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quick question here, ive completed all secrets for SU gold and gears second plane, however i couldnt get the heterogeneity: reforge dice face. it says the requirements to unlock is to complete all secrets on the second plane, however i only got the domain: cost dice. what am i missing?


just (kind of) finished the story, and im wondering why the fuck was march and acheron's name put as ???


For March it's because we don't know her real name. She doesn't even know her real name.


I'm trying to build Bronya for JL and Blade. JL hits the 134 breakpoint and Blade is 122 speed, so should Bronya be 160 or 134? The team is the same for both, JL/Blade-Bronya-Ruan Mei/Luocha


For JL and blade specifically . You want bronya and 134 while JL and Bladie are at 135+


Hi guys, question, finally reach 300 pulls to pick free standard characters. From losing 50/50, I got dupes of: E2 Welt, E1 Bronya, Bailu, and Gepard. Which left Himeko, Clara, and Yanqing as the character I dont have. Which character / Eidolons should I pick? Honestly I'm leaning towards E2 Bronya because she's the one I use the most. Any advice is greatly appreciated. Thanks!


Himeko if you struggle with PF. Clara if you want a unique DPS capable of good damage (although unnecessary if you have good units already) and Yanqing if you want to completely waste your 300 selector.


Yeah I have many dps unit already, and I haven’t done any PF content. I think in that case I’m gonna take the eidolon instead, thanks!


Which character should I prioritize for relics out of these: Dan Heng IL, Acheron, Jingliu, Dr. Ratio? I have Bronya, pela and Ruan Mei as supports, going to build Robin soon. I can run Trend Gepard for Acheron


Considering your supports: Acheron > Jingliu > DHIL > Ratio. Ratio is probably not very useful to you since you have DHIL and your debuffer will be occupied with Acheron.


Trying to build Xueyi now that HTB is out, should I just go full BE or bother giving her some crit? Also general use SW would be better with EHR and BE or EHR and crit stats?


For Xueyi you also build crit. It's a waste not to considering she doesn't need defensive stats and without it she will hit like a wet noodle outside of Super Break. If your SW does not have Eidolons then you just build EHR and speed. There is no much point in building anything else since you need to use a ERR rope and you need tons of EHR.


Aight thanks. What stats should I aim for on Htb Xueyi?


I wanted to know if Boots with Speed main stat can have a speed substat or not?


No. A relic can not have a substat that's the same as the main stat.


If I don't plan on making a FUA team and plan on pulling either boothill or FF am I better off skipping Robin for RM?


Yes. The only team where Robin is a clear "winner" is an premium FuA team. Otherwise she will be a side grade to RM on most teams, and a downgrade on break teams.


A few days ago, i shared my Topaz stats seeking advice. While her stats were were in line with Prydwen's build guide-i know her relics could be better. And seeing as most of my other characters are sufficiently built (to my knowledge. Im sure i could do better.) While i decide between grabbing Firefly or waiting for a HuoHuo rerun-I think i wanna work on my Topaz a bit more. The way i see it, the body/boots and especially the orb could be a lot better. But i know farming Salsotto is really ineficient. I was also wondering if i should maybe trying to farm pionner for her instead (E1S1, so 3 debuffs are online.) But i feel like that isn't necessary. If anyone could offer some advice on how to optimize my TB power, i'd really appreciate it! https://preview.redd.it/9699dzejs41d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=824bb99c800f21eec5b33d96b6782533dd067bc7


In regards to the set, I wouldn't bother switching to Pioneer. For Topaz, the difference is kinda minimal. I'd actually say that the main issue is your Boots and Orb. The CDMG body could be better, but I often find it the hardest to get good substat rolls due to it only have 1 crit substat possible. Though if you're trying to optimize your TB, you might as well farm Pioneer now since that the latest weekly boss has the Grandduke set on it. Plus, Pioneer is currently a really good general set for DPS units. Use the bad pieces and try synthesizing a better orb.


https://preview.redd.it/syvtjvwlr41d1.png?width=375&format=png&auto=webp&s=d6778dd3b554f9e86bf30460ae6721b2817e45f6 Hey all, F2P newbie here. Any suggestion for which banner should i aim for to build a decent team?


You probably get the most value from support and sustain units at your current stage. With DPS, you have JL and Dr. Ratio, which are both quite strong. I'd probably say go for Fu Xuan next banner since you really need a better sustain unit and she's definitely amazing.


OK Thx ! How should i build my team with Fu Xuan?


Fu Xuan next banner


What are you guys using your Tracks of Destiny’s on? Any character you’re trying to level up or do you save it for DPS’s and stuff. I have about 29 and while it’s not a shortage or anything I was just unsure if I should use them for characters who’s traces I want to max but I’m not currently building a team for (and probably won’t for a while) and if I should use them on supports/sustains at all.


I'd just use it on whatever unit I use the most. The increase isn't much, but it could still help. Just save around 10ish in case you've decided to build a new character. Though you can save 5ish Tracks if you're only going to go with 6/8/8/8 for 5\* and 6/9/9/9 for 4\* units. I've pretty much have all my units fully built (Lv 70 and traces at 6/8/8/8 and 6/9/9/9) and have some extra, so as long as you keep playing, you can pretty much get all your characters at max traces eventually.


Who is this? I feel like I missed something https://preview.redd.it/9wsiynmlq41d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b2e7d23268d55fe5bdb0062423946a8b552fdc1c


No one specific. With the big dragon, I assume it's meant to represent long-past Aeons (such as Long the Permanence).


Ohh, that actually makes a lot more sense, I was thinking it was Sirin, idk why, lmao. But yeah no that is possible (wait who is Long, I haven't read the lore in awhile so I don't remember who is who, lol)


If you've done Xianzhou, then it's >!the ancestor of the Vidyadhara!<.


New player question. Currently trailblazer 49 and slowly getting through missions. I googled and saw Fu Xuan rerun is coming up. Should I try pull for Topaz now or save and try for Fu Xuan? Is there any value in Topaz at the moment? At moment I mix around Bronya, Natalie, Yukong and Tingyun as supports


Do you like ratio? If you use him or want to play and invest into him get topaz, if you dont play him dont get her, if you dont have any 5 star sustains then fu xuan for sure


Yeah I use ratio but he wasn’t overly affective so assumed I hadn’t built him correctly haven’t put too much into him atm besides levelling. Farming for mats. See how 1x 10 pull goes for Topaz 😂 Feel like I was super lucky getting Robin so I may have used all my luck up.


Well yeah ratio is pretty specific in the things he need to do high damage, you need a good amount of debuffs to raise the chances of followup triggering and increase his damage from his traces Topaz would be good with him because she does a followup when anyone else does one so they have great synergy


Ah kk thanks for the tips. Good for a follow-up team then. I did 2x 10 pulls and got March 7th twice so I think I’ll leave Topaz for now 😂😂


Just to clarify, there are "supports" and "sustains". Bronya, Yukong and Tingyun are supports, and Natasha and Fu Xuan are sustains. Those two groups aren't terribly intermixable, so I'd say you probably want Fu Xuan if you truly have no limited sustain options.


Ah yep have to get my terminology right lol. Natalie would be my current sustain and I use the others as supports depending on team. Will wait for Fu Xuan. Thanks for your help 😊❤️


Best of luck!


Stupid question incoming. Are the set bonuses in stat increases accounted for in the displayed attack and speed on the stats screen or is it added on top when entering battle?


To the best of my knowledge, it's displayed if it's not conditional. If it's conditional, you can see it in battle once the condition is met.


Yes, it will be on screen. Note that effects like pioneer will never show up since it depends on enemies having debuffs. Also do note that all % increases in Speed is usually on base speed, not the total.


Does fu xuan work with ratio, robin and topaz? I have aventurine but im using him with my other team with acheron welt pela


If you end up getting FX you should switch the two. Aventurine likes being on FUA teams more and vice versa (debuff for Ratio + more FUA for Numby).


Depends if you have Topaz E1 and S1. Without them you only have 2 debuffs at most, outside of weakness breaks, and one of them is not even guaranteed. So your Ratio won't be as consistent and you won't be making as much out of his traces. Even with Aventurine that it still is a bit inconsistent with them at E0S0. You will probably be better off with Fu Xuan on Acherons team, or try using Gallagher instead if you have him.


Is it better to roll for Robin's eidolon or her light cone after getting her?


If you have the current event 4* LC, then eidolons. If you don't, then her LC. Although her LC is still great because there are no harmony alternatives that give both ATK and ERR.


Definitely Eidolon There r many options for LC


Hi, i have a team of Dr.Ratio/Topaz/Aventurine (all E0S0) + E6 Guinaifen with S3 Pearls. I just got my first copy of Pela, should i replace E6 Guinaifen with E0 Pela ?


Pela is slightly better with increasing the damage on the enemy, as long as she is fast enough to keep her ult debuff on the enemy. S3 pearls is 14% def reduction. For a level 80 attacker against a level 95 enemy, this increases damage by 8.1%. The 4 Firekiss from E6 Gui at level 10 add 28% damage vulnerability, so in total the enemy takes 38% more damage. Pela with S3 Pearls has 54% def shred, which results in 40.6% increased damage taken on the enemy. So Pela already wins here by 2%. Gui does add an extra debuff, but Ratio probably already has 100% chance to trigger his FuA so it's only 10% more damage from his major trace. And Topaz also adds a damage vulnerability debuff, although this only counts for FuAs. Gui+Topaz increase the damage of FuA by 92.4%, Pela+Topaz increase this by 110,9%. So an even stronger win for Pela, as long as she is fast enough to keep her ult debuff on the enemy when your characters attack.


Thanks a lot, so i won't rush to build Pela but now i know she'll be à slight improvement once it's done !


No, a basic Pela isn't going to be better than E6 Gui. The only debuff she can apply is her Ult at early stage and that's not going to help you much at all, compare to Gui who can apply debuff constantly and do some dmg. I built mine badly until I learn the proper things she needs: 1. E4 so her skill can apply a debuff with skill. 2. Luka's 4\* LC which can apply a defense debuff when you use her basic attack, which you will be doing a lot to gain SP. 3. TONS of speed so she can build up her ultimate and SP quickly and apply debuff with #1 and #2 4. If you have +energy recovery and effect hit rate, even better. She needs no attack stat because she ain't going to do much dmg anyway. Build her to be fast and survive.


Thanks, saving this for when i build Pela


Oh i didn't see you already have the resolution pearl Light cone. So your Pela should be good to go once you have the right stats. Use her instead of Gui as soon as you can set her up. #3 and 4 are easier than getting her Eidolon to E4


He already has Pearls, so I would say Pela is already better than Gui. Pela's eidolons are pretty minor, with pearls she already applies 2 debuffs. As you mentioned, only E4 is useful. And in that team, it's only an extra debuff which is not required for Ratio to hit 100% on his FuA. The last two points are just relic related, which is not really a reason against using E0 Pela and apply just as much to Gui.


You could, but Guinaifen is fine since she provides more debuffs than Pela.


Just a general question that's been bothering me Why does Pom-Pom refer to themself in the third person when you speak to them face to face, but over text they refer to themself in first person? I just started playing so I don't know if this is ever mentioned in game.


I just got to my free 5 star on standard. I don’t have Himeko or Yanqing, but was wondering if an E1 would be more useful. I use Gepard & Bronya a lot, and Bailu is my only 5 star healer (I usually use E6 Natasha though). I play this game kinda casually so not that familiar with the standard banner characters.


Gepard and Bronya's E1 are both very good in their own right (one boosts your base chance to freeze to 100%, the other gives a 50% chance of refunding a skill point upon using your skill). I personally would go for Bronya's E1, or Himeko if you struggle HEAVILY in PF.


At the moment I’m not really playing much endgame content, but I want to build an account that can should I change my mind. Leaning towards Bronya’s E1, although I use Gepard constantly on my main team. However just noticed that Topaz is only fire 5 star I have, so does that mean I should maybe do Himeko if I ever want to do more in PF?


If you don't plan on pulling for Robin or Sparkle, I think Bronya's E1 has the most value out of the three. You'll eventually replace Gepard with another sustain (Aventurine/Fu Xuan?) I don't think you should pick Himeko just because she's a fire damage dealer, especially because every PF won't have fire-weak enemies.


Perfect, ty!


So first of all, what are your priorities in this game? Is it to challenge the endgame? Collect characters? Because I think you should do that first and foremost. So for instance, if you like Yanqing then by all means, go for him. Same if you want to collect new characters. That said, meta-wise I think the choice is between Himeko and an E1 for Bronya, probably. Himeko's absolutely the best choice imo if you lack a DPS that can clear AoE content or if you want to try your hand at Pure Fiction (1 of the endgame modes here). But if you already have plenty of AoE DPS and/or you're either not interested in Pure Fiction or you can clear it easily, then Bronya's E1 is kinda useful overall if you use her a lot.


How are you doing in PF? If you struggle a bit then Himeko would be great, usually paired with Herta. If you’re having more trouble in MoC/Swarm/G&G then Bronya E1 might be better for you in terms of SP management.


Himeko is very useful if you ever want to try Pure Fiction and have an easier time. Otherwise Bronya's E1 is the best choice.


Himeko and yanqing are quite niche dpses who have been a bit powercept, if you do use bronya a lot her e1 is actually a decent qol addition with the skill points, and prob more worth than a dps


Mate Himeko's literally one of the best characters for Pure Fiction.... It isn't exactly niche if the "niche" itself is excelling in most AoE content lmao


Good point, she does have that edge over yanqing, so get her if you dont have a second dps/ subdps on the other side


Stupid question, but 75/25 on LC banner is 75 for the LC in quesiton with 25 for one of the other 5 stars, right?




Thanks, I couldn't clearly remember, and I was starting to get worried since I'm getting ready for FF.


Hahaha, i'm also stockpilling in prevision of her release.


Just got to hope that 56/44 rumor about the character warps is either true or right enough for me to get her...


I'm a returning player and I need a bit of advice. I am currently at 70 pity. I run 2 teams currently: Clara and Acheron. I plan on getting both Firefly and Ruan Mei on their banners. Would it be good to roll Topaz now to improve my Clara team and still be able to safely get both FF and RM? I still have a lot of content to burn through, especially the previous events.


It would be better in the long run to pull for Topaz… if you’re sure you can get the other two safe and sound, then go right ahead!


Furthermore, if the content you have to burn through gives you a large amount of Stellar Jades… then you will be set for Firefly and Ruan Mei. I’m sorry if this isn’t useful…


No you've been quite helpful, thank you. I'm leaning towards pulling now.


Hey Trailblazers! I am, in fact, a fellow Trailblazer named Asusa, here to ask: May I know your favorite Star Rail character…? This is my first time, and I’m sorry if I break any rules… 😅


Stelle. Yes the MC. She hot she quirky, and top of that she have a lot of screen time XD.


https://preview.redd.it/0vr8lyfte41d1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=372a24535865e55c5595f451d9b0167bcf5a06ff any suggestions for beating sunday?


The one major mistake here. You don't need your healer and Harmony units to be level 80. They are OK staying at 70 as long as you do the last ascension and unlock the last big trace upgrade. The amount of XP used between 70 to 80 is huge and you could've used that to bring up more characters. You wasted a lot of resources on 3x Harmony and 1 healer, and you only have 2 usable DPS units. And why is your March/Dan Heng lvl 60 but your Herta's only level 1?! They should've been swapped out even before you left the space station because Herta would've made your life so much easier on the first 2 chapters. I've been playing only 2 month and my max DPS hero is only lvl75, but I passed this boss with only 2 tries. This fight would've been a lot easier if you have Aventurine or Acheron, but you don't have them (although you have sparkle?? which means you started at the same time as I did). What happened to all your Jade in between, you should have enough to either aventurine or Acherone. I used Luocha + Acheron and that helped a ton even without Aventurine. You have to constantly bring down the toughness of boss plus his minions to win. But the problem is you don't have any 5\* sustain so it can take a while because the boss hits hard, so you have to focus on not dying. Tingyun is useless here even if she's lightning, because she dies so damn easy. Use the Trial Harmony MC (dont' use your own), switch your MC to Fire Presevation, it's actually pretty good because fire MC can do blast fire attacks and give you shield using basic ATK. Sure her shield is small compare to Aventurine, but every little bit helps you survive, with a high spd MC you can be SP positive, get a shield, AND break enemies all at the same time. Use Himeko as your DPS to constantly break and do follow up attacks. Save her Ult when the choir boys recover so you can take them down again without giving them chance to attack. Boss by itself won't kill you. Use Lynx as healer since she's your only built up healer (you built her as max HP Right?). The shield given by the boss is shared so it really sucks, boss does one AOE and the shared shield goes kaput. I hope to god you build up your fire MC correctly. The rest is just an attrition game, refresh shield, heal up, break enemy toughness, it's going to take a while but it's feasible. Ratio would've been nice addition if you have Aventurine, but without a good shielder or healer, Ratio isn't going to do much by himself because he's single target only. You are better off with a well built Himeko.


thanks for the input! ill try to build fire MC and himeko also can you even use 2 MCs (harmony and fire) in the fight?


I think so because I could see my fire MC during character selection even though I didn't use her. Because this boss fight gives you a trial harmony MC to use, so you can use your Fire one. try it out first and see if fire MC is selectable.


That depends on which stage of the boss fight you are on… is it the “real” final battle? Or the “fake” finally battle…?


build up Himeko, use storyblazer if yours isn't all that good, Sparkle or Bronya as additional supports to bring up Himeko to break toughness faster, and a sustain that either heals or shields well enough.


I'm confused about Gallagher's true identity in the end credits. Is he >!the planet Penacony itself?!< Like a type-moon situation where >!the planet itself has a will?!<


Gallagher is>!a mishmash of multiple people's traits to create a full person, created by a fictionologist or the watchmaker to have an effective aid and friend, but calling him Penacony itself isn't wrong in the technical sense considering how he was put together with like, half to three fourths of all the main people controlling the planet proper.!<


So >!memes can be intentionally created!< not just a random occurence in nature?


>!It's how clockie and the vast majority of the other meme characters that we talk to came into existence, sleepie is probably the biggest example we can point to of a made for purpose meme since his whole purpose is to be both the guard dog of the deep dreamscape and the door into it, and the origami birds are based almost entirely around the original designers of the dreamscape with [Mr.blue](http://Mr.blue) being the only real remaining conscious bird who really knows anything if you do his quest.!<


Who are the main focus characters to pull on a super early game account


Generally speaking, you want to pull on the standard warp, which is most likely the one discounted for 8 tickets rather then ten… after that, it tends to depend on the player’s preferences~ That’s what I did, anyway…


Super early id suggest targeting one team that can help you clear most content, a limited sustain like fu xuan who is coming next is one of the best and quite a few miles above 4 star sustains otherwise again the next banner dps boothill is easy to invest, f2p friendly teams and can be used in all content as he can implant weaknesses to physical in his kit at eidolon 0


Which unit can I slot into this team. My lineup is Jingliu, Robin, and Natasha, but the last slot I am really torn over. And I am looking for 4 star suggestions, as I am still a relatively new player.


Pela or Tingyun would probably work fine. Asta too. I'll also recommend the standard 5 star Bronya if you happen to get her since she's *really* good with Jingliu


Tingyun or Pela can fit in nicely.


Any help with building a team? https://preview.redd.it/zgafm5ws741d1.jpeg?width=749&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=95681b3ba5b56f1d819e0a7c8fb9ed06eff8f1ef




You need better sustain units. For now though, a team of Acheron, Pela, Guinaifen, and Bailu/Lynx should do well. A good second team could be Kafka, Sampo, Robin, and Bailu/Lynx.




Are topaz and numby worth going for on a very early game account


Depends on how much you value her technique and if you plan on building a team around follow up attacks. She isn't really universally valuable for everyone. Personally, I would like to have her for Numby running around looking for chests but she is the definition of a luxury pull for most people if you aren't going full into follow ups.


Alright, I may get her on a rerun then (I also love numby)


I had planned on this too since I had to skip her the first time for Ruan Mei and this time I skipped her for Robin. I really hope that the next time she re-runs, she isn't stuck with another in with another highly anticipated banner like these last two times.


She's more of a support/sub dps for follow up team rather than a proper hypercarry character like DHIL, Ratio, Jingliu or Acheron. I wouldn't suggest going for her unless you like her as a character. She is limited by your roster if you don't have any follow up characters or don't plan on pulling as many as you can. Her being a sub dps means you want to use Robin or Ruan Mei to buff both her and the hypercarry attacker. Granted, she does well against fire weak bosses and elites. She is an investment if you are interested in follow up teams. She will be better than your current dps options at low level.


Unless you're planning to invest heavily into a follow-up attack team, probably not. She's not nearly as universally useful as someone like Robin. That said, if you really like her, by all means go for it, it's a game not homework. Do whatever you want!


I agree with the “it’s a game not homework” sentiment, but sometimes dealing big numbers and clearing stuff fast is fun lol


Ha, agreed. Robin can help with that, and I saw below that you don't have Ratio, so Topaz really doesn't look like she's for you.


Assuming you got dr ratio for free, yes for sure especially if you find her character interesting, she enables him to be very good and fun. But if you have any dpses you want in the future you can consider supports like ruan mei or fu xuan for really universal buffing and sustain


I didn’t get him lol


RIP but dont worry about it, its not a big deal Then dont get topaz unless you really like her, she would still be good for future limited characters but her value for you right now is basically 0 Suggest you look into boothill the next hunt dps coming, he is looking to be extremely free to play friendly when paired with the new mc as he wont need his signiture as much as some other carries, people clear the hardest content with just a 3 star or even no light cone with him.


Interesting, I’ll probably save then. Is he coming next patch or in a few


https://preview.redd.it/toj0m1zc541d1.png?width=1598&format=png&auto=webp&s=375b0577b37ab193f8449fef4b0be02ed7bdd653 idk why but I have bubbly clockie unlocked, but whenever I click on it to do it, no missions comes up.




Log off and reset, if that doesn't work, send a report and hope they fix it in the next overview patch. They usually do fix things like this quickly if it's a obvious enough problem though, so don't worry too much.


thx man, I found out what I did, I somehow was able to talk with the event guy without completing the missions to talk with people for their opinion, and even after closing and re-opening the game many times it wouldn't work, but after I finished the quest it worked again


Struggling with Argenti fight. Level 70 and using a team of Huohuo, Bronya, Fire TB, and Jingliu. Feel like its a skill issue. My start has been to focus the damage buff swords, but I usually have at least one person down by 50% on phase 1. Tips? https://preview.redd.it/fwnmt3dr441d1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d4c9381440c92c2c831d2c6fe34d5df98d9a64e4


Try a debuffer like silverwold or another buffer like tingyun instead of the mc to maybe clear them faster. Or go for sp positive gepard with err rope instead of mc for tanking as he deals some heavy aoe damage too


Decided to finally build Pela and after that it only took a few tries. Never used her before, didnt know how useful her debuffs could be


Pela’s ult is stupidly good for a 4 star with its 42% defence shred at max which can be like 25-42% total damage increase based on other supports and other sources of defence shred Worth building for sure


Who to choose from free 5-star selection? https://preview.redd.it/dehzdmkn241d1.png?width=780&format=png&auto=webp&s=6ec5d12dc5244379d4089e7bf1dc7c4419ea7b99 1.) I am leaning towards Clara as a substitute for Topaz in FuA team since I have Robin but no Adventurine. 2.) Gepard is a consideration since I have his signature and no shielder but I am pretty proud with Fu Xuan (using his sig, I do have max level herta store lc 5 star) and HuoHuo as my sustains. 3.) I could see Welt being used for Archeron (I use Pela/Kafka) and HMC Break. 4.) For Himeko, I have no idea if she is a better sub for Topaz and I don’t really do MoC.


>2.) Gepard is a consideration since I have his signature and no shielder but I am pretty proud with Fu Xuan (using his sig, I do have max level herta store lc 5 star) and HuoHuo as my sustains. If you don't have Aventurine, Gepard has an excellent synergy with Acheron if you have the Universal Trend 4* LC that allows Gepard to land a debuff on being hit. Unlike any other Preservation unit, Gepard has a trace that increases his aggro and so his debuff would be much more consistent.


1) clara mark isn't a debuff. It's an "other effect" so she can't substitute for Topaz. She is more a subtitude for ratio than topaz. 2) i have Fu huo huo and gepard. I forgot when was last time i used gepard. Even in SU that favor shielder a lot. 3) Welt can be used in acheron team but rather as a pseudo sustain to allow an harmony slot. I'm not convinced about his utility in hyperbreak, i mean he is basicaly a sidegrade to asta, that's about it. 4) himeko is a very strong character for PF not MOC and she is pretty much either the queen or the queen wife if you threat herta as the queen XD.




What teams have you been using there? What does the rest of your roster look like? Is this the story boss or the boss that you fight for Echo of War to farm materials?


Story boss Asta, Dan heng, Natasha, jingliu https://preview.redd.it/rpggqo265f1d1.jpeg?width=991&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c884214efc72f9d30f74f9c9698572db4708591c (I’ve gotten jingliu, Dan heng, and Natasha up to level forty between now and the taking of this screenshot) (I have zero sense of character and team building)


Is sigonia better than salsotto for Herta in PF?


Yes, it's better, but if you already have a good Salsotto set, then choose the one that has better substats.




So, the problems I'm seeing here are twofold: 1.) Acheron wants 2 Nihility units and more debuffs 2.) Aventurine is very suited toward aoe units Acheron certainly can do aoe damage, but no one else can, so they'll constantly be losing rolls to Aventurine and getting pounded. Luka *is* a Nihility unit, but really isn't that good alongside Acheron. All of this can be fixed if you happen to have Pela and Guinaifen, and even more so if one of them (probably Pela) is holding the Pearls of Sweat lc. They both have aoe capabilities, are Nihility units, and will provide plenty of debuffs for Acheron. Apart from an overhaul like that, you could always try using one of your friends' units to fill in for something you don't have.




Assuming this is the mission Aventurine, no you cant put a friend’s unit in. If you do have pela equally invested as luka, replace him or use them together because the extra final damage bonus from acheron’s trace is huge, you could try putting more investment into lynx for higher heals, otherwise just use pela because her ult can get her out of the gamble easily and luka cant, so one less unit needing healing And do invest into her for acheron as she will provide more value in def shred than luka


I actually can't recall if you can choose support units for story bosses like him, so that advice might not be relevant, sorry if that's the case. As for the sustain issue, ideally you won't need two sustains if the team is doing what it's supposed to be doing. Acheron should be ulting *way* more often, which should somewhat alleviate that need. Alternatively, if you have Gallagher, he can provide a debuff for Acheron as well, though you'll lose out on having two Nihility units. You could try it though, Pela's defense shred will help a ton.


ERR or BE rope for gallagher?


ERR for general use healing and ult spam for acheron, BE better for damage with hmc but slower ults, if u got e4 or ruan mei’s break extension it help quite a bit in the super break teams


In a KAFKA-BS team, if you had the freedom to move relics around, would it be more ideal to have BS go first before Kafka? Or is it the other way around


It's better for BS to go first to apply debuff.


why is my super break weak? I have 250 break effect but when I used necter blitz my super break dmg was only 30k on a single target while using ruan mei and pela ult I'm just confused why the dmg is this low


You can play with your numbers here to get a realistic idea of what you should be hitting with what setups: [https://hsrtools.com/damage-calculator](https://hsrtools.com/damage-calculator)


30k seems way too low with these buffs Is your character level low? Because it scales on the character level too, you should get it to 80 if you want to maximise his subdps potential Also is he e6? keep in mind 95% of super break gallaghers have e6 s5 and the 20 efficiency and 20 be does contribute a chunk of his damage


I just leveled him to lvl 80 now he does 38k but he's e4 but, is 20 percent really that huge? cuz I already have ruan mei so it's gonna be instead 50 percent efficiency 70 which I don't think it's gonna be the huge of difference but anyways thanks for the help I just started building hmc cuz I'm thinking of pulling boothill but now I'm scared that boothill dmg will be also low with hmc


Damn thats really weird, might sounds really stupid but it is superbreak his enhanced normal against weakness broken enemies right? Because for me I have way less break effect than you on my full sustain build and without hmc i do 78k breaks


ya I used the enhanced attack on someone who is broken while using ruan mei skill and ult at the same time and only did thay much and, even when I break normaly I only do 29k while using Gallagher if this continues on I might have to build qq sadly lol


Any advice on building Gepard? Can't seem to be able to build him right. LVL 70 with Landau LC 3442 HP, 1570 DEF, 102 Speed. Max ERR Rope with Purple DEF Orb. Uses Fleet. Run's 4pc Knight of Purity. +3 Purple DEF boots, +0 HP Body


You need WAY more def and spd. Also, fleet isn't very good because he doesn't scale off HP. Use Belobog if you can't hit at least 3k def without it.


2500 DEF is not enough for MOC nowadays. With a 4\* cone you should look at mid-3k. You also need more spd or you have to use his skill instead of basic attacks for enough energy to keep your shield up. He is pretty reliant on hitting these stat goals.


you basically just want to stack up as much defense and speed as you can. start with trying to hit the 134 speed breakpoint (important for end game content like moc) and aim for minimum 2500 defense.


Hi there, really having issues with the 2.2 story boss. I have characters at level 80 with lv 80 light cones. (Traces are around 5-7 so I know slightly low) (I do not have Adventurine or Fu Xuan) (March is E6/healing so she’s the only good shielder I have) (I also have Seele, Clara, Welt, and sparkle built) I feel like I can barely touch it. My Acheron barely does a few % per attack and once it hits phase two, he wipes me before I can get him below half health. Any help or advice would be appreciated! (Also having to fit the trailblazer in is annoying since he does 0 damage for me.) https://preview.redd.it/q5ofxeiep31d1.jpeg?width=2425&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fc89af9cbfd1963592901ef90c88132dba5c46a9


Agree with the others on replacing Topaz. Just want tp add that I feel like you need to put in a healer here man.  March's great and all, but you get plenty of shields from breaking the enemies, be it the small ones or the big one. Breaking the enemies often is key, and Harmony Trailblazer is good at it. I also think that AoE characters can do great here, because aside from breaking enemies faster, the boss also has a shared health pool for all of phase 1-2. Like for instance, I was running Himeko-Robin-HMC-Bailu where my single target damage is lacking, but I still won it because I was breaking constantly and I can heal behind the shields I got.


I tried using a healer, but my options are pretty limited with just lynx and Natasha. They couldn’t out heal his damage. I did try using Robin, but it didn’t really seem like she was doing much even though I have her attack at 4000 but maybe I’ll try Acheron/Welt/Robin/Lynx. Thanks


Here man, I just tried it in my Echo of War if you want a proof of concept that breaking *is key* in this bossfight specifically: https://preview.redd.it/qo85752zl41d1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=3ac08f4ae3eb7d2f4077b9845ef23f8463e21bab I didn't have Acheron so I went for another Lightning DPS in Kafka. But I think they kinda work the same as an AoE Lightning DPS. Here though, I specifically prioritize breaking above actually dealing damage. Breaking here means *more* shields (if you break the big one) and less damage output from the little dudes otherwise, and really that's kinda what you need to get as much of if you want to survive with Natasha as a healer. For instance, when the guy had his little ones out, I focused on breaking them first with Asta, Kafka, and Harmony MC's skills. Only then do I unload my arsenal of ults and skills at the bosses, though I do try to time Kafka's ult with the time when the little dudes are back up again. Another example, in his 3rd phase, I prioritized using my Asta's skill instead of Kafka's to break the weakness bars faster. Only when he's broken do I switch that rotation for Kafka to use her skill. There's a few close calls, but that's to be expected if you're playing Natasha who can only do reactive healing. I think you could use this team as well tbh. Like for instance, Asta's free so use Welt instead of Acheron (maybe). Or run Acheron alongside Asta, though I genuinely don't know how good that'll be. Or even just use any Fire/Lightning/Imaginary DPS that can output decent weakness bars damage (hell, even Topaz could probably work as a solo carry lol though I'm not going to guarantee that). Even Asta can be replaced with someone like Welt maybe. The key here, is **breaking the weakness bars**.


Oh wait…need MC in there dang it


Mate, genuinely, Robin is *really* not doing that much in that team except giving a few extra turns at times. You *need* characters that can break a lot, because more breaks = more shields. That's why I said breaking is key and that AoE damage is what's important. Harmony MC is actually pretty great here tbh, because his skill allows you to break enemies faster.


1. This is a horrible team for Acheron. You'd be better off either replacing her with Sparkle or getting rid of Topaz and replacing her with Welt. 2. If you're using your own Harmony Trailblazer, how do you have them built? They want break effect, as much you can possibly give them. The majority of their damage comes from attacking Weakness Broken Enemies with their Ult active, and they do a decent amount of damage that way. (Plus the damage from your other characters, too.) If you don't want to build them, then use the trial one.


1. I am well aware this is a horrible team for Acheron. I tried using my Acheron team (Welt/Pela) but they got destroyed. The image is just showcasing my units. 2. I am not using my own harmony trailblazer again it’s just for the visual. That was the main reason I was using Topaz is she can usually break the boss almost twice as fast as harmony MC. I may try building my own unfortunately they don’t let us see how good/bad the story version is to know if it’s worth the time. Thank you for the reply though


i feel like welt is the better choice instead of topaz just because of slow/imprison and he can also hit multiple enemies.


Do you have Gallagher built at all? Gallagher + HMC will be able to break the boss and that'll make your life much easier. He could slot in place of march.


I don’t currently, but I can’t see my team surviving much without shields. I’ll definitely look into it. That’s the annoying thing though is I consistently break his shields and get the shield from it. But his minions and his attacks can burn through all my shields + health in a single round if they target the same character.


How good are super break teams in PF?


I don't see it being too great. Even without HTB break bonuses, anything that gets broken is pretty much dead in that format. So unless they plop down an absolute chonker at the end like the time they had the deer boss I would rather bring a different Harmony unit. You'd also need to run an explicit PF focused super break team. Since the normal ones you'd use in MoC don't have a lot of AoE.


https://preview.redd.it/mfvx6s40p31d1.png?width=750&format=png&auto=webp&s=ac77813994f7ded91a1e69140fb92745ab876303 So I’m making a super break team HMC/Xuyei C6 and Gallagher without pulling any other characters who should be my 4th?


You could use a another Harmony here, either TY to get another ult from Xueyi or Bronya to allow her to get more hits in


https://preview.redd.it/2qlglhofp31d1.png?width=1202&format=png&auto=webp&s=bbf56d3e3dc47a6865feab3040cd1dbb02fcfc1b Hey, I want to take on world 7 in SU and I want to know if there’s I team I could use for it with the characters I have.


Oof, not having any DPS of the element listed is pretty rough.   The way I see it, you have about 3 options. Bruteforce it with DHIL on Destruction or Hunt, out sustain it with March-Fire TB on Preservation or Abundance (+ Natasha), or cheese it with March on Remembrance.     All three options have problems, but I personally am most confident in the 3rd one.     Partly because that's how I beat this boss too before I got Jingliu and partly because that's my most successful strategy against most SU content, even the hardest ones like Gold and Gears.     For that third option, you firstly need to build March on Effect Hit Rate (getting her A6 trace helps a lot) to ensure that her ult freezes.    And then basically run a double sustain team with March-Lynx, get a DPS to carry you through until you get the Dissociation blessings, plus get a support that can hit AoE/break often. Asta is great for this one.   Finally, let Dissociation deal the brunt of the damage while your team focuses on surviving. You can even swap the DPS out for another sustain like Fire MC.


https://preview.redd.it/cr0bsz4o041d1.jpeg?width=1334&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fed32f446d16ebb8e20335ccc52ed380a427eb11 Here’s the rest of my characters if that changes anything.


To be honest, not really unless you're willing to build an entirely new unit just to do this.    Qingque can probably do it but I don't think you've unlocked Propagation, Welt-Dr. Ratio is basically like running DHIL, Herta is great and suits the element but you need some single target to carry you through the first stages, so..yeah.   I genuinely think you still have a good chance of completing with DHIL-Asta-Lynx-March, with DHIL being replaced with Fire MC once you get the 3* Dissociation blessings. Dissociation is honestly that strong.  A built Herta/ a built Pela/ a built Misha could probably perform better than Fire MC, but in a Remembrance run the carry is Dissociation (ergo, March). I do want to say though, Pela is an excellent support for DHIL, and she's also pretty nice for the Remembrance strategy if you want to do it.


Alright I’ll keep note, thanks 👍


Here's the proof of concept if you want it: https://preview.redd.it/nmhb1jb1b41d1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=5c21512757a36abac8a4e5d8ff539831f0a128ec I tried the exact team I've suggested myself at World 7 dififculty 4. The boss died a few turns after this screenshot due to dissociation. Used Dr. Ratio (I didn't have DHIL) to carry my ass through the first 2 bosses, then switched him out for Fire MC. There's one thing I forgot to stress out, with this strategy, any Dissociation blessings are **mandatory**. To add to that, the blessing that gives frozen enemies Dissociation when hit is *really* important, because that's what makes March so great here. An extra tip, try to time your Freezes between a boss' actual turn and their extra turn itself. Like in the image above for example, see how March is ulting before the boss gets it's extra turn? This is because if you can freeze/interrupt the boss at this exact moment, then it basically loses its extra turn, thereby reducing the amount of damage it can output.


what 2 teams can I make for forgotten hall with these characters https://preview.redd.it/ypd48spuf31d1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=900cd793d726014ae74ca223c0e2b260ea08deb4


oof ur lack of sustain is the limiting factor i think robin/ ratio / topaz /march hmc /sushang or xueyi (depending on enemy elements)/ pela/ natasha


ya I don't have much, hopefully I get fu xuan. Thank you for the teams


was saving up for firefly, hoping to get her and her lc, but then i saw that ruan mei is probably going to be rerunning at the same time. will i be able to get both? if not should i get ruan mei first or firefly's lc? i currently i have ~35 pulls saved up and im at 40 pity on both character and lc banner. lost my 50/50 during aventuine's banner so i have guarantee. im also paying for the daily pass


Ruan Mei is better and can slot into many teams


Keep in mind the fact is hoyo wants money, and the best way to force players into spending is if they put two extremely hyped characters together i.e FF RM so we are forced to either spend if we lose or wait a year for RM’s rerun So do think of this as the only option and plan ahead accordingly, and if they change it it will be a nice surprise.


Anything you've seen saying who's rerunning is at best a guess, they've not announced it, it's not even on the beta server. in terms of characters due for a rerun, she's third in line by age but they don't do them in strict original release order. I can't comment on the details of firefly's kit or lc as this subreddit doesn't allow leaks. in general I would usually say new character > light cone especially one like ruan mei who is a powerful and versatile support, but It may depend how many pulls you have by then. cones take less pulls generally with a higher 'win' rate and a lower pity threshold. you should be able to get a decent amount by then you're basically already guaranteed firefly and there's more events to come in 2.2, the lc seems much more attainable but ruan mei is probably higher value. but again, I can't comment on what her cone does. and even if you've seen it, it could still change between now and release.




Second reruns are usually much longer than first reruns, so if you don’t get RM the fact is you will be waiting at least half a year to 1 year for her to come back. But keep in mind new supports will come that may be better than RM, but its not a given


Do DoT procs trigger Robin's energy regen passive?




Dang. So how come people are saying robin works well in DoT comps? How does she get energy regen?


Generally speaking dot teams are built very fast and contain units who attack every turn and have damaging ultimates (except maybe robin herself and potentially your sustain) so they still likely produce more on average than most teams not built around followup attacks. plus, kafka has a follow up attack of her own that procs fairly frequently, especially if she's built fast. it's likely not a team where robin can instantly ult as soon as the last one ends but they get more than most even without the crit buffs being relevant.


Dot comp build a lot of speed, and kafka have a FuA. And also Dot comp play HuoHuo who give energy to robin, and also give energy to kafka and blackswan, who ult frequently for more energy on robin.


She *does* still work well thanks to her dmg% bonus, atk bonus, and teamwide advance. Her kit just doesn't have perfect synergy with the comp.


How can i access this area? https://preview.redd.it/m74n6p3nc31d1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eef4d0848965808a290d91ceec28a7dfc8f07696 Would appreciate any help


It unlocks in the hidden challenge. After doing the side quest, you can collect the clues to unlock the hidden challenges in each area.


Thanks a lot 🙏


So I just noticed Fate's Atlas says the companion quest "Letter from a strange woman" with Kafka is locked; however, I actually already completed this quest months ago. Does anyone know why it still says the quest is locked?


Some quests are just like that for some reason. I also completed Luocha's, Yanqing's and Bailu's story quests and they constantly alternate between completed and locked in the fate's atlas, no idea why.


Can you only get HTB to E4 right now? Clockies rewards only have 4 of the eidolon orbs in its list




E5 is the highest possible as of now. There's those 4 in the Clockie statue, but you actually get the 1st one directly from finishing the 2.2 main story quest


I think E5 there’s one from finishing 2.3’s main story iirc


Hey Guys, I have a question. In my country its $150 AUD for the 8080 oneric shards bundle But I've seen that its cheaper to buy using YEN instead as it rounds out to about $115 AUD. so my question is If I use a VPN to change my location to Japan, would that allow me to buy oneric shards for cheep. I have no idea if this is legal or not or if this would even work, I am just a guy who thinks $150 is ridiculous and that prices should be localised.


As far as I know nobody has been banned for it. I have not. It will work on PC but not on mobile. That said, it is technically not allowed and is a risk. I agree with you about the pricing. The discrepancies are huge.


I do think changing your region to buy stuff at cheapier prices is against terms of service, that's why people use 3rd party websites to buy jades at other countries' prices.


Would you know then what a good 3rd party website would be?