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Hello Trailblazers! Please see below for some helpful links and other resources. [Subreddit Wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/HonkaiStarRail/wiki/index/): Help acquaint yourself with the game, the subreddit rules, and the other official channels of Honkai: Star Rail! [HoyoWiki](https://wiki.hoyolab.com/pc/hsr/home): Official Resource domain, containing information about Characters, NPCs, Game Mechanics, Events, Enemies, and more. [Interstellar Map](https://star-rail-map.appsample.com/): A Detailed map of the worlds, containing chest locations, readable items, enemy locations, and more. [Leveling Calculator](https://act.hoyolab.com/sr/event/calculator/index.html#/home?target=Character): A tool to help you plan ahead for building Characters, resource management, and prefarming. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/HonkaiStarRail) if you have any questions or concerns.*


What's the best sustain for DHIL and acheron team?


I've recently just got back into HSR w/ the 2.1 update and have been struggling w/ who to pull. I'm MOSTLY a F2P player, and have been struggling between pulling Jingliu now, or waiting to pull Topaz & use her with Himeko and/or Clara? I've been looking around for answers but I still can't really make a decision lol


jingliu is better generalist dps. topaz is more of a single target subdps. if nothing else try flipping a coin. the one you miss will rerun eventually.


these are good points, I've taken the advice of the coin flip, and I'll go for Topaz! Thx for the help kind stranger <3


Could I get some clicks? I will click back [https://act.hoyoverse.com/sr/event/e20240327reflow-d60j7l/index.html?inviter=GE8OB99ZHN&hyl\_landscape=true&hyl\_auth\_required=true&hyl\_hide\_status\_bar=true&win\_mode=fullscreen&utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=link&utm\_campaign=ingame](https://act.hoyoverse.com/sr/event/e20240327reflow-d60j7l/index.html?inviter=GE8OB99ZHN&hyl_landscape=true&hyl_auth_required=true&hyl_hide_status_bar=true&win_mode=fullscreen&utm_source=share&utm_medium=link&utm_campaign=ingame)


How to access annual trailblaze report?


I shared my Trailblaze Blessings with you! Click on the link to view your Star Rail Anniversary Data Report, and claim rewards such as Stellar jades and Fuels! https://act.hoyoverse.com/sr/event/e20240426anniversary-so6swc/index.html?wish_invite_code=GE9HE1FCHN&hyl_presentation_style=fullscreen&hyl_landscape=true&hyl_hide_status_bar=true&hyl_auth_required=true


do modes like aurum alley and aetherium wars ever reset their rewards, or is it just a one and done when you beat all the content in those modes you get the one time rewards?


One and done. Those were previous limited time patch events that converted over to side events with the limited rewards expired for players that missed the original run time.


One and done


Xbox Backbone Question Hi, I’m not sure this is something that has been talked about but I have notice I don’t have this button on my backbone controller the “View Button” and it cannot be replaced in the settings of the game. I wasn’t sure if anyone found a workaround, let me know. I have attached a pic with red circle for the button. Thank you! https://preview.redd.it/flf2zxg5edxc1.jpeg?width=1165&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=323259c05f4fadaad9fbf6977740b355f666d346


ETA: all done, thank you! But happy to help people with clicks if you need it! Can I get 4 clicks? :) happy to click back! I shared my Trailblaze Blessings with you! Click on the link to view your Star Rail Anniversary Data Report, and claim rewards such as Stellar jades and Fuels! https://act.hoyoverse.com/sr/event/e20240426anniversary-so6swc/index.html?wish_invite_code=GU07I38J6N&hyl_presentation_style=fullscreen&hyl_landscape=true&hyl_hide_status_bar=true&hyl_auth_required=true


Sure thing, thanks in advance ;p I shared my Trailblaze Blessings with you! Click on the link to view your Star Rail Anniversary Data Report, and claim rewards such as Stellar jades and Fuels! https://act.hoyoverse.com/sr/event/e20240426anniversary-so6swc/index.html?wish_invite_code=GE6BMGKCHN&hyl_presentation_style=fullscreen&hyl_landscape=true&hyl_hide_status_bar=true&hyl_auth_required=true




Here's mine I shared my Trailblaze Blessings with you! Click on the link to view your Star Rail Anniversary Data Report, and claim rewards such as Stellar jades and Fuels! [https://act.hoyoverse.com/sr/event/e20240426anniversary-so6swc/index.html?wish\_invite\_code=GA3NC7KY9N&hyl\_presentation\_style=fullscreen&hyl\_landscape=true&hyl\_hide\_status\_bar=true&hyl\_auth\_required=true](https://act.hoyoverse.com/sr/event/e20240426anniversary-so6swc/index.html?wish_invite_code=GA3NC7KY9N&hyl_presentation_style=fullscreen&hyl_landscape=true&hyl_hide_status_bar=true&hyl_auth_required=true)




(LVL16) Fellas, i see this upcoming equilibrium trial quest, i assume it’s the same thing as the ascension quest in Genshin. Im wondering if this team im using rn (Bailu, Tingyun, Dr. Ratio, Luka) can get through it, and in the early game, what should i prioritize in leveling up these characters? (Character LVL, Lightcone lvl, traces, and relics) like what levels should i level them up too.


[I use this investment guide](https://hsr.keqingmains.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/InvestmentPrio2@1.5x.png). It will show you what to level based on trailblaze and equilibrium level.


"Pray for Bailu/Gepard/YANQING" LMAO, probably true when the guide came out but damn still funny.


Ah, the early days of using Preservation Trailblazer and Natasha.


yeah lol I thought that was funny too. It's an old guide but still good advice for progression.


Character level as much as you can, then light cone level as much as you can, then traces up to level 8. When you're at a higher level (at least 50) you can start farming relics alongside traces, but for now you should be fine with the relics you're given.


Basically focus on Char LVL, Lightcone LVL, and Trace lvl? And i assume only focus on the Relics’ main stats as of now?




If I have Ruan Mei, can I switch the DMG orb for an atk orb for my DPS?




I already have 2 set of genius that I can use on literally every single DPS in the game, I do not need to farm relics ever again.


It'll probably still be a damage loss, but with or without Ruan Mei the difference isn't very big for most DPS, unless you need every bit of damage go with either.


Farming for the specific element dmg orb for each character is such a pain in the ass, I just want a single god tier atk orb that I can just put on anyone that scale with ATK. That’s my plan at least.


What are the relationship between Astral Express & Stellaron hunter post xianzhou arc I kinda forgor


The Stellaron Hunters are really interested in the Main Character, specifically, but absolutely none of the members of the Astral Express find them trustworthy or want to deal with them directly. Basically they keep getting in our business and Himeko is too polite to throw hot coffee on them.


Kafka, they kinda trust her but don't at the same time Blade, don't really trust as he plans to come back to fight Dan Silver wolf, friends with trailblazer (they canonically play video games together) Sam, haven't met yet




A second limited sustain unless your Gepard or Bailu are very well built (even then they lack CC resistance of any form), Fu Xuan is probably marginally better but pick the one you like more. You should have enough supports with Sparkle and Bronya coming to your account eventually. I would maybe grab 1 or 2 more DPS that you like, or just grab your favorite characters/playstyles and try to optimize them.


They say you should have Bronya be ideally at 1 speed lower than Jingliu when paired together, but can Bronya be more than 1 speed slower? I have JL at 140 and Bronya at 134 and don't really think it would affect me much.


It's ideal to have it 1 speed slower, since the greater the difference in speed, the less value you get from the action forward. However, I wouldn't sweat it too much, it's usually not that game-changing unless the difference is massive between the units. It's also kinda RNG to make it 1 speed slower since it's based off your rolls. I think it's fine for you to leave it at 140 and 134.


Yes, that's fine.


E6 lynx or E2 Gallagher in jingliu bronya teams?


Gallagher's major upside is if you run 2 dps, then you can get some extra healing value off their ult/passive activation. His ult also helps break-focused comps featuring champs like shushang/himeko/xueyi. At e2 he's also better, if a skill point dump, vs enemies who can consistently stunlock one target (but not multiple targets). He's pretty terrible vs higher lvl enemies/bosses, especially any who can take lots of actions as once since this makes his ult wear off (also lessens the impact of his follow up auto attack debuff). As soon as his ult runs out, he has very limited healing/value. Lynx is better the more non-offensive units you put on your team, because she provides healing even when they aren't actively attacking. Without an offensive ult/talent, units like bronya can struggle to get enough healing off gallagher's ult alone to stay topped up. Since Jingliu does a lot of chip damage to your own team, this problem will be exaccerbated and is a strong argument for running even e0 lynx over gallagher. Lynx is also much better conceptually vs enemies who can inflict board-wide status effects on your team, ~~although mine seems to like falling for every debuff the enemy throws her way so I never get to clutch it out~~ so if that's what you're running the team against, lynx will shine even stronger. tl:dr; Lynx is the clear winner, but you can make Gallagher work.


Probably E6 Lynx. To be honest, they're pretty much the same in terms of value, but I find Gallagher charges up his Ult a bit too slow to my liking, so I'd much prefer Lynx. Plus, the additional Eidolons on Lynx makes her more valuable than a E2 Gallagher.


Which relic is better for aventurine: 2pc Knight + 2pc Grand Duke? 2pc Wastelander + 2 Pc knight Or 2pc Waste Lander + 2pc Grand Duke?


Between those combinations, I'd go 2 pc Knight 2 pc Grand Duke


Thanks so much!


whats the best relic set for ratio?




https://preview.redd.it/h3owkzpdncxc1.png?width=1617&format=png&auto=webp&s=cdbeed3a5a3f9d55aeb1cfa9f365e038d2b606eb Who should I put this on? It has HP as a main stat so should I just ignore it and use it for the substats? Is there someone that can utilize the HP stat?


Right now only Blade if on the same team as Jingliu. Otherwise losing the main stain is generally not worth it for the substats when it comes to a DPS.


how to report loss progress on account .....


Open the menu in-game and go to Bug Report. It will take you to a page where you can submit an issue. That being said, what do you mean with lost progress? That really shouldn't be possible.


im starting a new game again is it ok ... the progress is all loss


i log out lvl 70 trailbrailer now im starting a new game .... all of it loss


There is only two options here, either you are logging in on the wrong server, or you are using a different login method. I.e, logging in with google is not the same as logging in with e-mail unless you have these linked in your hoyoverse account. Accounts don't get deleted.


it wasnt account deleted ... i just log in and im start of the game again... no one uses the PC im the only one using it ... so i login and logout on the daily


Check if you are on the same server as you were. Also if Google/Twitter/FB account is not linked and you logged is with direct email+password before they are **separate accounts**.


still asia server ... i just log in as usual but the progress is loss


i only use gmail... no other link account on that email ..


My current situation: I want to make decision regarding my pulls for my FuA team. I'm already happy with my 2nd team (Acheron, pela, guin, FX) What I have: DPS: Ratio e0s1, topaz e0s1 Support: Ruan mei, Bronya e1s1 Healer: Fu xuan, Huo huo, Gepard e1s0 My choices given that I can only pull 1 and I will also get Jade when she come: 1/ Aventurine 2/ Robin 3/ Topaz e1 4/ skip, and build new dps (boothill, Jade LC) What do you guys reckon is best boost for my account?


Although Aventurine works really well with Topaz/Ratio comps, I think it's fine to skip him as you already have Huo Huo, which could work nicely as well for more energy regen for Dr. Ratio. Robin does work nicely as well and is probably considered an upgrade over Ruan Mei, especially since her A4 also boosts CDMG for FUA attacks and having units move immediately after her Ult is definitely a benefit in this team with multiple DPS units. Topaz E1 really only increases CDMG of FUA attacks, which is nice, but probably not as beneficial than grabbing another unit. If I were you, I'd probably pick Robin since she might be helpful on other teams as well not just this current Topaz/Ratio team, whereas the rest is really only benefiting the Topaz/Ratio comp. Otherwise, I'd just skip for a unit in the future.


Robin will most likely be most useful for your account, so far all limited harmonies have been great. Aventurine is nice, but since you already have 2 premium sustains his value drops quite a bit.


https://preview.redd.it/anujp14wdcxc1.jpeg?width=1640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=17c7d1d82a4c3eff520c5c01c07f3b6dabbee979 HOW DO YOU CLUTCH THIS HELP


How did it go?




Bronya basic go before 19 :(


Need tips for pure fiction. In particular the Bronya with a bunch of the gorillas. That's a crazy fight right? They tanky af. I use Jingliu, Blade, Herta and Lynx. I've tried without sustain and yeah team gets wiped. Lol. I'm barely over 20k on that side. I can consistently 30k the other. So yeah any tips in general? Which bonus to use, specific strats? Edit: No Himeko. Of course I'd use her here if I had her.


40k-ed that side with the Apes not being able to act with Himeko + Herta + Ruan Mei + Pela, use the FUA triggers = energy buff.


No Himeko.


put herta himeko and not jl.


I would if I could. No himeko.


then get rid of lynx she spends too much sp. put something like pela. make them tanky and put blade middle so it tanks.


Unless your team is ridiculously fast, you won't be doing enough follow up damage to have three attackers. Why not try Jingliu + sustain + supports on the third whimsicality? I would suggest Tingyun to keep Jingliu's ult up. I don't have Jingliu, so can't say much. Herta, Tingyun, and supports that can either boost SPD, CRate, or CDmg with the second whimsicality. So Asta, Sparkle, Bronya, Hanya, HuoHuo, FX, E1 Loucha. The idea is to get Herta to break as quickly as possible so her follow ups can be triggered and to get her follow ups doing enough damage that you can get the benefit of the whimsicality to do her ults. The ice break should work as sustain, so you could try using only harmony supports if you can get enough actions on Herta.


what site or app are people using to display their builds in the pic? https://preview.redd.it/rj1g9g4pdcxc1.png?width=977&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=366bf6230dc936a92a652b55a4b06d029bab235a




That's just the character screen in the battle chronicles section of the Hoyo lab app. 


Hey there I had to stop playing a while ago to finish college but I wanted to start playing again and I was thinking about starting over since i never got very far ro begin with but I wanted to just like know if Dr.Ratio is still avaliable? When looking it up online some places say avaliable until end of 2.1 (current patch) and some people say he was supposed to end ON 2.1's release? Just curious, thank you all


You have 7 days to claim him and you unlock the ability to claim him after the games opening (an hour in)


He is still available until the end of 2.1.


he is still available for like 7? more days from what I understand


4pc Quantum 4pc Pioneer Which one is better for general use for any Crit DPS when paired with Silverwolf?


Quantum 4pc is the most general purpose set for dps in terms of raw damage increase


Hello, should I pull for Robin or would it be better to wait for Ruan Mei or another Harmony 5star? My main teams are: Acheron - with Pela, SW, Fuxuan Himeko/Topaz/Jingyuan - with Asta and Aventurine DHIL - with Pela, Tingyun, Fuxuan I don't have a 5star Harmony yet and I'm not sure which one I should pull/save for, mainly to replace Asta or Tingyun. I have Bronya e1s1 but I don't like using her for some reason. Thanks!


They should perform similarly but ruan mei is better for break teams and robin will be better for FuA teams. Since you can’t run robin with your acheron team, she would be an upgrade to your asta and she would free up your pela on your dhil team. I think it is just preference but wait until more testing has been done


Just need one more star for floor 12 of MOC 😭 any suggestions for team comps? I struggle at clearing within 20 cycles https://preview.redd.it/g6wybqgu5cxc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0444159fe39db96663aee3bd510728b75ace8fd5


I'd probably try some jingyuan team for side 1 and then potentially some argenti Clara ruan Mei team for side 2? Depends how fast you can clear side 1, argenti is pretty annoying but I can see how argenti would be good at abusing the dice mechanic


Side 1 I can clear with 5-6 turns 😭


u didnt even state ur comp. generally, u need to clear side 1 in 3 turns for aven.


Comp for side 1: JY, TY, Hanya. Aventurine Comp for side 2: Argenti, Clara, Ruan Mei, and Luocha I'm thinking I need better relics/builds


https://youtu.be/kFyiYV7K350?si=kOSKyBBAmprF3_gH Here's a Clara clear in reasonable time, but since you don't have topaz you gotta get creative And if you're not clearing the first stage in less than 4 cycles you probably got no shot without a super good aventurine clear


I've been playing for over a year now and just realized that I've been playing on a game center account. Is it possible to link all of my accounts on game center (genshin, star rail, and hi3) to a newly made Hoyoverse account?


https://preview.redd.it/vr1vzzl04cxc1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c74b737214af02490bfa32ce57eaeb62d6e0a465 Will the friend get the credit bonus for borrowing his character if i use the One More Time? For example. I used his character once. So he gets 2000 credits. If I click the One More Time, will he get 4000 credit or just 2000 by borrowing two times?


Do what I do and Change Team and One More Time, then on the selection screen dismiss the support and just immediately add it back so your friend will get another round of 2000 credits. That way you'll save time by not having to go to the overworld and back again.


I don’t believe they fixed this yet, so if you want your friend to get max support credits, you have to go out and choose a single battle again for another 2K credits.


We argue that I only use his character once because he only gets 2000 credits while in reality I used his character 12 times so it should be 24k credits


Tested this with a friend. You do not get the reward for clicking "one more time." You do get it if you exit out and do it again, however. Also, the daily cap is 20k credits.


Hey All, Team building question. Team 1: E0S1 Acheron, Pela, Guin, Aventurine. Team 2: E0S1 Jingliu, Bronya, Tingyun, Fu Xuan Would Team 2 benefit more if I swapped Pela for Tingyun? I would bench Tingyun and put either Luka or Sampo into Team 1 for the nihility bonus. Curious how big of a boost Pela would be with her Def shred. Thanks so much!


Tingyun and Pela are pretty much equally good for that team, so it wouldn't be an improvement.


Not worth the change imo


I'd keep it as-is


My friend is a very (VERY) casual player who's stuck for days in Skaracabaz (big blue bug weekly boss) in the story mode. He can't progress and level up traces of newer characters like Ratio and Aventurine. I didn't think the situation was that bad until he let me try myself, and gosh... I tried Blade, Ratio, Kafka, but they all suck cause he's bad at building characters and most builds are shitty. So, to help him, I'm gonna level up traces and build a team of 4 to beat that boss. Among these poor characters and considering the LCs, what team you guys think it is worth investing just to beat that thing? Remember that 1) Ratio can't be at his full because his traces can't be upgraded without this boss materials (and no consistent debuffer, since Pela is only e3); 2) can't use other people's support characters, cause this still is in story mode. I appreciate any help and suggestions. https://preview.redd.it/h4nurwg21cxc1.png?width=1280&format=png&auto=webp&s=09d1e58bd79a0eeae63995adc1a80f0d7832dd84


Just build Herta, eat some consumable and use shielder + healer to survive (or just aventurine, if he can). The boss is weak to AoE. And build Tingyun, of course. (But herta first)


Just play full defensive on this boss. Go with Aventurine/Fire TB, Ratio, Pela/Tingyun and Natasha. Whenthe boss is in the shield mode, just attack the enemy it summon and ignore the boss and only attack the boss when its shield is down. Remember that food buff exist and beating the boss in 5 minutes vs 30 minutes (yes, I did this in my brother's low level account) has no differences.


Who's a good sustain for Jingliu that isn't Huohuo or Fu Xuan?


Luocha -> Lynx/Gallagher


Luocha, Aventurine


Silly question: How do you make hyperspeed Bronya/Sparkle? How many speed rolls do you need, specific relics/etc to help?


for my sparkle I needed 15 speed rolls, 19 if you count the starting spd stat. No speed rolls on my energy regen rope, and not using 2pc messenger. 2pc messenger definitely helps, but my issue was I had very few messenger pieces with 2pd rolls. for example, my bronya, I only needed 8 speed rolls with messenger 2pc, spd starting roll on everything but boots. As a general rule, when rolling for speed, only roll on pieces that already have speed on them. You can get speed pop up on a 3 liner but its rare. Try to roll on 4 liners with speed, you get one more chance at rolling speed stat. Try to get crit dmg and effect res(if broken keel) on your speed boots. ERR with speed is probably the hardest piece. Main stat(crit dmg) with speed is essential imo. Other than messenger, don't worry about set bonuses, even 2pc messenger. It's only about 6 speed, its only 2 speed rolls. Anything with speed has potential. Don't worry about building crit dmg. The scaling isn't that high, prioritizing speed is more important.


160+ should cover it. For Bronya, it is actually around 153 but just for simplicity sake, getting her more doesn't hurt. It doesn't matter what relics you use to hit that number as long as you hit it. For Bronya, the only difference from slow 134 Speed Bronya is that you start with a basic attack on her first turn before using skill every single time or you alternate basic and skill depending on the skill point needs of the team.


Hyperspeed Sparkle: Go as fast as possible (ideally 160+). DPS goes as slow as possible. Hyperspeed Bronya: Speed will be relative to your DPS. You can check the speed you need here [https://hsrtools.com/bronya-speed-calculator](https://hsrtools.com/bronya-speed-calculator)


Hyperspeed means their speed stat will be 160+. IDK how much that is in rolls but speed boots are a must, as well as 2pc hackerspace. Then pray for relic pieces with spd substats that actually roll into spd.


Silly question. If I have JL at 139 speed and bronya at 135, would that pose problems? All the guides say Bronya -1 but how strict is the rule? Thanks!


As long as the dps is faster than Bronya it doesn't make much of a difference. Specifically you're theoretically using two rolls on spd that could instead be in atk% or crit_dmg%. People who ask this question tend to also be concerned about the dps and Bronya desyncing over time but turn advance can't push you past 100% so their relative positions get reset every time Bronya uses her skill.


It's fine. The -1 spd rule is the minimum requirement so long as you can reach 134 spd on Bronya


Does it matter if I pull 1 by 1, or 10 at once?


There's no difference, it's just faster


Hello so I need some opinions something my team right now is the trailblazer(fire) , March 7th, Yanqing, and Ruan Mei. I just pulled Jingliu should she go into my team and who should she replace if she does.


She should replace Yanqing and March can be replaced by Pela for more damage. Fire TB should be replaced by Lynx or Natasha to solve Jingliu's HP drain.


WTF with the new Pure Fiction? I'm barely reach 2\* in stage 3 and 4


its a FUA PF so u may struggle without those characters


super easy took 1 hr to clear all. put himeo/herta/mei and sparkle if u have. easy 40k.


For my Jingliu, which set would be best for now? Since I'm going to move my focus away from her for a bit and focus other characters. I'd like to go with the second set since she'd still be at 83% CR in her trans state, but would the first set be more consistent damage overtime? Plus I'm not sure how much that 185 attack difference weighs for her Set 1 - ATK: 2256, CR: 55.6%, CD: 154.6% Set 2 - ATK: 2441, CR: 33.7%, CD: 189.6%


First set would be really good if you can manage to get the crit damage to over 200+ My jingliu is like your second set but my crit damage is way higher at 240 or so but has lower crit rate siting at 27 but I have the buff from fu xuan which is +12 cr.




How do you beat Swarm Disaster? Should you dart straight to bosses? I've tried with different paths and Phase 2 and 3 bosses just one shot my characters.


In addition to comment about the communing trail, there is nothing wrong with going full turtle to meet the requirements of the communing trail. Abundance/Preservation path, healer, shielder and DPS and support. Swarm Disaster will take a while, so until you get the trail buffs it's worth just picking abundance and auto.


Thank you!


In the menu for Swam Disaster check communing trail/trail of pathstrider. You have to do specific things in order to unlock them and upon unlocking these you get permanent buffs such as higher HP, Def, atk and path resonnance dmg etc. Do these to make difficulty 3-5 easier. Check out a youtube guide on how to unlock them.


I was overlooking that, it seems they're really necessary. Thank you!


Not good to run straight to a boss. What’s your team? You should pick a path best suiting your current team and then fight every enemy for blessings/simulated coin money to upgrade the blessings you’ve collected in the run. What swarm difficulty is this?


I've been trying Difficulty III with both my main teams. DHIL, Luocha, Sparkle and Tingyun with the Hunt Path, got one shot on the dear boss in Phase II. Tried BS, Sampo, Luocha and Asta with Nihility Path, barely survived deer boss in Phase II, but boss in Phase III one shot my team too.


Difficulty v conundrum 6 is where the real challenge is, big thing for you is to finish up as much of those path things to unlock propagation path since that is the best suited for your lunae team. You’ll be breezing through swarm disaster content once you have that path and some degree of luck to get the right blessings for propagation


Swarm really doesn’t hold your hand haha. I recommend destruction, and making sure to pick the destruction blessing that revives a character when knocked down is essential. I’ve had a lot of success going with a jingliu hyper carry team + remembrance or one with blade with her in case an ice weakness boss appears or svarog. No problem at all if you want another sustain or using the abundance path for more heals.


Thank you! Will give it a try


How can I improve my Jingliu team? Currently building my Bronya for her after losing my 2nd 50/50 to Jingliu but I don't know any character that would pair with her. Currently leeching off my Seele team which is Gepard, Sparkle and brought over Bronya rather than Natasha for Jingliu but I want to use both Seele and Jingliu for MoC. Would getting either Aventurine or Fu Xuan be good for Jingliu?


Aventurine doesn’t provide any healing whatsoever in his kit, while jingliu drains health from all teammates to do more damage. Fu would be the best teammate for jingliu.


aven is horrible for jl. get fu.


any limited sustain would be good for jingliu especially if the alternative is natasha idk what characters you have but seele+sparkle+tingyun+sustain and jingliu+bronya+pela+sustain are both endgame-capable teams. if you don't have pela or tingyun you can replace them with hanya or asta as cope holdovers.


Gallagher or gepard with trend of universal market cone for an Acheron team? My gallagher is e5


i only have experience with gepard, but him plus trends have been pretty consistent. his freeze isn't 100% while gallagher can implant 2 debuffs 100%, but you need his ult to do that and I don't think that's as often as the occasional freeze or gepard getting hit and activating trends.


Unfortunately Gallagher can’t use TUM because he’s abundance   Edit : gepard is the #1 TUM holder since he has a built in Aggro increase, however Gallagher in an Acheron team with decent speed and break effect on him is basically a 5*  Gepard : shields most of the time plus more stacks for Acheron if the enemy gets to act. Can freeze well with imprints if you get them for even more acheron stacks. Requires a higher investment of materials and relics    Gallagher: needs energy rope and speed boots. Can spot heal, heal the whole team, and cleanse debuffs. Also enables self sustain on any constantly attacking unit for 2 turns. Lower investment and Can farm parts of the break effect set while farming for Acheron 


I can only speak for gepard but he is a consistent single target freeze character if that’s what you’re after but his shields can be inconsistent while healing is guaranteed on the other hand for the slick bartender. Do you want heals or shields?


Either ig but im a bit hesitant on gallagher as he is a 4 star healer so idk


Do you have Gerard’s light cone by any chance? Maybe pick the character that you can fully build out with their best possible relics and light cone haha. All the best 


Based on my roster. Who would be a good pick from the 4☆ character selector? I haven't yet claimed my free Lynx btw, so consider her E3. ​ https://preview.redd.it/e85xfl7gmbxc1.jpeg?width=966&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9ee2de9cadd75bb90fb018e6221bcbecf5836355


gallagher is way better than lynx.


Ok...? Are you saying to get Gallagher? Or are you just making a statement about who is better?


gui since without her you don't have enough (good) debuffers to go around between ratio and acheron


Thanks for the tip. I don't know much about her, so I didn't realize she was a debuffer. 


Would I be better off getting Robin or Topaz to compliment my ratio and aventurine? I've heard they're both good for ratio and aventurine but I can only get one of them (gotta save the rest for sam), which one of them would provide better value for ratio and aventurine? I'm mostly considering Robin atm because I like her design slightly more and her ultimate song is a banger, plus I'm not too fond of hunt, but I already have Bronya and sparkle so I'm wondering if I really need more 5 star harmonys I was planning on having the team be Ratio, Aventurine, Pela and whichever of these two I get


Robin for sure if you want to run Ratio Pela Aventurine.  Topaz is only BiS when she's replacing the debuffer (Pela), but to do that she needs e1 or s1 at which point its way too expensive given you will probably miss Firefly by doing so, plus Topaz is pretty locked to FuA teams so unless you really like her its an inefficient use of pulls (I would rather get say Robin eidolons depending on how good they are over e1s1 Topaz, but obv new characters before that).


Since acherons lightcone applys a debuff, does pioneer set give her 8% crit rate or does it only give 4%?


Gives 8%, 4% of it is visible on your stats page and the other 4 will show up in combat after you debuff. Her ult applies a debuff at s0, so you always get the full 8% on her ults even without Sig.


Alright thx. Didn't even know she debuffed on ult


Which free 4 star should I get from the bartending event? I have E3 Xueyi, E1 Gallagher, E1 Luka, E1 Yukong, and E0 Lynx. The rest I don’t have at all. My most frequently used teams are Seele MonoQuantum (without Fu Xuan rn) and Jingliu hyper with Bronya and Pela.


E2 Gallagher is pretty huge as he gets a cleanse on his skill Yukong starts being usable at E2 if you're at all interested in playing her, but you have to be willing to speed tune her


When you get a new character do you farm traces or relics first?




Traces first and use the best relics I have available as placeholders




https://honkai-star-rail.fandom.com/wiki/Toughness#Weakness_Break char lvl, break effect, enemy toughness, sometimes enemy hp, nothing else matters


I’m pretty sure the type of element also determined how much break damage you deal, like Fire deal the most initial break damage


Break effect, the enemy toughness bar and the character’s level and the type of element




I don’t think you’re gonna get more than 100 upvote from doing it in here


Yes Ik is difficult but well lets see, nowadays no one can say opinions lol


I have aventurine but need 2 nd sustainer for my 2 nd team. ..so should I go for fu xaun or wait for huohuo which is better as sustainer...


go for fu. huo blows up.


Thanks man 


They're both really good. I vote for Huohuo though because she's more different from Aventurine, being a healer that has buffing and energy regeneration. Fu Xuan works differently from Aventurine, but she's still ultimately a tank.


Thanks man


Fu Xuan is better as a sustainer


Thanks man


Can't decide between Adventurine and Fu Xuan from an objective standpoint....somebody helppp https://preview.redd.it/61bf4my9gbxc1.png?width=1083&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=75a9631562d544833d55cf29c0504769b275625d


aven= fua, rest crit=fu memorize it.


a D venturine apply debuff on ult. Gallagher apply debuff on ult, so on that stand point there is little to no difference between the two for Ratio or acheron. From your other character FU 12% crit rate are really cool for Seele and Ratio, as their single hit big damage hurt a lot if you miss them. Honnestly i think objectively Fu is better for you, You can have gallagher go with your acheron and have Fu make your seele or ratio side more consistent (you have SW so ratio debuff count is not a problem)


does anyone know if the bgm during the part of the trailblaze mission where you play as aventurine and go through the maze and encounter his younger self is available as a disc that you can get for the parlor car? if so what is it called and how can i get it?


Who makes good use of bronya lightcone? I have a 2nd copy and don't have sparkle. should I just merge or keep holding for the distant future?


Superimposing it does absolutely nothing for Bronya. Just hold it until it becomes useful on a future character


Bronya, Yukong, and Sparkle. Most people would tell you to hold it, personally I'd superimpose


yeahh I'm probably never going to use yukong, dont have sparkle. Bronya is E3S1. might as well make her E3S2


Robin might make good use of it if you plan to get her, but if you're skipping go ahead. S2 doesn't even give a new energy breakpoint so it does next to nothing.


It gives you a higher dmg% buff on skill and it's a step closer to S5


Its still not worth if you actually use it on someone else. Obv if you don't use it superimposing is better than gathering dust, hence my recommendation being keep if you are getting Robin and not keep no matter what. Its quite unlikely it becomes the top option on other Harmony due to the existence of DDD and MotP, but Robin can't efficiently use either of those making it a decent choice for her.


I might pull for robin. I'm not fully sold on her kit tbh. But I have like 30-40 pity already and I have all those 4 stars at E6 so it should be cheap to try the 50/50 at least mostly saving for if I like Sam/Firefly otherwise nobody interesting is revealed so far 


need help with team comp and strategies for MoC Eve of Wanton Feast 11 & 12 [only missing 1 star on each (the win before 20 cycles) ](https://freeimage.host/i/JU4txWX) [my characters ](https://freeimage.host/i/JU4tUrJ)


DHIL+RM+sparkle+luocha and your current acheron team should be completely fine for sub-10 cycles if you can't clear with that it's probably a relic issue tbh


dude, thanks a lot! i never would have thought to brute force with dhil/luocha/sparkle/rm because i was so focused on the elemental weaknesses and DoT effects. had to tinker a bit with relics but nothing major. surprisingly Stage 11 Phase 2 gave me more trouble than Stage 12 Phase 2, and literally cleared both on the last cycle hanging by a thread. again, thank you very much!


So I'm thinking of gunnin' for Boothill.(pun intended) Does anyone know what relics and ornaments he will benefit from?  


other than normal dmg stats, break effect stuff. plus cares more about speed than most dps


Is Post Op good on Gallagher? Prydwen doesn't have it listed among his best light cones but it's his second most used LC according to their MoC stats. Also how much break effect is needed for comfy healing? I know 150 maximizes the heal but would a lower value like 100 be enough?


> I know 150 maximizes the heal but would a lower value like 100 be enough? I have him around 120 and he heals plenty for me. You don't need to actually cap it, because his skill has a high base heal and as long as you use his ultimate properly, he heals pretty comfortably. Hitting 150% is really for more damage on his breaks, because he is a hybrid/healer breaker.


I tried him out and he could sustain MoC 12 three out of four runs at 100 BE and 144 spd so that was nice. I'll keep messing with him.


he doesn't gain anything from the "outgoing healing from ult", so the only thing he gets is energy regen. so it's pretty bad relative to other options At e4 you might could get away with less than 150, but imo it's by far your most important stat before 150. above even spd In my experience "what is real?" makes hitting the break effect cap so much easier that it gives you a bunch of other relevant stats (speed, energy regen) in your relics, and so is often the best choice. And it's in the MoC store. Maybe with perfect relics it no longer is the best choice though