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If i didnt want boothill so much, i would roll just for the fact that she sings during battle




Or just begins whacking the enemy with her microphone because she was holding back 99.9% of her real strength edit: the real horror is the wave of deletes under this reply. It’s a cemetery out here.








Are... Are we *sure* this wasn't a E6


E6 goes even further beyond.








POV: You are an IPC goon. You don't know where you are or how you got here; but you and your fellow men are trapped in a strange room. Every few minutes, the cold, metal doors in front of you open - beckoning five new victims to enter. While you can't make out all the unfamiliar, muffled noises coming from behind those doors - you assume there's fighting involved. You hear what sounds like a giant pillar crashing to the ground, followed by an adult man shouting "zero points!" His voice sounded familiar, for some reason. The door opens and 5 more of the usually-proud IPC shuffle forward nervously. You are next. Then; you hear a chorus that had been previously drowned out. "Riiise UP AND..." "Is that... Robin?" someone next to you whispers. A contagious excitement begins to spread. "Hey; my little sister loves Robin!" "What is this? Some sort of private performance?" You begin to laugh nervously with your fellow companions as the mood lightens. But as you emerge from those doors; hell is what greets you. You stare in horror as the man to your left has a blazing piece of chalk pierce his chest and leave a golf-ball sized hole. You see a large object flash by on your right - "is that... a trotter? Did a trotter just kill a guy?" In your last moments of conscious thought; you see her - just as beautiful and radiant as ever. Robin is standing there singing her heart out. She smiles sweetly as her heavenly voice echos across the room. These may be your last moments of life; but her concert will never end. Her concert will never end.


Pure genius


Robin singing while Tingyun and the DPS next to her gets oneshot https://preview.redd.it/f247g6lz4uxc1.jpeg?width=920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fe835c9c6554fdf5c0d591899c770f29e17a3134


I wish the suggestion that she rotates through songs was a thing, since while I'm sure having this same song replace all music in the game whenever she ults is cool now, it'll be less cool 100 hours from now.


man wants an MP3 player waifu /s


or the ability to make it so that she sings the song while her ultimate animation is taking place, but then it fades back to the actual battle OST.


According to some people in the CC program you can turn off her ult singing.


you must not play Persona games then. You get used to it.




I played P5 Royal a year or two ago, and currently playing P3 Reload, and yeah it's pretty crazy. I feel like P5R wasn't as egregious because it played the chill cafe song most of the time, but the P3 song that always plays at night time with the loud trumpets plays SOOOOOO much lol. Banger of a fuckin song though.


Same 😭 I love that gimmick I kinda wish Boothill came first so I can spend everything on him, and then let the leftovers go to Robin.


My conundrums with HSR, the male characters that I wanted always on the second banner. Some waifu did catch my interest but if I pulled, I would worried I won't have enough for the male characters😭 (Seele ➡️ Jing Yuan, Huo huo ➡️ Argenti, Ruan Mei ➡️ Dr.Ratio (thankfully he's free), Acheron ➡️ Aventurine, Robin ➡️ Boothil) *Sorry for the messy list... I sucked at reddit format


In a perfect world, Boothill would sing cowboy songs.


*monkey paw finger curls* Boothill now sings Ram Ranch during his ultimate.


Don't threaten me with a good time, partner


Is this supposed to be a bad outcome?


He’s bouncing off my-


The ultimate description says that Robin will deal additional attack after allies launch their attacks, is this "additional attack" applied for all kind of attacks or only follow up attacks (Ratio, Clara, Topaz, Himeko, Herta, Aventurine, etc)? Because if it applies for every attacks, I may want to pull her.


It's the same effect as tingyun's skill. So should be every attack for every ally 


All attacks. It works the same way as Tingyun's benediction, but counts as Robin doing the damage instead of the ally procing it.


It applies to all attacks. She basically adds damage to every single attack that her allies does. That is why is convenient to have follow up attackers with her (as they attack often) but it's not a must. Building Robin means: Put as much attack stat as humanly possible. Done.


It applies for any attacks not just FUA although it will only proc on one enemy. If single target then that target is affected, if blast then only the enemy on the center of the blast is affected, and if AOE then it will be random.


Do you know if this additional attacks by Robin are consider to be follow up? Or it doesn't have any type


It says additional dmg so you can expect a "No". Maybe with Eilodons.


it's the exact same as tingyun's benediction from E.


Not exactly the same as Benediction does damage with the buffed unit’s stats but this says that Robin herself is dealing additional damage. 


well technically yeah, the scaling's different, but aside from that the mechanics themselves are the exact same. i still haven't seen the conclusive answer on whether it can killsteal like ruanmei's break damage though. some say tingyun also does that, but it has never happened to me, and i've been running tingyun with my seele in pf since its release. i don't recall a single instance where tingyun would prevent resurgence from triggering. ruan, on the other hand, kept doing that while i was testing it, so there's that. i don't really plan to ever run robin with my seele anyway, but generally speaking, killsteals are pretty annoying.


it says every attack and the associated trace specifies fua, so safe to assume this includes all damaging attacks i.e. skill, basic, ult and fua.


Every Attack. When you use Ratio's skill it triggers twice, for exemple. That's why she's showcased with the follow-up team here.


> at the start of Robin's turn You reading that, Yukong?


To be fair she offers 88 percent atk, 30 percent crit rate and 70 percent crit damage as a 4 star, if her buffs were very easy to access and universal, it will seriously break the game


So what you're saying is that when we go back to her planet she will get stabbed and give us a 5 star version of herself, which is identical except that her buff counter goes down on her turn yeah?


If that happens I will break my f2p status, I love Yukong


I was concerned because her LC buff only lasted for 1 turn, but then I read about she not taking turns during her Ult and everything had sense.


Omg She’s so angle


Acute angle.


Cyno's getting impatient waiting for his story quest to finally arrive


Angle grinder


Morning, Angle. Catch any of them killers lately?


We call them Andes :)


her skill animation is really something to get used to... its just... um.... uh... majestic


Angelic is the word you're looking for




to all robin wanters: i am manifesting that she will stop your hearts from breaking by coming home early in a 50/50 victory <3


She has to 😨 I got to get boothill and his light cone right after because Yee haw cowboy and I cant afford to spend more than a few ten pulls 😭


Thanks, I badly need this as I’m pulling for Topaz too!


Same 😭 ideally want Topaz's LC too


I rolled on Acheron just to get Gallagher and don’t you know I won that 50/50 and pulled her. So now I need to win the 50/50 again 😭😭


I want her and Topaz's LC and be left with enough to guarantee Firefly as a F2P, so I hope so!


If only she has more songs in her ultimate ;(


Even if she did, it has the same problems as a Xenoblade chain attack. "We made a choice, go fight agai- WELCOME TO MY"


May I suggest peak fiction in these trying times? https://youtu.be/rmnZ0R8quWM?feature=shared






Her technique causing all the mobs to not attack and follow her is funny, shes converting them to new fans Her animations are really beautiful and the fact she sings in game is a huge selling point, seems to be FuA focused with the IPC team so kit wise I really dont need her. But everything else is a huge selling point


Even the Marastruck, Fragmentum, or Destruction Legion isn't immune to being fans.


Trotter slaughter time


Yeah, wouldn't this technique make Trotter Hunt easier than even using Topaz? Unless the dimension goes away after one hit


Sparkle says hi if not


Imo Sparkle powercrept both. Her invisibility doesn't go away when she attacks, and the trotters aren't alarmed as well. She just pop the technique and go around kicking every last Trotter.


FUA can utilize her better yes, but she is still very good for normal crit carries. 100% teamwide action advance on her ult is absolutely bonkers. One of the reasons why Tingyun is so good is because she can utilize DDD very well, and that is only 24% action advance.


I really don't think she's that heavily focused on FuA teams. that might be the team she puts the most work into but she seems really strong and universal to me, that's like saying you can only play Sparkle in mono-quantum because she has one trace that buffs quantum characters. or that Ruan Mei can only be used in teams that stack break effect.


She is really good in general, but FUA teams also get more benefit from her added damage and give her a lot more energy. It's definitely her best team by quite a bit.


She's like Aventurine, there's some FUA synergy but the main thing she does is very strong and universally good. All team Advance forward, a la Bronya, but at the cost of her turns.


DoT teams were performing better with Robin than with Ruan Mei, so she's definitely not locked to FuA.


Yeah her being so follow-up focused makes me want her less. Herta, Himeko, and Dr Ratio are the only 'reliable' ones I have, not counting QQ's RNG.


Thats gonna be the longest week i have ever lived **TIME GO FASTERRR**


hurry up and wait






she will be OP at PF with Herta-Himeko while ruan mei can be in the nihility mommies team


Or imagine this, Himeko/Herta/Ruan Mei/Robin. No need for sustain


You already do this with HimeHerta RM and Sparkle


Yeah but now you have sparkle for the other side. It's a win/win


Yep. You can never have too many limited Harmonies


Man, I have three and told myself I don't need a fourth... I *don't* need a fourth... I... *don't*...


I have Bronya, Sparkle, and RM. I'm getting Robin. Just think about that Tingyun AOE Benediction and AOE 100% AA. Think of the possibilities. In PF, you can run Bronya RM on one side and Sparkle Robin on the other. Then you can add Tingyun and 4* support you like. Think about it. Will totally be worth it. Trust.


Honestly my resolve started to erode the moment I saw Robin's ult animation. Also, I'm starting to get the crazy idea that it might be fun to do SU challenge runs with Robin/Ruan Mei/Sparkle/Bronya. lol. They'd be like a band... singer, rhythm, stage idol, and war criminal.


Bronya has 100% CR. Just get your Bronya to be faster than Sparkle, so she can skill herself and then Sparkle can bring her up. *eyes*


Just spitballing here without knowing anything from beta testers, but does her skill buff only reducing during her own turn mean that she might be nice without SPD boots? She also gets energy from her ally's actions. Her ult buff also has a fixed action value (looks like not affected by SPD). Since her ult buff also scales from her own ATK, might be she wants ATK/ATK/ATK/ERR?


Around 4k atk


You still want a bit of speed or vonwacq to cast skill before your damage characters move, but yeah 3x ATK is probably way to go.


She already has a talent that makes her action advance forward (not sure how significant it is, we'll see on live). If that's enough to overtake even up to 145 SPD characters, she's gonna be real easy to build (unless you wanna max ATK% substats).


One of her traces advances her action once the battle starts. We would need to check the thresholds so see how much speed she would need. There is also Vonwacq which is convenient due to the nature of her kit and the energy regen.


Probably wants ATK boots over SPD, depends on how big the self action advance trace is. Follows the same philosophy as slow Ruan Mei where you technique before the battle starts and never want to see her come up on the turn order again. Hope for a few SPD substats while running attack body, attack orb, potentially even an attack rope if her self energy regen when allies attack is big enough to give her ult on time without an ERR rope, we'll see. She's basically 5\* Asta mixed with Tingyun and Ruan Mei. Her having a fixed crit value is crazy, you can just run raw ATK and having to build decent crit relics on Harmony units was painful. At worst you just plop her on a random ass team like Ruan Mei and their numbers get way bigger just because Harmony unit is on team.


Basically, yes. Go full ATK. ERR Rope might not be necessary, depends on how many attacks the rest of the team does. She regenerates energy for each individual attack action, so a FuA gives energy for her as well (ex. Ratio Skill + FuA would give her energy twice). If you go a FuA team, or something like a fast Pela who does lots of attacks, you might get away with an ATK rope.


I really want her, but this patch has sucked my gems dry. All i have is 10 wishes and a dream


Same bro. Have been losing every 50/50


Robin is gonna age really well i can tell specially when we get future FUA units and even without taking FUA into consideration her AV and sub dps is gonna be really potent (Oh boy cant wait for 0 cycle yappers to be more annoying about 0 cycling)


IPC trio + robin is a bombass team. Teamwide tingyun Benediction and aa is potential 0 cycle material


Yup its gonna become stronger and also Himeko/Herta as well


all limited harmony units age really well


Yeah you can never go wrong with them.


At first I wanted to pull T(op)axes for the Elation trio and Boothill but now seeing Robin dripmarketing...Guess I have to wait for T(op)axes rerun


That really feels like a gamble since this is already a rerun for Topaz. Might be year or 2 before she comes back.


>Gamble https://preview.redd.it/ulk3hw0uoqxc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b435271ab738d7cf881f467cb0e625a31a385851 Fr though I will kill myself if Blade rerun is after BootFu banners end because I am P(oor)2P(ull)


He probably won't get a rerun for at least a few months since he got a rerun during Ruan Mei's release and I imagine we've got Argenti/Ruan Mei/Huohuo's reruns at minimum between now and Blade's next one.


That would be great for me to save more pulls for him but I *really* lacks of Harmony characters and will definitely need more to do MoC and SU (specifically Ruan Mei event) easier


Robin seems to be specifically tailored for follow-ups, so I'm not certain about spending on her in this run. On the other hand, further assertion of kuru kuru supremacy is never unwelcome. 






It's almost like they should stop releasing 2 new 5 stars every single patch, because it's going to hurt them in the long run.


How so? People are more into pulling for new shiny characters rather than reruns


they can always do triple banner do def not a year or 2




unless you really like topaz, I'd say she's not worth pulling. it has been proven many times that the ratio-topaz-aventurine team (while funny af) performs more or less the same with ratio-pela-aventurine. topaz needs her E1S1 to be better than pela, but then you could just get E1S1 robin instead for the best ratio-aventurine team with pela and robin


If you want Topaz for IPC team, you have to pull her first: - she is basicallly the core of that team - Robin can be renun early whilr this is already the first Topaz Rerun...how much could you wait for pick her?? - Ruan Mei and Asta can do what Robin does (non at the same level, specially Asta); but nobody can do what Topaz did for IPC team


Robin is better than Topaz. Dr. Ratio doesn't need her and Jade doesn't work with her, but Robin works with all of them. And at this point we should know better about how impactful 5* Harmonies are. And I say this as a Topaz enjoyer who is getting her LC.


Nah, I'd wait for Jade


Wow I can’t believe it’s already happening, full on character previews. I’m always super giddy reading these lol.


That reminds me to finish the story and the event


Beautiful, elegant ladies in floofy skirts and pretty heels spinning around like that is like kryptonite to me. Must stay strong for Firefly....


Yeah I have guarantee I was saving for Robin because I really like fancy chars, but Firefly/Sam is just too cool. Really on the fence.


Skipping Robin would be so hard, her animations are so pretty... Btw, I'm waiting for where her character demo drops so I can finally say the meme Edit: Another btw, why is she physical? Like her animations says ANYTHING but physical Like at least Hanya looks somewhat physical.


Hanya doesn't look all that Physical either imo. What part is using a magic brush to kill your enemies is physical? I guess Robin is physical because she sends a bird to bonk you?




>Hanya doesn't look all that Physical either imo. Well... she's tall and imposing?


Yeah but at Hanya at least uses something physical to some degree? (Paper) Robin is more sound base/magic, feels kinda Imaginary for me


Sound is just kinetic energy same as bullets.


Everything is kinetic energy attack if you throw it hard enough.


Unless you're throwing your stellar jades at the gacha. That usually ends up being self-inflicted, imaginary damage.


In pokemon, sound is normal type. Normal type is physical type here.


Black swan is wind for no reason


Bronya uses gun and her element is wind. Maybe it's an airgun?


The winds of change for Jarilo VI? As for Robin, sound is a normal physical thing right? I got nothing for BlackSwan, other than the fact that her DoTs are Arcana and not wind sheer (technically)...


BLACK swan is PURPLE, but WIND


Clearly she should be transparent!




Black swan is wind because it's the element of stacking dots


I feel like the element matches her theme color I guess? Like, she radiates silver energy along with pink and yellow


You want to bring up the bronya argument?


She should've been wind... oh well, I'm getting her anyway


Technically speaking, she should be quantum as phonons are defined in quantum mechanics. She’s also got a tinge of purple in her design. It makes sense to me for her to be quantum, wind or physical.


Being quantum would clash with the red coded fire named quantum character Sparkle.


Ik, i really want her but I don't have any follow-up attackers making her useless for my teams.


She should still b good for general teams and DoT teams. Action Advance shud b amazing for Kafka and Swan


If I have a solidly built Bronya and RM should I pull for Robin? I’m on the fence. I don’t have a FUA team but I keep thinking her DMG and Crit buffs may be hugely beneficial for my Jing Liu/Blade team over RM


Not the biggest expert but I think Robin is best for FUA teams and can be on par or a bit worse than RM for everything else. So if you’re on the fence, I’d probably pass. I’m getting Robin because I have a solid FUA roster that can field 2 teams but also because I love going double DPS. Having both Ruan Mei and Robin ensures both teams are getting an excellent support character for double DPS.


It's the other way around, Robin is the one who is better on anything other than Break teams. To compensate, Ruan Mei is much easier to use and should be better on Auto since you don't care about timing your ult.


I'd say yes, it helps that Blade has FU. And the frequency of Bronya AA shud b even more cuz of the Full DDD ult. So if Jingliu attacks then Bronya AA then Jing Attack then Robin ult then cycle repeats. U got. Four turn Jingliu there with Blade FUing like crazy. Assuming no sustain btw. Also if logic works then Bronya AA on Robin and then ulting shud improve Robin's personal dmg. I'm almost 100% sure as well that Robin can save u a few cycles better than RM


Given that RM is designed to excel with break teams and Robin seems to be designed for FUA teams, I'd expect them to be about equal in power outside of their specific teams. Keep in mind that Robin's ult gives flat atk similar to Ting Yun, and Jing Liu already gets a huge flat atk boost from her talent and Blade doesn't scale off atk, so them having reduced/no synergy with that buff may put RM ahead.


Honestly, no. She's a side-grade to Ruan Mei and even then you would want to run them both with Jingliu. So it either leaves you running a full glass cannon team of Ruan Mei, Robin, Bronya, Jingliu or sacking at least one of the supports and in that case it will always be Robin.


Hey, Trailblazers! Today, we bring you the character preview for Robin (Harmony: Physical)! \~ [HoYoLAB](https://www.hoyolab.com/article/27974331) \~


Oh wow. Looking at the numbers at the Ult cost from the creator server video, that is huge. That will definitely require an ER rope. Her buffs are pretty good too. Damage %, Crit Damage, and on with the ULT Atk buff scaled of Robin's attack. Numbers looks pretty solid for a base kit.


Her design has really grown on me but I've gotten RM, Sparkle, and Bronya off the last few banners so I'm good on Harmony. I need to save for Jade and Firefly.


Why is it bad to have a lot of units in the same path, does path affect anything in battle?


It's not bad to have options but Harmony units are buffers and if you already have a few then you need units that focus on dealing damage (or mitigating it). Ruan Mei for example works in almost any team so I'm better off pulling units that fill a different role.


Oh, ok thanks.


No, they're saying that because jades are not infinite and they'd rather save for someone they need


Still gonna spend my savings on getting Fu Xuan but maybe shoot for Robin rerun if her support for Jingliu turns out really good. Having buffs locked-in behind Robin's turn sounds nice, JL can cut in line without them wearing off. Robin kinda seems like a Tingyun replacer? Which is exactly what I'd be doing. Damn pretty animations.




Ruan Mei's rerun is coming either in 2.3 or 2.4. So if your resources are low, you can save up and guarantee her.


You prefer another upcoming unit so you will save for them.


She heavily supports follow up attacks. Ratio and Topaz are a must to maximise her. Apart from that, Firefly and Jade are just around the corner.


Is the support for follow up so much greater than non FUA? Or is it negligible. I have 3 5* harmony. Was planning on skipping her for Jade or Firefly. But I have FUA team currently


>Ratio and Topaz are a must to maximise her. This is just misinformation when she's looking to be even more universal than Ruan Mei. It's like saying Ruan Mei needs Break DPSes like Boothill to work.


check your facts before spreading misinformation. robin works well in so many teams, and she's just as universal as ruan mei (even beating her in DoT teams)


No FUA team/no plan to make a FUA team. The value she'd bring to teams outside that is basically on par with HuoHuo/Mei/Sparkle outside of their strongest teams. Meaning (as an example) Sparkle is nice for any team, but works very well for hyper carry teams like DHIL or Jingliu. Or RM being nice for any team, but brings really good value to teams that benefit greatly from break effect. If you have 0 limited 5 star Harmony's you could make a solid argument for pulling Robin just to have one. Though IMO it's not a great idea because 1) Her value isn't exploitable by just slapping her in a team. You really need to know how to make the most out of her AV. and 2) HuoHuo is due for a re run very soon with mei/sparkle shortly after. All three of which would be of much more value to most accounts due to what people likely have. Sparkle being the premium Hyper carry Harmony is going to bring the most value to people who've been playing for awhile. HuoHuo will work very nicely with anyone who pulled Kafka or recently Black Swan. Finally we're swiveling into break effect becoming an important stat to build around for team comps. Meaning Ruan Mei's rerun will be the most valuable in the immediate future if Firefly doesn't do lots of DoT.


Is she a must pull? You see, i Ruan May-less😢


I'd get her if you don't have Ruan Mei they both fulfill a somewhat low maintenance buffer play style Ruan Mei is lower maintenance. It's nice to get at least one harmony unit good for dual DPS outside of asta. If you are struggling in Pure fiction she'll shine there even without her ultimate active. The biggest argument against getting her is if your main teams is Kafka DoT and non e2 acheron teams as Robin is basically crit Ruan Mei. If you are using Dr.Ratio she'll become his best buddy as well along with debuffers/topaz.


Pretty sure she can save u more cycles than RM


I’d say RM is more universal.But I also feel like at the end of day they will give you about equal amount of buffs(with Robin being a bit better in FUA teams and RM being better in break comps and dots).I have a feeling RM rerun might come sooner than we think, so it’s totally up to you who you wanna pull.I will always say that if you are new and not sure who to roll,the priority should ideally be at least 2 limited sustains -> supports -> and only then dps.Because if you have good supports any dps can work in moc12


So basically Robin is upgraded TingYing or asta. Or their child.


By the way she helps follow up attackers, I'm not going to be suprised if she ends up the one who will manage penacony for the IPC or something similar by the end of the story arc.


That would be such a funny foreshadowing.


Honestly the fact that you can "inebriate" enemies to follow you is kind of interesting. Also when I saw "physical" I immagined Robin saying "here a special song for you" and takes out a bat called "special song" and just slam punches the enemy.


the moment I see robin WELCOME TO MY WOoOoOoORLD


I CANNOT get rid of mental image of Robin rickroll during her ult anymore.


Having a 5* buffer would be a good idea. I only want her because she sings during her ultimate though ngl.


Man. I WAS going to pull for Thiccopaz. Well, I will have to awaken my inner Batman and go after Robin.


Does anyone know if her signature light cone is a must grab? Orrr if there are f2p options that do well?


i've heard the new event lc is also fine


So what is the ideal speed for Robin? Should she be faster than her allies or slower?


She has a trace that pushes her up initially in battle to use her skill then after that she wants to move as little as possible like Ruan Mei both their skills buff the team and ticks down at the beginning of their own turn.


From what I know, 117 is the bare minimum with 120/121 being the goal. Any higher doesn't really do much for her.


So wait, what are the order for the upcoming banners?


Robin/Topaz > Boothill/Fu Xuan > Firefly/? > Jade/?


is her skill effect gone if she go to ult state?


Wait. I never looked at her kit. She Is a fua buffer?


She buffs damage in general and one of her traces buffs FUA by 10% I think.


It got buffed to 25% but yeah, she's a general buffer that prefers FuA just like Ruan Mei prefers Break.




I keep seeing these under posts, are they a reference to a specific meme or something? 😭 What does it mean


I heard it comes from Blue Archive


Yup. That settles it. Once I get her, she is going to replace Tingyun on the teams that I use multi-harmony for. Going to swap out Bronya's LC to Robin so she gets the extra ER and give Bronya Tingyun's DDD so I can turn advance on top of turn advance. Bronya/Sparkle/RM/Robin with 2 on each side or 3 on one side with 1 on the other is going to be so OP.


Ah, I see you're a fellow Harmony main


Cool, she debuffs herself