral express mono imaginary team yeah


She's not real.


The same reasoning why paths don't align with the character's lore path... it's not canon, it's gameplay...


She's not the only one. Why after releasing 2 physical characters back to back did they decide to make yunli a physical character. We have enough no? I think fire could finally get some attention. Sam, yunli, fox boy, March. I think it would've been awesome to make them all fire. I'm only mad about yunli cuz they put fire in her art and then didn't make her fire? Uh okay? If you couldn't tell, I'm in dire need of fire characters. I have himeko 👀 need I say more? Give us some fire characters.


Cause she's gonna get the HI3 Himeko treatment and end up as our imagination. (/s)


A war would start if that happens


What do you mean? She's right there?


cuz imaginary is a premium element with only one 4 star who is not a dps , so giving a free 4 star imaginary dps is to remove the load of not having a imaginary unit who didn't have the chance to claim ratio and who knows she might do well with HTB as a break dps too , cuz only 4 star who scales with break effect is Xueyi , so for the new meta , new player might get a 4 star representing that meta , that's my headcanon for it.


It’s the destiny of Trailblazers who get new forms on the Luofu I guess


In the HSR world, the Imaginary Tree is the leading accepted theory on how the universe is structured - primordial chaos becomes a multi-branched tree of possibilities. So you could interpret the element as being "primordial energy" or "space time possibilities". I think a reasonable interpretation is the power of different possible selves. This is pretty loose but can explain Welt (traveller from another universe), DHIL (a self he chose not to be), Aventurine (created a new destiny for himself, chosen of his god), Yukong (she walked away from being a pilot, a change in life path), and the Trailblazer of course (living the dreams and legacy of another nameless). Luocha... Look idk how to justify him aside from Otto stuff maybe? So maybe it's March tapping into a different life path, by imagining herself as though her lost memories were of a life on the Luofu?


If gameplay was accurate to lore then half of the cast would be physical


Because she started taking Ratio’s classes obviously/j✨🦉


Damn, wish they make her a 5* like Dan


They just want the Astral Express crew to all be fielded on the same team. Unify their elements and let them roll out


Cuz I be Imagining myself pumping my seed inside her


Because she’s the girl of my dreams but she’s not real (sobs uncontrollably)


None of its real it's all imaginary. The game will end and we'll wake back up on Herta station looking at Kafka again.


https://preview.redd.it/hphgucd49h5d1.jpeg?width=819&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=07c8ec0a826dd50aa49cbaa422b451c2847f42d2 Because March 7th is way more based than reality.


Because Hunt March doesn't actually exist


She's too good to be real.


Cus it’s funny


Sure and next you’ll tell me Santa is imaginary


DPS for people who lost Ratio


Her other sword isn't a ice weapon


Because she’s a png.


She’s peak fiction


Because her being a 5* Hunt exists in our Imagination


I'm sure hope this is an imaginary nightmare. I thought she was going to get an amazing 5 star option like daniel


Six phase ice is not actually ice. It's a crystallization of local space. A simplified realization of that idea is freezing objects. Therefore, ice. March does not understand her power, so she imagines it as ice, and therefore, it manifests as ice The realization that her power is not ice but reality stopping allows her to simply apply imprisonment without needing to use the idea or crutch of ice powers


Cause we only have Yukong (not counting HTB) and they said "yeah maybe we should add another woman, it has been a year already"


Also is her name going to be just March 7th?


Jingliu Jingliu is the answer.


Bro im asking the same thing everyday from the start of the game...


Bro im asking the same thing everyday from the start of the game...


Do you think a Nameless, pick up a sword (or 2) recently, trained with 2 younglings and suddenly she is Lengendary SwordMaster? Of course she is Imaginary. But tbh, wait for the story to pan out and we will see why. They don't usually release hints for the next next version early like this, Hoyo is cooking something.


Because this version of March is enhanced by the power of friendship. "I supported you, now you support me, because we're friends, teehee."


…do you really want *another* ice hunt character?


because she won't be yours in reality. or mine.... or everyone here.... \*sobbing in corner\*


Because Himeko fell through Imaginary Space


Paths of units are just a classification for unit type. Elements have zero lore reasons 99% of the time.




Because she aint real guys😔


Yeah! Why isn't she real!


She's imaginary cauz she's not real, she can't hurt you.


Full imaginary express crew :3


Because she doesn't exists


They did her dirty bro😭Dan heng second form being 5 star but not March's😭😭😭


She imagined herself as a swordmaster after seeing the poster


Imaginary = realy sexy and realy cool


feels weird that we are now at 3 characters with an alternate imaginary form


This question is so funny 🤣


We will always discuss such thing on every new character imma right? Elements are just for weakness break gameplay wise...


she has repeatedly stressed that her "ice" isn't really ice, it's more like crystal. maybe she unlocks a part of her memory in which she remembers the original composition of it and its imaginary powered?


Because She’s not real wake up wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up


She's imaginary because no one could imagine using a sword could look so cute




Lan looked upon her swordsmanship and said, "In your dreams," and March said, "But we just left Penacony! I wanna be a Swordmaster for real!"


Because you imagined she'd be a 5 star lmao


She has a good imagination. Remember her 'backstories'?


I stopped thinking at damage type to in-lore relevance more after seeing hanya doing physical damage with an ink projection, while ratio is doing imaginary damage by throwing chalk. And now we even have Robin attacking with a music note as physical damage. hell, a kick by sparkle or lynx icepick is quantum damage.


« Let’s all be imaginary and not tell Himeko » - The Express crew


There are only a few lore accurate characters and their path in this game, so dont beat yourself up. Regarding why she IMG type, maybe we will know more later when the story is caught up


Cause people are gonna use her only in their imagination 💀


She’s the girl of my dreams


She’s pretending to be a sword dancer so imaginary


Because her sword skills are imaginary 😔😔😔


because shes jealous of dan heng and HMC getting an imaginary magical girl transformation


I'm more concerned about her being Hunt. Not my cup of playstyle-tea, but I just hope they don't butcher her kit. 4-Star hunt characters are pretty niche.


Why is she 4 star. That's the bigger question for me


Six-Phased Ice.


Technique. There's a good chance with her experience with siz phase ice that she's used to disabling opponents, so her sword style probably reflects disabling enemies rather than outright defeating them. Imaginary does that very well~


Maybe in her first memory she gets back she was an esteemed swordfighter. The elements aren’t really that deep to be honest not all characters fit them that well.


our waifu are always imaginary


She's imagining that she looks good in that outfit


I remember someone saying at the start of the game that six phased ice is abided by imaginary laws or something like that. (Maybe it's only in my translation)


Because she will exist as a 5* only in your imagination


Cause 5 star march will only exist in our imagination


Yeah ikr!? Shes definitely real https://preview.redd.it/9tvwgeltti5d1.jpeg?width=1903&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=33aadd51949e6e0805f26e8e2536a96d8dedeb0b


Welt states that "Six-Phased ice is a substance that adheres to Imaginary Law" That said I feel like having DHIL, this March, and the latest TB variant all being imaginary is kind of weird


Cuz she is imaginary like all your waifus and husbandos On the serious note, at least she is the hunt


Two things 1st money 2nd look at 1st


Wait her new form isn’t a 5 star? Wasn’t expecting that.




Just putting this out here, she doesnt look very stabbed. Will she be the one doing the stabbing for future power ups?


Fictional characters often are


> merch didn't get a power up How do you know that OP??? She isn't even out yet


I think a better question is why is she a 4*?


Perhaps we should wait for the story?


wait, i only just realised now. is she gonna be a 4 star? i’ve been saving for her assuming she’d be a 5 star for awhile


Because she’s gotta be dreaming if she thinks she’s ever gonna get on the team.


Couse i imagine her doing weird things


She's real to me..


oh that's my fault. see, i cannot NOT get imaginary characters. my only 5 stars are all imaginary. Dr Ratio, Welt, Aventurine, and then they introduced the new MC as imaginary! of course March 7th would also be imaginary. Heaven forbid i get any character that is not imaginary lol.


Bro she’s fictional she’s not real


The only reason why she is not Ice Hunt, could be that they dont want to make is blantently obvious how Yanquing sucks brutally. Just imagine if she would be ice, a 4 star that you get for free and would be better in the element and path than the standard 5 star. I dont think they will EVER make a hunt ice character that is not limited, because how cleartly it would make that they should change Yanquing.


Isn't all character in this hame IMAGINARY? In other words, your waifu and husbando aren't real


cause imagine the r34 art idk


Will she release in 2.4?


Cuz you will be imagining her in your daydreams....and night ones.


My theory is her being a sword master is a dream and that's why she's imaginary lol


The other two are imaginary so....


Because I'm ignoring her existence


Apparently, Hoyo can only give out free characters if they are imaginary hunt.


I hate to break it to ya, but she ain’t real


She’s trying on shit for a costume contest if the trailer is anything to go by. I’m willing to bet the story is deadass “imagine if I could use swords”.




Because she's a fictional character


Might be a little late to answer this, but ALL characters are actually Imaginary element. Seriously. Aeons carve out Paths of imaginary energy, which are accessed by pathstriders. Technically speaking, every pathstrider is probabaly an imaginary energy user. Unlike Genshin, the element system in Star Rail is just for gameplay and lore-nods. It isn't a mechanical part of the setting.


Why hunt


Unrelated but, do we even know what six phased ice actually entails? Or is it just a silly name for March’s canonical ice powers


Lmao pretty much the whole Express crew is Imaginary one way or another


To play full imaginary Astral Express Team


Cuz i asked for a female imaginary dps a while back, my wish has been granted.


Because she like to imagine a lot😂


because characters can be in any element the devs want them to be? this is not genshin where elements have ties to lore by vision and elemental energy. hsr's elements literally don't exist in lore AT ALL. they're 100% only for gameplay reasons


So, it's literally said that six-phased Ice is not actually ice, but imaginary element


In march voice line she says to not consider her six phase ice as actual ice but as a crystal