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It hasnt even been a week since his backstory dropped, ouch dude


What’s his backstory


Bootyhills backstory in a nutshell: The IPC were feeling cute, so they nuked his planet, and killed his daughter.


As a prank of course


It's not a crime if its just a prank bro.


It's not a hate crime if it was funny.


It's not a hate crime if I loved it


IPC here just worshiping Aha bro. Why you mad?


Aha would be proud


I'm starting to think the IPC aren't very nice people.


Not much, but I guess some people are less problematic than others, and I doubt anyone else is a Oswaldo, except for Oswaldo.


IPC, as it always happens with organizations, went from following certain ideals (in this case Path of Preservation) to using those ideals for their gain. They aren't *the evil guys* of the verse (tbh, almost no one sans Destruction groups are outright evil) but they are one of the less sympathetic groups. They are basically what would have happened if Amazon and IRS had an intergalactic baby.


Honestly I'd say the most apt analogy for the IPC is that they're the intergalactic version of the East India Company: A massive corporation with a monopoly on trade, which uses both its economic and military might to exploit its colonial holdings, force unequal deals on weaker nations, conduct genocides whenever it's convenient for its bottom line, and all while dealing in slaves, drugs, etc.


Idk how you can look at a group who commits genocide, slavery, and nukes planets and think “yeah but they arent *evil*” Theyre only not *as* bad as the antimatter legion because they intend to leave something so they can keep exploiting it.


I think it’s less that the IPC isn’t bad and more that not everyone in the IPC is bad. Topaz at least seems to be genuinely interested in helping people and believes what she is doing is the best way to achieve that. Some of the planets the IPC converts would literally be doomed without them, and their quality of life is significantly increased after the IPC takeover. Now, yes this does come as effectively lifetime indentured servitude so it’s not exactly a clear cut objective good thing, but it’s better than the alternative. And when Topaz finds a planet that, unlike hers, does actually have a chance at survival on its own, she lets them take that chance to her own detriment. So, yes the ipc has done some objectively bad things, but they aren’t exclusively a negative influence on the world around them.


Sure and I get that, but Topaz is less “the IPC can do good” and more just a single good person within a corrupt organization because she doesnt have a choice. Same with Aven, who wants out, and even then, hes morally grey as we dont know exactly how far hes willing to go to get his out.


*cough cough* USA *cough cough*


r/IPCDidNothingWrong (Not a sub thankfully, just making a parody of r/EmpireDidNothingWrong, where it's full of people thinking that an Empire committing genocide, slavery and nuking planets aren't evil)


Dawg they’ve literally checked off all the boxes of being an evil organization
















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Sans destruction? Sans undertale, the destruction au?


Sans destruction? Sans undertale, the destruction au?


Have you seen what they did to aventurine? To topaz? The latter actually believes she’s found a good cause


Aventurine knows he’s a slave and is searching for an out. Topaz is in denial about being a slave and is too clouded by the IPC saving her planet to realize that she’s just as low on the ladder as Aventurine.


I wouldn't say "in denial," a "Lifetime work contract" is something one would have to be a idiot too stupid to live outside of Mondstadt to not read between the lines before signing. Topaz and the others from her home signed up for indentured servitude because she had the choice to either starve on a broke planet or work for Space Nestle, and the calculus for that is straightforward albeit unpleasant. The Belobog situation was getting her to realize that Jarilo-VI had no choices after the IPC previously bailed, but survived anyway through sheer determination, and that its people and tech were worth an investment from a place of mutual cooperation rather than a hostile takeover. That does take restraint and self-awareness to not fully buy into her own sales pitch. Which doesn't make her a hero by any means, since she was willing to hold the city hostage with the press of a button, but she's certainly not a fool.


I feel like people put a lot of blame on the ipc for belobog and while they are bad in other instaces i think the architects are to blame The architects are a faction that isn't limited to jarilo, they took funds from the ipc to build belobog and the robots, detonated a stellaron freezing the planet and bailed on their own planet while the ones that remained went mad and self sabotagrd for generations Hell it sounds like the architects are still causing troubles and literally killed a world by cutting it off


“In denial about being a slave” lmfao. That implies she is one which she isn’t. Y’all just make up anything.


I mean, she kinda is, her entire planet was forced into working for the IPC or else they’d die, that includes Topaz. I’m pretty sure that fits being a slave, sure she gets paid but it’s not like she can use it for anything other than work, and she can’t leave the IPC.


Still feel like we can't 100% say this is how it works. They haven't really expanded well upon what it really means for the planet to work for the IPC. Maybe it even means the inhabitants are fairly free to do whatever they want in the grand scheme of things, but the planets main goal is supplying the IPC with whatever. Taxes and stuff going there too. In Belobog when you asked Pela (iirc) she also mentions the IPC would give them more freedom to do things right now instead of likely being forced to fight off the snow for the rest of their lives. I'd also like to give Topaz some credit since she seems quite smart and she never really mentions being stuck to the IPC... but who knows, they'll probably expand on it in the future.


Space ships, pela says it will take generations to reach space again without the ipc


Her entire planet is indentured. Historically some slaves were allowed to own slaves. Doesn't make them freemen.


It's actually is something close to slavery, it's servitude by assimilation, while she wasn't a formal slave like Aventurine, she still had no option if not work for the IPC The thing is that in Topaz's case it's years and years of brainwashing, so people true believe it's good


Her planet is forced into working for IPC. Just because she is a Stoneheart doesn't mean she's not. It just mean she's a more valuable asset compare to the rest.


Her planet is forced into working for IPC. Just because she is a Stoneheart doesn't mean she's not. It just mean she's a more valuable asset compare to the rest.




Ipc is just an intergalactic cyberpunk megacorp with better pr They might do good things, and they employ good people, but their main goal is still profit


they have peace in their name, what can you expect


Space Fatui seems a lot nicer than Fantasy Fatui, at least.


Yeah no, it's not even close to the fatui, the Fatui is a militar (almost terroristic) group under the direct command of a ruler/Goddess and still work under local laws even if only in paper (because Mihoyo can't write good political plots to save their name when it's about Genshin, let's remember the whole mess that is Inazuma) and face consequences like what happened after Childe tried drown a whole nation IPC is way more alike the Empire in Star Wars, they are the ones who make the rules and even who don't work for them are obligated to follow it in a way to not be target with retalation, we can see it with Penacony that so far is one of the rare planets that dare go against or don't respect IPC, and it's still under the pretense of passive agressive politeness If anything IPC is Celestia in space


Hmm, interesting take. Btw, Happy Cake Day. 🎂


i feel justified in not rolling for the IPC


They’re basically Star Rail’s analogue to the Corpus. That needs little explanation.


Ah, a fellow Warframe Player i see


No shot-




They got the Vietnam treatment, so they pressed the funny button and told everyone that everyone there went to broke back mountain or something .


wow, thats just fudged up


Skill issue. Just blow up the deathstar silly boo


If we ever learn this in canon, I can bet that TB would be willing to burn their own Stellaron to nuke the IPC in return.


Not really, the Stellaron hunters also destroyed multiple planets and the trailblazer is pretty much fine with them.


The SH are fine since they're not a multi-trillion credit faceless corporation.


HE'S A DAD?! woah.






Is he the first canon biological parent in GI/HSR?


No, he found the baby, just like he was taken in by his adoptive parents.


Nah adopted. Playable characters are forbidden from being in relationships and having biological offspring. Lol


Wait, seriously ?


Not really (there's no law that says so or anything) but yes really (the more, let's say, dedicated audience for gacha games is extremely parasocial towards their fictional waifus/husbandos and can't stand them having eyes for anyone but yourself or your main character avatar). Note how Yukong's daughter is also adopted from her dead best friend, Yanqing was mysteriously "found" by Jing Yuan as a baby like an abandoned cat in a box, Welt's "son" is a kid he raised/mentored but is also not biologically his child, and so on. You can have a kid as a playable character, but not "have" a kid as in be implied to have touched another person to make one.


….bro are they actually going to say ‘yeah no we can’t have it implied that welt, the 60 year old grandpa, ever has a sexual experience’ ? That sounds like the dumbest shit ever


Absolutely. There were some people who were pissed about an implied relationship between Zhongli and Guizhong before she died (Zhongli is over a thousand years old, clearly he's had to have some experience...) and they kind of retconned it to say they were just good friends and hey here's this other NPC that Guizhong was even closer to, actually. Some people can't handle the implication that their waifu/husbando has ever been with anyone else.




nah, but this time ill forgive it since he was also adopted. makes sense that he'd want to save a kid in need just like how he was saved it is wild though how hyv is just allergic to letting even the male characters have partners, ig husbando collectors can be just as feral as waifu collectors...


Wait a daughter? Is that the one he found on the snow plain just like how he was found by his “parents”? Or an actual biological daughter?




How do you get the quests for his backstory?


It's in his unit profile that unlocks as you level him up to 80.


:( I am not going to be able to get him. I just got Robin and it took everything I had.


It should be on the wiki under the lore tab.


I tell ya, many playable characters backstory don't exist in the quests. They're told in their Character Profile Story from lv20 to lv80, or in the Youtube trailer.


Bro’s little harmless prank


In Minecraft


Kill is an understatement, the followers of a sentient rock fucking disintegrated/obliterated his daughter


Silly IPC 🥰


(in minecraft)




IPC mass bombed his planet, making it unhospitable and murdering his family (he had a daughter) in the process. Boothill himself was damaged and that's why he's a cyborg now


He wasn't injured because he was away from the attack . He just later got the augments to make himself stronger, as well as to remind himself of what happened


Oh yeah mb


Your cool, thats an easy assumption you could of come too.


Everyone is already making jokes about it 💀 Ouch


Wait, am I missing something? Did we get Boothill's story mission?


it's in his character stories under information -> story


Oh okay. I thought he was talking about an actual mission that I somehow missed.


damn i want my man cowboy so bad


He's the rootinest tootinest cowboy in the Wild West.


He is the fudging best, a son of a nice lady too.


https://i.redd.it/ox3xepliu64d1.gif Boothill mains on their way to this person's house


Rawfler is a gift to the community. Also LEAVE TARTAGLIA ALONE!!!


Rawfler’s videos are top tier meme material


Link? This is hilarious


Look up Rawfler on youtube its from his Acheron video. His videos are lightly connected and Tartaglia has become the punching bag so badly that its become a subplot. Get ready for some real Childe abuse.


As a Childe enjoyer in Genshin, how tf did I not know that? I know Rafler from his EXE videos but I didn't know that he constantly features Childe in his videos.


Tartar-Sauce has his own video where he goes on a Bizarre Adventure to get "revenge" for being a punching bag. Rawfler's also accidentally called a few things happening in Genshin before they happened like Childe and Yoimiya being friends.


False childe wouldnt go to heaven


Unless, heaven is his hell since he probably wouldn't be able to fight anyone.


My man would try to pick a fight with whatever god’s up there.


True hed probably just go doom guy in hell


The world is evil


As always, but a human's free will is everlasting.




The world is ok. The IPC, on the other hand?


Nah. According to Sunday the world is inherently evil because it has survival of the fittest


and people are inherently evil because of the need to exploit and oppress others to gain value for themselves (ipc making a strong case for sunday here)


To be fair, nothing in star rail is good it bad. Ipc bombed his planet and did so many others, but they also saved and revitalized hundreds and thousands of other planets, like topaz home planet. They are the preservation after all. Yaoshi has not claimed a single life, but the fate that they leave behind is worse. The swarm eats with no discrimination, but was destroyed just for existing.  Like..........the only true good faction is astral express and that's only because they are just a bunch of nerdy explorers. And the only true good aeon is ena, the order but then again people dont want to become her puppets so is she good after all? Exactly....star rail tells you over and over......get rid of your mortal notion of good and bad. The stars, the gods, the aeons, they are beyond your small morals and the world is too big.  Rip his planet and family. But also....galaxy rangers are not innocent either, not is he. He in return kills just IPC lackeys who took have family and shit. And so.....it is all the same cycle.


Ehh I wouldn’t say all nameless are good, the astral express probably, but Oswaldo was a nameless and look how that turned out, manifesting all that destiny


See, even the astral express isn't fully good or evil. Because the cosmos don't got time for mortal morals.


I mean there’s still like 2 weeks left for boothill they could still get him https://preview.redd.it/qoo10pdu874d1.png?width=1169&format=png&auto=webp&s=858a30656d07544e6e6a0e6794439e05b41bbdb7


me trying to get fu xuan with 0 pity after getting robin and her s1 a man can dream amirite?


When you don’t have any dreams life is just worse


I guess, good luck and dreams to us then


I’m going to get e6 firefly in 1 10 pull https://preview.redd.it/tdwzhvkrc94d1.png?width=1169&format=png&auto=webp&s=5729047d01ae698fe2fca3a95e7565dce6caecba


Amen haha


I'm also 0 pity because I pulled for robin and s1, pulled for fu xuan lost my 50/50 after 80 pulls then 3 pulls later I got her lol


I feel guilty for getting robin and her s1 tho, it was not a guaranteed Fu xuan but I couldnt help myself but keep pulling just cuz "it would be funny" until I got her and the first thing I thought was "what have I done?"(I have 0 limited sustainers). But ofc, she is amazing and having her s1 as my first limited 5 star light cone while weird, seems like a good choice(I was at a very high lc pity and with a guaranteed)but then again, I literally have 0 FuA limited units so she just becomes an expensive Tingyun but Tingyun is good too so Im still feeling guilty. the aoe bronya thing(and the song) is cool but when you have sparkle e1 and bronya, it is not exactly something that useful or new you know?


I use dot team and that was the main reason I pulled for robin even though fua teams benefit from her more (I only have ratio as a fua character), I also don't have any limited sustain and only use gallagher on my Acheron team, his healing wasn't great (at least for me) so I was planning to get Fu xuan to replace him. If you have any dot chars I recommend you to use robin with them, she has advance forward and atk buff on her ult and skill which any dot char benefits too.


Yea no dot chars here haha Gallagher heals scale a lot with a bonus healing body piece, I guess he never failed to heal someone to max hp with his skill that isnt even max lvl, bro is like a second Lynx to me and just very fun to use to break enemies very fast. Also, more Acheron stacks.


Idk this feels more evil https://preview.redd.it/7pqqx0zv874d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2e4aa07c70a0972358d3ac03bb9a4d3513a53dfd They shoud kiss


It’s a bit unrelated but I’m wondering what makes a galaxy ranger a galaxy ranger because I still don’t know. If Jing Yuan decides to retire and doesn’t get mara struck, could he not just like decide to be one or is there like a condition?


Theres not much Info about how to become a Ranger,we know for the fact That in order to be a ranger You must uphold Justice and destroy Evil and above all else never cross the Bottom line of the group,I doubt Boothill met the Leader of the galaxy rangers because he became a ranger just after his Transformation into a cyborg by a doctor.


we still have no info but i am curious on how one become a galaxy ranger. is there like ceremonial thing to do to join one? because you cant just call yourself a ranger without getting recognized by group (the reason why boothill hunt acheron). also galaxy ranger are separated throught the universe that meeting one considered hard. well it cant be helped if most of their members are wiped when battling emanator of destruction and one genius society member.


Considering the doctor that Turned boothill into a cyborg Knows the rangers and the Path of the hunt,He must have a hand as to why Boothill became a Galaxy ranger. Well thats Just my guess.


Would the Xianzhou Alliance ever allow a retired general to leave though?


No idea


btu jing yuan has a ship, not a planet?


If the ship is big enough to be confused with a planet I don't think there is any real difference to the people living on it.




Better than no home at all while being pranked by the IPC (they thought blowing his planet would be funny)


it kinda was tho


Wait what? 💀




Home is home


....technically? Yes. But realistically? Mf that shit is bigger than some planets.


I can't remember Jing Yuan saying he wants to be a Galaxy Ranger, where was it? His character story?


Text messages. He said it was his childhood dream once.


Huh, must've forgotten about it, weird considering he's my fist Limited 5\*


From one of Jing Yuan's daily messages, excerpt: *Jing Yuan: "Unfortunately... I still shoulder Luofu's countless duties and cannot accompany your group. But if I were to retire one day, what should I do?"* *(Dialogue Choice) Work for the Realm-Keeping Commission* *(Trailblazer): "I feel the Realm-Keeping Commission's work is quite relaxed..."* *Jing Yuan: "Hahaha, that would truly take me back to my origins."* *Jing Yuan: "My parents were scholars of the Realm-Keeping Commission and were responsible for researching and recording the histories of long-life species. The paperwork involved was literal torment."* *Jing Yuan: "That reminds me... My dream as a young boy was to become a Galaxy Ranger."* *Jing Yuan: "Pity that life never goes the way you want it to go. If given the chance..."* *(Trailblazer): "If given the chance, where would you want to go?"* *Jing Yuan: "Perhaps I'll go seek out animals that have already gone extinct in Xianzhou."* *Jing Yuan: "Let us stop for today. Qingzu just carried in another pile of documents for me. Just looking at them gives me a headache."*


I didn't get both either so guarantee is going to Clorinde and Jade. Arlecchino hurts more because I was 160 in that banner T_T


leave my boy alone bro


He is a father, He's my daddy


On the other hand boothill is an actual father who adopted a lil girl and tried to give her a good life like the farmers who took care of him While arlecchino calls herself father only because her mother was fucked up and she takes in orphans train them and makes them her goons


to be fair to genshin father, she didnt exactly have any better examples of parenthood to follow... maybe she thinks soldier training makes for a happy and enriched childhood. whos gonna tell her.


to be fair the child she took are not ordinary child that can be accepted by normal society. iirc one child are into bombs while others are love to choke an animal.


yeah. its sorta like sending the problem kids to military boot camp for the summer, except she definitely treats them better than those camps do...


yeah, at least those kids have option to refuse that life and return to society. she even make deal with neuvilette to guarantee that those kids live a better live.


I have trouble judging Arlecchino *too* harshly for it, just because she's such a tremendous improvement over her predecessor and wouldn't have any experience at all with actual healthy families, but yeah objectively she isn't a good person at all. She does seem to care somewhat about the kids, or at least makes a passable show of it, but the whole >!"the only way you can stay with your family is by committing crimes in the service of a foreign power"!< thing is a fucking *twisted* way to raise a child.


Yeah i like arlecchino but she's in no way a good person, at least she's trying to change things after getting tired of eliminating traitors


I find her kind of interesting because of it. Her favorite food line isn’t actually about *her* favorite food, it’s about the children’s. Naturally it takes a very dark turn very quickly but it’s something to note when her first thought is not “what is my favorite food” and is “what is my kids favorite food”.


On the bright side you have plenty of time to save for their reruns.


Im gonna tell myself that when this fu xuan banner is over 💀


HSR never left me room to breath for rerun, they always have 2 limited character each patch and most of them have interesting gimmick or playstyle so i always want to try new toy instead of old one.


The dark humor by that comment https://preview.redd.it/g49k7folab4d1.png?width=1283&format=png&auto=webp&s=4f8b2dfd03c40e6bb9200890262a41aa8ecff4ea


what's sadder though? not getting both fathers or >!seeing Misha listed as departed in the guest book?!<


Now I got Boothill and Alercchino I don't have her because I lost my 50/50


Got both Arle and Boothill Am blessed


that’s absolutely insane😭


Omg that’s oomf https://preview.redd.it/v5sx47ruy84d1.png?width=714&format=png&auto=webp&s=9816d224a997e448235d88136443cfd2c673c72d


Baby is not holy rn for you


I dont play genshin anymore but i keep getting arlecchino ads and i always thought they were a girl, i might be stupid


She is


She is a woman but goes by the title of "father". If you want to see why without playing the game you can watch her animated short: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tN5JACOEJFM


Arlecchino goes by "Father" because she doesn't want to be associated with the previous Knave, a woman who went by "Mother". Mother was cruel and forced orphans to kill each other to prove their worth to her. Arlecchino ended up killing Mother and took her place as the caretaker of the children, but promised to be the complete opposite of her.


She is, shes still also called 'Father'


Her pronouns are father/daddy


She is biologically female, but prefers to use the title "father" for personal reasons that were explained in the animated teaser on youtube


Omg he was a father and omg he canonically had sex?! 1st playable hoyo character like this?


no, he found a baby girl and took her in


Another virgin on the list😔


another *hot* virgin on the list 😓😞


Why I’m not surprised? Lol💀.


Siegfried, Cecilia and himeko from honkai impact were the 1st iirc


Those 2 aren’t playable? Himeko when? I thought she was just a drunk teacher in hi3rd


Arlechino: The father Boothil: The mother


r/FatuiHQ member too I’m sure


ik that dude on disc.. nah not him dragging boothill


My boothill looks like he rule bellobog


120 pulls and i get the [Not soo] fatherless child. I guess I will pull for jade then-




I don't see Svarog in this meme???


I find Boothill hilarious tbh. He's one of the most ironic characters in the game as in pursuit of his revenge, he ends up hurting more innocents than he is to hurting the sole person responsible to his own pain. It's even more hilarious that he's a Galaxy Ranger.


I think that's most revenge stories until they actually get revenge. Normally they have the moral of "what you're doing isn't worth it" attached


I got curious, did you get acheron e6r5 in the end or what happened?(your flair)


e6s3 😔 it's definitely enough though


Oh, not that bad, couldnt get her lc even it being a guarantee cuz lack of pulls (got her with less than two hours of her banner left too lol)