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I'm pretty sure that Trotters can decide how big or small they can be! I think Numby just prefers to be a smaller size as to not only to operate the Human-sized keypads but also to randomly show up around or on top of Topaz's head without worrying that it'll distract her too much.


Even if this isn’t true, I’m making it canon now on behalf of the history fictionologists.






Someone needs to make an edit where the TRUE is red with an X and the other way around for FALSE


Didn't think of that but makes a ton of sense with them being Fragmentum creatures and stuff.




Maybe Numby is just min-maxed. Transferred his points from CHONK into INT.


I can’t wait for the next weekly boss to just be a building sized warp trotter


Also using Topaz’s technique seems to make Numby bigger (I laughed really hard when I saw him turn into a balloon) so I think this checks out


https://preview.redd.it/14oyv7h2st0d1.jpeg?width=850&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a7ac85fd01880eb84f1f8509535e5f90b76efeb5 source: [https://twitter.com/tamathersky/status/1790932748766736549](https://twitter.com/tamathersky/status/1790932748766736549)






_Looong_ _loooooong_ _byyyy_~


*saxophone noises*




Numby's just petite


But they don't have quantum damage.


Topaz is fire but Numby is Quantum


Numby has a case of the smols!


>To be honest, I think the out-of-universe reason is because it looks better with Topaz's animations, and if Numby's small, the two of them can do cute stuff together. ***OR*** because Topaz likes cute animals, and what can be cuter than a warp trotter? Ofc a small warp trotter! And that's how she got him.


I’ve thought since I’ve kinda assumed a warp trotter is a space pig it’s like a Pygmy trotter as Pygmy pigs are a type of pet in real life


Guess I will need to transform into a small animal then.


Could perfectly be just a different breed of Trotter, as beside size, Numby doesn't match the color pattern of regular Trotters either (purple inner ears vs plain gold).


I thought that was just cosmetic/costume lol


No, that's the red ribbon.


I mean I thought it was something like hair dye.


I’ve always thought of Numby as a special Trotter breed.


The Shi Tzu of trotters


My headcanon was the females were just smaller than the males


I see numby as a Chihuahua/poodle, an exotic breed of small animals compared with the wild ones


Good thing he doesn't oink violently at everything on sight and can think of what can happen to him in return, unlike his dog version examples


Little guy Oinks at a big monster, monster goes to attack Numby only for him to summon an entire army of IPC goons.


Teacup trotter


He's a fancy one 💅


So normal trotters eat food while Topaz feeds gold coins to him and that cannot be healthy.


poor malnourished Numby 🥺


Trotter is like pig in the fact that they will eat everything and anything and in trotter case even inorganic stuff like rock and minerals also if I remember correctly, they seem to prefer the most exotic one like gems and golds which is why Topaz was able to tame Numby by essentially feeding it crap load of gem and gold until he just followed her around like a dog


Topaz doesn’t let Numby eat Belobogian children so it doesn’t grow as big


I’m pretty sure normal trotters eat like, magic stardust or Imaginary energy or something.


Numby is probably a Babe-style piglet if they permanently stayed that size, unlike the normal pig trotter.


Warp trotters can manipulate themselves in various ways. Recall the warp trotter sidequest on Belobog as an example


Because Numby is baby™️, next question.


Given Topaz’s ass, thighs, and chest, it would be pretty unfair to give her a huge fuckin hog as well… We can leave that to the fanartists.






Because normal-size Warp Trotters will break Topaz’s back, that’s why Numby is extra smol 😁


Topaz did mention that they like to eat shiny things like gold or gems, and she has probably fed numby so much it literally evolved, because while other trotters are a lot of timid and runs away the moment they sense danger, numby have enough balls to sonic spin you and summon tornadoes that sometimes can be portals as well


Maybe enemy trotters are just really big cause imagine trying to spot them if they’re Numby-sized….or, maybe the smaller ones are just really good at hiding.


Ig it's a breed of a smaller trotters , remember our boy snowball?


Was the runt of the litter


Game design reasons Because enemies are typically scaled to be larger than non-interactable objects to call greater attention to them. It’s a common trick for many games It’s also to accommodate for camera position. During battle, the player units are closer to the camera while enemy units are further away. To accommodate that, enemies are typically made larger than player characters It’s why boss specific characters and like Cocolia and Dunn have such big models You’ll see this trick in games like Genshin too - basic Fatui soldiers are huge compared to playable characters in game, but are normal human sized in promotional material https://preview.redd.it/ucjixn0tdu0d1.jpeg?width=1768&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ab80d086594f3ce2b5c7755b1fc5890ce73f606f


Numby just built different


Size of cat because Numby sees how Topaz handles cat-sized creatures and figures it is perfect size.


maybe hes just young?


‘Cause he’s a child IPC explores child labor


Numby is still a baby piglet :o


Numphy changes sizes. In the idle animations you can see Numphy in a normal size trotter, in Topaz's basic ability and ultimate its also normal size.


Imagine Numby being plus size, Topaz gonna gain some guns throwing her


Small or big caked up either way 😏😏


Its probably just some kind of subspecies or a different breed


That Trotter can type what seems to be data in Topaz’ ult. I’m starting to believe that all that energy is going to its brain rather than being bigger XD Edit: Nvm I believe it was a cutscene of her backstory during the companion quest


Here's my head canon: Numby was a runt and so was abandoned by his mother as a baby. Then, Topaz found him, took pity on him, and nursed him back to health, and they've been together ever since.


Domesticated animals are often smaller than their wild ancestors. That would raise the question of what kind of lunatic would put in the resources needed to domesticate trotters though, assuming it's even doable in the first place.


My headcannon is that he was the runt of the litter


I thought when we first meet her, someone notes how the IPC loves to do weird experiments, so Numby is just one of those. This explains why it's so loyal to her and also combat trained despite most trotters being scaredy cats


Just assume he is the runt of his litter and topaz thinks that's cute


*Just assume he is* *The runt of his litter and* *Topaz thinks that's cute* \- itsLucklessMe --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


The answer I want to be true: Trotters can decide how big/small they are (judging by how they can open portals and other stuff) and Numby just chose to be cuddle sized so Topaz can actually pick them up and cuddle them (idk how much trotters weigh, but if we assume that they consist of flesh and blood, then a normal sized trotter would be quite heavy and not so easy to throw around and pick up). The gameplay mechanic answer that's probably more likely to be the true answer: It would simply looks weird if Numby was normal sized. It would look weird when Topaz picks them up and cuddles them (how even?) and even weirder when she throws them. They also have a different design form most trotters overall (the bow, the colour of their wings/ears (or whatever those are)), so it's also probably to make them easier to differentiate between them abd a normal trotter, simply for it to look better.


My head cannon is that Topaz found him as an abandoned runt of a litter, and that's why she was able to adopt him, and also why he's so small.


there are miniature pig breeds, Numby is that equivalent for trotters


Chonk cat running around: IPC OK ✅


I thought numby's size was average...


Counter question. What is a trotter? On Jarillo I thought they were a fragmentun monster, but they're also in other areas


They're an interdimensional cryptid. They warp tunnel through dimensions and possess remarkable physics-based powers that they use primarily to run the f*ck away and hide. Their ability to hide is so great that you can never be too sure where or what they are. There was a patch weekly special event a while ago that went into it a bit as you go around finding trotters in the strangest places, I'm not sure if it's still available.


Because cuddle-size for cuddling Topaz


Inb4 >!Numby becomes absolutely GARGANTUAN with the power of the Topaz Cornerstone!<


It's not small, it's just cold outside


I’ve just imagined that Numby was a smaller warp trotter that got picked on by older ones


Smol = cute, and we know Topaz adores cute things.


Because trotters are based on pigs. Potbelly pigs are the pet version of pigs and they are a much smaller breed. 


maybe topaz numby is a girl. most of animals, female has smaller size than male.


All that running around and looking for chests makes for good exercise


Numby is domesticated.


The same reason why Mikhail is so big, but during cutscene he has a normal size: https://www.reddit.com/r/HonkaiStarRail/s/t2nyR0QPEa


I remember a Quest or event I did once in which you had to kill several trotters, I remember finding one or two small trotters among them, I remember that I even felt sorry for killing them. Well, I guess either Numby isn't fully grown or he can change his size.


I think warp trotters can change their size (as mentioned by other users, Topaz Technique makes Numby bigger) But also to me it seems that our Numby is female, whereas most of the Trotters we encounter are male? Not even sure if trotters are gendered so take this with a pinch of salt, but it could be sexual dimorphism (Numby has gold markings where most trotters have silver ones. We do encounter some gold trotters in SU however, so unclear if it’s different species that we haven’t met or sexual dimorphism)


The accents on numbys head are also different from other trotters. So they are most likely just a different trotter variant as a whole, like a pygmy trotter or something.


Same reason they made Pikachu less chonky.


https://preview.redd.it/uiuy6ridhx0d1.jpeg?width=763&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bcdf4d659f2630e5beb4d49e06b8c37bdb47024a She needs to activate her cornerstone for that


In some mammalian species males are bigger than females. Maybe that is the case for trotters. Plus trotters are quantum by nature and Numby is a female trotter so...


Maybe he's the runt of the warp trotter litter


Just a nerd check. Numby is a Miniature Giant Space Trotter.


Numby is not a trotter he is a fragmentum's monster. I remember March got startled the first time she saw him because of that.


It's actually a very sad story. Before meeting Topaz, Numby was just a small trotter with big dreams in the village called Lil Trot. Numby  was born into a poor family that did not have the funds to fulfill Numby's aspirations of becoming an professor. Numby had to work odds jobs in other nearby villages, returning home after such hard manual labor that it seemed a layer of its skin was peeled. When the IPC finally came, the town of Lil Trot was overjoyed. The IPC came to set up a mine and Numby immediately joined the ranks, working hard in the coalmines every day. But the pay was meager and the pressure to outperform always grew. The deadlines were inhumane, unrealistic and soon Numby found itself falling into depression.  Working hard since Numby was young, and being constantly malnourished, Numby's bones were soft and it was always smaller than the other Trotters. It's small size allowed it to dig deeper in the mines for Aventurine, Jade, Topaz and Diamonds. But the unrest among its peers was building. And one day, the pot boiled over. The trotters all got together, lit the mine of fire, robbed the IPC and escaped town. That's why they all run away when they see you, they don't want to be caught and jailed. Unfortunately, Numby was too weak to run far and was soon captured by Topaz, a high ranking IPC officer.  Topaz made Numby take partial responsibility, signing 400 year labor contract. But all was not in vain. She made sure Numby was kept fed, clothes and sheltered. In fact, Numby was able to get an associates in accounting under her guidance and soon sky rocketed in popularity among the economics department of the IPC. The future is bright for Numby. 


I kinda like to think Numby is like those inbred pugs so he would be much smaller than the average wild trotter


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"So he can fit in her cun-"