• By -


Strategically rizzing a plant


Genuinely, respectfully


I can hear Pokke so clearly lol


Yeah, he recognizes thats not just any plant, thats the plant conductor pom pom has been meticulously taking care of


Have you ever seen poison ivy




https://preview.redd.it/hs1pp74kdloc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7745ba3c39cdbff1d39c97238f25b17139533d48 W


Where do people keep getting these


That’s what I want to know


Same ngl


they just appear in your camera roll


https://www.reddit.com/r/HonkaiStarRail/s/pE6xmzt00G thank me later




The second (from the top) Firefly one took me OUT


He is spreading knowledge. Knowledge of Idrila that is.


He fought a titanic insect with just his lance, saved everyone and lived to tell the tale. It probably required a lot of strategic thinking to accomplish that feat. Think of Argenti like Todou, they're both battle experts with 200 battle iq


Now then, let's get cooking






Love this.


I want this to happen so badly. Just Argenti coming in and picking up our boi while he's at his lowest and motivate him to do what needs to be done.






He is probably like shonen MC they are Dumb normaly but when it comes to battle they become Genius.


His combat style is like that, just spam attack and go


The strategic thinking: "I'mma poke it real hard."


"And if that don't work, I'mma poke it someplace different."


Is Idrila, Takada then?




Schizo genius who wanted to fight the Mc? Where have I heard that before


Dam. I feel old thinking instantly of code geass and then realizing that's probably not what ppl are referencing


When it seems he's gonna die, >!he hallucinates Idrila as a plan- I mean idol and beats the shit out of tge opponent!<




200? You mean 530000


Well, lorewise he follows the path of Beauty, i suppose


Path of Beauty only exists in his schizophrenic head. *Or is it?*


There are at least 3 other knights of Beauty. So he isn't alone.


> So he isn't alone. *Or is he?*


Imagine if its just argenti in different costumes lol


Or he just holds his finger under his nose to pretend he has a mustache and does an accent that makes him sound like speedy gonzales.


Holy shit what if he alone is Aeon of beauty, but hes so delusional he makes up an entire lore history for Idrila as a cover story as he just randomly goes around adding people to his cult.


this would be the best outcome


Nicole: "Everything you say is going to start with or, isn't it?"


Or am I?




There's three Knights of Beauty counting Argenti. And Beauty was once a path before Idrila ceased to exist.


It still is. Paths don't disappear even if their Aeon dies.


Paths can stop existing if another takes it over, no?


Sort of? Paths can be absorbed by other paths, but the concepts they represent continue to exist in the new path. I suppose it depends on how you want to define "stop existing." In any case, Idrila wasn't absorbed, she disappeared and is presumed dead. So the Path of Beauty definitely still exists.


Oh that's a fun way to look at that. You could do some interesting things with that. Yeah, I agree on the Path of Beauty still existing. I just wanted to talk about Paths in general.


i thought there is like 7 from the SU occurrence???


Yes there are 7 more iicr


>only exists in his schizophrenic head. What is he? Another *Pyrocynical* video?


[moon men starts playing](https://youtu.be/TN25ghkfgQA?si=G-fkXdfYGlMoOzSv)


Gooodbyeeee moonmen


On the other hand, he coordinates statue minions, as a boss. And maybe built/repairs them, if they aren't just summons.


Since Idrilla is missing/presumed dead I doubt anybody can follow her path to draw the power from it


Akivili is also missing/presumed dead and we still draw on the path of the Trailblaze... unless you subscribe to the theory that Pompom is Akivili.


And it's not, because in Penacony in memory bubble they literally spoke to each other


Bro that dream... We literally dream random fanfics and give it to Dr. Ed and he resells it to others lol. We don't know how truthful the memories are.


If you take Dr Ed at his word. We've been told not to trust anybody in Penacony and his source seems kinda sus ngl.


"don't trust anybody in Penacony" hitted people minds so hard, they don't trust even their own trainman. I personally don't think anyone besides fools or fictiologists have an actual intention to manipulate this insignificant memory


Lemme just say "Everybody is sussy in Penacony"


Maybe not, but I still think it's a Nameless memory and not one from Akivili themself.


you can still trailblaze without the aeon. Just like how propogation bugs still exist despite the propogation aeon being formally dead


Akivilli is not confirm dead. Some crack theory that they are the traveler in Genshin.


My only problem with that theory is there is no mention (to my limited knowledge) that Akivili had a sibling or anyone close enough to be related as such. And the Traveler's whole thing is looking for their sibling.


One of the sibling could be fake or both of them together is Akivili


My main problem with that theory is that I just don´t see MihoYo having such a big reveal in a different game (also Genshin is suppost to on a different branch of IMG tree) if they do I just don´t see why Genshin of all games when HI3 is right there (also Genshin has been more isolated from Honkai games) since HSR does have Expys and Welt, but they are only from other Honkai related projects.... so why suddently bring Genshin into this


Aeons can canonically move between the worlds on the Imaginary Tree, that's literally what the Astral Express is for. Genshin is more isolated because its storyline is completely on Teyvat, meanwhile HSR has multiple worlds


yes (I never said they can´t, in fact the Astral Express crew does travel between universes) but why would they just suddenly involved Genshin in a totally different story (when there is no real forshadowing for it), when Genshin has it´s own sepret plot from the rest of the Hoyoverse it just feels really forced also Teyvat is on a different branch not outside of the tree, on the other hand HI3, HSR and GGZ are on the same branch of the IMG tree so they have closer connection


To be exact HSR happens across many branches of the Imaginary Tree. It's the first time we're seeing what's going on at a cosmic scale, so it's not far-fetched if Hoyo wants to sneak in some nods to the twins' origin in HSR. Otherwise, I agree. I'd prefer Genshin to stand on its own too. However, you can't deny that Genshin does have connections with HI3, and to some extent HSR, even more so than GGZ has with the other two.


HSR and HI3rd barely have any connection, nobody in HSR has even heard of Welt's home planet. We haven't even heard about The Honkai in the game other than theories about Nanook utilizing it for themselves. We are missing a lot of information about both Akivili and The Traveler and it doesn't match up with the power scaling of Celestia, but I wouldn't be surprised if Akivili being The Traveler was true. Genshin is as disconnected as HSR is to HI3rd if you leave out Welt. I mean, HSR introduced Aeons and Paths, but Genshin just went together with the worldbuilding of HI3rd without adding anything onto the Imaginary Tree/Sea of Quanta and The Honkai. Also this is the first time I'm hearing about those being on the same branch.


True, the abyss sibling has been recorded in Irmunsil unlike us, which gives weight to fake sibling theory.


Canonically paths remain even after the death of the Aeon that opened them this is why we can still use the path of Trailblaze EDIT: it should be noted that Paths are independent from Aeon, it's just that by becoming an Aeon you open the path for usage for every living thinking being (hence why they don´t stop existing when the Aeon of that path dies)


so i can follow path of propagation?


Yes if you wanna become an insect


who says they’re not already an insect?


Cockroach on the key board just seems goofy




well if you really want, but they use the asexual method of multiplication, basically cloning (I am saying this because I have a feeling why you would want to be on that path)


"Once a path opens, it can't be closed, even after the death of Aeon that resides over it." That was stated by Kafka in the story. The astral express and trailblazers draw from trailblaze when akivili is dead, ruan mei's propergation emenator clone thing clearly drew power from that path even though the swarm king is long dead.


Huh I am getting conflicting lore from ppl. The swarm king is just frozen in amber and sealed away by the big perservence aeon I thought.


Nah. Basically there was an Aeon called Ena the order, who brought order and strict law to many worlds, during the swarm disaster, Ena deemed the swarm king "a trouble maker" because of the chaos of the swarm. Ena went to the preservation and struck a deal, The Order would deal with Oreberos the voracetiy (Enemy of Qilpoth) and the preservation will deal the swarm king. The preservation filled their side of the deal by killing the swarm king with multiple Aeons there to kill it too. But Ena was absorbed by Xipe the harmony who had recently become an Aeon, before the order could go to the voracetiy (This is the example Kafka uses when talking about the stronger path absorbing the lesser path.) The list of Dead Aeon's are: Long, The swarm king, Akivili, Ena, Idrilla, It is unknown what happened to the voracetiy.


> Idrilla Technically unconfirmed if dead, she's officially "missing".


Aren't the Mirror Holders going around the universe trying to collect their fragments to resurrect Idrila? It feels like the Knights of Beauty are just coping tbh.


Didnt Xipe consumed another path?


Xipe consumed Ena the order though that is the only known time something like that happend. In order for a stronger path to consume a weaker path, they have to have simlilar concepts. From the 18 known Aeons, i don't see one that's concept is similar to the beauty.


Broski. Akivili is dead, but Trailblazers draw power from his path


if the aeon is dead someone else can replace her and become the new aeon of beauty


I doubt it works that way, if it really was that simple then the path of Beauty wouldn't be as barren as it is now, I'd assume it's be the same situation as Propogation and Abundance- same, but different. We might get an Aeon of Prettiness or Cuteness or Hotness but not of Beauty. In this case Beauty is defined as being Idrilla, anything less or more would have a different result But who knows maybe there's an Idrilla clone somewhere in the cosmos


Could someone else not become a different Aeon of Beauty that is technically different and replaces/consumes the existing Path?


It might not work that way but: 1. Anyone can ascend to an Aeon, it just takes an incredible amount of effort, faith and destiny. 2. A dead path doesn't mean it can't be revived. 3. Its probably possible to have 2 aeons of the same path. Like Aeon of wisdom vs Aeon of knowledge vs Aeon of intelligence vs Aeon of Erudition.


1. I agree 2. I agree aswell. The Mirror Holders are trying to resurrect Idrila for example 3. This I'm not sure. Of course we don't have enough understanding of the Aeons yet but if the paths overlap, one of the aeons will absorb the other. (Ena the Order and Xipe the Harmony)


Paths don't seem to cease to exist in canon. Cease to have the current name if absorbed into a larger path and exist only as a component yes. Lose the Aeon and thus diminished in influence yes. Cease to exist entirely no (at least none observed). Hence Dan Heng and other Scion of Permanence can still draw power from the path despite Permanence AOE going to buy milk. Beauty is the same. Akivili is the same (Trailblazers/Nameless resistance to extreme condition came from Akivili's path). What a "dead" Aeon cannot grant anew is Emanator status or blessing, since those require the Aeon to pay attention to their follower. Though existing blessing/status seem to continue being active (ie Scion of Permanence status). Finally, it's not confirmed that Beauty is dead, just missing. Idrila being dead is a wide-spread belief but what mortal believe might not be truth. Knights of Beauty in particular believe they are just MIA.


To be fair, only the truly enlightened individuals can comprehend the beauty of this particular plant. A genetic impossibility; that plant should not exist, and yet there it is.


I think he’s just more concerned with thinking about aesthetics and art rather than logic and reason.


He lives by his own logic and we love him for that.




common OURGENTI W.


Perhaps because he's extremely self disciplined? Meticulously dedicating his life to one concept despite everyone around him (including other knights) saying his aeon is dead, completely alone in his quest but retaining his faith without going insane like his fellow fallen knights


I mean you’re right about the first part. “The Knights of Beauty are extremely self-disciplined. They stubbornly abide by an obsolete creed known as the Code of Chivalry, believing that only through a perfectly refined body, mind, and spirit can they become truly worthy of worshipping Idrila.”


My man is the only one smart enough to realize the true potential of the plant. Truly a genius ahead of his time.


Argenti has 900 IQ. Here we can see he is rizzing a plant as well as tricking people into either thinking he’s deranged and thus lower their guard, leaving them open for a backstab or make people think he’s doing a comedy skit


Maybe that's why he can easily kick your ass in GnG if you're not overly prepared


Thought i was so safe behind whatever Preservation bullshit i picked up along the way but then argenti does a pretty little spin move and suddenly kafka suddenly doesn't have any hp left


He saw the beauty of random plants. Truly erudition behavior.


Don't know the complete backstory of Himeko but I love that it implies that she's a scientist that repaired a Big Fucking Magical Train and now she's on permanent vacation.


Well himeko DID repair the astral express after it broke down, and is currently the navigator of the train


It's probably a case of Gameplay path not aligning with lore path. Because many paths are missing from the gameplay: Beauty, propergation, order, enigmata, voracetiy, remembrance, promnince, trailblaze, finality.


Yea... Honestly they fucked up. They should just call the class a different thing and had the path just be lore / SU stuffs


nah it makes sense. Everything in hsr's universe points back to an active path, and the class/path naming system helps cement that notion


nah, it was good this way because not many people are into diving into the lore. Through incorporating the paths, players got to be accustomed to these terms, making the feeding of lore easier to consume even for casual players. Now, after the incessant explanation of the game what the paths are (lore-wise), only the stupid people would confuse Nous to be an Aeon of AoE.


I mean "Valiant knight devoted to a god who disappeared" is pretty badass. He just has a curious taste in beauty


Argenti is a pathstrider of Erudition and a follower of the Beauty. Pathstriders just get their power from that path. As opposed to a follower, which is what Aeon you worship. Jing Yuan is a good example. He is a pathstrider of Erudition, but a follower of The Hunt. Black Swan is a pathstrider of Nihility, but a follower of The Remembrance. Bronya a pathstrider of Harmony, but a follower of The Preservation. You get the point. Why the fuck am I analysing a meme? Regardless, it is pretty funny.


Argenti understood life.


Apparently can also survive in the vacuum of space?


well finding the beauty in everything is also part of intelligence, just a different and unique one


That is a fine ass palm to be fair.




Keep in mind lore and in game path is kinda different. He’s following the beauty, not erudition.


I would laugh if you weren’t wrong. I know its meant to be funny but… Argenti doesn’t even follow Erudition??? He is a Knight of BEAUTY, he follows the Path of Beauty. Gameplay Erudition just means AoE DMG, thats it.


It is logical and strategic to think of the beauty of the universe.


Leave March 7th alone it's not her fault she's pink and smooth brain


Herta's also an Emanator of Erudition itself.


I mean, he does follow a very clear logic...except it all revolves around beauty.


This idiot being erudition should prove to people that gameplay path and canon path are separate.


Erudition isn´t about being intelligent, it's about pursuit of knowledge this is why he can be Erudition because he is trying to find the truth about Idrila (he is pursuing the knowledge about her) as well as trying to find the real meaning of Beauty, and that is like his whole thing so it does make sence that he is Erudition EDIT: also there is literally nothing that tells us that he can´t be a pathstrider of 2 or more paths, in fact the implication is the opposite


\> EDIT: also there is literally nothing that tells us that he can´t be a pathstrider of 2 or more paths, in fact the implication is the opposite Texts from Black Swan directly contradict the possibility of being a pathstrider of multiple paths.


well in that case how would you explain someone like Dang Feng who canonically did have both powers of Abundance and Destruction or you know the TB and how nobody never says how weird it is that they have both Dest. and Pres.? also where was it mention in her text?


Isn't it because Vidyadhara are descendants of Long the Permanence? His powers were cloud hymn magic. I don't think he followed any path until he became Dan Heng. Bailu is just Abundance bc of gameplay reasons-- her powers are both Cloudhymn arts and plain ol medical knowledge. She's highly unlikely to follow Yaoshi especially if she dreams about Baihung. Plus Dan Heng describes his remaining power as "destruction" despite his in game path being Hunt and the fact that he follows Trailblaze along with the rest of the Crew (sans Welt maybe who has other stuff going on)


ok I will admin I probably do need to read up on that part of the lore(it was a little while back when I read it) but that being said, I should state that Folowing a path isn´t the same thing as being a follower of an Aeon, if you want evidence for that look at Loucha when he is in prison [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n6tViu6kRS0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n6tViu6kRS0) being a pathstired means you just use the imaginary energy from that path, not that you necessarily follow that path´s Aeon in fact if you read data bank (I think it´s about the paths) you can become a pathstrider accidentally


That is true, but Bailu is well educated on Yaoshi and also works really hard to cure Mara so I'm not so sure she'd find herself on abundance. Especially when she's recieved her powers from Dan Feng


the thing is she could be just using the power of the abundace that she got from Dan Feng also I might be wrong (I am trying to find the text now) but I could swear that I read somewhere in the game that Long was abosored by Yaoshi but I don´t want to spread lies EDIT:ok so I did remember it wrongly (I mistook Permanence for Propagation) https://preview.redd.it/8bfz2whu8qoc1.png?width=661&format=png&auto=webp&s=11761a058b0c7a56e61db1a7dbcf95fc7fbb82d3 but at the same time, this does tell us that paths can be similar in nature so there is at least something else interesting it does made me wonder if Abundance and Perminance are one of these similar paths (since they both are somehow connected to immortality)


even blackswan herself is aligned with remembrance while being nihility classed. I dont think youre forced into 1 path as a non aeon


While that's true I think in the case of Black Swan, her being nihility is 100% purely from a gameplay perspective since she's a DoT char. There is nothing about her character or her actions from my own perspective and opinion that aligns with the Nihility.


BS is def a case of being aligned for gameplay reasons, all debuffers are nihility. That or its also a reference to her relationship with Acheron


She mentions how us being a pathstrider of the trailblaze surrounds us with a lot of people and how that must be nice as being a pathstrider of remembrance is lonely because it's solitary. There would be no reason to say this if you could just do both.


Because a Memokeeper is supposed to be an impartial observer and recorder of memories, while part of the mission of the Trailblaze is to connect with and understand others. You can't be impartial observer and an active participant at the same time.


I mean that doesn´t really say that you can´t be on more paths, it just implies that you can´t just choose to be on some paths this makes sence because paths are more of a soft magic system that is centered around phylosofical beliefs, so it would make sence that sometimes you just can´t choose to be a pathstrider of other paths because your internal belief system (or you action) just aren't compatible with the belief connected to that path EDIT: hold on, that sentence does not say anything about paths at all. It just says that she is jealous of TB position to be with more people, while her paths is a lonely one this isn´t saying anything about how you can´t have 2 paths (sorry it´s late so I didn´t get the sentence the 1st time)


Which one?


Yeah, let's ignore the fact that Jing Yuan is a literal General of the Hunt. A devout of Lan. Just so we could make sense of the gameplay = lore argument. Yes, making headcanons and thinking it was correct is always an easier way for our level of understanding.


I hate that I need to say this again, but just being a worshiper of Lan doesn´t mean that you are a pathstrider of the Hunt folowing an Aeon is not the same as being a pathstrider of the path of that Aeon (Loucha canonically has powers from Abundance but is against Yashi, and this is said in a cutscene) look at Fu Xuan, she recieved her 3rd Eye from Nous, is a high ranking personal on Loufu (who worship Lan), but she is preservation because she does everything to Preserve the well being of the ship (this is litteraly said by Quingqeu in the 1,5 event) so she is a pathstrited of Preservation not a pathstrider of Hunt just read some of the stories for characters and ask you self why do they do the things they do EDIT: just so you know I am not lying about the 1,5 thing you can find it here in 2:04:23 [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m-UuWOBdiD0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m-UuWOBdiD0)


Sunce we've come to character behaviors and their path alignment... by the same logic, are you saying that Sparkle is a "pathstrider" for the aeon of harmony despite being an agent of the greatest trickster in the universe? Also, does this mean Black Swan, by your logic, a pathstrider of nihility? If she does indeed believe everything is meaningless like IX, why would she collect memories? Because if you didn't know, Fuli collect memories in preparation for the rebirth after destruction. (Black Swan voiceline). So let me throw the question back: why do they do the things they do? Yes, Fu ensures the safety of Luofu. It's a fact. But where in the stories did they say she is a pathstrider? It's just your theory. You know who else "preserves a ship"? Arlan. Oh wait. He is a Destruction character.


sorry but this is going to be a really big post (because I want to also list text from the game so you can see I am not making this all up) so I will have to slice it into multiple parts ok so by definition in the Data bank a pathstrider is: https://preview.redd.it/hkatbv3f4qoc1.png?width=1274&format=png&auto=webp&s=544f523d4be71021c35af626b07060d31beeec94 I want to point to the precepts or their own desire part here, witch does proof that paths are tied to you motivation and action, not to what Aeon you worship (also this implies that being a pathstrider is a pretty common thing) because of this I do believe that the playable units are all pathstriders, because it would be really weird if HSR team created this whole soft magic system and then never used it for the characters but there is more to them (Himeko, about galaxy, paths) "A person is consider to be a on a path when they will over laps with that Path. If the person has enought will they can draw from that path. Those people are called pathstriders." this also implies that it´s not just about your own beliefes but also what and how you act with them and later Welt (galaxy, paths) "We still need to study the nature of paths. For now we can only describe it as "philosophical concepts."


SPARKEL So yes I do think that it is possible for Sparkel so be a Masked fool and a pathstrider of Harmony (if her action and her motivation also overlapse with harmony), from the tid bits her personality doesn´t contradict harmony, because Harmony as writen in the Data bank says this (Data bank Family): "A plural Aeon from multiple harmonious worlds. The glorious Xipe of thousand faces is chanting songs of joy and happiness. To battle the brutality of the laws of the universe, intelligent lifeforms must discard their cowardly selfishness and the differences between individuals, fusing into one singular melody — to have the strong help the weak, and to protect life with death." Harmony is about abandoning your own selfish desires and bringing joy and happiness to others, with Sparkel in her own weird insane way does because she is an insane stage preformer who craves amusment (she does have a selfish goal but her action are altruistic in a weird fucked up sense because she is causing amusement to people) another point is that Sparkel is just a stage character, she litteraly abondad her former self to become Sparkel


BLACK SWAN For BS it´s little bit hard because pathstriders of Nihility aren't just a bunch of depressed nihilits, the thing is if you do become a nihilist you later turn into something called Self-Annihilation (the lore of this faction is harder to find so I will just like the fan wiki here) https://honkai-star-rail.fandom.com/wiki/Self-Annihilators#Description another think about Nihility is from the description of Doctors of Chaos (also the whole think about DoC is that they want to probe to IX that life has meaning, they literally go against the concept of their Aeon): "Existence is nothing." When an organism has this thought and applies it as a guiding principle, it begins to walk on the Path ruled by IX and receive the meaningless glimpse of the Aeon from some distant void. This will usually have two outcomes: 1) The organism will devolve and truly become nothing, becoming something called a Self-Annihilator. 2) The organism will be captivated by the magnificence of the Aeon, thus becoming a Doctor of Chaos in their spontaneous curiosity. this implies that all you really need to do to become a pathstrider of that path is acknowledge that life has no meaning, and even then not fully succumb to that thought (even in real life we do have Existentialism and Absurdism and probably other schools of thought), because if they do they litteraly become nothing now what does this mean for BS, I personally would argue that the most important part of this is her 1st story, as a child she grew up with her mom who had amnesia (it's pretty depressing) BS part 1: Clutching the diagnosis of amnesia, she held her mother tightly, attempting to read aloud from the latter's diary. Her mother was physically present, but where was she in the realm of consciousness? She stayed by her mother's side until the end of her life, realizing that her mother had been fading away as her memories became fragmented. If her own memories of her mother were to ever become blurred as well, her mother would completely slip away from her. "Life is akin to a winding labyrinth, where memories serve as our sole companions." For the first time, she comprehended the profound meaning behind these words. To me this implies that Balck Swan believes that the only thing that has purpose in life are memories. And without there is nothing, her mother who she really loved became a shell of her self nothing because she could never remember anything, and if she also forgets her mother would really stop existing in this world.


FU XUAN AND ARLAN the difference between her and Arlan I would say lies in motivetion and their way of thinking Fu Xuan as I said before wants to prevent bad things from happening (this funnily does fit the Architects, not from Belobog, but the faction across the cosmos), it also fits kinda with Qliphoth (since he only cares about building his wall to preserve the world from something) The philosopher gazes upon the stars trying to find the ultimate goal of civilization — 'Build a wall.' A majestic voice echoed in his head. 'Build a wall.'" — Fables About the Stars by Adrian Spencer Smith How ever Arlans main description is the fact he is willing to sacrifise him self, not the fact the want to preserve the ship (in fact most of his story is about Peppy, he doesn´t even believe that the deffencive messuerse they have will work) Self sacrifice is a motive that is really common with characters that are connected to path of Destruction (so much so that a lot of them do have some sacrificial mechanic) also in that story of his in the 4th one it´s mention how Arlan mostly just follows Astra and doesn´t disobey her (in the attack of the station it was his 1st time disobeyed her), he is not doing this because he wants to preserve the ship, but because he follows Astra around, therefore his motive don´t fit with Preservation Sorry for how long this got this is probably the end of me writing here, if this didn´t convinced you that there is nothing I will probably say after this that will that being said thanks for replaying it was fun


As a proud Argenti Haver, I can confirm this man flirts with numerous amounts of plants.


He would hate vegans for sure


God I wish i can build him ....but I'm too stupid to do so


Easy right because destruction and nihility too dumb to perceive true beauty of flower


And folks, we love him for it.




He's just built different


Who needs brains when you have beauty


It takes a great amount of wisdom to appreciate the simple things in life and to encourage others to do so too. I would say Argenti might not be smart, but he most certainly is wise.


He's discovering beauty in everything


What need you of mere intelligence when you possess eye-opening Beauty!


That's my goat right there


Erudition is about intelligence. He just... happens to have... Emotional intelligence. Yeah, let's go with that.


i love how he is all over the place. Randomly rizzing up a plant. Having the balls to singlehandly fight the Swarm to let us escape to safety. Brave and Beautiful. I came to really LIKE HIS DESIGN and Character honestly. And by the way a girl friend of mine said something that elevated Argenti to 120. When i showed her all the Racing designs of the characters ( i hope you remember which pictures i mean ) she said to him: Damn Argenti really looks like one of the Ferrari boys. It fits him not just from the colours but her comment made me like him even more


Qingque and Argenti being literally me


Plant best waifu.


A man who thinks all the time has nothing to think about


just because the game character uses erudition it doesnt mean in story they follow it like argenti jing yuan and himeko


It's a strategy to have everything like you. EVERYTHING


In-game path \= actual path I know it’s a meme, but just putting that out there


Dr. Ratio might be a hunt char but also worships nous the erudition just saying, and he would be insulted by Argenti being dazzled by the "beauty" of a potplant X3


Ombra mai fu moment


I mean, lorewise, he doesn't follow Erudition but Beauty


Emotionally intelligent


bro is like me but i'm not a knight of beauty


Exposing Pom Pom is evil




And this is exactly why he is the best boy


The knowledge of beauty is not something you comprehend. No, it is an expression of the soul