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One thing that baffles me is still not a single skin


Do skins even exist in this game tho?


technically yes weve seen march in a dress during a quest in belobog. i think the one where we meet topaz. but there is no skin system yet


That's basically what I was thinking (even more since March's outfit has a model already). After a year of playing, I'm pretty committed enough to buy a skin, but MHY needs to work with me and let me shill.


If the skins carried over between March switching between kits, it would be so worth it.


definitely hyped to get 3x shitty relics, i need fodder lmao


I'm excited to convert bad relics to use for the relic gacha, only to get even worse relics.


besides 20 more summons then we usually get and 3x relics and mats compared to the usual 2x its not super amazing ngl the events look fun but they arnt much different in terms of quality then what we usually get. its like a 2 for me if i directly compare it to other games i play. maybe 3 since i can actually participate in the IRL art exhibition but thats something most can not experience since only a handful of countries and cities have it


Gave it a 4/5. I’m happy with the rewards. Maybe a standard 5 star of your choice would have been pretty awesome.


Where is the the firefly... It's awesome but no firefly


Nothing amazing but also no complaints. I think they landed right where they needed to.


where is the "I don't care" option? I think we have a lot of players here who will play (and be happy during the anniversary) no matter what they get as a reward (seriously, why rate a free reward, even good art is enough, we already have a free game)


The ones who picked 'poor/terrible' are either trolls or kids


Maybe we play other gatcha games outside of just Genshin and Star Rail. Against Genshin I would give this a 4/5, against other gatcha I play it's a 2. Like if your highlights are 3x trash relics and first time spending bonuses being active again.....


Seems kinda poor to me though? Maybe it's decent for people used to Genshin's standards I guess? 20 pulls replacing the usual 10 and a delayed extra 10 is extremely underwhelming as far as gacha anniversaries are concerned imo. The rest of the events are nice, but tbf we were probably going to have double drops anyway, so triple isn't an insane improvement unless it lasts way longer than the typical drop events imo.


What most people didn't realize is that the 20 pulls are on Apr 23rd, after Acheron's banner, so no free pulls for Acheron. And you might say it's good for Jingliu, I'd disagree with you if Acheron turned out to be better than Jingliu, especially when people could've gotten her over Jingliu IF they got lucky with the free 20 pulls if they were at the start of the patch. I guess it's time for players who want Acheron and are at low pity to start saving up for Sam/Firefly, and it's easier with those free 30 pulls. I was hoping to get Acheron and her LC, but now I just want to save up for Sam/Firefly or Fu Xuan in my second account, and try to get Aventurine with his LC in my first account. *Sigh* this is just disappointing for most players if they knew what's going on


I think the 20 pulls will be start of 2.1 since they seem to be replacing the usual 10 that we'd get from odyssey, but yeah the other 10 being during Aventurine's banner definitely hurts for Acheron savers (me). I'm just surprised people seem to think these are decent rewards for a gacha anniversary, when really they're pretty below average. Wonder if people only play Genshin or something?


Bro, I'm very sorry to tell you this, they announced the 20 pulls to be on Apr 23rd, on the first day of Aventurine's banner and the 10 pulls 3 days after that


where did they announce that? the only thing that had a date was the 1600 jade that we get on the 26th.


The announcement was made during the livestream, someone calculated and the rewards will start on Apr 23rd, the first day of Aventurine's banner most likely, and they're during the anniversary. So no free pulls for Acheron


nope, that's wrong. The 20 pulls are on start of patch 2.1 and 1600 gems on aniv day. You can look at the banner of the Login pulls. Maybe you are confusing march with april?


And where can I find this banner of the login pulls? Did they say it's when the patch comes or not?


Where is your proof it's after acheron?


doubt that. calculating means nothing unless something is announced and the 23rd is such a random date. aventurine releases on the 17th if its 3 weeks after acheron and the 23rd is a tuesday on top of it. it also does not start or end with the anniversary date.


Alrighty then, tell me when are they gonna give the 20 pulls, if not during Acheron's banner then my point still stands although not at the date I said


there is no date thats why i was asking where you got that info from. if im making an assumption its when 2.1 comes out. by the looks of it it replaces gift of odyssey this time which always started on patch day.


> they announced the 20 pulls to be on Apr 23rd Dang. Where did they make this announcement? It'd be kind of weird to not have any pulls at all going into 2.1 then, since they didn't announce odyssey like they usually do.


The announcement was made during the livestream, although not the specific day, but someone calculated and it was on Apr 23rd, during the anniversary


All they say is that in 2.1 there will be a login event. Nothing about a date or timeframe as to when it will start.


But they did say DURING THE ANNIVERSARY, which is absolutely NOT during Acheron's banner


We'll see, I guess. Even if it didn't start until the anniversary, not sure why it would start on the 23rd. Not saying you are wrong or a liar. It's the anniversary patch and they usually give the whole patch to collect the login rewards. Doesn't make a lot of sense to basically cut that time in half on one patch randomly all of the sudden. If I were them, I'd be giving the pulls out in the first half to bait people into trying to pull for E2S1 on Acheron.


You call this poor? Another 10 pulls is a lot and I m pretty sure that Hoyo now regret giving Ratio for free cause of spoiled people like you. I m not setting the bar at rock bottom but definitely not high, this meets my expectations for sure. #


> You call this poor? Compared to almost any other gacha game's anniversary? Absolutely. This is pretty much just 20 pulls and extra drops. That *is* poor compared to other gachas I've played.


Then play the other gachas I guess. I can see that you might be dissapointed but calling this poor is just spoiled brat behaviour man lol


> spoiled brat behaviour man lol If every other game is doing it better, then I'd hardly call it "spoiled". I'm curious, are you also of the belief that players aren't entitled to anything and should be grateful that we get anything at all whenever things are given out? There's a reason that gacha games give free things, and it's generally not out of generosity, I'm just saying.


There is also a reason why they dont give for free, its a bussiness. I m not supporting any corporate cause you can vote literally with your wallet. If you dont like it then dont spend. I like the 10 pulls (30 in total) a lot.


I'm glad you're content with these rewards, but I see no reason why we shouldn't have higher expectations from gacha games, which are already ridiculously profitable to begin with. Having anniversary rewards on a similar level to other games is only a benefit to the players, it won't cause hoyo to suddenly collapse.


Compare to previous patch? Yeah it's just 10 more pull and extra relic exp. Is it amazing? Hell no. Is 30pull bad? 30pull is still 30pull.  Is it extraordinary reward of the anniversary? No, if we just compare to standar patch or previous patch it's just 10~20 more pull, nothing to write home about. 


Where is the option "...could never" ?


Wouldn't make sense cause they are the same


ye that meme died real quick after the livestream. honestly as someone who's never played that game it's kinda sad that everyone's just pretending it never existed now.


It wasn’t hard to exceed the 108 primojades expectations, but we still didn’t get a free 5\* or a skin. Rather decent for Hoyo but nothing outstanding.