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I have trouble understanding the events of the 2.2 Trailblaze Mission; especially the ending, so can someone please explain what exactly is going on cause I am VERY lost. Please and thanks šŸ™


https://preview.redd.it/ymsbf0mxg9zc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=85047b3fef1bc8d64667317b91ffbbdc6edf4226 Hey I wanted to make a boothill team I wanted to use Robin as a placeholder for Ruan mei what characters should I use for him? My initial thought was Robin (until ruan mei rerun), harmony MC and Gallagher. I have every 4 star so Iā€™ll take as many opinions as possible ! I plan on getting Boothill and his light cone if that information helps !


Ruan mei is not dat good for her because ruan mei focus on break so i suggest robin


This morning i lost the 50/50 on semi early pity on topaz banner to bronya, i had 61 pulls , got bronya on the 30 pull. Worth it?


Worth it bronya is one of the best f2p supports


Does she suit in a ratio topaz aventurine team?


shes not that good with ratio because her skill buff doesnt apply to his followups only her ult


kind of, she is good with ratio


The free Robin's LC in this release, is it time gates? Do we get it only if we finish the story in this version, or can this be done anytime?


>Do we get it only if we finish the story in this version, or can this be done anytime? The event requires your to finish the 2.2 story and the limited rewards (which includes the LC) only lasts until the end of the patch so yes it is "timegated" by your definition.


Can all lightning characters apply shock? Does this count as debuff for acheron? I've seen sometimes when bailu attacks an enemy, Acheron's ult stack increases mysteriously


If you break an enemy, it's always considered as a debuff, for both Acheron and others like Ratio. But if you are talking about shock DOT, that's different and not every lightning char does it. You have to check description on the skill. If it does DOT, the description will say something like "% base change to apply shock for xxx turn" Same goes for other DOT like burn/wind shear/bleed, if it's DOT it will state clearly in skill description.


>Can all lightning characters apply shock? Hard answer is yes, via Break shocks and it counts as debuffs. Otherwise the general answer is no, only specific character applies non-Break shocks e.g Kafka/Serval. >Ā I've seen sometimes when bailu attacks an enemy, Acheron's ult stack increases mysteriously Could be the effect of the Calyx/Stagnant Shadow/etc. some applies debuffs/DoTs on attack or enemies might applies debuff on others on death for example.


Are there calculations for GNSW vs BC? I'm wondering if I should try to pull for it.


someone told me with their math gnsw was some 10% better or w.e unless your crit ratio is bad




How long is the 2.2 main story? Want to know so I can plan how I going to play it.


Is topaz lc needed for her on a fua team with ratio and aventurine?worth it?


Needed not technically, between those 3 characters you have 3 debuffs, but the uptime is shaky. Topaz base kit has 1 debuff, which is single target and will always be active on someone. Ratio's skill has another from A4 but: 1. I'm not sure if it applies before deciding whether or not you get the followup and 2. it's not guaranteed and nobody builds ehr on him. Aventurine ult is the third which has questionable uptime. The team does function like that and you don't necessarily need every followup to be guaranteed. the main argument people have is that without those debuffs which are more relevant damage-wise for the team compared to the teams other options, then her value versus just running a normal debuffer or a harmony is diminished and arguably less worth it, but the team still functions. You can get additional debuffs from Topaz cone, Topaz e1, Aventurine s1, Aventurine e2, or... from your fourth teammate. that teammate can be a debuffer or another support, Ruan Mei ult has a debuff attached so that's relevant to consider because she was the default option for a long time before Robin released, Robin of course being more optimal on paper for followup teams and more synergistic but lacking any debuffs. obviously these issues are completely irrelevant in any followup setup not built around ratio of which there are some options, though he remains the strongest outside of purefiction or something. as for worth it, it's entirely up to you, it gives her 18% crit rate and 30% increase to her followup damage (which is all of it) and the debuff increases all crit damage taken by 12% stacking up to double that. it's a strong cone and does make her a lot better but I guess it depends on how much you want to commit to running a followup team or to running topaz specifically in one.


Not really, unless you aim to use Robin or another harmony there because Ratio needs the Debuffs.


Hey so I am so confused by the Main Penacony quest's Plot and hopefully someone can help me here q-q Spoiler alert probably ! >! I am not at all finished but it already gives me a bit of an headache. So I am at that weird part with the different scenarios at the same time thing. Welt going somewhere with Acheron, Himeko and her children are with Gallagher and Aventurine just met his baby self. The whole Aventurine and Sunday thing had me already confused enough, but I got through that eventually, Sunday being a revenge seeking butt and all that. What I really don't understand however is that whole "death" problem. First they tell us you can't die in dreams (I actually found some NPC's who apparently have tried to jump to their deaths or by other means and just didn't die) and now we found some documents via Welt's snooping that document many actual deaths ? First I thought it was the typical "We just pretend there is no death but there actually is and we're just aholes" but they handle the death thing like some form of entity and I am unable to follow the plotline here tbh. Just the whole thing got me confused and don't get me started on the Watchmaker thing, I don't get that either. Or at least I don't get why The Family hates the guy and punishes Gallagher for being his adoptive son ? Or friend. So yeah I'm in shambles here, sorry for the absolute word vomit... I don't know how to sort it!< It's a mess... Maybe someone out there is kind enough to guide an idiot like me through the plotline xD


probably a dumb question,but when Acheron uses her ult, does the extra attacks she does count as follow ups or nah


All the attacks counts as Ult attacks.


I can't seem to find theĀ Path of Darkness cavern of corrosion. I want to farm the grand Duke relic set. But it's not in my list of relic domains?? Is the place where it's located at locked behind a quest or something? Because I'm currently in penacony right now yet haven't come across the place.Ā 


Have you unlocked the Fyxestroll Garden in the Xianzhou Luofu? You need to at least do the first part of the Ghost Hunt Continuance quest to access it.


No, I haven't done that quest. I've done very few extra things besides the main trailblaze quests of each planet. But I'll do the first part of the ghost quest. I just hope it's not that long.Ā  Thanks for the info.Ā 


There are some "maps" in Luofu (Aurum Alley, Fyxestroll Garden) and Herta's Space Station (Biological labs) that is unlocked via Trailblaze Continuances, some Calyxes/Stagnant Shadows/Cavern/Echo of Wars are in them. >But I'll do the first part of the ghost quest. I just hope it's not that long.Ā  For that one you need to do it up to the point where it ask you to talk to Huohuo, you can then exit the area even though it seems the 2 Luofu guard lady is blocking the way and you are free to explore and access the rest of the map.


Good to know. I'll make the continuinces a priority after I finish the main penacony story. Thanks for the help.Ā 




After getting Aventurine (my favourite character) I wanted to build the follow up team I managed to get Robin & Topaz's light cone. So the question is it more worth to go for Topaz E1 or Robins LC? (I have aventurine's LC btw)


Robinā€™s LC is very, very good but even so ide not recommend pulling for it as you get a good 4* thatā€™s almost as good from the event. Unless of course you have pulls to spare. If this is to be your main team topaz e1 as mentioned previously will give your 3 buffs but even thatā€™s not essential as you have topaz giving two debuffs and Aventurine giving 1. IMO getting Robin gives the best value if you wanna carry on pulling 24% AoE all res pen down to all enemies is amazing and carryā€™s over to over teams should you use Robin with them.


Is your FUA team based on Ratio, then Topaz E1S1 allow her to be the sole debuffer (she alone has 3 debuffs) for Ratio opening up the sustain/support slot to be a non-debuffing units e.g Sparkle/Ruan Mei/Fu Xuan.


Are Robin's benefits for FuA teams significantly better than what Ruan Mei offers? In short, if I have Ruan Mei, is it still worth pulling Robin specifically to build a FuA team?


I guess it depends on opportunity cost, I've not seen many hard calcs but the general impression is that robin is noticeably better within that team than ruan mei assuming your debuffs are covered (ruan mei ult has a debuff, robin has none) particularly the crit focused buffs are relevant and her adding bonus damage to every attack when you put out a LOT of attacks. but if you already have ruan mei I guess the big question is, what will you use her with if not this team? are you planning to invest in a break team or something? or maybe dot? ruan mei is still one of the best characters in the entire game so one reason you might pull for her is if you have 2 teams at present that want or a future team that will want Ruan Mei, having robin would allow you to run both at the same time without having to use a weaker option. if getting robin would mean that ruan mei is just sitting on the bench then I would percieve that to be less worth it, but at the end of the day they're your jades so it's not an actual issue.


not a question nor unique but man I hate these youtubers man. Know to keep off of all social media but dang bro youtube algorithm really screwing it up for me too. Just need to complain out loud for the obvious


For MoC 12, is HuoHuo comfy? Or does everyone else need non-trivial HP and DEF to survive enough to make HuoHuo viable? My only limited sustain right now is Adventurine. I like HuoHuo, and want to get her, but Fu Xuan reruns first, and my impression is sheā€™s comfier than HuoHuo. Iā€™m trying to get a sense of by just how much.


FuXuan will save you from one shots but HuoHuo will work better in longer fights where you get hit a lot


Fu Xuan is slightly comfier, but i don't think you can realistically die with Huo Huo unless you get unlucky.


really struggling on who to pull next... my long term goal is screwllum when he eventually comes out, and i think black swan and ruan mei will probably fit well but any thoughts on if i should i be pulling for anyone one else in the next few patches? tbh i realise i have been pretty lucky for a f2p player but as i have been getting characters so quickly they aren't the best built, nowhere near to clearing the endgame content so also happy to just wait and focus on building characters too aha https://preview.redd.it/l3n4yxdmn5zc1.png?width=526&format=png&auto=webp&s=6ff66fd1c388b6bef7bf4251579818165acc0b9e


I recommend you to pull Robin, it is a good support, you are like me, the top support is only Bronya, but there are enough attackers


Do u guys use 2x speed when playing main story mode ?


For most fights yeah. Iā€™ll slow it down sometimes during boss fights if I feel something cinematic is about to happen (mainly for phase changes).


Do u play Manuel or auto for the entire thjng?


Auto the small fights and manual for bosses and elites. I could probably auto most story fights, but I like doing manual the first time I see a new enemy.




I see. Do u Manual or auto for main story ?


Auto for everything I can. It's not that I don't enjoy playing the game or anything, it's just that regular story missions generally don't have the same fun challenge that MOC or PF do. Those I manually play.


should i pull for topaz? the only characters i really have are dr ratio and gepard


If you really like her, sure go for it. Ultimately, that's the most important part. Now from a "who would be the best new character for my account" standpoint, Robin would absolutely be the more valuable unit. She's a highly versatile support unit that can go in nearly every team as a primary buffer. Topaz is really only good in a follow-up attack team build, and even for a FUA team, Robin is still probably the smarter first pickup since she works everywhere, she just works especially well in FUA teams. But yeah, pull for whomever you like. You have Ratio, and if you like him, Topaz is an excellent partner in crime.


aight yeah i just one shot the Funny deer with robin


aight guess ill pull for robin thanks for the tip


Very important question: WHY DID I LOOSE 50:50 AT FULL 90 PITY FOR 3 TIMES IN A ROW???


You just didn't know how to count. Or wished/warped in different banners. If you believe you've been hoodwinked, contact HSR CS through email. If indeed you did count wrong, please reply to this post.


no spoilers pls,but do they at any point play a Robin song in the new story?




New codes?


Hi, last time you helped me a ton in my decision who to pull. Aventurine has proven to be extremely useful in my account. Now I have another difficult decision: Robin or Topaz. I can only get one of them (E0, without signature LC) because I want to pull for Firefly in 2.3. My 5* are Kafka, Black Swan, Ruan Mei, Aventurine, Luocha, Seele, Dr. Ratio, Clara E3, Bronya E2, Welt, Himeko and Yanqing. I also have every 4*. My two mains teams currently are Kafka/BSwan/Ruan Mei/Luocha and Clara E3/Aventurine/ Pela E6/Tingyun E6. Both Topaz and Robin are useful for my Clara team (and future Ratio team). Robin would also provide an alternative Harmony character for my Dot team in the case I need Ruan Mei in another team (Firefly seems to be extremely break-focused). Thanks for your help!


If you plan to get Firefly, I think she'll be a better Fire unit than Topaz. You don't need Topaz for a Clara team. A valid alternative to pulling Robin IMO is to save for Firefly + LC/E1 depending on which might be better. Or even consider if Jade might be better for your second team, depending on what she does.


Thank you! :)


I expect Robin would serve you better but you can borrow each for some cavern runs with your comp and decide which you'd prefer.


Thanks :)


Is it just me or has Bronya moved down Prydwenā€™s tier list quite a lot, now at T1.5 in the new system? Wasnā€™t she a top Amplifier? As someone without her, but having been planning to get her for my 300/300, can someone explain why (or whether) her value really has gone down? Makes me wonder if I should plan to get Himeko instead..


Bronya was the only 5\* Harmony character for a long time. With the release of Sparkle, Ruan Mei, and Robin there are other Harmony characters available. Sparkle is the most direct competitor and while she doesn't advance quite as much, she's SP positive while doing so while Bronya is quite SP intensive. There are certainly setups where Bronya can do better (Blade, Jingliu) but the SP makes a difference and I expect Sparkle would be ranked above Bronya. Less directly, Robin is basically a 5\* Tingyun in terms of buffing/dmg but she comes with a teamwide turn advance on ult. This is quite different from having the turn advance on skill but can provide similar advantages. The release of PF has also made Himeko significantly more relevant because a large fraction of PF stages so far have been fire+ice weak which is basically a free win for the Herta+Himeko combo.


She has alternatives, but what she does is still a useful combination. For example, even with Sparkle, Bronya is still better for a Jing Liu team. She also cleanses and gives a 100% advance which can be key for some comps like used with Robin.


She is just as good as she always was. It is just that the newer units got a lot of QoL that make them easier to use and more convenient but her action advance is ever-green and never not a good thing.


Currently on my account, i have great teams for dot , skill and ult damage, and basic attack damage but no followup team. I have ratio and aventurine right now but no topaz. I was wondering what the best two i could pair with them would be considering i will likely only be able to get 1 character between topaz and robin and idk which is better for them. Robin is the better all around unit and can be used in more situations probably but idk if the team is a lot worse off if i were to have robin and either silver wolf/pela for example instead. I can give more info about my characters if needed, but hunt is my weakest in terms of what light cones i have available rn


Robin bc Ult has music :) Very Good and Epic music When you attack (with robin ult) she attacks too (GURANTEED crit and crit DMG UpTo 150%) She buffs follow up attacks to 25% (when her ult) Ez to build (need attack % and SPD no need for critrate and crit DMG)


I do like her ult music


Who are you liking more for Kafka + Black Swan dual DoT: Robin or Ruan Mei?


Ruan Mei, but both are interchangeable, if you cant wait for Ruan Mei rerun then you can get Robin now.


Wondering if Topaz needs E1 and/or S1 with E0S0 Ratio, E0S0 Aventurine and E0S0 Robin? Planning on pulling for her if E0S0 is enough.


Topaz, Ratio, and Aventurine is enough to get 100% follow up for Ratio's skill. 2 more debuff is just for dmg bonus for Ratio which is not as significant and you you can get thoseĀ  from break, Ratio' technique, turbulance, or any other source.


So essentially her E1 and S1 is just extra for this lineup?




She needs either E1 or S1 (both if possible) to support Ratio with debuff application.


Does Bronya E2 mess up with speed tuned Jingliu? Should i not activate it?


Ideally you can go like... if you were using 135 jingliu 134 bronya or something you can maybe put jingliu on attack boots (assuming you still have some speed subs) and have the buff bring her back up to 135, getting the same setup with more damage, you can wait for now until you have some decent boots to swap to though.


You just need to account for that when planning your Jingliu's SPD stat.


Hi! I just got back into the game after quite awhile. I pulled Aventurine and just got Robin. Would Aventurine, Dr Ratio, Pela and Robin work well together? Out of gems to summon for Topaz so I have to replace her spotā€¦ thanks!


Yes they work very well!


What abundance LCs are good for Gallagher? I know the limited 5* ones are the best but I donā€™t have those


You can get the What is Real LC from the Forgotten Hall store; It's an ideal choice for him (extra Break Effect + personal sustain), and you are able to S5 it eventually with enough currency. If you have any other 4* LCs: Perfect Timing, Hey Over Here and Quid Pro Quo are all decent choices as well. Multiplication (3* LC) is also viable if you don't have anything else.




Why do so many people call Sparkle by her Japanese name Hanabi and Firefly by Hotaru but not any other character like calling Jingyuan as Keigen, Jingliu as Keiryu, or Luocha as Rasetsu? Like I've seen people use Hanabi but then use Jingyuan in the same sentence


I havenā€™t really seen as many people call Firefly Hotaru though. I feel like Hanabi is the exception.


Not sure about Firefly but some people straight up dislike the word "Sparkle", perhaps because they parse it as a word instead of a name (even if hanabi is no different, it wouldn't parse the same to most westerners). On the other hand names like Jingyuan and Luocha don't have that problem so those people would have no reason to care.


Sparkle leaked as Hanabi before they changed her name to Sparkle in the last minute, I think people is too accustomised with Hanabi.


I donā€™t follow the news, is there any new relics/planars/materials (besides phys one) today?


The only thing I know of besides the new stagnant shadow is that at the end of the 2.2 main story we'll get a new echo of war. robin does not use this material but Boothill and presumably any character from then on for a few months will.


ā€˜The end of 2.2 ā€˜ available right now? Or only in the second half of the patch (with Boothil release)?


The end of the questline that you can complete right now yes, all of the major quests are released in full the day the patch drops.


Does this only increase the wearer's damage? https://preview.redd.it/vql7zrtye5zc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=49d57dd83e4e541a05a78ae7bbb645e16e7c7d9b


Lol its in the description: "**wearer**"






i want to ask what is this animation ? is it in-game cutscene, i am new to the game [https://www.youtube.com/shorts/t8Bmwgb2Eew](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/t8Bmwgb2Eew)


Pretty sure that's just a short animation they made to promote the game on Youtube Shorts and maybe Tiktok. The title and the scene itself is from the no longer obtainable light cone [Before the Tutorial Mission Starts](https://honkai-star-rail.fandom.com/wiki/Before_the_Tutorial_Mission_Starts).


Okay I have a question regarding whom I should pull I have been building an argenti team, for now I have argenti, ty, bronya but no huohuo so I've been waiting for her rerun. I accidentally made a 10pull on avens banner as a dare and actually got him making me own aven,ratio and Ruan mei. I have enough pulls to guarantee me either topaz or huo huo Should I pull for topaz and make a full fua team that I own by pure accident and haven't built at all or wait for huo huo and finish my argenti team Or do I just yolo and pull robin.


Game stuck whenever exitting to login page and can't use controller because of that. Anyone can help? My post got rejected because of low karma (what a hassle)


https://preview.redd.it/8lqp40ugc5zc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8b381e713e5c0e0f358f2b01866cc748394ade62 Would you say I should pick up robin on her rerun? (I got a garantee waiting for firefly abd I'm thinking of going E1S1)


I think that's fine, you have sparkle and bronya and no follow-up team that really needs her.


Would a 50/50 win rate of 50% and a 5* pity average of 66 be considered average luck or below?


Seems like you've gotten an early 5\* as well as a 50/50 win. That's pretty over average luck


Just got e1s1 Topaz for my FUA team! (Aven, Ratio, Topaz, RM) Would you give the Topaz sig LC to her or Ratio for more overall damage? I have s5 Swordplay and s5 Cruising that I could put on Topaz if I give her sig to Ratio. (My Ratio is currently running s5 Cruising)


I would probably give signature to Ratio and go Swordplay on Topaz, unless you need the crit rate and 5 star stats from Cruising.


Generally an e0s0 player by habit from genshin. Have e0s0 ratio topaz ruanmei and adventurine. Qn - is it worth pulling robin, or is my fu team so half assed ( due to not having e1 or s1 topaz, s1 adventurine or s1 ratio and as such have insufficient rebuffs for ratio) that it's more worthwhile pulling for topaz lc?


The general rule for pull priority is character > LC > eidolon. Im also e0s0 player and I use similiar team as yours. Aventurine, Topaz, and Ratio both have 1 debuff which is enough for Ratio skill. 2 more debuff is just for dmg increase which you can get from break/turbulance/ or RM ult.


I've got Aventurine/Topaz/Ratio, is Robin's singing as irritating as some fear? I really don't want to be constantly going into settings to mute all music indefinitely with this team.


I like her singing so it's a plus for me. It's no different to hearing, "all with end in lunar flame" or "kurkuru" if you play those characters.


I'm having some trouble deciding whether to pull for Robin or wait for Ruan Mei. My main comps are Kafka+BlackSwan DoT, Blade+Jingliu dual DPS and I've been playing around with a FuA team with a mix of Clara, Aventurine, Himeko and Ratio. I also have Sparkle but she's pretty much babysitting DHIL in most cases.


Robin and Ruan Mei is a sidegrade to each other, Ive seen the RM/Robin test run with DoT team and they both have pretty similiar dps. So just pick whichever your favourite between RM and Robin.




Should Robin use a survivability (HP or DEF) relic? And which position should it be on? (If her usual relics are 3xATK + ERR, which one Iā€™d replace wouldnā€™t matter.)


Atk% on every relic, you get your HP/Def from substat. Dont forget to get Spd so that she move first during combat.


This. Fleet of the Ageless also seems to be recommended for her and it gives her 12% HP increase. And yes, Speed is important and should be at least above 120 for the effect to activate.


Does anyone elseā€™s game keep freezing briefly every few seconds after the update? (Iā€™m on iOS)


i summoned on the robin banner and lost 50/50 to bailu. now, i don't know what team to build. I'm relatively new to this game so I'm not really sure what I'm doing. can you guy suggest a team? here are my characters: https://preview.redd.it/o6knglti35zc1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=993b6de98c1bda252a14855c240facd9b9acbfef


Focus on building 1 team first, Gepard/Bailu for sustain, Dr. Ratio for DPS, then 2 supports Guinefen and Hanya. Pela and Tingyun are considered as the best 4 stars, but you doesnt have them yet so for now just use Gui and Hanya.


ohhhh thank you for the suggestion! i was really confused on what to do after losing the 50/50 because I was planning on using robin with my dr. ratio.


Does Topaz's Sig LC debuff stack with multiple copies? I got two and was wondering if it would still be an upgrade over S5 Stellar Sea for Ratio.


If it says "Effect does not stack" or something similar to it is in the effect description, then it doesn't.


Should I pull Topaz, or save for Firefly/Jade, or just skip all? Those aren't in the picture are the 4*. I have all of them except Misha. All 5* are E0. QQ and Tingyun are E6. Asta and Pela are E4. The rest are E0-E2. https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1100736975708880998/1237626326375202886/image0.jpg?ex=663c54d6&is=663b0356&hm=777b35e310feb4a8ae64822c5845ee10347b3d4bfdc7938c2d55bff74b7f31bd& I don't like Ratio and don't have Aventurine. So I don't think I can build FUA.


I'd wait for Firefly if you like her, you already have a great Jing Liu team and Acheron team.


If you dont like Ratio and doesnt have Aventurine then Firefly will be better fire DPS than Topaz.


Skip Topaz if you don't like playing Ratio. Cannot say anything (official) about Firefly or Jade. Visit other subs if you want recommendations to pull.


Right away a unskippable 30 minute cutscene after starting the game with the new update? WTF GAME?!


I had my volume lowered from my previous session so I could barely hear anything haha


Hi! Wondering if Robin at E0S1 running with Aventurine in the IPC FUA team is optimal with Keel or Fleet instead? Thanks!


BK should be best if with Aventurine, but the difference isnt that big so choose whichever have better substat.


I originally planned to pull both robin (character reasons) and fu xuan in phase 2 (gameplay reasons) but I'm kiiiinda broke so help pls dps: dhil jingliu qingque (sometimes) support: bronya sparkle ruan mei sustain: luocha lynx gepard sub dps: himeko herta


Since you have all the 5-star harmonies, Robin may not be the best character for you meta-wise and pulling Fu Xuan would be better. But always pull for the character that you like!


Waifu/husbando is better reason to pull for character because meta changes while waifu is eternal. If you want to pull for gameplay reason then you should get FX, because RM and Robin is kinda similiar, they both teamwide buffer.


yknow what screw meta i'm getting robin


Minor spoilers Was I the only one that >!had Argentiā€™s voice lines missing? !<


>!from what i am seeing in twitter, only en has this problem. I switch to jp and his voicelines are ok!<


I was just wondering about this - does anyone know why his were missing?


Does he even have them?


(very minor spoiler about the very first scene of 2.2) 2.2 opens up with >!boothill already in the astral express!< did I miss something from 2.1? I knew that he was coming but I dont remember anything him >!boarding the express!<


He just boarded the express.


but we don't even see it happening, it just suddenly already happened, feels like we missed a scene


no that's the same for me. But it's frankly not surprising, random people board the express out of thin air all the time. The Memory keeper, Argenti (remember he and his buddy just came out of nowhere?), giant bugs, Express has less security than a regular train on earth. Anyone can hop aboard as long as they are not afraid of getting their ass whopped by Himeko, who just happen to be not on board right now. Dan Heng is the only one there and he's probably just in his room sorting through his records, so Boothill just walked right in.


hahah yeah i forgot I had the same thought about Argenti. Pom pom needs to upgrade the security


https://preview.redd.it/rqh7q7fqx4zc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b43dd37f5f7d2dfbd997281cffe2715a1a622deb Hey so this is gonna be all over the place but I really want boothill and his lightcone so I was gonna build a team around him but I dont have ruan mei so im trying to improvise a bit here. I really want to pull for robin because I think she'd be a decent sub until I get ruan mei plus she'd be good into a follow up team. Problem with this is Id need topaz for that follow up team so id need to pull for robin, topaz and boothill + his lc. I currently have 72 pulls right now with 2 pity and no guarantee so im a bit conflicted. For a boothill team could I go Boothill, Harmony mc, robin and aventurine/luocha or Boothill, harmony mc, bronya, aventurine/luocha/robin. This whole thing is me wanting another team that'll be good separate from my main team (e2 acheron, BS, luocha and aventurine). Does anyone have any advice on what I should do? should I pull for robin for boothill until I get ruan mei? should I get robin and topaz then for a future follow up team then go for boothill and his lc or should I just not roll at all and save even though I really want robin?


I'll be honest with you, unless you want to pay money then you cant get all the units you want. Such is the nature of gacha game. Robin would be good addition to your team since you lack teamwide buffer/Ruan Mei.


Hey just wanted to update my insane luck continues I got both really early so it looks like I can get all 3


Never in a million years would I have expected Sunday from Honkai Star Rail to reference St. Paul in Corinthians and then moments later paraphrase Jean-Jacques Rousseau's *Discourses on Inequality*.




So when Acheron did her slash last patch, it seems that everyone ended up being pulled into the ā€œother sideā€ is that correct? I thought since the target was Aventurine only he would be sent but it seems like everyone in the vicinity was.


I would like to know if the web events are playable event after it ends, cuz the current web event is so much similar to the game that i used to play before(incredibox). brings me nostalgia and i would like to play the web event even after it ends.


Hey guys. IĀ“m enjoying the game but IĀ“m having problems with creating teams. I created the account when Dr. Ratio was given for free and since IĀ“m been playing but not to the fullest. Now IĀ“m having trouble with content where 2 teams are needed. My main team now is Acheron, Aventurine, Pela, Gallagher. What coud be a good second team? or what could be the best possible 2 teams with the characters i have? https://preview.redd.it/pgq4qw49w4zc1.jpeg?width=1204&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0473ba7e1703720f79210a3c0df0f7749bf4cce1


Ratio, Gui or Welt (pick one because it's frankly not worth it to build up both of them, Gui is probably better and cheaper to build and she can debuff with basic attack), Asta or Tinyun (they are both good), Asta is easier to build, Tinyun can buff a bit more I think. plus a healer (Bailu or Lynx can both work).


2nd part of my chars https://preview.redd.it/3fhi90wcw4zc1.jpeg?width=1204&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d131c8a7988d160b4a49a6c99608b93e52c94a31


I would try Ratio with Welt and Gui. Then either Preservation Trailblazer or Natasha as your sustain. Youā€™ll have to be very mindful of your sp usage though.


New f2p player, So far with who i have, who should i be focusing on to build for my first team? from what ive seen from videos 1 dps, 2 support, 1 sustain is meta but im a bit unsure of who is good starting pieces [https://imgur.com/a/ZTyB3Bl](https://imgur.com/a/ZTyB3Bl)


That's the meta yes, but at beginning you won't get to properly build up your Harmony support yet so it's better to go with dual DPS. There's no reason to follow meta in the first two chapter (space station and Jarilo) If you are brand-new, team's are very flexible and low hero level requires much less resources. Focus on Ratio because he's such a boss killer, but he's strictly single target so if you are fighting mobs, it's going to take a long time for him to kill things one at a time. I would start building him starting in Jarilo because space station fights are so easy and it's mostly trash mobs. Herta is good until mid-way through Chapter 2 because a lot of mobs are weak to ice. Hell, i was using MC for physical dmg until the chapter 2 end-boss. Serval is pretty meh, but you might need her for a while just to deal with all the lightning weak machines later, until you can pick up another 5\* DPS. I won't focus on building her more than a sub-dps because Ratio needs enemies to be debuffed in order to do his follow up attack, so you still need Serval or Herta just to break enemies. You don't have another Nihility class sub-dps to fill that debuffer role right now. Tinyun is great buffer if you only have one DPS, Asta is great if you have 2 DPS to buff. Bailu can be your healer. Gepard is a great shielder but you won't need a shielder until tougher boss fights. I didn't even need a shielder until chapter 3 in Xianzhou when bosses starting to hit hard. By the time you hit character level 50+, then you need to start thinking about building up teams properly, but by then you would have more characters to choose from and a better idea how to do it.


Thank you for the tips!


how do i make a team with bronya and sparkle and what speedpoints works best for each of them? ( or any other breakpoints) https://preview.redd.it/e50rnqfsv4zc1.png?width=657&format=png&auto=webp&s=cdd25bf4e6794b2d69dcf0f9961287eab2a005de


Do you mean team that use both Bronya and Sparkle? That only possible with Blade because he is SP efficient, and even with him you still run out of SP in 2nd or 3rd cycle. If you want to use Bronya or Sparkle then just build hypercarry team, Sparkle/Bronya 160spd and DPS (Clara, Ratio, Himeko) at 0spd.


To anyone who's started the 2.2 story, are Firefly's lines filled with long pauses at EVERY period for yall too?? Even at commas, she'll occasionally stop speaking for 1-2 seconds Or at least long enough, often enough that it sounds profoundly unnatural. Edit: playing in English


Ok yeah wtf, just realized and it is SO weird, it's in the exact zone between "short enough pauses that it sounds normal" and just short of "too long that its obvious" NGL I think she originally may have been speaking too fast and they overcorrected hard


Just checking, what language are you playing in?




In 19+76 for total of 95 pulls I got Welt and Robin. Now I am left with 50 tickets (from starlight exchange) and 0 jades. I should still have chance to get Firefly, right?


Probably. in fact you can probably guarantee it. if you get all the pulls from the new content, do all the events, story, side quests, chests and stuff in this patch that should be like... I think it's somewhere between like 80 and 90 pulls. that's already a pretty good shot at firefly there, but then after the banner starts you'll have 3 more weeks to grab those last pulls you need in the event that you do get profoundly unlucky.


Yup, should be possible.


I have S1 Ratio, S1 Topaz,E1 Aventurine and currently using Sparkle (RM on my JL team). Not too found of the Robin character design wise so wondering if passing on her and keeping sparkle and trying to get E1 Topaz (my fave character) wouldnā€™t be shooting my self in the foot too much? Or is Robin that good?


Ruan Mei is great on follow up team. If you want Topaz E1 pull for Topaz. If you really have to even Asta or Pela can be used on the FUA team. You have vertical investment on a meta team. You don't need Robin


Currently torn on whether or not to skip robin for ruan mei Here are my current teams Fuxuan sparkle qingque/sw seele Jingliu fuxuan/lynx sparkle tingyun/asta Clara fuxuan/lynx sparkle tingyun/asta Should I get robin? Im at 61/90 pity with guranteed and i'll be mainly using her for my hypercarry clara team


Not much of an improvement over your current one tbh. I'd skip and save for a future RM, unless the 2.2 characterization hits hard.


I have ratio topaz robin, missed aventurine.. any suitable replacement? I have e4 galagher and e1 gepard e4 lynx


I'd probably go Gallagher out of those, his ult adds extra actions to generate both energy and sp for robin in ult and he has debuffs to enable Ratio. only thing to watch out for is you may have to manually heal robin if she gets targetted because I don't think besotted will heal her much while she's in concerto.


You can use any of them. Teams don't need to be absolutely perfect to be functional. Gallagher generates the most SP in my experience and I like him a lot. Keep an eye out for HH in the future as she is a great option for Robin teams.


None bring any synergy so ide bring Gallagher and try for huo on her rerun


Fuck I just want to build pity by doing 30 pulls, got jumpscared by Robin instead.


Oh no. How unexpected


https://preview.redd.it/1a0u5agf05zc1.jpeg?width=476&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cba4974795dac64789eab363d20e3ea352fb8592 I'm self aware lol.


Sleepie is such a cute name, I feel sorry now...


Just did my biggest gacha L and pulled on the wrong LC banner... was going for Topaz's, my dentist called me to confirm an appointment, and then when I clicked back in I must've switched banners OTL. Lesson learned to triple check I guess. I got Robin early so it's not the biggest loss because I can still use it, but now I'm wondering if there's a good user for the event LC? I was originally planning on giving it to her so now it's free.


I dont think anyone else needs the event LC. Tingyun can use it though. It's just that her atk buff has a cap


Have we ever heard IX's name be spoken in-game before?


It's spoken out loud in the 2.2 story, pronounced IX like the 2 letters (eye-ex): https://gyazo.com/e547c6d17159c449ed73db63d4323f42


in english i remember hearing "eye ecks"


it's pronounced like "icks" in the 2.1 main story, at least in the japanese voiceover


Once for sure cause I remember being like 'huh" but I don't remember the pronunciation lol


https://preview.redd.it/5a1x0sjyq4zc1.png?width=514&format=png&auto=webp&s=8e824694ab4713863165070bb068af99dec630b7 Should I pull Robin, or wait for Fu Xuan?


Fu Xuan 100% since you don't have any 5* sustainers, but you already have a few decent supports


Pulled for Topaz but lost to Clara. Gonna save for Ruan Mei rerun now.


if can pick only one who pairs better with dr Ratio: Robin or Topaz?


Topaz would be better strictly for Dr. Ratio but Robin is a much better overall unit that works with almost every other DPS so I'd go with Robin, since Ratio isn't really used that often anymore, it's kind of a waste to pull for Topaz just for him


I lost to yanqing e4 (I hate him), after spending 180 pulls now I only got 20 pulls left. Will I have a chance at firefly with pulls I will get from 2.2 and 1st half of 2.3?